Made in Abyss

Moth confirmed for joining party

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Other urls found in this thread:

I love my wife Nanachi!

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Bunny stays with reborned cottonball, Vueko and Moth goes with party.


I'd be perfectly content if you and everyone else making up weird shit about my wife would switch to the moth or anyone else.

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I will marry Moogie

Your fortune: Outlook good

I honestly just want this

Going to school with my wife Veko!

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But Nanachi is a dude, my dude.


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Moth is for food not for lewd!

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>Rabbit is old news we're mothfags now.

Trips confirm.

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>fragrance: unforgettable
>reg forgets her and her smell

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don't you mean husband?
he is male after all.

Did they intentionally make that look like a vagina?

How did you get to a point in your life where you thought that post is ok?

She and her gramma will join

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

>Tsukushi already said he’s tired of drawing adults
>thinking Veko has a chance

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>bugfags getting rowdy thinking their wallpaper "character" isn't going to get zapped
Soon you will be reminded of your place in things.

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Tsukushi apologized for how long bun has been away from the manga.

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That's because the boy is smart enough to know who the fuck runs things.

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Do you guys really think Nanachi would end up killing this Mitty as well? I mean, I assume that Faputa/the main team will end up de-activating the village somehow, which would end up leaving Nanachi in the same position as last time, not knowing what Mitty would go through if Nanachi herself died. If anything, there's even more creatures that would abuse her here than on the third layer.

Let us not argue about rabbits and moths. There's plenty of SUFFERING to go around for everyone!

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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**wouldn't end up

The way you wrote this post makes me think you might be intoxicated but to answer your question of course Nanachi will want Mitty dead. Unless she can cure Mitty....that is.

If the village goes, the Mitty clone goes.

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>runs things
>hasn’t appeared in 2 years

Don't think curing her would be even remotely possible, since she's basically just an immortal flesh bag right now.

Nanachi makes the lesser characters work for her, she hardly need lift a stubby finger.

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I want to believe you, but the last time I heard someone wants to come together on Rico's journey, she didn't end up really good.

>currently in a village where your greatest desires can be fulfilled, where people can turn into giant gay centipedes, and where the toilets are workers
>thinking something might not be possible
How many shots deep lad?

So Kajya says that it was once a delver too and came to the village after it was created, does that mean that Irumyuui is still popping out babies for people to eat and transform with or was there some other transformation method that I missed that still lets these people keep their sanity?

Maybe if Mitty still had her mind left, but it seems like even if Nanachi got a wish granted that way it wouldn't really be Mitty's soul, just a weird shell of what Nanachi remembers of her.

no thanks

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Read it again but slower, user-kun.

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But it’s Veko monologuing

>is a retard
>gets dabbed on by fate itself

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Why are you assuming there is a limit to what Iru can do?

She needed a second egg to not just die during the flashbacks, and Veko says that she wouldn't have had the power to sustain herself without the near constant stream of new delvers keeping the balancing system working.

Just seems to me she isn't all powerful enough to just resurrect someones soul and body from the dead without some really over the top shit happening.

She has no problem living because of the large amount of value, there is nothing saying there is a limit to granting desires. We know there are plenty of new narehate who got transformed by her since that happened. Iru is not weak and she already brought Mitty back from the dead, why would bringing her back in a different curse-less body be harder?

Hell yeah!
Now we'll finally get some of the gentle (relatively) bullying of Riko that we've been missing ever since Orth and the boys!

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This again?

Guys, what the hell did I just eat??

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She bought a copy of her body back, that doesn't seem comparable to actually getting her soul AND a body that isn't cursed.

Don't worry about it bro just trust me.

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How do you even get this delusional? Now that we are back with the main three Nanachi is one of the biggest plot points we'll be returning to. Moth's just used goods to get Nanachi her free Mitty.

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**not to mention that Belafu had to give up a fuckload just for that, imagine what they'd have to give up to get the real un-cursed Mitty

Why would Iru be incapable of that? Where are you getting this idea there is a limit to the power of abyss magic?

Cool hysteria bro! Make sure not to talk to me again, you are too inferior. I will continue to enjoy Made in Abyss, you are not needed here.

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>moth will give Reg every part of her to him
>worrying about value

I just think that when it comes to bringing back people from the dead with an un-cursed soul it might be out of Iru's capability OR any of the main teams ability to pay the price for.

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Kay, just don't forget to let me know how much you're enjoying it after that gnat gets zapped.

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> implying moth will die

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Oh yeah no for sure....she'll totally be fine....for real....

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>chapter 52 is coming soon!
The honest Faputa shall sweep the rankings easily!

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No way would Reg/Riko/Nanachi be ok with Moth killing herself just to maybe bring back Mitty.

Nothing but burning hate for the moth.

Your fortune: Bad Luck


Nah, bunny won't care.
Riko and Reg will absolutely not be ok with it.

>implying the boy isn't hyping moth up so much so he can cause as much pain as possible when he causes her brutal and sudden death
Mothfags are gunna learn reeeaal soon.

