Shingeki no Kyojin

Reiner will save Gabi, Pieck, and the world.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Zeke was an idiot.

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Reiner is GAY!


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Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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LM soon.

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Annie next chapter?

Yes but she'll be promptly eaten

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail


Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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¿Hay algún personaje que pueda derrotar a Ernesto Llagas? Y no estoy hablando del Ernesto Llagas del Titán de Ataque. Mierda, ni siquiera estoy hablando del Ernesto Llagas del TdA en contacto con un eldiano de sangre real, para activar sus poderes de coordinación del Titán Fundador. NO estoy hablando del Ernesto Llagas del TdA después de ingerir el suero del Titán Acorazado y de practicar sus habilidades de endurecimiento con Hania y las Tropas de Exploración. No podría estar hablando del Ernesto Llagas del TdA usando a Puerco Gallardo como un rompenueces para destruir el cristal del Titán Martillo de Guerra para consumir a Doña Tiburcia y ganar habilidades de creación precisa. Definitivamente no estoy hablando del Ernesto Llagas del TdA que domina habilidades de creación del Titán Martillo de Guerra para romper el cristal del Titán Hembra y consumir a Anita Corazón de León y ganar sus habilidades de titán. Realmente no estoy hablando del Ernesto Llagas del TdA liderando a un grupo de fieles que han dedicado sus vidas para lograr el sueño de Ernesto de finalmente librar a su gente y garantizar la seguridad de las generaciones venideras. ¿Piensas que hablo del Ernesto Llagas del TdA tras explotar y decirle a Micaela que el le ha odiado toda su vida y reventarle el hocico a Armando porque ambos son esclavos que rechazan aceptar la libertad e intentan meterse en su camino hacia su verdadera y eterna libertad? Espero que estés bromeando si piensas que hablo del Ernesto Llagas del TdA tras brutalmente consumir a Picón y ganar su resistencia del Titán Carguero, permitiéndole mantenerse como titán indefinidamente. Estoy hablando del Ernesto Llagas del Titán de Ataque en contacto con Sigifredo en su forma de Titán Bestia, aunque rechazando su plan para forzar a los eldianos a la esterilidad para proteger a su amante, Historia Razo, para que su hijo pueda nacer libre en este mundo.

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I'd rather talk about Annie instead

you fucking beautiful based poster

I don't think we can negotiate a lower price so just wait until Sunday.

I can't take the credit on this one, but I appreciate the fact that someone translated it.


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Eren will agree with Zeke's plan and abort Historia's baby himself.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

>"Historia! Historia! We have a problem! The Founding Titan wont activate!"
>"Oh no!"
>"My warm steamy titan, Historia!"
>"What!? You want me to lick it?!"
>"Yes Historia it's the only way to activate the Founding Titan, you have to lick my Titan Historia. The saliva need to be warm and fresh and it must administered by your tongue Historia."
>"But I dont understand how that would work Eren... Eh... I don't... Eh... I'm confused... Eh...I don't... Eh? "
>"Historia trust me! I got the Founding Titan in me, my time is almost up! Hurry!"
>"You convinced me, here goes nothing." >"Thats it Historia! Its working Historia! Its working!"

I get the other two, but whats the joke behind the children's encyclopedia?

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I miss Yumiru

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ant spoilers in 15

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We know, Hisu


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Eren needs to suck Zeke's dick, since he is a royal titan, speedreading EHfag

me too, Hisu

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Does that mean he saw Krista as a femboy?

Ackermans on the cover!🌈


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For real though are those pages from Before the Fall?

ants in 5

who /skellygang/ here?

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Based. The thread is saved once again.

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Threadly reminder that Erwin will get the serum in the anime because that’s where Isayama corrects all of his mistakes.

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whatever keeps you going

>that’s where Isayama corrects all of his mistakes.

Then why does the anime push EM so hard?

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genuinely hope we see more of RA acting like dysfunctional siblings desu

Armin will kill Eren.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

this is so good😃

Me too.

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>tfw a pure royal virgin got killed for getting involved in a abusive relationship with siscon beta-tier eldia restoriation enthusiast

>tfw Dina will never redeem herself to Zeke, ve though she legitly cared about him.


