Grimmjow jaegerjacques

>grimmjow jaegerjacques
>ulquiorra cifer
>jugram haschwalth
what was tite kubo's thinking process behind naming his characters?

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He is not the first shounen mangaka to do this.

Whats wrong with those names?

they're kinda silly and most of them aren't even spanish like the language the Arrancar use. The quincy get a pass but barely

The names sound fine

I don't give a fuck about names, story, writing etc
All I know is Kubo is great at drawing big tiddy anime girls that gets me hard, so all is good.

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He was thinking "I'm japanese and don't really understand most foreign languages and names"

I'm convinced the decline of quality of Bleach is directly connected to his becoming more and more of a Spainaboo
I can't even remember half the technique or character names after a point
I like yoruichi's butt though

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Since when were you under the impression that he had a thinking process for naming characters?

The arrancar arc was the most successful. It declined when Kubo stopped being a spainaboo

had to have some thinking process. Comes up with these banger runway clothes so something must be going on.

Kubo, hands down, has the best character designs of any shounen artist. I don't care how shit the end of Bleach was. I need another manga by Kubo.

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The espada were named after architects

Heard of something like that a long time ago but what about the sternritter?

fairy tail sounds good for you

kubo is higher quality

>I need another manga by Kubo.
user, I..

He should've made porn instead.


He went to the TSCN(Tomino School of Character Naming), IIRC he graduated top of the class.



Kubo's all about style, aesthetic, and making things pop. His naming trends really highlight this, especially with the Espada/Sternritter

The first two are based on architect and designer's names.

>of any shounen artist.
that's not saying much since all shonen are garbage

thanks for your imput faggot

I love Ulquiorra Cifer!

Attached: Ulquiorra355.jpg (500x602, 35K)

Name another Grimmjow or Ulquiorra. You can't.
Checkmate atheists.

never liked that manlet faggot

Better than HxH's names for the spiders

Oh, so you not like Pipitopopupipito? Huh?

All Bleach names are better than any HxH names, especially the official romanisations that look like random keyboard bashing.

I made the same mistake as you, but the whole "Qworf" and the other shit is not actually romanization but an in-universe way of writing their names acording to the coutries they come from (I know most come from meteor city but usually people from there have different cultural backgrounds, see Feitan way of speaking) That's why "Nobunaga Hazama" is written the same, it's because his name comes from Nippon but "Shizuku Murazaki" who sounds just as japanese, is written in a retarded way. Still dumb as fuck though.

Kubo is a very good character designer, and definitely my favorite of the Big Three/recent SJ crop.

But, best character designer of any shounen artist? Uh...

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too psychedelic for my taste

Araki has shit anatomy, shit perspective, shit gesture, shit character designs and I don't understand how and why is he praised as the best manga artist in the fucking history.

Kubo needs to make a cloth road spin-off.

because you have no taste
hence why you like shonen trash

>Defending a shonen manga by calling out someones taste for liking shonen manga

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jojo isn't a typical shonen garbage like one piece, bleach, naruto, bnha, black clover, etc etc

>what was tite kubo's thinking process

>no body shot of Rukia
Damn shame.


>I can't even remember half the technique or character names after a point
So because you're a brainlet he's a bad writer? ok kid

I did lose the plot with some of these convoluted character names. In fact every time an Arrancar name would come up I would be drawing blanks, with the exception of Grimmjow.

Because she's pure and not a slut like Orihime.

Missed opportunity for Ulquiorras hollow hole not being over his heart.

Or maybe that would have been just a bit TOO heavy handed.

To sound cool and/or be easily recognizable. They sound great with their anime VA.

>girls have long hair and big boobs except one because the editor said so
>boys have short hair and muscles
>everyone wears a kimono
>everyone is average weight and height
Kubo is the worst. The only thing more bland than his style are his backgrounds
Time to grow up user

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Wrong on everything

>girls have long hair and big boobs except one because the editor said so
Yuzu, Isane, Rukia, Nanao, Tatsuki, Soifon etc
>boys have short hair and muscles
Kenpachi, Byakuya, Gremmy, Shunsui, Ishida etc
>everyone wears a kimono
only shinigamis
>everyone is average weight and average height
Theres everything ranging from Yachiru to Yammy

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God I remember blowing so many loads to Nel in this picture

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Arrancar techniques had the best names though
>Gran rey cero
>Cero oscuras
>Lanza de relampago (or whatever the fuck it was called)

Exactly. It's an atypical shonen garbage.

