Pop Team Epic

Am I fucking late? How is there no thread in the catalog for that glorious TV special?

Poptippipi thread!

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Other urls found in this thread:


There is a thread for it over at reddit where it belongs.

>where it belongs.
Fuck off. I won't let them take Poptepipic from us and fuck you for implying that they have.

Best series in a long while, unironically.

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I want to have a Popoku plushie like this that repats whatever it hears.

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Tfw still no rips for the other VAs versions.

>Am I fucking late?
very late. all this shitposting has pushed the other threads off the board

Attached: [Erai-raws] Poputepipikku - Special [1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_46.13_[2019.04.01_19.53. (1920x1080, 184K)

you wouldn't watch the same shit 5 times, right?

Attached: [Erai-raws] Poputepipikku - Special [1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_25.28_[2019.04.01_18.11. (1920x1080, 223K)

>Most of my favorite VAs are separated across the different episodes

I.. probably would.

Who was in the wrong here?

Attached: [Erai-raws] Poputepipikku - Special [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_04.01.990.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

the old one. can't he see Pipimi was there first?

God bless this glorious shitpost of an anime

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Who are the VAs, anons?

Why did everyone hate the anime so much when it came out?

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they didn't? it was popular

They were just pretending
Everyone loves poputeamepikku

I remember every thread about it was a shitposting festival when it was airing.

shitposting a shitposting anime. what level of shitposting are we on?

Is there a list for all the VA's across these broadcasts?

Attached: pop haters.jpg (411x225, 37K)

Fugg, kissanime only has a troll version I don't wanna boot up my desktop and torrent client for Pop Team Epic...

That was the joke.

Episode 13 Part A VAs
TokyoMX: Tamura Yukari, Horie Yui
niconico: Hanazawa Hana, Tomatsu Haruka
Abema: Tanaka Atsuko, Tamagawa Sakiko
Abema2: Hanamori Yumiri, Touyama Nao

Part B VAs
TokyoMX: Hoshi Soichiro, Ishida Akira
niconico: Yamaguchi Kappei, Ogata Kenichi
Abema: Fukuyama Jun, Sakurai Takahiro
Abema2: Ono Yuuki, Ono Kensho

Episode 14:Part A VAs
TokyoMX: Inoue Kikuko, Kouda Mariko
niconico: Katou Emiri, Fukuhara Kaori
Abema: Kozakura Etsuko, Yokoyama Chisa
Abema2: Takeuchi Junko, Sakuma Rei

Part B VAs:
TokyoMX: Shimada Bin, Tobita Nobuo
niconico: Seki Tomokazu, Akimoto Yousuke
Abema: Midorikawa Hikaru, Takehito Koyasu
Abema2: Seki Toshihiko, Yusa Kouji

There is a gold like this.

>Abema: Fukuyama Jun, Sakurai Takahiro
>Abema2: Ono Yuuki, Ono Kensho
>Abema: Midorikawa Hikaru, Takehito Koyasu
I need these

Jesus of Eurobeat, they went all in on that.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Poputepipikku - Special [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_07.32.946.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

cute alien

It's a cat.

> people ITT complaining they havent seen all versions when Erai exists
come on now people get your shit together

Bro, that's The Great Old One.

You'd better repent.


I Wanna Pop You Tender



Will this begin the third video game crash?

I hope so🌈

There's a new EP?

Erai only has the Tokyo MX audio stream you nigger.

where can i watch it?

Pong, Dragon Quest, Xevious?, Sonic, Rockman X, Street Fighter 2, Bomberman, Clock Tower, Virtua Fighter?, Pop 'n Music, Parodius, QWOP, Minecraft, ???

Space Invader, some kind of Game &*Watch game?, Qbert, Ninja Hattori-kun, some gameboy RPG?, Final Fight, Final Fantasy, ???, ???, Cuphead, Parodius, ???, Deltarune, ???

Attached: [Erai-raws] Poputepipikku - Special [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_08.19.jpg (1279x720, 139K)





most lovecraftian of anime

Attached: 1554212777727.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

All female Seiryu (T-MX) VAs are 17 years old.


its like 50 mins long im sure it had everyone

It's two episodes bound together.