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>based bun giving a shit about the gnat
Ohh im laughin

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Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

I hope.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

reg's the only one moth will listen to anyway

>that fortune

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That's because Reg is a good boy! Full of empathy and kindness.
Faputa will understand that Riko is in a sense not that much different from the rest of Ganga, and that Nanachi is not worth more than a arm of Riko.

>literally no one used rabbit in this thread

>using emojis ironically or not

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>retard gnat
>actually listening to anyone
Nah bud bug ignored pretty much every single thing Reg said or did while with it. The bug is literally too stupid to live. Ignoring the only ally it has while tearing itself apart before even bothering to wonder if it needs to. The only reason Reg hasn't blasted the deranged insect is because he's got the brain of a 9 year old. A stupid 9 year old, to be specific.

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> not much different from the rest of ganga

I think she would have potentially gone with the egg thing just like Vueko did, but there's no way she would have been okay with how they used Irumyuui after that.

Who else is looking forward to the obligatory suffering scene where all the other villagers are tearing at and eating the moth alive?

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Wonder how the rabbits this year will do.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Yes, a happy journey together.

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Hoping for it.

Your fortune: Godly Luck

The question is, having gotten over any inhibitions about eating creatures that recently ate humans-
Would she eat the babies?
I'd say it's 50/50

It's gunna be the highlight of 2034 I tell ya what.

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More like 2077.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

She can't go inside the membrane though, can she? And they can't get out, so I think that's off the table unless the 'village' dies and they can all leave.

As it is, Moth could destroy hulking ass robots with one swing, so I figure she could probably defeat shit villagers like this guy like we'd swat a fly.

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As soon as this QT shows up after the final value exchange, they'll get over it, real quick.

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Of course she would. Its 100% in her character. Now would she be kind of upset about causing Iru pain? Yeah probably but there is no way she wouldn't be munching on those baby back ribs.

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I'd still say no since the 'creatures' were more or less born from a horribly mutated human being ((which the ganja inadvertently created themselves)). That's fairly different IMO than eating an animal, even if that animal ate people.

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Who in the FUCK let you back in?

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Get stepped on.

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You gunna keep feeding me serotonin like a whore or are you gunna wise up?

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How many of you actually think the village narahate can live without the village? The second Iru dies, they will deteriorate and die. That includes Maa-san, but NOT Veko. Moth can survive post-Iru death because she holds the 3 cradles, but everyone else save for Reg, Riko, Nanachi, and Veko will die when Iru does.

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Who says I don't want to feed into your habit rabbit?

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It makes sense, not like they make smart whores or anything.

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Sure sir It's not like I'm just here to shit post or anything.

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Bunfags are absolutely seething lately

>Bunfags are absolutely seething
Whats new?

It's honestly hard to say what will happen to them, definitely the balancing system will dissapear, but I don't know if they will.

At least, they may all lose their sanity and turn into beasts, but I don't think they'll just die outright.

Seething about what?

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Just gently smirking over all the poster who will be getting zapped soon. You can call that whatever you want.

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Confirmed by what? The abstract Veko's wishes?

Riko accidentally killing Nanachi and then cooking Nanachi to eat Nanachi by herself!
Riko sobbing and crying while saying Nanachi would have wanted it this way, and there's no more pain where she is!
>"Oh God, that's a tasty piece of Nanachi loin. I wish Nanachi were here to enjoy this." (continues crying)
>"Hey Reg, please pass the Riko hot sauce" *hic* *sniffle*

They are completely dependent on Iru for life. Eating is something one does for enjoyment now once their body is given to Iru.

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Mitty two dies then Nanachi kills herself.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

shota bow

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>That includes Maa-san, but NOT Veko.
I'm okay with that, I was never a fan of the poop monster anyway.

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I wonder what the cook narehate, kajya, and maa are going to do with this information? I wonder if they'll try and convince Vueko/Riko that the village should be allowed to keep existing and that they should kill Faputa or something.

> Not Vueko
I'm not so sure about that though, Vueko didn't technically give up her body for Irumyuui, but I wouldn't say she's exactly human at this point either, she's basically immortal, right?

It's time to make your bet
Is Kajya a honest narehate, without ulterior or bad motives?
Or is he a informant for the Three Sages, or a crook in disguise?

There is no reason to not kill Faputa. The village has every right to exist and the fact Iru is still alive is a small price to pay for that. Faputa was born a monster of rage and cannot be allowed to live.

He is a faggot.

Your fortune: Outlook good

>still ragging on the gasjew all these months later

I like him, he has comedic value. I'm sure when he dies it will be a touchingly sad moment for Riko, though probably short lived.
There won't be much of a chance for that, when Reg goes to buy back Nanachi by using Faputa's parts, Iru will awaken and be very angry with the assumption that Faputa is dead.
There has been nothing saying that Veko is immortal.

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I don't know, man. I don't think I want anymore.

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hes actually Strajo pretending to be a narehate we wont find that out until tsukushi tells us after the series is over

of course not, time dilation is the culprit. She still aged.

aging = not immortal.

She's at least my age probably a little older.🏀

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> There has been nothing saying that Veko is immortal.

