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purupuru pururin

its been so long since the last nhk thread, lets keep this one alive!!!

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It was like a week ago you fuck.

we had one yesterday

i.. i wasnt there

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That's okay, I forgive you.

>tfw all these years later nothing has changed

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what do you want to change tho?

>barely any Misaki hentai


there is one from house of karsea thats pretty good

Has anyone read the author’s latest novel?

mainly myself... ;_;


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>watched NHK when i was 16
>"pfft, i'll never be a loser like him"
>now same age as satou
>unemployed virgin NEET

like poetry

>mfw this reminds me of r/a/dio during the good old days
Kill me.

but if you dont get up and force yourself like satou did later, you are actually worse than him

i'm trying man, i've applied for tons of jobs but nobody wants me

I’d hire you, user

She's not coming guys. I've waited and waited and nothing happened.

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then youll have to look lower, i dont know the level of your qualification but im sure ull find one someday

getting a shitty 9 to 5 wont help you; in fact, it will make you worse

what are you talking about user, Im right here

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at least you're applying for stuff

You are a terrible person and one of the most infuriating characters in anime ever.

this. fuck Misaki

I had my own Misaki, someone who was legitimately helping me go outside, amongst many other things. But now she's secluding herself. What do?

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Explain how a troubled girl helping a broken young man escape neetdom is infuriating? She is helping this sad sack get his life together.

I read the manga and (watched the anime twice).
I humbly disagree. Misaki had bad motives but in the end she helped Satou and pushed him to change. I'd take that any day.

Mommy sending Satou less money did way more to help him than Misaki's "help" - also, did you miss the part where the point of the story was that at some point, you have to get off your ass yourself, instead of expecting others to magically solve your problems? It's kind of a major point to Welcome to the NHK

I interpreted the ending as "our lives are meaningless, so stopped being depressed about it and suffer like everyone else"

One of the core themes of Welcome to the NHK is human life is valuable, regardless of how bad the human may be, or the mistakes they make. Did that perhaps fly over your head?

I always had a different interpretation of her, I always thought she was trying to both help herself and satou by doing that to him. And her pejorative behaviour is just part of that

this, nhk is about caring for someone, no matter how shitty he or she is

help her back you idiot

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"Are you a senile old fool?! Say what's in your heart!"
This world infested with worthless humans,
should be sunk with a torpedo in one shot!

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I'm trying, but she doesn't even talk to anyone really, including me.

find methods to break her shell, if you know her well enough of course


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>Tfw Satou didn't do anything for me but the moment we find out Misaki's true motives I completely relate to her
Was it the same for anyone else here? I hate saying "am I the only one who" but every time I talk about NHK it's always people saying about how Satou's literally them and they're still waiting for their Misaki. It'd be nice to hear about other interpretations.

I'm a guy by the way don't be mistaken.

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I applied to go back to college, Anons. I'm trying to fix things.

i haven't even completed high school

i dont know if thats even the right choice user, college in some countries only put you in debt

No one will even look at you after the age of 25, which would be nice if a job wasn't necessary to survive

finished college working part-time at a shitty burger chain, got into a boring 8-4 job
haven't had a meaningul conversation with even a single person all this time

i just need to endure

dont enduring, join them
this way its more fun

What job?

I tried to connect countless times but to no avail
people really have to qualms with leaving me behind despite me chasing them


i'm now older than him and am a NEET with 50k in debt and with an engineering degree


>people really have qualms with leaving me behind
ouch that hit right at home

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How did you manage that with that job? I imagine librarian teams are forced to talk to eachother constantly.

In a similar position, 26 with a CS degree, NEET for 5 years with only 1 months of work in between

it's a small scientific institute library frequented by three people a day at most with just me and my co-worker running it

Engineering is such a fucking meme.

>people have no qualms with leaving me behind
i want to fucking die, this world sucks

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Sounds comfy as fuck to me

it was very comfy for the first week or so
the silence is killing me now

use the opportunity to do something, like writing or reading.
you are working in the world of books after all

Feed her eggs

I suppose it depends on what sort of person you are. Getting paid to do things in silence without much trouble is a much better deal than most other jobs.

let's say that I spent the last seven years in silence waiting that one day my life will be filled with ordinary everyday conversations, everyday convincing myself that 'one day im gonna make it' only to finally find a stable source of income which excludes all conversation whatsoever

I'm going to pursue an interest of mine, and I have zero qualifications now anyway so I can't get a job. I'm 24 now.

I don't care for other people while working so I can't relate, but I can see where you are coming from regarding your hopes being crushed. Have you tried finding friends outside of work?

>TFW NEET since the anime aired
>tfw no Misaki for me

i either cared too much only to get burnt or cared too little and got discarded wihout remorse
now i simply cant empathise with people anymore

>NEET for 13 years

what's your source of income?

>what's your source of income?
his parents or relatives? isnt that the defining feature of a NEET?


Oh shit. People post this song all the time, but it's always blocked in the US, and the problem comes up so rarely that I've never bothered to learn how to get around that. But this one actually works. Had actually forgotten what it sounds like.