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ok wow im not watching 50 minutes 5 times , fuck that noise



Is the special having 5 different versions with different VA's another reference to Endless 8? Is this technically our Season 2?

That would be this

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Is Daiichi ever going to stop being a massive faggot?

Attached: [Erai-raws] Poputepipikku - Special [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_24.34_[2019.04.02_19.07.2 (1280x720, 108K)

>some gameboy RPG?
Thought it was Final Fantasy Legend/SaGa, but I might be wrong. Text boxes are placed differently.

Somebody should do the BD version with Nyarko replacing Cthulhu-kun. MMD shouldn't be that hard I guess.

>Abema: Midorikawa Hikaru, Takehito Koyasu
Watching this. It is way too lewd.

This special seriously was the best episode of the show. How the fuck they do it? Return on 1 April to deliver AOTS contender

they are married already at the previous season final episode though

I think it exists, but I can't find anything about it right now. But I'm pretty sure the talking part was just an anime addition

>Midorikawa Hikaru, Takehito Koyasu

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>Not wanting to watch VAs ad-libbing

So what was that video/picture with the boat all about,I forgot

As a Jojofag, I prefer both version of anime DIO.

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nice boat

oh yeah

Her hair looks like a penis. That was intentional, right?

probably a dumb question, but are the new songs from these episodes available anywhere?

Yea Forums hates everything

are there subs anywhere? didn't crunchy also air this shit? I don't see it anywhere on hs or on nyaa


erai has subs on nyaa

King Records will set them up for you to buy.

Aoi Shota's songs are probably gonna sell separately.

no wonder it didn't show up in my search

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Quads confirm it was totally intentional.

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Imagine the smell.

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All four versions are on nyaa, albeit no English subs for the other three yet.

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post lyrics

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>Spic subs got the versions up before HS
Jeez. I already watched the raw streams but it's disappointing that the other version subs still aren't up. I lost count on how many times I rewatched the Midorikawa and Koyasu version.

Same energy.

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I wish someone at least rips the English subs so I can put them on Puya videos myself.

A kid vs a granny

It is kinda different energy for me.

>Not wanting to watch the same dumb joke done to death

Anyone else think these were legitimately the best episodes yet? Man I hope there'll be a second season, it's clear they can still make gold

The Midorikawa and Koyasu version had a lot of adlib so here's a list of references that Midorikawa Hikaru added in his recording according to his blogpost.
>A horse
>A biribiri old man
>A hyper agent
>Gundam Wing
And he read the motorcycle monologue in his native accent (Tochigi), because he thought it would be boring if he read it normally.

Attached: 20190401234534.jpg (512x384, 70K)

Midorikawa is a fucking blessing. I love him.

Or you can rip the audios and slaps them all on one video.



The VAs ad-libbed some parts like so it doesn't work.

Anyone have the AC-BU webm of this episode?

The first episode confused the shitposters so much that they collapsed onto themselves. You should be able to recall how the amount of hate fell a lot from the second episode on.

HanaKana's comedy level is going up.

okay i'm rewatching this.

I mean having 4 audio tracks in a video. Can it be done like having multiple subtitles?

The subtitle in Erai video wouldn't match with the ad-libbed parts from the other audio tracks since it's only the Tokyo MX version.

It became popular with normalfags so in accordance with Yea Forums law that meant everyone pretended to hate it to remain contrarian

There are other ad-libbed parts as well. So 4 videos they must then.

You can actually put all the audio and subtitles in 1 video but it's somewhat a hassle since you need to change the audio and subtitles track accordingly.


Was it kino?

Same reaction when I noticed it in the credits



What's the version of Erai-Raws?

Tokyo MX one.

Thanks mate.

Masashi Super Dry

Attached: hoola.png (468x508, 214K)

>Bin Shimada

Attached: BrolyTeamEpic.jpg (1033x1199, 164K)

Where from are the VA couples for each version?


Koyasu Pipimi is such a weird but good experience

>Ozaki Yuka
>Uchida Aya
Now it makes sense.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Poputepipikku - Special [1080p][Multiple Subtitle]-10m57s.jpg (1920x1080, 348K)

>Virtua Fighter?

I think it's Fighter Maker, which let you make your own (horrible) attack animations for created fighters.