Even with the time dilation thing explaining some stuff, it seems like the village has existed for a long ass time, and she doesn't look any different sans her hair just being longer.

Man now I'm hungry.

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if we consider that most of the villagers dont know the village's origin and how large the its grown, Veko has been imprisoned for an extremely long time even with time dilation

The time dilation is not that extreme. Otherwise, Bondrewd, Mitty, and those Hands would have seemed to have disappeared for years.

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>doesn't look any different
She grew up, she's an adult now. Also, the time dilation is huge down there. How often do you think delvers make it to the 6th layer? Despite that, it was said that a constant flow of them is what sustains Iru now. Think about that.

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Got a panel to prove that they didn't seem to?

Man now i'm horny.

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Rolled 95 (1d100)

Rolling for how many years my wife and I will spend together in the abyss before some creature or hopefully just old age gets us!

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Fuck that looks good.

God damn. Fucking swooshed it brah.

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I like this rabbit!🐰

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Maybe we'll find a couple of thousand man pins to share for that sweet lifespan extension.🌈

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>100~ pounds of juicy, plump, blessed rabbit meat cooked a dozen different ways

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Good thing I had a salad ready.

Is this dancing?🌈


Salads great, add a few extra slices of Nanachi on the side and you got a meal fit for a God of good taste.

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>100~ pounds
My wife is 60lbs soaking wet. YOU wouldn't even give 100lbs of meat, are you forgetting how much of your body weight is from bone, organs, ect?

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Nanachunk is fucking FAT

Rolled 1 (1d100)

rolling for nanachunk weight (in kgs)

Now the that the flashback is over, what do you think will happen next chapter? Back to the Reg/Moth drama? Wazu finding out Veko escaped?

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I hate life!!!💢

At 12~ years old females weigh roughly 91~ pounds give or take. I averaged at 100, since it made my mouth water more.
It made me harder typing 100 pounds of meat. Of course I am aware you wouldn't get that much out of her. Also you did make me remember she is shorter than average, that might skew her over all weight but even assuming she is 4 foot~ she would still weigh more than 60 pounds if human averages are applicable and they should be.
Either way she is delicious and plump and I would cook her a dozen ways or more.

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Your fortune: Bad Luck

>sfx: cute indisposed wife noises

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>weight but even assuming she is 4 foot~
Still assuming. My wife is 3 foot 2.

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Better luck next time Mothnigger

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Make sure to clean Nanachi tripe, as well as Nanachi liver and Nanachi kidneys. Cook very very well in order to ensure that there will be no parasites

this post hurt, I remember forgetting someones smell, now i dont even remember their face

Funny because I ain't a mothnigger.

when will Veko get a Regu smell review page?🐶

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I think Reg will come back into the village and get fucking SWAMPED by people trying to buy Faputa's pieces off of him, then either Wazukyan gets angry and/or the village starts fucking up since Faputa is her child + isn't meant to technically go through the barrier.

> yfw her whole page is just 'smells mouldy'

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Well fine, then i'll say you assume I wouldn't fatten the meat up before harvesting. A good and proper split of fat and muscle would be required after all.
This was and is a concern of mine. Would the meat have any special properties being blessed (beyond divine taste)? Would the animals of the abyss be exposed to special or unique parasites? I have to assume cooked its ok since Riko does it but the organs are of course a risk factor.

But damn if the risk isn't worth it.

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I think wazu told riko to go get a piece of faputa as part of some plan hes cooking. maybe hes trying to get the cradle back?

Why is Faputa's body temperature so high that her nipples burn you? Is this a touch of realism from the boy? Such a powerful creature at that size would have a monstrous metabolism such that at rest they would be producing a lot of heat as a byproduct.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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Didn't Riko say that Wazukyan was the same? At least in terms of smell? I'm guessing its because of the eggs.

>get a piece of faputa
>plan he's cooking
>cooking piece of faputa
A man after my own heart.

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The combination of hot skin and soft fur makes her the perfect blanket

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I don't care about any of that or your weird fantasy, I was just correcting you about my wife's height and weight.

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Fortunately Regu does not have this problem being a robot that isn't limited by inefficient flesh bound methods of generating motion. His skin is comparable in temperature to a normal shota.

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moth is not dumb, moth is extremely cunning and manipulative.

> yfw we launch into another flashback after this one from Faputa's perspective + meeting Reg

Your "wifes" height and weight is as much of a fantasy as me wanting to eat blessed rabbit flesh. If you don't want to play along then don't.

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Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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>uhh shes just pretending to be a retard is all part of her super smart plan durrrrr
It's genuinely kind of sad how delusional you gnatfags are. I mean, it would be sad if it wasn't so funny.

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I bet clawbot had Toriko ranking powers and could instantly safely prepare all flora and fauna in the abyss with his (her?) cooking claw powers which is how Lyza did not die from false water or any of the other fuckery in the 6th layer

Nanachi fags would kill themselves in droves if that happened

I would have liked to introduce Veko's old owner to the pear of anguish. Oh well, a man can dream...

