
How come I never see this series discussed anywhere? I know the manga is finished, but still... I don't remember there being many threads when it aired either. I recently rewatched the two seasons and jumped into the manga, and there is some solid worldbuilding going on and nice characters in there, so far.
Thoughts on Magi, anons?

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I liked how Alibaba remained lame until the end.
Many disliked the political rambling, but I didn't mind the ending. It was a good series.

I liked it, the Alma Toran arc was a masterpiece. Now the last story arc was a total trainwreck... What was the mangaka thinking???

bland characters, bland artstyle, bland magic system, bland ost, bland world building, do you want me to go on?

>Bland posts
Do go on.

>How come I never see this series discussed anywhere?
It's not a WSJ series so it's not going to be that popular on Yea Forums. Doesn't help that Alma Torran turned off a lot of spectators and readers and the anime wasn't that good from the few episodes I saw.

>Many disliked the political rambling, but I didn't mind the ending. It was a good series.
Is that so? I think the political rambling is fine. What I dislike is when it devolves too far into your typical Shounen powerlevel escalation @"LEMME JUST SPAWN A VOLCANO REAL QUICK"
Yeah I guess you could call it generic, but I don't think the characters are bland, they're carrying the series for me. Loving the art too!
I'm in the middle of the arc and I'm loving it, partly because I think they foreshadowed elements of that story well enough. I guess I can see why it could make people less interested though, because it's disconnected from the rest.

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I remember there were weekly threads when the chapter dropped.

>Alma Toran arc
I don't know if it was the pacing but i remember that this was the first arc that i didn't like for some reason, looking back i feel like it had good characters and decent development. Maybe the release of the chapters was inconsistent but it reminds me of what i felt during the tsugumomo tournament arc.

Manga is full of qts. Best girl Morgiana never got enough quality art, that's a shame.

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Magi should have been a JRPG

Fun series. After the anime ended I jumped to the manga but I do wish we had gotten a third season.

Amazing series but since it's finished and not that popular it doesn't get discussed much. Especially since it's not as battle heavy as its contemporaries, instead there is more focus on the politics of its world. Yea Forums isn't exactly a good place for discussion anyway.

It's surprisingly good and it got better and better as it went on but i feel it started to get worse once sinbad turned into the main threat,i feel his arc should have ended when he fought ugo.Overall it's still a godly manga though.

is there any possibility that we're getting a third season or should i just give up and read the manga ?

I'd say read the manga,the series has been pretty much forgotten at this point

The Sinbad spinoff series is way better.

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Scans are hard to find online, too. That might be a reason why it isn't discussed too much.

I remember weekly threads when it was coming out, but they only ever reached bump limit when it was alimor vs fishbaba shipping wars

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>is there any possibility that we're getting a third season
>Scans are hard to find online, too.
where did you retards come from?

>The Sinbad spinoff series is way better.
It's shit about a character who just beats 90% of the people he encounters because he's the god-king chosen one. The best part of the series was him getting put into slavery.

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Now that the dust has settled, can we agree on who the best _boy was?

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the real question is how come theres no new seasons? it was actually really good.

Stop being retarded, the A-1 adaption was shit. Fuck off

It got shit towards the end and people stopped caring about it.

because it left everyone feeling upset and unfulfilled
Personally i want to forget it ever happened because
>there were not 1001 nights
>aladdin wasnt actually a girl
>alibaba remained a nerd till the end
>saucesuke/zuko didnt die
>morgianna nopan wasnt teased enough or confirmed for laughs
>sinbad was a shit ally/protag/villain
>fish lost the bababowl
>alma toran arc existed
>timeskip exists
like fuck alma toran but double fuck the timeskip
I wanted my china war not industrialization corporate MURICA out of fucking nowhere

I never managed to figure out if this was axed or the author just gave up. It could've been so good. He didnt even finish explaining how the fucking magic worked. i didnt mind the politics but i wanted more of that adventure dungeon crawling that made the first few volumes so great

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>aladdin wasnt actually a girl
Opinion discarded, get laid please

It's absolutely not bad for a shonen adaptation.
The end wasn't great but dark alibaba was cool. Not getting a s2 obviously.


oh fuck you. it wouldve been an interesting subversion. The character design and interactions made me think it was being foreshadowed but I don't know if that was an intentional redherring from the author or if i was just looking too hard.

did aladdin fuck sinbad?

Fuck off retard, you just want a loli to fap to you sick bastard.

>It's shit about a character who just beats 90% of the people he encounters because he's the god-king chosen one

Same goes with Overlord and yet everyone loves it here.


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It used to be big shit around here until the disastrous second half.

