Why dont they use this artstyle anymore?

Why dont they use this artstyle anymore?
Lolis used to be so much cuter

Attached: My_wife.png (1323x762, 969K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Lolis are still cute, though.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.32_[2018.01.28_14.53.22].jpg (1280x720, 115K)

Attached: 1554122919021.gif (720x405, 1.27M)

Yeah. but the old artstyle was cuter, now they are just a forced cuteness.
Are there any other animes from the last few years with this artstyle?

>forced cuteness

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sword Art Online Alternative - Gun Gale Online - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.23_[2018.0 (1280x720, 36K)

Well, that's what i feel from the new artstyles, to each their own.

People actually like KnJ's art? I always put up with it for the content, but it's really just okay in the anime and bordering on bad in the manga.

jeez i wonder why?

Attached: yui easy money.png (600x780, 287K)

Its okay to be a pleb.

Modern artstyle doesn't use shading at all and has overall much poorer use of different colors. I find it a bit boring.

what you've posted just looks like chibified adults

And its better than any of this new shit artstyles animes have been using.

Can you just, for one moment, picture an image in your mind of consensual sexual intercourse with the Colors?

it wouldnt be consensual

Attached: cruel twisted smile.png (816x737, 455K)

Why not?

Honestly, I agree with this.

I can. But I'm imagining myself only a few years older than them also, because it's cuter that way.

Attached: 1554076997767.jpg (839x1284, 427K)

Attached: 1554077262370.jpg (888x1655, 512K)

Strangely reminds me of Seto no Hayanome

what is this loli doing?

She hurt him, so she's kissing it to make it better

I just hate how their fucking noses look, but after reading a few pages it's easy to get over.
Like the horrible eye design in clannad

>bordering on bad in the manga
I wouldn't go that far but agree the art is the weakest part of it, both in the anime and manga.
It's a shame we've have loli shows with much better art since KnJ but I don't think many could match it in story and lewdness.

Attached: 01_158.jpg (816x1200, 225K)

reminder that she is 16 here

That's a negative, she is 11-12 there.

I love the art, I think the designs are nice and the eyes are beautiful. I may just be biased because Rin is my wife and I look at her so much, but I think the art is great.

>watching rin classroom diary
This is really hard, its just so fucking cute, and i have some trouble with cute thing because i begin to try to crush my skull when my cuteness threshold gets surpassed.


Pretty sure that page is from the last chapter after the timeskip, or am I mistaken?

I'm not sure what chapter that was but it was where they go into the love hotel to get out of the rain. Plus she doesn't have a tan in the last chapter.

fair enough, it's been a while

Same, I need to read it again.

The diary was great. I like to think that I read it after being married to her for a few years and realizing just how much she cared for me from the beginning.

I want to pound rin ass


Attached: 1544962401595.jpg (749x746, 71K)

go away

When I'm done

It wont be long then.

KnJ's art can be beautiful in the sentimental scenes. The shoujo-esque flair is something that distinguishes Kaworu's art from other loli artists.

Attached: 1552908308477.jpg (609x877, 100K)

Well I men KnJ is basically a shoujo age gap romance manga except the heroine is in grade school.

>fags obssessing with rin
leave the cutest to the true patricians.

Attached: cute_kurochan.png (1344x764, 1.06M)

You are mistaken, that's long before.

The anime really is lacking in comparison to manga but the Rin VA makes it worth, i just fucking love hear her.
Are there any other VA that makes such a good bratty loli?

Watching this manga made me want to go to russia adopt a loli and raise her to be my wife.
It would be all wholesome tough, i would only lewd her after her 14yo

Well, I mean-
You're not wrong...

Attached: Nakadashi Kibou kojika-dvd1_08.jpg (690x388, 33K)

I'm ashamed that pic made me laugh

Easily the best girl.

Attached: 1540366778058.jpg (720x480, 39K)

What about Uzamaid?

Rin was my first 2D crush. It's really weird to think about that now. Back then it wasn't weird at all though because I was only a senior in high school myself. I wanna go back to these simpler times.

Why is it weird now?

having a crush on an eleven year old girl as a high school senior is not any less weird

Because of the age difference, which makes it morally wrong.

>first 2D crush
>not sakura

Attached: Screesnshot_4.png (1340x761, 1.39M)

You guys think 12YOs are saints or something?
I remember i kissed a 11yo when i was like 16-17yo and she was a fucking slut.