>not a mistake

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oink skroink skreeeeeeeee🐷

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Erwin got a fitting death that was a perfect symbolic capstone for the old guard's struggle and the rapid upheaval of the paradis cast's worldview. The actual mistake was that he didn't have a clear plan for how to make giving Armin that rub mean anything and he almost immediately became a second string character, just there to hem and haw

Heads: Eren is the father
Tails: Farmer is the fatherCoin Flip: Tails

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Coin Flip: Tails

Coin Flip: Heads

Based. Historia belongs to King Farmer.

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Hisu-chan is so cute.

I hope so.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Ha, you did this shit in the last thread and still lost!


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Heads: Eren is a cuck.Coin Flip: Heads

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No just Manlet vs Zeke #4

like an angel❤️

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Reminder that Armin will save the world.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

*Reiner will save the world.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Hell ye

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The coordinate can't affect Ackermans because they're connected to their own separate paths right? Or is it something else? Does Ackerman/Eldian hybrid get access to both paths?

manlet will get some last words and die

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Your fortune: Average Luck

I just want Zeke to be happy.

Your fortune: Bad Luck

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it's happening

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Eren betrayal soon🙁

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he couldn't even save his friends

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Annie still around to be saved

unironically hoping for Reiner redemption

I think both Reiner and Gabi being motionless in Eren's presence would be funnier.

Wrong. He will rescue Annie, redeem Eren, and resurrect Marcel, Bert, and Ymir.

Your fortune: Outlook good

not for long

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He did nothing wrong though.

Yeah, I'm thinking he's back.

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and marry the queen👌

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reiner already went through an overt symbolic death and rebirth in the marley arc, the abyss of the hero's journey, ect, it's unironically happening

Daily reminder that the kid at the end is Eren and Mikasa's daughter, and Eren is trolling Zeke in order to give her a future

He shipped YH and will make them reunite by resurrecting Ymir.

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A lot of people are going to be mad when he inevitably assumes the role of hero against Eren.

where are the fucking spoilers?💢

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I just love Eren

calm down Midogsa🐶

The spoilers were inside you all along, user.

Just for fun, if tails, AM is canon!Coin Flip: Heads

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J-Just for f-fun...!

Something was telling me to say heads but I ignored that nagging feeling. Okay. This time, for real, if it lands on heads, AM is canon!

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Oops, forgot to coinflip.Coin Flip: Tails

AM will never be canon

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up your butt

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Manlet will wear the eyepatch

If heads, LM fucked already.Coin Flip: Tails

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>The titles of the three books found in the basement are later revealed to be: "The Early Life of Grisha Yeager," "The Extent of Our Knowledge of Titans and Their History," and "Information About the World Beyond the Walls."
>Information About the World Beyond the Walls
Come on

Hmmm sorry.😃

Attached: cute and canon.png (904x173, 37K)

Yes it will, we are going to meme it into reality.

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does zeke wanna fuck eren sexually?

Your fortune: Good Luck

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spoilers on 4th, no earlier

I can see something like this, if manlet wakes up he is going to be in full ptsd mode and I think only Hange kindness can calm him down, I don't think we will have two characters with eyepatch
Plus their names fit somehow

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you already failed and failed again with your retry

just give up

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I don't like how molester-kun looks like Armin's dad.

I have a friend whose dog is Isayama's mistress, he revealed to me that manlet is going to survive and build a paramilitary organization based on an oil rig off the coast of Marley.


>who's dog is isayama's mistress
Isayama is a furry?

Hange and Livai fuck

You just give me great idea! Arigato, user-kun!

1 = eren is gay
3 = eren is bi
5 = eren is a tranny
6 = eren is a tranny and will use paths to change his body

Rolled 2 (1d6)

calm down

hange would look good with a beret and aviators desu

but what does it mean?