>fish lost the bababowl
Delusional fishbabafags are still around?

i preferred alaxbaba until he was confirmed male
morgbaba didnt make sense with zuko around
the only good thing about the second half was fishbaba aliexpress

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>Yea Forums isn't exactly a good place for discussion anyway.
Case in point, this terrible thread

What was so bad about the Alma Toran arc? I don't hate the arc but I felt it was just ok

>Yea Forums isn't exactly a good place for discussion anyway
lies and slander, the threads were amazing

>morgianna nopan wasnt teased enough or confirmed for laughs
wtf Morgiana would never do that

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stupid slave cant afford panties

>Same goes with Overlord
I think it's shit too, doesn't matter that people want to eat it all up.
>What was so bad about the Alma Toran arc?
It's not a bad arc depending on who you ask. But for the people who don't like it the common complaint is that it's a months long flashback arc that's a massive info dump and the arc that pulled the drag chute on the main plot. Alma Torran was always an important part of the story but even I'll admit it wasn't paced that great for when it came out and how long it took to finish. It's better on the re-read.

were you reading it as it came out?
we literally reached a climax in the story
world domination is happening in the background, every fucking character is there and gathered, and we are all of a sudden thrust into a fucking flashback that lasted way too long and added almost nothing to the story. Actually no it even managed to cheapen the story by making it seem like everything was just fucking happening again. All the intrigue behind the evil organization, the true puppet masters everything was fucking hand waved away with muh solomon and muh god.

>we literally reached a climax in the story
No, it didn't.
>world domination is happening in the background,
Also wrong
>we are all of a sudden thrust into a fucking flashback
Wrong again, Kouen wanting to learn about Alma Torran was the only reason he helped Aladdin and the others, so if it surprised you when that happened later you probably weren't paying attention.

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>so if it surprised you when that happened later you probably weren't paying attention.
it happening was surprising, how it happened was
it was a story in a story instead of details, I didn't expect the main story to completely halt for that shit, I was more interested in the interactions of the people that came hear it

I enjoyed the series a lot even if I didn't like the how the story went on the last arcs. The setting was particulary one of the things I liked the most and I would say the manga is one of my favorites.

Kougyouku is still my waifu.

I was more interested in divine worldbuilding shit than any of the other shit desu. Like they introduced a million characters from some warring empire stranger to the main cast that I couldn't care about all of a sudden.

>it was a story in a story instead of details,
Duh? A story is more interesting than some cliff notes.
> I didn't expect the main story to completely halt for that shit
The story didn't halt, as shown on that page, Alma Torran was the next plot point.

Alma Torran killed Magi.

>read the whole manga
>really enjoy it
>goes to the future brainwash arc
>can't be fuckin arsed
i know there's only a few steps till the end but this just kills it for me

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Ahah yes he really feels like your typical gary-stu self-insert character. I've grown to dislike him a bit after seeing him sooo much even though he used to be a fun character because I could picture so clearly that
>chad Sinbad vs the virgin Alibaba

I'm happy to see that so many anons enjoyed the series!

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The mangaka was too obsessed with her Chad OC character

see id be more interested in cliff notes superimposed over actions instead of a miniseries in a monthly manga
I wanted the world fleshed out more, hell evenhaving the characters discuss it but having us learn about it later wouldve been better storytelling

>morgbaba didnt make sense with zuko around
Yes it did. She didn't love him. It's that simple.

>see id be more interested in cliff notes superimposed over actions
That's sound horrible

>instead of a miniseries in a monthly manga
Magi wasn't monthly and Alma Torran wasn't that long

>monthly manga
somebody is lost

I wanted the fish to win...

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Fuck off, stop being obsessed with which fictional character fucks the other

user, I...!

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I don't know about the manga, but the anime was very dissapointing. Especially with that good a premise.

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it's the best new shounen this decade but it didn't have controversy around it so it's not discussed often. It's also finished.

Uvo was a treasure. But yeah, Aladin is really close to gary-stu territory in that he's always right and everyone loves him for it. He does fail at a couple points though that keeps him from tipping over the edge. But it's a shame to see a author's pet character contribute to unraveling the main series.

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I quit keeping up with it during the end of the jew arc. Is it worth finishing?

Too retarded to decide for yourself?

I liked it!


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Manga went to shit after Israel arc

I’m still asshurt aboout how shit David turned out

I remember watching the series but never reading the manga due lack of time
Which girl won the Alibowl?
It's worth reading now?

>Which girl won the Bababowl?
That one nopan freak who could break a man's skull with her thighs
>It's worth reading now?
I'd say yes, go for it user!


what about the new manga from the same author? did some group pick it up?

Can’t you use google retard?