Attached: blackhair_kokonoe_blush2_subtitled.png (1599x899, 1.3M)

Attached: good_day_sir.jpg (718x538, 60K)

This. As soon as the hormones start, they start going for older guys. It's just instinct.

I don't think most people would see it that way. 17/11 isn't that much of a significant difference since both are still kids. It would probably be alright.

how was it?

Attached: 1552300222157.jpg (482x1024, 83K)

i love that little line inbetween her flatness

well she was prob a bit less than half my size so kissing her was really uncomfortable.
But it doesnt matter because kissing a 12yo old is fucking hot.

Sakura is a filthy chinklover.
I approve of having Rin as a first 2D love.

Fucking americans

>first 2D crush in late high school
when did you start watching anime bro?

Attached: 0ebd145d0da55801a1caad4d568248cb.jpg (1200x1750, 199K)

> c word!

Attached: 1550972438127.jpg (960x540, 156K)

Oh sorry.
I'd invert her _unny.

Attached: 1402985782157.jpg (646x537, 78K)

ty! jannies were unironically crackin down on that word. I'd hate to see a man of good taste get the banhammer

Attached: 44354.jpg (996x1000, 315K)

It's probably for the best that the mods ban the c-word ever once in a while, it helps it not get worn out. There are lots of other ways to talk about kid pussy.

The word the other kids around me in preschool liked to use was deedee. I was always partial to hooha. Since this is Yea Forums maybe we should start using manko/omanko/omata more often.

You're a fucking faggot on top of being a coward. At least wait to see if they're around before pissing yourself.

6-year-old loli.

Attached: 67561293.jpg (1500x2112, 1.6M)

That's fucking retarded though, must really be an american thing. Where I live 16/25 is certainly more acceptable than 11/17. And legal as well.

lucky you. I mean I knew a 13-yo that was a fucking slut when I was younger, literally had more sex back than than I've had in my entire live, but only with kids roughly her age.
And most certainly not with her brothers weird introverted friend

Attached: 1482341232250.jpg (886x1280, 223K)

>had more sex back than than I've had in my entire live
If the number of times you've had sex isn't 0, you don't belong on Yea Forums
Also learn how to speak English

The basic rule is that men [in my dating range] should never have sex with girls [younger than me]

A 17 year old dating an 11 year old is absolutely not acceptable in a real life normalfag American context. Individual US anons may be fine with it because we're on Yea Forums and that kind of thing is not uncommon in anime/manga.

Asking other people to speak proper english is quite pointless in a Global channel.

I'm a 33 year old boomer and I still remember that shy girl at my class that lost her virginity in a gangbang when she was 12. And it was prior to widespread internet, so kids was sexually ignorant pretty much.

I want an 8 year old pure loli wife!!!

It's an English website. I dare you to make a thread in a language that isn't English or Japanese on Yea Forums


Attached: 1396749446863.jpg (850x1018, 718K)

I want to give the colors some Candy and maybe some Dolls too.

>I'm a 33 year old boomer
cant wait for this meme to die

Attached: 1468243291297.jpg (753x653, 113K)


>global channel
No it's not

It's actually about 0,5 for me


I would like to take pictures of them

What was wrong with what he posted?

Imagine casting colors live-action adaptation and making special dvds with the actresses on the side...

What kind of dvds?

ah, the good times of being a new teacher in his mid 20s

What would it be like to have a cute, warm, small and soft gf?

Cute and funny ones, there was a booming industry producing such wholesome material at one point in Japan.

I don't think it's that weird since Rin is still my waifu after a few years, but I fully fell in love with her after the time skip when she gave her speech about why she'll always love him, not matter that he didn't change. I was about 18 at the time and she would have been 16.

Are you guys ready?

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (1073x1520, 714K)

What's wrong with falling in love with an 8-year-old?

My wife Yui is such a cutie.

Attached: 67636767_p0.jpg (658x700, 83K)


More fodder for fake lolicons? Always ready to ignore this trash.

>old hag
Not a loli, not interested.

What is this?

no, she's too young to be a wife


How the fuck is 17/11 weird? I don't care who you are or where you live, there's just literally no way anyone would think that's weird or strange.

I'm not even done with the third one.

She's all of 9 years old, user.

You underestimate America's capacity for outrage.