Cute siblings

Rolled 4 (1d6)


Screencap it, you'll see

The absolute state of EMfags. Imagine still your ship has a chance or ever did.

still thinking*

ding-dang doodley baste

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Yo cree a Ernesto Llagas, es un honor para mi que se haya convertido en un meme, y una pena el no haberle hecho captura en su dia para poder demostrarlo

>creating an army of Ackermans
This is what she should be doing

Eren es EL PADRE él se cogió a Historia follaron como perros y con amor capturen esto

Guess he ain't.

Spoilers in 5 hours

>como perros
Di "como conejos", tarado. Nadie quiere coger como perros.

Pls pm me as soon as we have spoilers

that ain't true

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Annie will become real and be my waifu

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Par de imbéciles, se dice follar como zarigüeyas.

Reiner will save my pusy!

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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Reiner x Annie meeting fucking when?

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Only if you're a cuck from spain.

Oh cool spaniards showed up,also AA is dead

>says the Mexican
>be AMLO
>"P-Por favor discúlpense p-por traer civilización!"

Your fortune: Good Luck

>Implying that i'm mexican
Enjoy the muslim immigrants raping your women.

Hello Mrs. Smith

Fuck off Mrs Smith

When is the second cour released?

Surprised the pedo hasn't tried it with 'Mrs Braun' yet, probably because he already knows it's Mrs Smith anyway.

Hello Mrs.Smith

Maybe if she posted a pic and he saw she is blonde

Rolled 24 (1d100)

EH is canon

Rolled 18 (1d100)

YH is canon

I unironically want this ending with the brat who killed Sasha and Eren

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Would have thought the creep would be all over the nudes

How will based Magath saves us again bros?

probably relatively soon, if ever, right? how much longer can isayama stretch things out and spin his wheels without the warriors doing anything of note?

I'm very curious about Eren vs Pieck, he can't make more vague dialogues, can't he?

>That's exactly right, Pieck. You see, I'm-
and then it cuts away to 20+ pages of AMJC

You wouldn't see Pieck and Eren's confrotation until next year, meanwhile prepare for new subplots like Rougue being in the bathroom without toilet paper or Nile forgetting where Historia's house is.

>snk: the gintama arc

I bet no Eren or Pieck this chapter...


Nile doesn't know a shit.

It's Neil who will discover that Niel es el grande padre.

>Detective Nile

I'm just very curious, I thought Isayama wanted to finish it soon yet he has been dragging this shit too much, in case Eren is the father people guessed that almost a year ago and if farmer is he just made everything too ambiguous for that and refused to give us a good drama with Historia and the farmer (much better than manlet vs Zeke shit or Gabo with horses)

soon is probably relative, it seems like we're in the final arc and that's probably all he really meant. but yeah it does seem like he has a habit of ending up with more plot threads and characters than he can deftly juggle.

Hw saw GoT and wanted to make SnK more like it, The problem is that the new characters are trash and the subplots boring.

>Hw saw GoT and wanted to make SnK more like it
And failed

Yeah, exactly what i said.


EHfags killed the hype.

What if the father is not Eren or the farmer?

What if it's never revealed?

It's already risky to involve the farmer, the third father meme is just for contrarians and speedreaders.

there is no father, it's a paths baby

Hey erehis

I have a question: we will ever get a eren vs zeke fight like solid and liquid from mgs?

Hey retarded shipperfag: I didn't say Eren was the father.

Nope. Zeke will be betrayed and eaten in a single, violent, merciless stroke. Remember when Eren lunged straight for the WHT's nape the second it appeared? Remember when he fucking decked Reiner as soon as he stood up in Liberio? Eren doesn't hesitate anymore. When he takes action, it's sudden and decisive.

Yes user, I'm pretty sure only one person in tumblr thought about Eren being the father


if anything it'll be eren and reiner

Nah farmerfags are just fags with dead ships and it shows. I think the rest think the same (about Eren being the father) but rather not talk about it because of those autistics sperging

Guys,who cares who is the father, just enjoy the manga . isayama is the boss here, and probably know the best choises for the conclusion of the manga. Just calm down

Are you a dumblrina?

No user, but I recognize this method of yours of looking for it and write that name in this thread everytime some conversation could go to the father thing.
Not like you have any better argument so just keep with the metafagging to protect your feelings.

