Spring 19

Next season looks absolutely disguting

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>not liking Carole and Tuesday

What are you?
A racist?

no? just someone with taste

Strike Witches
One Punch Man
Fairy Gone
Shingeki no Kyojin
Isekai Quartet

enough series for me

It looks boring as fuck but considering the competition I might still watch it

I can't wait for my YT recommendations to be full of youtubers shilling for this show.

I'll be watching a few shows. I'm excited for Carole and Tuesday, as well as Sarazanmai.

You should go back there.

Daiya no Ace
Fruits Basket
Bungou Stray Dogs
I've seen worse seasons.

To youtube? You never use youtube?

Why would I? There's nothing of value that can't be found elsewhere without giving Google my click money.

You sound like a cool kid.

Yea Forums drama shit

It looks pretty comfy.
>Carol and Tuesday
>Strike Witches
Better than winter at least.

That’s it for me, fellas.👌

Even if that somehow turns out good it's still just a few decent ones
I haven't seen such a dire season since Summer 15

Pretty much going to depend on coin flipping with originals like Fairy Gone and Ikuhara's latest wild ride.

I can predict that those will be the worst threads.
Either 3deep5u retards or shitposting about yaoi.

It will be both and that’s what makes it fun.

Oh yeah, the YU-NO anime airs today. Are we getting subs for that soon?

I don't see what fun about sharing a thread with people who praise this homosexuals juvenile gender commentary. Gender commentary that is of lesser quality than what you hear during freshmen lectures at your local community college.

Then don’t post in the threads. It’s only eleven episodes long anyway, so Yea Forums shouldn’t even be talking about it for more than a couple months.

>please don't come to my shit posting generals and point out how terrible this show is
Not gonna happen. This isn't reddit. I'll be browsing the threads out of principle.


Considering that I watched 19 series last season, this new one will give my time to watch stuff on my PTW list

Next season has nothing good
>but x show
Its garbage

what website is this?

You are blind
Lurk more

It's been a while since I saw a season this bad.

I don't understand this mindset. Why bother wasting your time in threads about a show you don't like? It doesn't look particularly interesting to me so I'll probably just ignore it and post in threads about shows that I like.

indeed I am blind, didn't realize it's not in JST (and even if it were it would still be in Friday)

>about a show you don't like
Who says that I am not gonna like the show? How would I know prior to watching it? It looks interesting to me so I'll watch it. I am simply complaining about Ikuhara's juvenile gender commentary. I watch his shows out of principle because they are pretty, the same reason I watch KusoAnus shows because they are well animated. Although, I don't watch KusoAnus shows expecting them to be serviceable, let alone good.


Yea you have the mighty nico nico douga

Fucking otak

>Strike Witches
Better than winter at least

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You should be ashamed of such shit taste.

I'm wondering whether this or Summer 15 was worse

Yes actually

>Summer 15

What is this meme? That season had plenty of watchable shows.

Summer 2015 was good.

Seems like the industry overextended itself, so now it's shrinking and take cover under sequels and adaptations of popular manga. Hopefully things get better soon.

how much longer until we can just admit this decade was the worst?

Yeah, that was a pretty good season. Sure it had garbage like Aquarion Logos and Chaos Dragon (both of which I watched in their entirety), but it also had Rokka no Yuusha, Non Non Biyori Repeat, Shimoneta, etc.

What was so bad about summer 15? Taking a quick glance over it and there are plenty of shows I remember liking.

>Shrinking is a bad thing
Do you like the seasonal deluge of forgettable trash? Anime would definitely be better if the industry put out a few high budget shows a year, rather than a constant stream of throwaway shit.

If it means that there'll be no more embarrassing shows like ImoSae and Junji Ito Collection then good. Those shows maybe fun to shitpost about, but I still feel bad for the staff and anyone who had expectations for them.

I never said shrinking is a bad thing, I meant that shrinking is a response to adverse conditions. I'd like the industry to expand in a healthy manner so that there are plenty of good shows (as opposed to a small number of good shows).

>Do you like the seasonal deluge of forgettable trash?
To be honest, I've kind of gotten used to it and have learned to enjoy them in their own way. I've been watching anime for 12 years now, so any semblance of taste has more or less disappeared.

Hadn't heard of that show and looked at the PV and description now, it looks like 100% trash, even for the extremely unlikely cases of people who aren't racists.

ImoSae was art, you fucking moron.
It's still 40 shows

Only roughly 30 new full length (i.e. 24-minute) shows, which is the lowest number in several years.

ImoSae had staff pleading for help in the credits. If that's not bad then I don't know what is.

Pretty sure you're messing up Imouto sae ireba ii with Ore ga Suki na no wa Imouto dakedo Imouto ja nai

Possible. I mean the one with pic related

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>posts screencap from newfag site
You might as well ask people how to triforce

That's Ore ga Suki na no wa Imouto dakedo Imouto ja nai. ImoSae had an episode where an LN author watches the first episode of an adaptation of his LN, only to realise with shock and horror that it's a complete ainmation disaster. All in all a good conversation-based show.

Yeah that's Imoimo, Imosae was pic related

Attached: imosae.jpg (1280x800, 501K)

The panties folded into a bow headpiece blew my mind.

ImoSae also had the first 3 minute be a horribly animated "pitch" the MC made to his editor.
Eat the eggs

>Watanabe directing
>Bones animating
It definitely has potential.

>newfag site
Yes I forgot, clearly I shouldn't use the best site to check when stuff is airing for a season because it isn't old enough.

I think it's called ImoImo. Anyways, I think that was because the studio fucked up. It was the first project for one of the studios working on it and I remember people saying they didn't even have their studio properly set up yet nor did they have enough staff. Production was absolutely fucked for it.

I have to wonder how, after all these decades of anime production and supposedly plenty of chances to learn from past projects, shows with no chance of being the slightest bit profitable are approved in droves and complete animation/production failures are still a thing every single season.

It is no surprise the industry keeps relying more and more on multimedia projects and "safe bet" franchises when they fail at market prediction and successful innovation consistently.

Have you considered that maybe the people funding the shows no better what's profitable for them than some random anons in Stalkerthreads?

>when they fail at market prediction and successful innovation
I'd argue that the recent "bubble" has been because the industry was partially isolated from those factors. A lot of the growth was driven by LN adaptations, mobile game adaptations, etc. that were focused more on shilling the source material than on creating shows that are good based on their own merits. Once that money starts to recede, things will probably change for the better.


The more than a decade-long increase in the number of shows produced each year, and then the sudden drop this season (~30 full-length shows) and the last (36 shows).

imagine being this new
give it another year and you'll understand

>inb4 no budget man

>Junji Ito Collection
I fucking loved how comfy the threads were

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But Senko-san and Bocchi are guaranteed to be AOTY contenders. Especially Senko-san since Goda Kobo is handling the adaptation.

Everything else looks meh right now though. Maybe one or two shows come out of nowhere to surprise me.

Bocchi is the only show worth watching out of that mess.

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don't give a shit as long as AoT S3 is good

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Anyone excited for fujo stray dogs? I havent watched season 2 yet, but I think I've read enough of the manga to be caught up and able to read season 3. Last thing I read was Fitzgerald doing some shit in some court room.

Yes, season 3 will be fun as long as they adapt all the way to Fyodor's arrest or Gogol's introduction. The anime has the same staff working on it as s1 and s2 so quality should be as good as ever.

I'm a sucker for stupid references to authors.

Like this user said, and the character designs look awful