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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That's right,, I am Fluffzen.

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that's right, I'm fluffzen

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Do you think mr.happiness-sunshine-rainbows has tried catching the moth?
How many bodies has he lost on it?
It would be really strange if he doesnt appear before the village is destroyed and try to pull some epic prank on everyone

Its certainly possible but if Riko is anything to go by Lyza is a culinary genius and would have no issue making good abyss food for herself. Hell the flashback of her and Reg involves her feeding him after all.

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>Its certainly possible but if Riko is anything to go by Lyza is a culinary genius
retard-kun, it was Torka who was the culinary genius.

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Hard to say, without narehate powers I don't think he would have had a chance in hell catching her, especially with the robot guard as well, so he may have just thought it was beyond his abilities/didn't want to get involved.

You got a panel to prove that?

Compared to dumb smelly stink rat who sold herself like a cheap prostitute for a mitty clone and now gets gangbanged by tiny narehate every night while drugged in belafu's pimp pad. Moth would never sell self so cheaply without a ulterior motive. Moth is pure, moth is love.

Get cum stink rat

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I don't know user, we know from Lyza's journal pages that she basically tried to eat every creature she encountered.

Him serving a bowl of food means he is a culinary genius, as opposed to Lyza, who also serves a character food not being one? And i'm the retard here?

Gonna assume you two didn't see the exclusive scene from the movie.

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I'm still not seeing a single panel user.

Anything from the actual manga?

Moth tore herself apart without a second thought at the mere idea of her dream finally being fulfilled, how different is she really? if you ever cared about anyone in your wretched life you might be able to imagine being distraught and making a snap decision without carefully considering the consequences properly first, just to make the intensely unpleasant thing happening to said person end immediately.

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>literally tears herself apart for the "stink rat" you hate so much
God gnatfags are almost as cucked as their gnatfu lol.

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>godly lock
well, user, it's a good time for you.

Why do bunposters and mothposters have to fight? Can't we be posters in fuwa fuwa arms?

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another good example of a decision made without any real thought is a man in texas (i think that's where) some years ago who walked in on his daughter who was like 10 or so being raped by an intruder. You can more or less imagine what happened, fortunately the father was acquitted because texas judicial system is based. Less based is that girl who has to live with not only being raped at that age but also witnessing a bare-handed murder.💢

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That dad is based,

a real human being and a true hero.

The girl was 5 actually

>off by a factor of 2
such is the ephemeral nature of memory⚾

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>asking others to be disgusting race traitors like you are
That's gunna be a major yikes from me chief.

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>vigilante justice is ok when i want it to be
I get the sentiment but not really able to support the logic or actions.

>race traitors
This is a form of autism I haven't encountered before.

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Neither of them are human anyway. You really care about their race at this point?

Narehate is the same race, they are literally subhuman


>vigilante justice is ok when i want it to be
it's a man defending his daughter and home. if he wen out to hunt down criminals from the morning news, that'd be vigilante justice

The slippery slope is a slippery slope eh? Why have law enforcement then?

>vigilante justice
how? it was in his house. it's actually the perfect use case for the castle doctrine you limp-dicked euroshit.

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>doesnt even have an excuse for his treachery
>the who cares argument, that'll show him!
You actually not read the manga or something?

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law enforcement is there for when you can't defend yourself, dummy. is the dad supposed to let his daughter get raped while he calls the cops? get the fuck out of here, you pseudo intellectual

Your image doesn't match your argument.
Is it ok to ignore the law because you want to?

I said we could get along, not that they're equal. My wife is clearly blessed with superiority.

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>bunfag trying this hard for (you)s

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>Is it ok to ignore the law because you want to?
>is it okay to ignore your daughter being raped because you are afraid of the law?
i hope you don't have kids

What're you a fucking cuck or something?

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>afraid of the law
>same as following the law
>implying following the law is cowardly
>implying you dont follow the law
Still not seeing your logic user. You can't have it both ways.

Well the law here states you can break any pedo rapist's head open like a melon that intrudes in your child's bedroom. The ruling affirms this. You're probably the dead guy's twitter friend or something defending it here, would explain why you're reading this manga too⚽

Are you trying to start the
-- war again? I don't have the time for that.

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okay, answer this one question that i already asked:
would you tell the dad to ignore his daughter being raped, so that he can call the cops and wait for them to save his daughter from being raped?

You can make all the baseless assumptions you want it doesn't stop you from defending a murder that didn't need to happen and a failing to follow the law. The fact you consider the law "based" in Texas for letting you kill people is to me, just as concerning as whatever unfounded implications you want to accuse me of. At least I don't relish in unneeded bloodshed like some kind of animal.
I do not defend the actions of the either criminal, you defend the actions of one.
No. Would you tell the father to kill the man?

>i dont have
Yeah that's pretty clear.

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>No. Would you tell the father to kill the man?
if he so desired, i would not cry over the rapist. so says the jury, so say i

>law allows you to kill people who are intent on harming you or your family
>can't be sued out of house and home by the family of a pedo rapist because you busted his head open like a melon to protect your daughter
I dunno, that sounds pretty based to me.

just filter the retard and move on.