Soon, when Annie will be gangraped into submission.

>that user obsessed with Zekefags and EHfags
Dumb ErwLtrash

Farmer is the father.

Who based and redpilled here?

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I want to mutilate and beat the shit out of Annie!❤️

Fuck Gabi

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>Gangrape soon

I'm so glad Sasha is dead.

This guy cant draw faces. Looks like a man

Reiner will save the world

Eren and Gabi will destroy the world

Terrorists and lovers

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t. takenbythewater

>Farmer King spinoff
This chapter I can feel it

I give you a you because nobody take your lame baits Ymircuck/Erwincuck


I want to FUCK the hobo!

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Sadly you Erencucks take the bait from the falseflagging LEpedo all the time.

Rent free.
>Farmer King spinoff
>chapter 1
>Farmer King is reborn out of Ymir's ashes, a humble farmer like lolimir
>Chapter 2
>The impregnatation
>Chapter 3
>Prince Farmer King Reiss is born

Attached: 1.jpg (514x767, 68K)

Attached: 2.png (580x672, 449K)


no u

Dumb LEpedo

>*Clears throat*

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Will Zeke scream again or no more titans? I expect him to turn more people into titans, for the chaos


>Pieck: you are finally here..Zeke
>Zeke: Pieck!
>Pieck: Can't you see it Zeke? Your brother is using you. Don't you find weird how he refuses to use the queen? I bet that thought crossed your mind...

Attached: Pieck(2).png (570x570, 401K)

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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>take the bait all the time


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He is moving towards Shiganshina, Pixis and all the spiked officers are also in Shiganshina, Falco is in Shiganshina, the warriors are in Shiganshina.
This manga is about to go full black slapstick comedy mode soon.

But I got called attackonweeb when I was neutral. I don't think it can be called bait when that person is always triggered

I just wish Isayama would hurry up with the relevant plot, but we've been wasting time for nearly a year now. The last good chapter was back during the Marley arc

He is going to scream and Hange (carrying baglet) will be a witness, that's why Isayama didn't make her drink the wine.
Maybe Zeke will scream the moment he faces the warriors

I'm guessing Zeke will scream and unleash a bunch of mindless titans on Eren once Eren betrays him

I think it takes some major retardation not to understand that all the farmer king's post aren't serious. The problem is that you guys take shipping seriously when no one else does

>implying Eren will allow him to see the betrayal coming

What the fuck are you talking about? I always say to wait for the results and that I don't see anyine replying to Farmer king memes, maybe you are the one seeing shipfags everywhere

Doesn't matter whether he sees it coming, once he betrays him Zeke can scream

I see more people replying triggered to EH memes than the opposite.

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You can't scream if you are dead user

He can't kill him, he needs to touch him. And while Zeke is very obviously retarded he's not that retarded

>ErwLtrash/YHtrash in denial
fuck off takenbythewater

Any good fanfics where shitlet gets butchered, cucked or raped?


You don't even need to post EH in sone threads to see fujos and EMshits triggered like this one

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Did Kenny rape him in canon?

>Soon he will ask Falco to take care of the ice cream down his pants
Boku no Faruko spinoff when?

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>"Levi, my friend! Help me with this quest!"

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And now Eren will steal Falco's gf too

off-screen possibly, if someone wrote something about that then that's alright but I prefer the current 40 year virgin getting the experience he longs for

Soon in the cave with Hans


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Why would manlet be a virgin?

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Eren's love is Historia, stupid falseflagger

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He isn't, he fucked Isabel, Petra, Hans (F) and Connie's mom.

>cucked by a nigger

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REunion unironically soon.

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>Erenfags are pedos

Good morning ErwLmod

>cucked out of his storyline by the manlet
>manlet also fucked his mum
Why doesn't Isayama just kill him off?


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>Eren a pedo

Reiner will avenge bert


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Why doe RE feel more natural than EM? Like Reiner understands Eren more than Plantkasa.

Rolled 56 (1d100)

What are the chances of Eren being the father?