I don't remember the last time i enjoyed a monster loli.

Yeah, if she's old enough for the Prophet (pbuh) then she's old enough for you and me.

not really its mostly shit

The Colors brats are so ugly.

Attached: 1554079807334.jpg (1034x1500, 259K)

Fake lolicons go away

More like Hitori Bitchi

Reminder that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a female attention whore.

the only Towako I liked was the one with Yupiel in it

>S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a female

As long as both parties are under 18 and the girl isn't like a small child, even Americans probably wouldn't care.

Our JC wife Bocchi isn't a bitchi.


What kind of female translates loli porn for me to fap?

Pick two.

My JC wife

A Russian who was child-trafficked to Thailand and became a twisted lolicon lesbian.

ok so what happens with you creeps with loli "wifes" after they grow up?

>17 is totally fine
>18 is not
That's stupid

You turn her into a loli factory and make new lolis.

I continue loving her and make more lolis with her? What do you think happens?

Attached: shakeitbaby.png (600x780, 387K)

You have my chuckle.

Duke Loli'em is my favorite videogame

I can't wait for Bocchi's anime to come out so these dumb JS will be forgotten.

The standard social rule is "half your age + 7". But America is a massive country, and what people say isn't always what they really think.

And people say JCfags aren't the shitposters.

Wasn't it half minus seven?

volume 6 of Towako. just look it up on the panda. it's a collection of stories with the theme of lolibaba aka "i'm actually 700 years old i just look like a loli" like vampires and demon lords.

>Why dont they use this artstyle anymore?
>Lolis used to be so much cuter

and funnier

I love the art as it went on.

Attached: 019.png (1050x1515, 402K)

Thanks, kind user.

>half minus seven
>the ideal age for a partner for a 18-year-old is a 2-year-old


Guys really shouldn't be having sex at 18. Wait until you're ready to support a family and have a stable job, maybe at 30.

an intercourse is an intercourse. You can't say it's only a half

How did this make you feel?

Attached: 020.png (1050x1515, 263K)

The way their profiles look reminds me of something but I can't place it. It's some sort of animal cartoon or puppet thing buried in my memory.

Attached: nose.jpg (510x530, 37K)

Disgust. That's what oppai lolis do to me.


Is that true? Now I feel bad for being so judgmental about her shit taste in lolis. I thought it was a """man""" who prefers fake lolis to real ones, to the point of wasting his time to translate that garbage, now that I know she's a she it makes more sense.

Attached: CL3X.png (606x846, 617K)

Yeah, she's been open about it in the past back when she used to be a namefag. She loves to derail threads by begging for attention and pathetic anons here are happy to give it to her.

Fug you. Lolibaba is the patrician fetish.

Attached: butt.png (844x565, 81K)

Notice the tan.
She's not tanned in the last chapter.

I'd like these if they weren't full of femdom trash.

>JS fags hate JC fags
>JS fags hate lolibaba fags
>JS fags hate /ll/ fags
>JS fags hate shota x loli fags

And that's a good thing.

JSfags are the worst. Nothing but hate.

The last one is totally justified and everyone should do it


If JC are so great then why do you take the time to come to our threads and annoy us instead of making JC threads to celebrate JC "lolis"? Maybe JC isn't as good as you claim.

Dumb JSfags.

Attached: 1534466126688.jpg (1191x1684, 215K)

Public scans of this manga are garbage.
Where should I buy it from? Can I get jailed for importing it?

>Can I get jailed for importing it?
You must live in a truly shit country for that to happen.

I want to lick her asshole.

Do you live in Australia, NZ, or Canada? If not, then no.

Attached: 1542062901047.png (229x241, 39K)

What would you do to her?

Attached: 23e5a544710694984a7f87e09122b1d8.jpg (730x820, 72K)

Where can i find this?

Nothing but protect her and not exploit her at a very vulnerable part of her life. I'd wait until she was truly ready to be with her.

its dirty and she sucks at wiping

The places you normally find anime.

I wouldn't do anything "to" her. I might do some things with her, however.

like practicing wrestling moves while naked with her?

That's why I carry wet wipes around.

Who's the funniest little girl?

ur mum

I nominate Mao from Endro.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Endro - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.47_[2019.01.26_17.30.30].jpg (1280x720, 59K)

It has to be Miu!

