What are your expectations for the new Madoka anime?
What are your expectations for the new Madoka anime?
Rolled 28 (1d100)
>no urobochi
it's shit
Your fortune: Bad Luck
It's fucking mobage shit spinoff for a story that was already concluded. No one cares about making anything special, they're cashing in on easy money.
I looked up the characters in the mobage and they seem terrible so no expectations♨️
I'm just waiting to see Alina single-handedly saving the whole franchise.
Tripfriends & user-kun! Give me your (You)s & Likes!
I hope to see the original cast grown up or at least a bit older
seems tight
Low. Even Rebellion was poor.
Magia Record is absolute sellout trash. It has nothing that made the original good. The characters are shit, the designs are awful, the plot is asinine and I bet the music is gonna suck too without Kaijura. At the very least I expect a massive train wreck as they try to corral the retarded OCDONUTSTEEL characters into something resembling a plot.
>Even Rebellion was poor.
fucking wat?
>the designs are awful
but muh Ume
protip: even she didn't give a shit when doing the designs
Japan loves it. So do I.
>mobage shit
At this point its worse than Wixoss
Come on, not having Kajiura is improvement.
shit man, absolutely cannot wait fo-
>no butcher
Characters are cute and funny.
Music will be great. Story is amazing.
Come forth all challengers of Cygame, thou shelt be slayed for your impudence!
To be honest, I just an episode 3 or episode 10 like moment because then the threads would be fun for that even if the rest of the show is a trainwreck.
*I just want
What is the story of this thing anyway?
Magical Girl goes to another city to find her sister and gets caught up in the mysteries of Kamihama.
If it goes the way of the Gacha without any modifications, terrible. Killing Walpurgis with a fucking Spirit Bomb.
As long as they keep this scene in.
Trio of Lolis create an evil cult that brainwashes Magical Girls, but they all didntdu nothing.
I actually like the Spirit Bomb. We had so much fun on /PMMM/. Can't wait to for the /PMMM/ Parties on Yea Forums.
The Spirit Bomb would be fine were it any other Mahou Shoujo series, like Precure, Nanoha, Sailor Moon or Cardcaptor Sakura. But this is Madoka. Madoka is not a series that has ever had that kind of clear-cut, unambiguous happy ending, and it really just feels off. I really hope that they don't go with that ending, because it kind of shits on both Madoka's original ending (where Madoka erases herself from existence and leaves her family and friends behind in return for saving all magical girls from the Witches curse) and Rebellion (Where Homura returns Madoka to life and gives everyone a false utopia, at the cost of turning herself into the devil and trapping everyone in a false reality) if MagiReco just ends with a clear, unambiguous happy ending that contrasts so starkly with the endings of the original and Rebellion, cheapening both.
With the way the Power Lolis worked with their magic yeah I can see it happening.
I haven't even read Madoka Portable desu
Not as good as what came before. This always happens when Urobutchi is not around like Psycho Pass and the axed S2 of Gargantia.
Hope we get game in engligh
We /fgog/ now.
genuine question, if you wanna be a tripfag, why not just to leddit? that way everyone can know it's your opinion they're reading
I'm Yea Forumsn elite poster. I love tripfriends and anons who convey their feelings with their favorite pictures. If Apple-chan or Kevin-kun make his reddit account, I'm generous with 'emigration', though.
>Madoka: "im omnipotent"
>Chad Goku: "No, I am omnipotent. Check this 5. I control reality, little girl."
Considering the Mobage music is absolute trash, and Rebellion music was fantastic, no user, no Kajiura is no improvement.
I've got none, I will be watching it as is.