I think I need to get MMD

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The main problem with vigilante justice is the removal of due process and fair trial, which is there to guarantee that an innocent person is not wrongfully convicted. None of this is present in this case. The father found the assault in process, and he took action to protect his daughter. In this case, the most you could say that he went too far in killing the rapist. According to the article, he didn't seem to mean to, and only did so accidentally in the act of protecting his daughter. Or perhaps he was just concerned about facing potential homicide/manslaughter charges. Who can say?

wrong picture dammit
totally not an excuse to post two Veko's i don't need an excuse for that

Your fortune: Average Luck

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>vigilante justice and race traitor discussions
The chapter came out 2 days ago guys

>i dont care if a man who doesn't need to be murdered is murdered
And that's my point.
>went too far
This is my exact point. But it's clear people are too blinded by their feelings on the subject to give it any thought.

A blessing on your head
Mazel Tov

Ok? So post something you want to talk about then? Instead of just whining like a little bitch and adding nothing to the thread? Or where you waiting for upvotes for your "witty" comment?

Absolutely seething

I mean technically it's miscegenation whether you breed the moth or the rabbit, assuming everyone here is human.🐍

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>i dont care if a man who doesn't need to be murdered is murdered
that's not the point. if someone jumps into a polar bear or other carnivorous animal pen to take selfies, i'm not going to be mad that the natural chain of logic dictates that they will die if not saved. you don't do something that will make a normal person insane with rage and expect that the person should restrain themselves. real people understand that, and thats why the jury let him off

>thats not the point
Maybe for you its not?
>expect a person insane with rage
So now he is an insane man that needlessly murder a man?
>real people
You justify your logic by claiming someone who disagrees with it isn't real and expect me to take you seriously? The jury let him off because they thought with their hearts not their minds, just like you are doing now.

>You justify your logic by claiming someone who disagrees with it isn't real and expect me to take you seriously?
if you lack the ability to understand the emotions of real people, i doubt that you are a real person.

And if you sandwich a roboshota?
I don't care what label anyone may put on myself or my wife, it's love and that's all that matters to us,

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>assuming my species
Fucking bigot.

I already said I understood the sentiment?
>doubt you are a real person
Ok, then i'm a fake person? You want to refute my points or keep talking about how your feelings dictate reality?

regu butt cant get pregnant and neither can veko's pie so no miscegenation is possible

the robot is our only legacy, i hope he never forgets us..

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lunatic-user has never cared for anyone or anything in his life, he sees the world through a lens of miserable rationality.

I think it's a bit much to call the father a murderer. There is such a thing as a justified killing. I'm honestly unsure if I could call this entirely justified, but I cannot indict the father for his actions. We weren't there, and we can't know exactly how the beating transpired. What we do know is that it wasn't premeditated, and that it was done in defense of another. You talk about being blinded by feelings, but I would argue that feelings do have a place in the discussion. After all, feelings and visceral reaction are why we call crimes "heinous."

As an aside, and not as a rhetorical question to support any part of the argument: Hypothetically, let's say the rapist was not beaten to death by the father, but was executed by the state. Would you call this murder?

>Ok, then i'm a fake person?
you are an NPC
>You want to refute my points or keep talking about how your feelings dictate reality?
you have no point. all you keep saying is that the law wasn't followed; but the fact is the law is enforced by humans wherein they understand there are circumstances in which the strict 1:1 interpretation of the law does not fit the needs of real people

I thought that was an anus and vagina from behind

Rolled 57 (1d100)

What? Which panel? How? Where??

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>miserable rationality
You consider being rational to be miserable? And call me a lunatic?
Its a bit much to call someone who murdered a man a murderer? I think you just want to try and justify it but have trouble doing so after thinking it over. Of course feelings have a place but are you saying feelings are an excuse for murder? I assume you do not.
If executed by the state it wouldn't be a removal of law, but an enforcement of it and so it would be ok. Which is my point, the criminal should have been given his day in court. His rights where ignored and a murderer went free despite that and it is being justified by nothing but feelings.
You can dismiss my humanity all you want but you are still using feelings to justify a murder. I have stated points, you just ignore them. The logic you use could be abused in abhorrent ways but you are ok with that so long as it sits well with your emotions, and I am saying that isn't a good thing.

the image on the left

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Better hope he doesn't meet another loli with a torture chamber

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damn im half blind and I pulled back away from my screen as far as I can still can't begin to see it. Blessed imagination-fag

rationality on its own is a path to being black pilled and oblivion

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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>you are still using feelings to justify a murder.
>an NPC that doesn't understand emotions is puzzed as to why the father acted in an illogical manner.
every person on the jury looked into themselves and asked if they were in the same situation, would they have been able to be logical. they decided that they probably could not. because they are real people

And using feelings to justify arguing against yourself is better in your eye? Using logic does not mean you have to be emotionless, it means to temper that emotion and to understand it so it doesn't cause you to start making arguments that go against yourself.
I am not puzzled by why he did it. I am saying what he did was wrong despite his feelings.That feelings do not justify murder in any reasonable place in this world. You abandon logic, and so find yourself saying it is ok to kill others and deny them their rights so long as you feel better afterwards.