Japan doesn't give a shit, just like when westerners make asian characters and they are all akira yamamoto

yeah, it doesn't have the good parts

what does Yea Forums think about Kubo's work in the next Sakura wars? I remember a lot of people complaining he's a good designer but a bad writer, so this is basically a dream project for him, right?

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Don’t know anything about Sakura Wars preciously, all I know is the new girls are delicious

>milker patrol
But Rukia is there, isn't she?

Nothing, OP is just being a faggot. Most those names are absolutely based. Hell Most anime and manga I won't bother remembering the bland names of side characters and might even forget the names of the main characters after a longer time but with Bleach I still remember the first AND last name of most characters with actual screen time. His names are unique and that's why they're awesome.

she's the eunuch of the harem

>dream project for him
No, a dream project for people that disliked Bleach's writing. Kubo himself said he became lonely after Bleach ended because he missed writing his characters.

Their sword releases sounded cool, too.
>Erupt, Volcanica!
>Grind, Pantera!
>Enclose, Murcielago.

Why does Bleach have such a terrible shipping fandom? The only other significant shounen I have experience with is Naruto, and it isn't so bad there.

Kubo needs to go the Oh Great! way and not write stories anymore. He just can't do it. That's fine. He just needs someone so he can use his art for something good.

Ales you wonder why he ever stopped if it was keeping his spirits up. It’s not like the franchise is stagnated in the sales department, everyone wants more Bleach and if he did truly feel lonely after stopping then why stop at all? What is his reasoning for that?

>What is his reasoning for that?
Not wanting to die

> Ales you wonder why he ever stopped if it was keeping his spirits up
Because he ripped his shoulder tendon and needed to be hospitalized. Do you ever do any research of your own?


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Those names are good unless you're an Amerimutt with no understanding of pronunciation.

Hakama =/= kimono
Of course a nigger wouldn't know.

Wow sounds like something that would temporarily not permanently stop you, it’s not like he’s paralysed

>new Kubo project is some video game

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>some video game
Imagine not knowing the greatness of Sakura Taisen
I bet the series is older than you

>when reading Bleach say that Kubo should just do character design because he sucks at writing
>bleach is gone forever
>announcement is upcoming, hope it is a new manga
>Kubo is doing character design
>I'm still hollow
it's not enough bros to fill the void bros. I miss his insane and inventive concepts as well as his art.
I just want to be KUBO'd again. Is that too much? Why won't Jump let him return? After all he did for them.
Bleach..... por favor.....

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Togashi will have another reason to not work

Video games are for manchildren. The Hunterchad is too absorbed in Literature and Philosophy to waste their time with electronic toys.

Currently reading Kafka's "Die Zürauer Aphorismen", which was recommended to me by a fellow Hunterchad.

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Bleach is the most casual in it's shipping faggotry. The only shipping that was ever in the prime of discussion was who would win the Strawberry bowl.

>a millenial clown is unaware of the culture of the site and what he defends
to NOBODY's surprise.

Based. I'm currently working through some DBZ fanfics.

Sounds like you're literally retarded

Post best OST

besides On The Precipice of Defeat this is my favourite

Who is this blonde? Never read Bleach.

>spoonfeed me I'm stupid and can't use google
eat shit faggot

What the fuck did you just say about me you little bitch?

Ah nice they're finally making a new one. More romanceable lolis

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fuck you bitch
I didn't want to use this technique here but you've given me no choice
*kills you*
Heh...... you were tough, kid, I'll give you that



>what was tite kubo's thinking process behind naming his characters?
with a retarded name like that, what did you expect?


Kubo's got the first name game down
But his last name game is shit