Because it's a shonen, and friendships or rivalries are always better developed than romances


I saw nothing wrong with any Bleach endgames but EM feels wrong, like abusive, like giving false hopes to girls that believe that being annoying will make them get the boy instead of them improving themselves.

what the fuck is this "like" shit, I go to jail for six months and they already turned Yea Forums into facebook?

>go to jail for six months
Only six months for kidnapping that Pieck cosplayer?

>I saw nothing wrong with any Bleach endgames
Except barely any development. They were typical shonen
>characters might have an interest in each other
>final chapter: suddenly married with children
They're literally all the same

>I go to jail for six months
Was it a nice stay?

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He definitely will. The poisoned junta hasnt been gathered in Shiganshina for nothing. Expect to see some good ol' pure didans when all hell breaks loose.

Simpler times.

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Its 2th anonss, where are my fak spoiler?

I hope so. Imagine something actually happening in the manga

Aside from 111 109 and 113 which were straight up bad and/or completely uneventful this arc has been perfectly readable. I do wish there'd be less stalling too, though.


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>first pages are LH escaping
>cut to Eren and Pieck>
>Eren is going to say something important
>Cut to AMJC
>Last page is Hanje's reaction to manlet being dead or alive
>No Reiner no Historia
>wait till next month

party is over...

Attached: 1528444656866.jpg (249x211, 34K)

my expectations for next chapter:
- levi dying
- hange development
- pieck and eren

I had to fuck a tranny if I didn't want to suck a dick


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Just how many cliffhangers or "manlet is dead/will die" are left?

About 14

Good old times, where the bad guys were just a bunch of idiot naked monsters, when it was just a normal shonen with a bit (but not annoying) edgi shades and when eren wasn't a 10 pack depressed terrorist whit freedom problems but just an angry little brat

It might be readable but for a last arc it's slow as fuck and uneventful

manlet isn't dying come on guys

Why is the slave naked?

>next chapter

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It is not

Attached: hyakk.gif (500x281, 1.68M)

If you wish something rushed and cutted in half as final arc you should read tokyo ghoul:re or bleach instead than AoT

Until the end. And every month a leaker will bait everyone about cripplet's true death
cripplet will never die

I wish Isayama had the balls to do that

Why would I want rushed? Barely anything that happened in the last year was all that relevant, or moved the plot that much. It's badly paced


This is Eren expressing "concern" for Mikasa
>E-EM endgame g-guys🐶

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How the fuck are your perks still showing💢

He cares about Mikasa, she is his sister after all

I miss Yumiru "poops" oh god this Yumiru stinks so much!

>Zoe means life
>Levi means attachment

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This is Eren the first time he sees Historia after his jailtime

Attached: 30493e.png (272x366, 129K)

>Saves your manga
>Inhales your likes
>Kills your dead weight

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Hello I’m Mr Kruger and I come from some place far away (yes that will do). Anyway I think all Marleyans should just die and leave Paradis alone.

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he doesn't see her as a sister though, he was always bitching about her treating him like a younger brother, maybe he wants to fuck her after all, fucking her sister would be weird, they are no rednecks


El Reiner Blanco soon

>Mikasa smiled when seeing Hisu, while she used to be depressed over EAr having a shot life

fujos would kill themselves


that's because she was born to protect Hisu

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Why does Isayama like this gesture so much?

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>finger up the bum

She actually seems to treat Historia far more different then she was with Sasha. She pushed Sasha away when she tried to hug her and pulled her hair when she fell asleep, while being far more gentle with Historia. Can't believe there are actually people who think Mikasa dislikes her.

Inshallah brother

Based. Gabpilled.

He can't draw hands or good anatomy in general

Mikasa liked Sasha too, it's just Sasha could be treated like that and she wouldn't mind

Second weakness

>He can't draw hands
He does them pretty well actually

EM is not even a romance though, just the female MC's one-sided obsession with the male MC corrupted by genetic programming, which was sunk multiple times in interviews and was actually shot down in universe a couple months ago by the target of said crush himself. As of now we don't have a proper example of an actual romance in SnK that was developed or given any kind of focus.

Yeah, I wasn't trying to imply she hates Sasha. Just that she obviously doesn't dislike Historia.