it's too bad euroshits can't even defend themselves or their family in that shit hole of a continent but even worse that they try to justify it

>I am saying what he did was wrong despite his feelings
not according to the court

How is it illogical to kill some one who is trying to kill or permanently scar your offspring? That is incredibly logical to defend your lineage and property

i dont think im going to unlock dino or spooky before this stupid shit ends

quick give me likes

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I wouldn't know, I am not European.
Which as I said, where not thinking with their minds. In fact others have said this too. But the fact of the matter is that man was not alive to defend himself to begin with. He did not see his day in court and the man who was let free after murdering him learned the lesson that if he is upset he can kill, and get away with it. You support that idea by arguing in his favor.
Because you do not need to kill someone to stop them from doing that and because here in the US we live under laws that decide if a man should hang for his actions or not. Ignoring those laws goes against living in this country which, if you live here, is not logical or reasonable at all. Do you disagree?

What's the points needed for the final thing? I don't see that stuff because of Yea Forums X, but when I post it tells me. Apparently I have 561 points.

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>if he is upset he can kill
learn what castle doctrine is
>I wouldn't know, I am not European.
i can't believe someone so cucked isn't in europe. aus/nz then?

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It is illogical to not defend your offspring from assault if you are able. Its illogical to defer only to the law and expect them to actually have your best interest in mind especially since we live in such a hostile system.

>the man who was let free after murdering him learned the lesson that if he is upset he can kill, and get away with it.
his lesson is that: if someone rapes my daughter, i'm not legally bound to keep you alive
i can live with that

how the fuck should i know?

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You don't gotta be a cunt about it m8
I'd give you 'em if I could, I don't use the features

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I say I live in the US in the post you responded to. Not that where you live matters all that much to something like this.
Castle doctrine does not excuse him killing when he did not need to. He went too far in protecting his child as her safety did not require the mans death.
I agree, but defense does not mean murder. If you do not believe in the system that you are currently living under and literally paying for every day you are being illogical, and should either lobby to change it or move somewhere else.
You would prefer laws are written based on feelings? I can think of a dozen reasons why you shouldn't be just by being in this thread. Or is it only your feelings that matter?

didn't mean to come off as cunty, i love ya cunt.

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>Castle doctrine does not excuse him killing when he did not need to.
it literally did though
stop posting

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Please keep spoilers in spoiler tags, thanks.

You are essentially using the same tier of argument of "why dont cops shoot people in the legs" unless someone is much stronger or well trained it is impractical/impossible to restrain thus the best course of action is to go all out regardless of what happens to the assaulter.

that's a good watermark
btw put marquee in your options to do probably the most obnoxious one, you have enough points. Well, that or partyhat. It's a toss-up really.⚾

I didn't even notice that. Fixing that right away.

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It did not, the jury did. That doctrine does not excuse murder when it is unnecessary, its pretty clear about that, as it should be considering what it allows.
You are saying the life of a citizen is not important? Men should not have their day in court if it is not convenient? That because it is impractical to act rationally and justly in every situation it shouldn't be attempted in any of them?

>going all-out
>just this ones
>not just using the exact amount of force required to diffuse the situation while calling the cops
You don't even deserve to have a daughter if you can't do that to a pathetic pedophile. He should have hung for killing that based loli lover. He was one of us, could have even been a future mangaka...

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My smirk almost turned to a chuckle user, this post was so close to perfect.

>You would prefer laws are written based on feelings?
lol, all laws are based on feelings. things we are AFRAID of, things that make us MAD, things that make us SAD. even the most objective of laws will have allowances for circumstances like we are discussing because laws arent made to make people obey. the law is meant to protect real people

no problem have a pancake bun for your troubles

Your fortune: Average Luck

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Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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So you support the obscenity law then?

wether i support it or not is moot. all laws are based on feelings whether you like it or not. there is no master computer printing out rules for humans... probably. so saying we can only interpret the law logically is in itself illogical


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yikes on the fortune

...I really REALLY want Veko to take me on a journey with her lullabies, want to know the kinds of words she kept close to her heart through all the pain, who she heard them from originally, for her emotions to seep from each verse out of every cadence and into my soul. I don't think I could stop myself from crying even if it kills the mood. It has to be the most beautiful singing voice on the planet. Has Nanachi ever sung?

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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again with this... that's twice now

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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It is not moot actually. You choose to support the idea that all laws are based on feelings. So then I can confirm you do support it, because if you didn't you wouldn't be arguing it was ok a man was let free based on feelings. Knowing that then, you admit to the idea that being in this thread makes you a criminal and you should be prosecuted based on the obscenity law. Yet you won't turn yourself in will you? Because of your feelings you ignore the law but also choose to support it when you see fit, because you are not thinking with your mind you are thinking with your heart. And that is the issue I have. Your feelings are preventing you from seeing things logically.

Rolled 98 (1d100)

In the shower, my wife doesn't sing, she dissociates.