I need an user with video editing skills to cut and paste together a "ultimate" version of this ova, showing only all the new content from all versions


There really needs to be a new one, with online sharing like Mario Maker.

I unironically want to fuck Aoi Shouta. Damn what a cutie.


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which one was deltarune?

Evil Aoi Shouta is fine. Normal Aoi Shouta is too punch-able.

Normal Aoi is practically asking for my cum in her boipucci with every line and gesture

So I'm trying to lurk around and I think MAL is not helping, can someone give me a sum up of all the episodes there is besides the main 12? Wasn't today supposed to air 1 special?

Attached: [Erai-raws] Poputepipikku - Special [1080p][Multiple Subtitle]-34m57s.jpg (388x934, 105K)

Yeah, I did think it was the best one. Don't know if they'll bother with another season, but I'd okay with another special sometime. Don't know how well this series did with manga or merch sales though.

There's a special that aired yesterday, you can find it in the usual place. Also

Attached: [Erai-raws] Poputepipikku - Special [1080p][Multiple Subtitle]-20m07s.jpg (1920x1080, 310K)

If you think of combining A and B parts like [finFAGs] did for episode 1, forget about it. There are differences between the parts, such as the P.P. song and the Hoshiiro/AC-bu opening. That would require both ordered chapters and editions to deal with, which is a giant hassle and not properly supported by some players.
Or do you mean there are video differences between the four broadcast versions? I only checked two of them against each other, lazily, and only saw the credits for the voice actors differ.

Fashion Leader HanaKana


Attached: news_large_sekikun3_20131031131522d67.jpg (555x478, 60K)

>TokyoMX: Tamura Yukari, Horie Yui
King Records old sluts, former with Yakarin
>Abema: Tanaka Atsuko, Tamagawa Sakiko
>Abema2: Hanamori Yumiri, Touyama Nao
Yuru Camp?
>TokyoMX: Hoshi Soichiro, Ishida Akira
Gundam Seed, Saiyuki, seiyuu OTP
>niconico: Yamaguchi Kappei, Ogata Kenichi
Ranma 1/2
>Abema: Fukuyama Jun, Sakurai Takahiro
Code gayass
>Abema2: Ono Yuuki, Ono Kensho
>niconico: Katou Emiri, Fukuhara Kaori
Lucy Star
>TokyoMX: Shimada Bin, Tobita Nobuo
Zeta Gundam
>niconico: Seki Tomokazu, Akimoto Yousuke
G Gundam
>Abema: Midorikawa Hikaru, Takehito Koyasu
Gundam Wing

Yamaguchi Kappei, Ogata Kenichi


I see at least 4, so 3 of them is this?

Hanamori Yumiri, Touyama Nao


It's this one: myanimelist.net/anime/37596/Poputepipikku_Special
There's two episodes like the ones in the first season, the Erai release have them in one episode, so basically 4 in one. MAL is retarded, it's still counting S1 as a 12 episodes short anime.

>Abema2: Ono Yuuki, Ono Kensho
>Abema: Midorikawa Hikaru, Takehito Koyasu
>Gundam Wing

Is this Pop Team Epic or Seiyuu M-1 Grand Prix?

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Fucking masterpiece.

Attached: pop.jpg (365x316, 33K)

I like pte

Oh god I can't breathe

Attached: [Erai-raws] Poputepipikku - Special [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_36.16_[2019.04.02_19.09.0 (1280x720, 272K)

good anime

>we'll never get S2 because they're running out of VAs

Attached: [Erai-raws] Poputepipikku - Special [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_27.23_[2019.04.02_18.56.1 (1280x720, 194K)

I don't care about what everyone thinks, I basically kept laughing for 45 minutes
Poputepipikku is a blessing

Hopefully one day Space Cat Company will make a funny skit.

Watch until the end

Might as well go out in a blaze of pure KINO

Anime won't get any more experimental than this.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Pop Team Epic. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of pop culture most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Popuko’s egoistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterization- her personal philosophy draws heavily from Nietzschean literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Pop Team Epic truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humor in Popuko's existential catchphrase “Ah. You are motherfucker?,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Ragnar Redbeard’s Nordic epic Might Is Right. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Bukubu Okawa’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.