Attached: 9d81989f03c7c9580b5d14d9a6ddc811.jpg (500x500, 31K)

is she?

Attached: loli mom.jpg (1001x1024, 77K)

Very cute, and a little funny looking.

Have your seen a doctor about your mom's JPEG artifacts?

I want to do this

Attached: tofu.gif (500x281, 1018K)

Attached: 1522359813863.jpg (788x856, 176K)

Post the other loli polishing a ball.

Why are idols best when they are JC?

Attached: 73907492_p0.jpg (550x974, 490K)

I liked these threads more when no one used this "JS" and "JC" bullshit and just posted whatever little girl they wanted.

Pedo vs hebe squabbling has always existed

I have no idea what they even mean, I just ignore it really and come for the cute girls

Attached: 1554131035265.jpg (800x1143, 629K)

because you know for sure that they get fucked by their producer

I want to be Arisu's producer.

What if we change all the lolis from the animes for shotas?

What if you changed the water you drink for paint?

Why won't Juju come back

I enjoyed her JAV.

Attached: 1553942224924.png (750x750, 361K)

She said she was getting married to her bf and retiring from Yea Forums for good.

Fuck off Juju, you're getting married to your dad and everyone knows it.

Arisu is very mature for her age.



Attached: [HorribleSubs] Endro - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_08.39_[2019.03.24_11.48.48].jpg (1920x1080, 118K)

I love Mao so much.

Attached: 1553980329047.jpg (2054x1728, 975K)

STUPIT demon


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Endro - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.31_[2019.03.30_15.56.12].jpg (1280x720, 74K)


Attached: 1548126830360.gif (1263x959, 1.56M)


Attached: 73393475_p0.jpg (617x625, 73K)

Stop it. Mao is for gentle and consensual loving.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Endro - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.22_[2019.03.30_16.02.18].jpg (1280x720, 81K)

But that's consensual.

Attached: 73271878_p2.jpg (1030x1454, 201K)

god I wish that was me

Same, I want to give her headpats and tell her she's a good teacher.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Endro - 06 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_17.39_[2019.02.18_20.16.07].jpg (1920x1080, 216K)

Are you ready to become a mother, user? Don't chicken out now.

Attached: 1554230227175.jpg (455x458, 90K)


Attached: 1480560688057.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

I want to carry her home for a good night's sleep after she spent her evening drinking just a little too much apple juice!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Endro - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.47_[2019.02.16_16.24.46].jpg (1280x720, 43K)


Man, just taking off her clothes as soon as she gets home. Someone better gently tuck her into bed before she catches a cold!

i want to lick loli clavicles

After seeing that anime last week I want to try ot myself im already a lolidrawfag

They make the heads really cute with its wideness



New straight loli animes like this when? Next season?

Disgusting dyke belong to the thrash can

She is 11.

Attached: 1476754528388.jpg (500x707, 44K)

I cried with this

Attached: kodomo-no-jikan-3942557.jpg (728x1051, 235K)

A bit old but I'd enjoy a JAV of her anyway.

11 isn't prime 14 is.

This is just missing the classic white popsicle.

Attached: 71360483_p0.jpg (1329x2876, 1.28M)

The entire graduation ceremony hit me pretty hard, but that pushed me over the edge.

JCfags out, we're having a nice thread

I want to ruin her.

JSfags are fake lolicons

>shit JCfags say

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mahoujin Guru Guru (2017) - 22 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.03_[2017.12.05_21.52.59].jpg (1280x720, 90K)

Ignore the jc/js guy hes been in every thread falseflagging trying to divide the community
Most of us like both your preference is irrelevant

Attached: Renge_01.jpg (1920x2443, 2.24M)

>muh conspiracy theory
People have preferences, get over yourself. Some people prefer JS, others JC, others JY, others legal lolis. That's not an excuse to start throwing shit, nor to play victim when shit is thrown back, you coward.

KnJ art was better in the manga to be frank, senpaitachi. The anime looks like total shit.

Pretty sure the general sentiment is that the manga is overall miles ahead of the anime. The animated, colored cheesecake is the really only thing the anime has over the manga. And the ED, maybe.

My dream job is to be the personal servant of a cute ojou loli.

Attached: 35a2072b307f8e71bba2dfe0c6b69c4b.png (1221x1041, 1.16M)

I have a habit of trying to drink like that a lot

lol shes so thirsty, she looks like she can drink a lot!