She doesn't sing much, but she hums a lot when doing things like drawing. If she is listening to music then she does a little but it's quiet.

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>are you saying feelings are an excuse for murder?
No. I'm saying feelings have a place in the formation of laws and the classification of crimes and actions, and in related discussions such as this. Emotions must be kept on a tight leash, lest they completely overrun any rationality or measure, but they can, do, and should inform our rationality.
I think you place a bit too much value on law and legal systems as concepts, but there is also some dissonance. You say that an execution by the state would be justified as enforcement of law, but at the same time still call the father a murderer despite him being acquitted by the legal system.
I believe in objective morals that exist outside of any legal system, and that those systems should be subservient to those morals. Those systems should not create those morals. Put another way, a laws and legal systems are processes created to ensure the outcome of justice and moral rightness. Arbiters only do their best to be just; they do not generate justice. If a citizen's actions circumvent the process but retain the outcome, I would call that justified.

I will read and think about whatever you say should you respond, but I won't reply. I have to get back to work, and I take way too long to type one of these things out. But I have enjoyed this short back-and-forth, I value your viewpoint (although I disagree with it), and I hope you don't get put out by the other anons who are disparaging you.

Jesus man.....why you gotta...say shit like that? Fuck.

>Because of your feelings you ignore the law but also choose to support it when you see fit, because you are not thinking with your mind you are thinking with your heart. And that is the issue I have. Your feelings are preventing you from seeing things logically.
dude, what? like i said before, an NPC won't understand

It's not like I can take her to a doctor, don't say a vet but I'm quite positive she has some level of PTSD. But I even do that (dissociate) myself and I haven't had anything quite as traumatic happen compared to what she went through.

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She's gone through so much, I just want to fill her remaining days with happiness. I really hope I can.

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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For some people, the feeling of being in your own head commonly referred to as shower thoughts is a curse. I think Nanachi would be one of those people. Spending quality time with a wife who is severely damaged is extra important because you can distract her from those thoughts altogether! That's just how I see it anyway.

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The father is not the law, the fact he was acquitted by the jury does not justify the idea that emotions should allow excessive violence and murder because the law itself states as much. The jury is not the law, it works for the law and as such is not infallible. Not to say the law is, but it is what we use to judge the actions of citizens and so must be trusted or else all is lost.
>If a citizen's actions circumvent the process but retain the outcome, I would call that justified.
That is more or less the definition of justifying vigilantism. If I saw a theft occurring and kidnapped the criminal for the exact number of years they would have been jailed, giving them the exact rights in that confinement, am I then justified as well?
I enjoy it, more or less.
If you are unable to explain yourself properly why continue a dialogue? You have said this several times and so I suppose I should be aware of your inability to discuss this? You should know that when you find yourself incapable of discussing something it is you that are incapable, despite whatever insults you wish to use.

Yeah, exactly! That's why I cut my hours down at work, so I can spend more time with her. Less money, yeah, but it's enough to live and have what we need and some luxuries. It's not like we can go out on the town anyway, I much prefer picnics in the forest clearing.

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>If you are unable to explain yourself properly why continue a dialogue?
you havent addressed the contradiction of applying only logic to an inherently illogical system, so i laughed at you, for avoiding the obviously difficult points

I am not only applying logic? Why would you think that? I am applying the law, are you now arguing the law only works on logic?

i have an easier time believing you live with nanachi than you have a job.

>Why would you think that?
>you are not thinking with your mind you are thinking with your heart. And that is the issue I have. Your feelings are preventing you from seeing things logically.
c'mon dude this is why no one can take you seriously

How else would I afford internet? What is so hard to believe about an user having a job?

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I will marry Riko!!

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The fact your feelings prevent you from seeing it logically does not mean I do not attend to my feelings or listen to them? Why is that confusing? Can you not do both?

Facts don't care about your feelings, _____

Attached: maga bun.png (404x408, 161K)

Sniff bunny or cum on bunny?

Your fortune: Excellent Luck


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I agree. And laws should not be written by feelings either. Which is why I took issue with the idea of letting a murderer go free when he prevented a man from seeing his day in court despite it not being necessary.

sniff cum on bunny.

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also late on this, but the avg 12 year old girl now hasn't had their growth severely stunted by malnourishment, anyway I'd say she's just shy of 100 (without the hair)

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Heads she joins tails she diesCoin Flip: Heads

Already not a big fan of "cumming on" as a concept, yeah I get it's like marking but that doesn't have a big appeal for me and also it feels sooo much better to stay in and keep moving while cumming. Pulling out at that crucial moment is like borderline ruined orgasm tier.

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>thinking the boy bows to fate

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Didn’t knew belafu was a girl. Her looks reminds me of senku from dr stone

Not seeing your point.⚽

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I'm genuinely not understanding you here. Those are the world averages for weight and height by age. Which is what was used by that poster to estimate Nanachi's weight based on age. Whats the issue?

I'd rather look at this moth fucking desu

The height obviously being absurdly off or Bondrewd is like 10 feet tall which he isn't.

