Your score is the number of times you'll do it with your waifu.

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I'll start

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more than the average NEET, what do i win


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Don't have a one so I'll do it with everyone's waifu ITT.

But I don't have a waifu

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you forgot your score user

Whores itt

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if heads you're the whore.Coin Flip: Tails

wonderful! leaves a lot of room for experimentation.

Post your waifu too dammit.

I do it almost every day with her.⚾

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I am scoreless

no, i got my score without whoring her.

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Guess I'll die then.

Come on

I mean, 300 for a life together doesn't sound very strange, of course, as a -100 fag, I can't say too much.


I meant 3000

Do scores disappear at midnight?👌

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A-at least it's not zero.

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Likelets BTFO

I h-had to w-work all day. It's not my fault I'm a likelet!

You're not even spooky, user. You're a likelet like the rest of us.

It's not that we're likelets, user, It is that we can find ways to enjoy ourselves with our waifus other than sex, like handholding.

>hand holding

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Gotta get just a bit more

Feetholding is also good too! and deep eyestaring! and if your waifu is the blind one you can whisper how much you love her.

my score is the times I will fuck Seira and Mei

Help me Anons! I'll help other Anons too

I do it for free, but thank you for the offer.

A bit frigid, but not bad.

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I give back!


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Beats my current number, I'll take it.

That'll bring me to a net total of 40 sexings.

your score is the number of other men your waifu has fucked

Rolled 81 (1d100)

If dubs, the product of all the scores is the number of orgies your waifu has be in.

What is "it" Handholding? A cuddle? Perhaps even a kiss Cause I'd do all of the above to Yuuko

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Thank you, Beautfiul Leader!!

Coin Flip: Tails

Many times.

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