I want to fight a thousand little girls at once

Budding JS are the best!

Attached: __asashio_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kanzaki_muyu__7b06f9deaeb577507d1415a8fa25a98d.jpg (600x921, 44K)

*are shit

Lolis should be flat. FLAT!

Sometimes you just have to let your loli grow up.

Attached: Young flower in bloom.jpg (900x1273, 479K)

Budding JS/JC are the sexiest.

I think after the first hundred, any man would be tired and be overwhelmed by that many little girls

>let your loli grow up.

Attached: 1553213898427.png (431x321, 64K)

Oh hey, me too.

Attached: lolicon hunt.png (1100x1600, 476K)

>When a pig isn't satisfied with the bait anymore, they go after the real thing, and become an annoyance to good lolicons.
Your shitty, unproven meme is the real annoyance here, lady
No cummies for you


Attached: 4f159ac965c0635e40e237c18ecb0aab8bda7b9089d2c2770db2b29fe7fac39f.png (728x814, 41K)

and some TVs too

Fucking JSfags

But seriously though, why not make a JC thread if you dislike us so much? Give me a straight answer please.

There are JC threads, this idiot's just here to shitpost.

Well when in doubt keep loving all lolis and keep posting lolis

Attached: 01.jpg (1038x1472, 188K)

Roll is technically a fake loli

Attached: 61094348_p0.jpg (2432x1500, 710K)

How so? Age matches and body type matches. She's a robot, yes, but this would be the first time I hear anyone bring that up as a non-loli thing.

>yesterday's thread
pretty good.

Attached: cute and funny.jpg (1200x850, 169K)

She's fake as in artificial just a dumb joke

If you truly love her that's what you gotta do, if your love for her is true you won't care that she has grown up.

What happens after?

Do these girls have a fever or something? They should be dressed warmer if they do.

Yesterday in general was a good day for cunny.

Attached: 5d9c15afd20c2fc27f719ce40479639b.png (2825x2000, 3.04M)

They go to bed and sleep together.

So many loli threads, so many cute lolis in micro bikini.

I want to help them brush their teeth and run my fingers over all the perfect bumps

I know but it hurts to see it happen They're never going to grow up

Attached: eae469ab9642883d746a797373ef5841.jpg (544x700, 66K)

>tfw elementary school teacher

not into this

>eternal lolis will never grow up
>they'll have to see you die because they'll outlive you

Taking care of ojou-sama's oral hygiene!

Attached: 62326047_p0.jpg (900x1200, 352K)

I wish everyday was like yesterday for lolicons

Attached: f594a1b0838f5c3bb9063ef4cb099de3.png (2085x1320, 1.12M)

don't bring 3DPD into this

Remi can always turn you into a vampire though.

Fucking JSfags

Every day would be like that if we had /l/ back.

Attached: 1529010587598.jpg (850x1274, 238K)

how would that even feel like the warmth is part of the appeal no?

what happened yesterday

Non-stop loli threads on multiple boards because the mods were too busy dealing with general April Fools shitposting to deal with them immediately. A lot got deleted, a lot stayed. It was great.

Attached: 1536093812885.jpg (1200x900, 309K)

Attached: 941e9bc0ff2db3bbacae93f4e7ae69d4.png (487x812, 177K)

One day, our kind will get our own ethno-board

gross that looks like a boy

Micro lolikini day.

Attached: 72942138_p0.jpg (1536x2172, 325K)

I want her to nibble on my finger so bad

Attached: 5324cf40ebd08cabc058033405279190.jpg (600x700, 142K)

you look like a boy

nice that looks like a boy

I know and I am 32 years old i hate it

gross Ojisan

Attached: 1548292873678.png (509x493, 260K)

Would you rather be reincarnated as a handsome shota that gets lolis or be reincarnated as a hot lesbian loli that gets lolis?

Attached: 14822cb6fca6b23f405f540be4f2a9d1.jpg (823x1140, 582K)

Attached: old.jpg (579x1030, 148K)

Love vampire loli.

Attached: e05940963278703f63d35545eecb6715.jpg (600x848, 243K)

You can use your wizard powers to conjure a loli

If you're fat and ugly, you can now mind break lolis.