Anyone else ever wondered what the plot would be like after chapter 2 if there were no shifters, the "Walled Kingdom" was indeed a kingdom that walled itself off using a cubic fuckton of steel beams, mortar and concrete when the Titans appeared and started munching everything up, losing it's entire history in the process, the colossal and armored titans were just abberants, BRA and YH/K were precisely the people they stated they were and there was no top secret goverment conspiracy around?

>waiting for the inevitable montage of fuckery when the father is reveal

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>mfw Sasha abuse
I’m a bad person

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>female MC's one-sided obsession with the male MC
You described every shonen endgame

>Farmer King reveal
Next chapter

Based Magath ressurecting the hype

>maybe he wants to fuck her after all
>"For Eren, rather than a lover, Mikasa’s presence is more like a mother to him. The love towards a mother is considered valuable [precious], however at the same time, there are annoying parts as well [laugh]. Just like towards one’s actual mother, Eren will start to grow up when he becomes independent [move away/not dependent on] from Mikasa, I might draw this scene one day."

what's wrong with having sex with your mother?

EZ is cute, pure, brotherly, and canon.

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I'm not sure the female MC's obsession coming from her genes and her needing to break away from it and separate from the person she obsesses over corresponds to any kind of endgame I've seen in other shounen.

Orihime nor Hinata were the main heroines and Isayama dislikes EM

Mikasa doesn't dislike Historia but she doesn't like Historia and Eren being so close

>coming from her genes
Well yeah, that's a subverted trope. But it's not what I was saying, just that all endgame in shonen happened to be between a female character with an obsession and a MC who barely noticed them

>maybe he wants to fuck her after all,
The absolute state of Mankasafags

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Unironically manlet fucking a who (or Hango in this case) is already better than another fight.

Spoilers on the 5-6th?

>mfw Levi survives and brings down the tension again💢

I thought manlet would end up being found by a who and wouldn't appear until the end of the manga, honestly the fujoshit makes him a far worse character than anything else is basically an improvement.


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>manlet and Hange show up at Historia's farm
>she turns them away
Post yfw

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And my point was that it doesn't qualify as a romance, neither here nor in other shounen where those endgames actually happened.

>farmer kills them

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But neither those romances qualified as such until they did. People used to make fun of all pairings for being unrequited and one sided, and they all happened anyway. Idk what you're trying to prove


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But those weren't heroines, those were secondary characters

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>implying Isayama is writing Mikasa as a heroine
She hasn't had character development since Trost

Well skipping the baby drama Historia basically betrayed them because she is a traitor.

EZ is fucking disgusting on so many levels

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Mikasa is the official main heroine of this manga, don't call others delusional when you are doing the same and Isayama said again and again he is not fond of EM, and that ship is not even that popular

I agree with the rest being disgusting though

EZ is pure.

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>But neither those romances qualified as such until they did
That's literally what I said. But I added that Mikasa's case was always portrayed as something she actually needs to get over, and now more than ever.


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EZ is pure and wholesome.

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Is Zeke the most entertaining character from this manga? I love his autism

Cute, canon and PURE

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Eren is a cuckold😂





Ymir is resurrected through paths and reclaims Historia.


My mass murderer can't be this cute!

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Hans and Manlet will remain missing for the rest of the manga until the last chapter, where Hans will reappear touching her belly.
Screencap this.

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>don't call others delusional
Where did I do that mate? Calm down

>passing on the opportunity of a based conversation between Magath & Hans

>Historia, I...

Attached: ereh........png (655x970, 588K)

>watching anime
>being on Yea Forums
>being triggered by incest
why are you here?

reminder Ymir is dead and Historia never loved her

What makes EZ pedo? Eren is 19

Sorta, I guess. I think there's more to it, idk what's going with the ackerhax, but there's more to that story


dumb fujo

We don't know that, we don't know anything that happened at all. Maybe she really loved Eren and she feels betrayed by him, maybe she believed in Zekes plan, etc,.

>mfw there is an ereannie amv on youtube with more than a million views

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Fucking fujos projecting their cancerous faggoty in a pure brotherly love.

