

Attached: 1280px-J.C.Staff_Logo.svg.png (1280x272, 39K)

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I love Index III and I think they are great, only shitposters don't love them.

OPM was mediocre.

OPM s1 was Madhouse, not JC

I know who I'm speaking to: OPM fanboys.

they are the basic industrial standard anime company. they have nothing special, they get what they can, and hire average people.

They do projects, direct it averagely and send it out. They take a lot, and aim for safe profits.

They got given a kino series. Did you really expect them to suddenly change?
You are getting OPM, if it wasn't treated as a special project by Madhouse with a legendary director with a vision.

You are getting what you are worth. Now enjoy the anime season, and just cope til its over.

Your conduct is a disgrace before God.

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>p-please enjoy something that is bad because reasosn
The classic corporate cocksucker

Wasn't even Madhouse but a bunch of freelancers using Madhouse studio

Retarded Executive: WE NEED A S2 OF OPM NOW
Mad House: Well, we can work on that but next year.
Retarded Executive: I SAID NOW
Mad House: But sir, our schedule is full we cannot do it now.
Mad House: Yeah, no.
Retarded Executive: BRUH, how that went wrong, ok lets ask some cheap studio around to do it.
Retarded Lackey: What about JC Staff sir?
Retarded Executive: JC STAFF IT IS BRAH
JC Staff: Huh?

You are right but wrong too, the Director was the one that made it possible, including hiring the freelancers and the Director is part of Mad House.

If they adapt Berserk next, would it be an upgrade or a downgrade?

It’s not bad, it’s just not good. Not average, not mediocre, just at whatyou’d consider the frontier between bad and good.



name 5 better studios than JC


All of them



Wait aren't these guys making one punch mans second season? And isn't it coming out in like a week?

This is the wailing of an uneducated brainlet.

I was just looking at their Wikipedia page and it said their the ones making it. go check it out yourself you fucking simpleton

Because I want them to animate every shounenshit out there.

>OPM gets season 2
>still no Kill Me Baby season 2
it hurts me everytime

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JC Staff is doing the Konosuba movie and it looks fine. This seems more like an issue of free-lancers and staff shenanigans.

Why not?

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they did a good job with prison school


When you positively, absolutely have to get a new season out, J.C. Staff

>I love Index III
the only shitposter here is you

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Toaru Majutsu no Index III - 21 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_13.57_[2019.03.01_18.56.51].jpg (1920x1080, 163K)

the studio doesn't matter. only passion. jc staff is like the opposite of passion

They were pretty passionate with Little Busters

name 5 worse studios than jc


>JC Staff is doing the Konosuba movie and it looks fine.
that's cause konosuba always looked like ass

that was 8 years ago


>Have more than enough source material
>cost of making this anime is dirt cheap

>Ninja's VA got arrested for smoking weed destroyed any hope of a S2

It fucking hurts

Because JC is a bigger company that is able to produce two or more shows simultaneously at "acceptable" level. They are also quite willing to let quality slide when publishers pushed for shorter production.
JC can produce quality shows when the publisher allow them to.
Some people will probably want to point out that it is the director or the lead animators that influence the quality, but if you put all of the shows from JC Staff together and you will see similarities, so clearly the culture within the company must be a big factor too.

>JC Staff is doing the Konosuba movie and it looks fine
It's really not that hard to match studio DEEN's stamp of approval. Konosuba was literally the perfect show for that studio, it's so goofy that the animation could look janky as fuck and fit right in with the atmosphere of the show.

How many people have actually looked through JC Staff's full repertoire before jumping on the bandwagon? There is a very high chance they have animated one of your favorite shows and you don't even know it.

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the people bandwagoning now never watched their other shows. As for me, they've done some really great shows, despite not having super flashy presentations for all of them. Saiki 2 and High Score Girl were two of my favorite shows of last year. Just started Gokudolls and it's real great. Lots of other solid shows like Azumanga Daioh too.

I can cherry pick good jc staff shows as well

but I judge anime studios on an average

the problem mostly is that the director of season 2 isn't going to be working for it now, he was busy with Boogie pop so yeah.. it's going to be hell or high water for season 2 and i hope for season 3 they get bones or back to madhouse sudios with the old director

JC Staff ruins normalfag anime.
JC Staff is your friend.

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I sincerely doubt most of the people who shit on studios as a whole have even watched more than a few of titles from them.

Well you’re not wrong.

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I really liked their 30th anniversary thing
Made me want to go through their catalog of anime
Never actually did though


If you're telling the truth then every studio is average at best. They all have Hits and Flops, though some only have flops and then they cease to exist.

Execs want to wait to see how an anime perform before making a new season. They don't want to lose more money to a flop. The studios want to have their schedule as tightly pack as possible so they don't have to lose money when they have nothing to do and have to sit around. If they wait a few years for the studio to finish making other anime first, people will lose interest in their series over time so they have to find another studio to get a new season out as soon as possible. Thankfully, people don't give a shit about animation quality nowaday. It's not a hard choice. Shitty quality anime like 5toubun still sells the most this season.

You're a fucking retard you know that?

You're trying so hard