Attached: Shoujo Konkatsu Jidai.jpg (303x516, 28K)

there are other chans with loli boards

What if I look like this

Attached: Me37.png (1663x930, 1.71M)

Attached: 1526918277367.jpg (450x450, 51K)

I want a creature like this.

She's the best

Attached: c559370dae4ca5c2dcd7e4b72a9aa194.png (679x800, 563K)

Attached: 1551683331670.jpg (427x302, 42K)

I wish I could mindbreak lolis with my MIND

Attached: as109l0l.png (705x242, 291K)

Brushy brushy

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Attached: 520f2903acb49884386b1a114d4c285d.jpg (787x1024, 237K)

Attached: 1534020678019.jpg (640x480, 136K)

Getting close to 30 myself, feels bad man

Attached: when lolis attack.webm (450x404, 626K)

Imagine this but a thousand times

Be careful, lolis are dangerous

Attached: 1547678683572.png (1280x720, 801K)

Ugly as sin

And they're slow as shit.

Attached: 53398089_p0.jpg (2121x1480, 621K)

I want to prove my strength so I can deflower her cunny

Post lolis with cute collarbones and shoulders

Attached: 7262531a9fc8f9cb0920895f4ed77f96.jpg (574x554, 95K)

Being gay is a sin.

Attached: 1521380680800.jpg (1200x675, 102K)

can you beat the cunny?

Attached: keito peace.png (979x816, 266K)

is this anime any good the girls are really cute(lewd)

Attached: squirrel noises.png (265x252, 120K)

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Attached: tsugu beat.png (716x534, 216K)

Attached: 80441b324eae383176a1fa14ad16f2aa.jpg (700x800, 381K)

If you're watching for the lolis, they don't get as much screentime as they deserve, and there's a lot of hags who eat it up instead. But at least they aren't totally ignored, I guess? It's not very long anyway and I remember it being enjoyable enough.

Attached: 1545031805180.jpg (1920x2077, 258K)

god this is so hot

Bocchi is prettier.

please do not beat the cunny

Good thread and good night fellow loli lovers

Attached: 01ef6f8b2d1eefadda9b2242383ff3b5.png (729x900, 589K)

What does everyone think about loli sluts?

Attached: 1.jpg (1280x1885, 670K)

Never. Only lesbian lolis for at least two years

I want to touch Remi's soft body.

Good night!

Attached: 1539525480652.jpg (2382x3575, 2.83M)

What are /l/'s favorite obscure loli shows?

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I always use these threads to decide which loli i'll fap to.

good for pumping and dumping into a ditch

Thread needs oppai lolis.

Soul break included

do you think there will ever be an active /l/ board?
there is no chance hiro will add it back

You got the webm for this?

Step 1: Grab the wrist of her offending hand
Step 2: Tighten grip and press fingertips into underside of wrist until she releases
Step 3: PROFIT!

When the site finally dies and we spread out to other chan sites. Not here.

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Yume no Crayon Oukoku only recently started getting subs (Not fully completed, only up to episode 49 out of 70). I thought it was very cute. If you enjoyed Mahoujin Guruguru and liked Kukuri, you'll probably enjoy this show too, just general light-hearted and cute princess loli adventures.

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>that shy girl at my class that lost her virginity in a gangbang when she was 12

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Imagine being stuck on an island with a cute little girl like Mao


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We never got the sequel with the friend and quzlax moved on to hag-shit. Fuck everything.

Good. He can take his rape shit and shove it up his ass with a knife.

Wasn't he drawing JCs?

>S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a female

And you know this, HOW?

As I said, hag-shit.

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Please stop this. What did JCs do to you?


What did he give your chuckle? Or should I instead be asking to whom he gave it?

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They grew up.


Choose one.

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What are you, gay?

Would someone explain this meme to me?

Context check on that top left panel.

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Go into the archives, she said this multiple times.
She said she's a Russian who was raised in Thailand, that means only one thing.

I need an Ellie like this

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Hahaha, you'll go to prison for touching an 11 year old if your as close as 13-14 in this country.

>that shy girl at my class that lost her virginity in a gangbang when she was 12


>that means only one thing

Yes, conjecture on your part.

Cried like a bitch.

I know; Usa deserved so much better.

Me in the back.

peni DESERVES an anime

Penis for Peni!

Cute and funny train with the sweetest voice.