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Spoilers thursday

Chapter this week

>ereannie amv on youtube with more than a million views


we know

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>t. newfag

>implying armong wouldnt cuck eren with hisu, annie and mikasa

Can wait for pieck & eren's rough sex while gabi fcking watches.. thy'll be grunting & shit

It would be just a regular shonen with an interesting setting but nothing else.
Instead we have a beutiful and well written story about racism,war,secrets hidden by a fake "kill the titans and save the day" plot.


>Oink oink
Eren fucking cucked armong of his pride.

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>Instead we have a beutiful and well written story about racism,war,secrets hidden by a fake "kill the titans and save the day" plot.

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Why cucking Eren when you can get faceraped by him like a little bitch?

Why is Armong such a weak little faggot?

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will eren eat piku next chapter?

seems like it. piku is no match for WHT in a dungeon.

What went so wrong? ;_;

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Skronkmong a bitch. Glad Eren dumped him.

Don't worry, Eren is going to return back to Armin and finally confess his true feelings towards him.
It's just a tough time for both of them at the moment...

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Armin gave up his gesumin side and didn't stop talking about peace.

I hope so.

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Literally women.

t. handsome chad

Cute angry Arumin~

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I rabu ziku😃

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You first, heretic

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Me too, Xaver.

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Where's Hisu? She's in Levi squad too.

So Isayama once said that Eren and Armin won't be friends anymore and he also said Eren will grow up away from Mikasa. He said the same for Mikasa becoming her old self away from Eren. So why does anyone think EMA will ever come together again when Isayama straight out said no? Why the fuck would Eren do everything for AM when the author said that Eren is doing it for himself? The snk fandom is so full of delusional people it's crazy. Like the people who think farmer is the father.

she's a whore

Based author deleted her the fuck out.
She doesn't deserve to be in the CHAD SQUAD

So Porco finally sees Hisu and instantly goes soul gay for her. But poor Pii

LM is fucking disgusting on so many levels

also true

Stop it.

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MA is absolutely based on so many levels

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>Why the fuck would Eren do everything for AM

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>German for Xavier
>Xaver founded Zeke's idea of mass sterilization
>Francis Xavier co.founded the Society of Jesus
>Zeke is resurrected and is born again from the belly of a titan

Zeke is jesus.

It only means that Eren is going to stop relying on Mikasa.
And how can Eren be just friends with the Armin if they're going to become lovers?
Read between the lines, silly.

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>she is a whore

Why?! She literally haven't done any shit to deserve this insult. If there is a character who can't do anything right now is her.

Hange is going to eat Levi's spinal fluid and bring back the hype. Screencap this post.

>Mikasa cucked Skronkmin

>Mikasa is a beautiful woman, THE most beautiful actually, this is fact.
>Mikasa is 19 years old, unless you think it's weird manlet looks 15.
>4th cousins

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>No Historia
>No Hange
I understand why ErwLmod likes that pic that much

Manlet ships are trash in general. So are Mikasa's, actually.

>Isayama said
are people still listening? He's JK Rowling

>b-but he's talking about Hisu and babbu!

>They're all either dead, dying or in jail because of Eren
Absolutely based.

>EMshit and LMshit combo sperging

If he was, Isayama would've made more characters gay tho.

LH is good.

Given the paths shit it's possible that's not even Eren's memories, it could be Gabi or manlet or Jean.

>In order to save AM and everyone else...
>Make a family

>find someone to love inside these walls
>have a kid
>chapters 89 and 107 start the same way

Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."

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someone post the EH destroying all the other
ships pasta

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JK Rowling didn't make any character gay. She wrote then, then for virtue signalling she said they were gays, on like twatter or something. It would the equivalent of Isayama saying oh btw King Fritz was a secret homo

ha ha ha, you guys are going really hard with muh parallels. you'll be disappointed, and i'll be here to console you because i'm not an asshole

He was though

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>inside these walls
He was clearly talking to Grisha there
>find someone to love inside these walls
>have a kid
And that's exactly what Grisha did and why Eren's childhood is so different from Zeke's and made him turn out differently

You dont even need to post EH to see the ErwLwhale and Shitkasafags crying

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I've always been wondering. Who said that first? What if in fact that was Grisha memories and Kruger just repeating what Grisha said to Eren in the forest? It doesn't make sense if Eren is the one who said it first.

