What are Yea Forums's thoughts on Tokyo Ghoul?
What are Yea Forums's thoughts on Tokyo Ghoul?
Kaneki 10/10
The anime is good, fuck mangafags
Didn't he cry when he lost his virginity? Good god
>It's this thread again
>The anime is good
Kanki best boy
cringy shit for 12 year olds who just broke up with their first girlfriend
Edgy garbage
Manga good
Anime pretty bad
>Manga good
Started out as edgy cringy shit, became good edgy cringy shit, did a 180 like 80 chapters before the end and became simply shit.
OG TG was fucking incredible, :re sharply declined in quality and Ishida fucked us fans over to draw traps
Forgot pic
I didn’t think Root A was bad, then again I have t read the manga. One thing I have noticed since starting :re is that I don’t like it as much. Tbqh I would have liked another season at Antique, at least, and maybe seeing some progress on a Kaneki and Touka ship.
>anime only
It's shit, only zoomers enjoy that shit manga.
Great at the start then fell apart.
The manga died after the Tsukiyama arc rooftop battle.
it was fun
>manga pretty bad
>anime criminally hideous
I liked it until I didn't.
The first season of the anime was decent, but it became a complete mess after that.
Is the manga worth reading?
God I wish that were me
kaneki or cuckneki?
kekneki kek
I an going to post the gif
too late
Elfen Lied for zoomers
I stopped reading a while ago. It was around when Hideyoshi showed off his fucked up mouth. Is the manga over?