Many thanks

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You have to go back, and take your JCs with you.

ugh... I need to touch myself

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Don't do it, you'll go blind

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How do manga characters get such ridiculously low test scores?

its cute in a retarded way

What a sad ending.

I'd say it's more retarded in a cute way.

I wish I was in this situation or similar

I need to touch Sharo.

you can go blind with less than 5usd worth of common household cleaners.


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Yes, but the tricky part is finding a 12 year old loli.

How much for the loli?

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Not that Sharo, the good Sharo.

I need to touch Sxarp

This is the sexiest Sharo

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I've seen sexier.

Show sexier Sharo

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I need Chino to pyonpyon on my chinchin

My wife Chino makes my chinpo pyonpyon

i am upset that this 10/10 pokeloli is getting replaced by a british slag

It's for my eyes only. She is my wife, after all.

so is quzilax forever scared to draw loli cause of that one incident?

Serves him right. He drew rapeshit.

It's possible, but he's always drawn sporadically.

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I guess /l/ prefers the more mainstream stuff for the most part. That's fine too. KnJ, IM, Colors, you can't go wrong.

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this, it's ranks among the worst, right next to the concrete girl and the blender

I think it has something to do with why lolis are not really sexualized anymore.
It's funny that a normal series like dororo shows more skin, and underwear than late night, so called lolicon shows like uzamaid or wataten.

Anime like KnJ wouldn't be made nowadays

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Quzilax should stick to vanilla loli.

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Are lolis actually dead now?

We got Tenshi no 3P. Although that did badly enough in both anime and LN form that the author stopped writing loli stuff.

How do you tell your loli that her art sucks?

With your penis in her vagina, was that the answer you wanted?

What did he expect, when an oldhag wins and had most screentime instead of the loli's?
To bad that killed the last chances of lewd Loli anime.

I fail to see what that has to do with art

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She'll forget all about art soon enough.

That's the opposite of anything lolicon.

I'll just leave this here


Wrong, she becomes his model for tracing porn.

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Gross, they sound like hags


Rape is the purest form of love.

God this sucks

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My wife Yui does not sound like that, and i didn't even open the video.

Is this better or worse than Prisma's dub?

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Your wife Yui sounds like a 40-year old Disney Channel reject.


He said as he has grown older he became unable to imagine a vanilla relationship with a loli. Something that all zoomers here have yet to experience, I guess.

Of all the people who could voice literally every female anime character why does it have to be Monica Rial?

My inner shota will never die

You know Stalker hates yuri, right?

Baste and cumfilled

Of course she hates yuri, she's a cock-hungry slut like all old hags who wish they were lolis.

Except im@s ones. Non-im@s ones are good.

Towako is like living proof that Japan's taste isn't all that bad after all.

t. LRD

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Lolno. Stalker doesn't wish to be a loli. Just wants to fuck them.

More like living proof that the Yutori generation has fucking awful taste and is ruining everything. I even like lolibabas, but Towako is just utter shit.

I'm starting to feel it, niece-uncle loli doujins do it more for me than sister-brother one now.

Post a better girl than that old man.

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When are we going to get more news about the new saucer ova?

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She ain't Loli, bro.
Just Murata.

looks interesting though

Towako's practically pioneering a genre, they're not going to have an array of high-polish cliches to pull from as a result. Even so we've gained lots of interesting stuff like Yupiel's affectionate dom, motherly ghost loli, Benantoka's drunkard autie, etc. I'd say on a per-issue basis we get more noteworthy new things from Towako than we do from the industry leader LO. It has a broad spectrum of stuff (monster loli, even yuri) so it's a given that the entire issue won't appeal to everybody, but who gives a shit when the point is just to get one or two things you like from the issue to get off with. Nobody reads entire LO issues either.

As an aside, the fake loli shit is the dumbest LRD bait yet. Next he'll be saying fairies aren't lolis.

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That slight belly pudge is perfect.

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My first 2d crush was Romina.

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I always wonder what he meant about the threats that mankind would face so he had to leave to left them to evolve as a race trough struggle.

>my thread is still up
What the fuck, this is the first time in a long time i see a loli thread last this long.

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Are there any other age gap wholesome romance mangas?
I really love it, its really cute.
Especially because authors always insert haremshit, i just want wholesome romance FUCK.

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I like loli

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God Rin is great
I blame her for giving me a thing for girls with stupidly long blonde hair

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Loli with hair down on their feet is my fetish.