Gabi's memories would probably be more like "Reiner, Falco and the others" rather than AM. Also it would be kinda bullshit for Kruger to receive memories from manlet or Jean, we've never really seen a shifter receive memories from a random non-shifter Eldian have we?

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>"in order to save AM and everyone else" applies to Eren
>the actual advice/action that should be undertaken in order to achieve that goal, "make a family", somehow doesn't
Okay then.

Cute AND canon.

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>ha ha ha
Notice how nervous this person is. Yet she still think Eren wants to fuck Downkasa.

It will be Eren talking to Gabi before she eats him.

Except Eren reached the same conclusion as Zeke when he actually learned of his father's deeds : it broke his spirit, to the point that he regretted being born and wished for death. If it weren't for Historia snapping him out of it and his mother's healing words he would've ended up in the same place.

>"in order to save AM and everyone else" applies to Eren
It didn't. Kruger was telling it to Grisha, without literally zero knowledge of who he was talking about, by his own admission. Clearly Kruger and Eren had opened paths to each other, as Eren was seeing through Kruger, and Kruger had some of Eren's memories too, just like it happened with Frieda and Eren before. Ironically they all probably ended up influencing each other, because Kruger told Grisha about AM, and Grisha was the one bringing Eren along to meet up with Mikasa, and then told him to save them

Except you dont know that and the other option is valid too. While farmer can still be the father I dont know why reject the idea of being Eren so much.
If it is for EM that was killed before this soap opera.

So in my opinion it's not Grisha repeating what Kruger said to him, but Kruger unconsciously repeating what Grisha said to Eren. This path fuckery is annoying.

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no user, EH has had no development ha ha

I think Eren did the same as his father (saved AM and had a kid, but in this case Eren will take all the conflict with him)

Eren had one moment of depression. ZE are literal foils and opposites, and that is because of their upbringing

The point is that Zeke never had his own AM and Historia.

Hey is it just me or does it look like these nipnongs aren't happy at all Mikasa exists?

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>Zeke is anti-baby
>Eren reacted with Carla´s phrase
Seriously, the twist is not that hard to see.

No that's not the point. The point is that Eren had a father who didn't push his belief on him, and as a result of that he managed to form his own ideology. So he became exactly what Grisha wanted Zeke to be

But then again, the last line is different. Kruger said "fulfill your mission" but Grisha said "control this power".
One thing that I'm sure, Eren is not the one who said that first.

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But he still was forced to continue his fight and got cancer, and Grisha never told him about Marley. Eren will die taking all the conflict with him, that is the point hiding Eren and Historia pov during months.

new thread?

>Zeke is anti-baby
Oh no, it's you again

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It literally saved his life though. Grisha didn't have to be perfect, but he raised them differently and it shows

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Thread for chads

You need to be 18+ to use this site.

>all this autism because the protagonist had sex with the queen

ZE development in the lastest chapters make this page pretty interesting desu.

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So at the end you agree Eren is nothing like Zeke, because of his parents, especially his mother

And Carla

More like shipperwhales

all this autism because the Farmer King had sex with the queen

all this autism because a monkey is afraid of sex

t. shipperwhale

But this doesn't mean this is Historia's child. Maybe shes just carrying it for someone else like Sasha

t. shipperwhale

Sasha will soon reincarnate in Prince Farmer King Reiss, for no reason really, other than being autistically obsessed with meat

kek never noticed this

thread for trannies*

>monkey is a cucklord
Ftfy m80

The point is that Grisha fucked up with both in different ways despite trying to do better in his second run. The difference is that Eren had love and support which prevented him from breaking completely after realizing that while the closest thing to a proper father figure that Zeke had only validated his suicidal ideals.

Of course I agree that Eren turned out completely different, but it's certainly not thanks to Grisha's actions which were the very reason he almost fell to Zeke's level in the cave.

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