Bicycling season has pretty much begun, but where are all the cycling animus for this year?

Bicycling season has pretty much begun, but where are all the cycling animus for this year?

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In my heart.


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best boyfriend(female)

this anime sucked

you're mom sucked lol

no you


Gels are fucking disgusting.

Not the most disgusting thing in that image.

>captcha is bycicles


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Sit on my face please

t-that's not in the menu!

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A friend of mine (the only one) is trying to get me to go on a cycle tour of Europe with him and another guy. The trouble is I'm conditioned for the hikki life and I'm not sure I'd survive.

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I miss long riders. Horrible animation and forgettable plot, but I enjoyed it.

Think this way, you only get this opportunity once in your life, while the hikki life will be always there for you

Bought my first bike since I was a child today, my dad passed away a couple of weeks ago so I want to be healthier and get out more

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I'm sure he'd be proud of you, user

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Next year, bushiroad bought out the series.

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Hopefully, ACTAS will be in charge of high-quality animation in the next season again.


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The BDs fixed a lot of the QUALITY. If you think it sucked because you don't like cute girl riding cute bikes, then I don't know why you even picked it up

Just use ketchup packs breh

I didn't even watch it yet, what am i in for?

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An extremely comfy and laid-back fun little show that features college girls instead of bottom barrel moeshit.
It has left positive impact in me even after these few years for being more unique and fun show of this type. Enjoy it lad, Ami is great as are her friends.

Attached: Ami and dog fun.webm (710x400, 2.09M)

I remember her friends being in cahoots with the cycling store clerk.

The Marchen Madchen of our generation.

biking addiction
selling house furniture to buy bike parts can't be healthy

The re-air looks fine

Original broadcast: soul.
Re-air: soulless.

>college girls
This is a salient feature. More cute girls riding cute bikes shows featuring grown-ass women, please.