What about pudgy lolis?

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Only when pregnant.

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I love them!

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Me too.

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because it's ugly as sin

Loli really love yogurt.

Why didn't she swallow the yoghurt faster?

Don't they get pregnant in the VN?

fuck lolis
and fuck little girls

Toshiue no Hito.
The age gap is moderate, but the main heroine looks like JC while actually being older.

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(Anonymous claimed this post was a joke.)

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Anonymous claimed this post was 100% serious.

She's savoring the taste.

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I like this sudden influx of KnJ threads we've been having lately

How do I get a gourmet loli gf?


Truly, this shows that patricians are returning to Yea Forums.

I wish it was the beginning of a global change where we go back to a more cunnyfriendly world instead of banning drawings and everything that is not black and trans.

Why does it only happen to meeee....

What a terrible thing to say.

Yeah, it's like she wants all the other lolis to be raped too just so they can be like her. Bad loli.

Truly my friend, at least on japan things arent that bad, i seriously hope they never ban lolis.

Western media companies are now involved behind the scenes in anime industry.

Make that what you will

That is most likely because it was interpreted as a KnJ thread, rather than the usual loli echi dump.

Oh, i see.
Now i know how to trick mods.

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you're giving away the playbook!


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Its the BEST anime

I like (You)

And she has worn a bikini in the swimsuit OVA despite being a protagonist and JS.


but brutal

I like its a distinct style a lot of shows now while they arent bad seem too similar

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Nice logo, though

holy fuck this is bad
yui with that califonarian slut accent "and then I was like totally you know like seriously oh my god"

Im convinced I could do a better a job and Ive been smoking for 30 years

How the fuck did this stay up all night? Well I’m not complaining...

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>I like its a distinct style a lot of shows now while they arent bad seem too similar
user, i roughly get your message but holy fuck you almost gave me a seizure.

This is why i literally never watch dubbed anime, even when the dub is good.
I mean it just feels wrong.
But to each their own.

Why wouldn't an anime thread stay up on Yea Forums?

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that dub is low tier though
Americans are lucky by the way that they have so many VA's for dubs. When I still watched TV they frequently had the same VA's for every cartoon and even imported animes, it was so awful
especially when they make a woman do multiple voices and also the voices of young guys like you cant hear the difference

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The same way tanned Cirno makes me stay up all night, if you catch my drift.

>that scene where aoki and kokonoe are locked in the warehouse and she begins rubbind her cunny on his dick
I seriosly fapped as soon as it happened.

What chapter?please.

>Americans are lucky by the way that they have so many VA's for dubs.
Do they? One of the big complaints I see on Yea Forums about burger dubs is that they always use the same handful of people for everything.

In the anime, also i dont remember which ep.

ep 11 but its toned down I assume its lewder in the manga

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>The mysterious organisation with the goal of brainwashing mankind into bad lolicons...


Yes, but only if the dude isn't pudgy aswell

I imagine other countries feel the same when something is being dubbed in their language

anyone happen to have some reference sheets or guides for the No Jinkan lolistyle?
Its very hard to find them and I want to study it

I just want to licky lick loli's private parts, is that really too much to ask for

but it's dirty

well that's the point, I'm gonna clean it
with my tongue

That's why he wants to licky-lick them, to make them clean.


Liking loli is immoral and wrong.

un... unh...

















ughhhhhh... unnnnhhhh...

give me that sweet cu cu cu........................




th- tth-th---hh...



HERE!!! uaggghh... take my..


to your

y-y-y- your- your-



hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm CACAAAAAAAAAAAA


J-J- j-j-j-j-jjj---j-jj- g gg--gh-g-jjg----ffffffffkkhkhhhhhh

jj--jj-- J-J-J-J-JJ-J--









uuuUUUuunnhhh.. ugh....

huhh... huhh... huhh...


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Anybody? close to it is fine too

It was a nice thread, loli threads have been very comfy lately

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aaaa is a loli-drawing god. Too bad aaaa isn't the god of names but what can you do.

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what an amazing post

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>You can use your wizard powers to conjure a loli

Beware, user.

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Thats verboten

user, this is the last of my cunny! Take it!

that's Tanuki Soft for you.

Sayonara cunny posters

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list = ['B','A','S','E','D']

what the fuck is that suposed to mean