I have yet to see proof those fan edits of that image are canon.

Who says he isn't?

I already stated that my wife is 3'2"

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god i hate speedreaders (speedlookers?)
Clearly nanachi's diet of stale banana peels and garbage wasn't exactly conducive to being the right size for her age. Can't undo the past, only make sure her nutritional needs are well met now.

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He stated twice that he knew she wasn't that heavy but said she was because of his heart boner. So yeah fuck speedreaders, like you.

I'm grossed out at just the idea that you imagine yourself fucking someone with the same height as me.

Nothing but larpers left huh?

We have a moth.

i was responding to you though, as if fan edits are the only indication of character height.

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It only ever was larpers.

Shhhhhhh don't talk to the moths.

I don't give a flying fuck about Nanachi you started posting about averages so I posted them and you asked what my point was because you're confused. No one in MiA is average, obviously. So don't bring up averages then.

i also said my wife was under 100 lbs when he mentioned it, as if that was also a point he was trying to make. You probably didn't realize because you speedread the thread.

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>ywn reach into orby's spacious asshole and squeeze his huge strong prostate

That is really gay user.

Your "wife" was never a part of the cannibals discussion, your obsession with blogposting about fictional characters has made you deranged. He never mentioned her once.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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>too dissociated from reality to even realize Veko is real

yikes. must be some kind of curse.

Attached: unknown-27.png (457x285, 142K)

I guess admitting when you made a mistake is too hard then huh?

No mistakes here friend, just smugly replying to you as much as possible so I can make as many enormous thread busting party hats as I can.

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I was starting to like you too, damn fucking shame.

Why in fucks sake would you ever like ANYONE in these threads?

some faceless user almost liked me? That warms my heart. I probably would have almost liked you too if I knew you.

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I knew you.

I genuinely don't care who you think you knew.

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oops, forgot something important...

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You care.

You see through me so easily. Half of me thinks you're lunatic-user fucking with me but the other half thinks maybe you were sincere. How about I admit I was wrong just to be on the safe side? Bun eater didn't mention Veko or my claim and I was jumping on it for no reason, I defensively cascaded into shitposting to damage control because I really do care and I'm sorry about doing that too, I won't do it ever again. Start over?

Your fortune: Outlook good

Attached: JPEG_20190125_203336.jpg (513x684, 52K)

Genocide soon!


>mfw vueko sitting in the pit and naming all the children

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Prushka set out on a happy journey too.

Are they drooling or crying?

It really is a kind sweetness that also stings. I am really glad Veko could be there for them and vice versa, they deserved each other's company. I have very mixed feelings about Wazy now though whereas before I was 100% on board with what he was doing except maybe the killing still alive babies... I'm sure no one was going to starve to death if they waited one lousy day and rationed better.

Attached: rubbing.png (385x733, 190K)

Why not both?


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I just can't understand their reaction to the birth of Faputa

you know not replying isn't as bad as flat-out rejecting my olive branch but it still leaves me a little bit on edge.

"Finally some good fucking food"

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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>I have very mixed feelings about Wazy now though whereas before I was 100% on board with what he was doing except maybe the killing still alive babies... I'm sure no one was going to starve to death if they waited one lousy day and rationed better.
If tails he did nothing wrong
If heads he did what he had to doCoin Flip: Tails


Everything else I could at least grit my teeth and tell myself it's the only way to keep Veko alive, even if my heart is ripping at the seams watching her agonize over Iru's tormented existence, even if I wouldn't begin to know how to comfort her in that state, at least she would be alive. At least maybe things could be better again someday if we just held on, you know? That'd be the only thing keeping me from going insane, but making her the permanent hugbox for a living village was never needed or acceptable, I would throw hands with that Wazukyan fellow for that even though he'd probably knock me on my ass.

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user can i have sauce please?

what a plottwist at the end.

check the filename, he probably doesn't have it either. Filename is also the best way to recognize fake veko posters, they have Yea Forums file names or phoneposting file names.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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came from here



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If i find fat moth tit sauce, i will curse all of you by cropping all images so you can't find anything

>Regu still has arm
hoo boy gotta go through Idofront hell fight to reach my wife, that's gonna be rough but I'd do it.

Also, didn't know you could do multiple options at once

Only with showscore.

we'll see about that

just wait at the altar until it all blows over

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Is the yearning for boys and girls stopped?

not an option really, just me being there changes everything, they might lose if I don't do everything I can to help. That means Regu becomes a science experiment, Riko becomes a whistle or catridge, Nanachi is back in her personal hell, and I'm probably going to be one of those self-shitters in bondrewd's basement. That's real bad.

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I wish.

Why do i keep coming back to these threads

I only yearn for Ozen and she's an adult.

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yearning is not stopped


Your fortune: Better not tell you now

I wonder if me being there would make the fight easier or harder

...also showscore and fortune don't stack apparently thanks moot
let's try this again

Your fortune: Bad Luck

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Why is the area around his mouth and nose brown?

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new chapter when


Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

It's a symptom of the yearning curse, at the bottom of the Abyss

I tried my best but i can't find it, it's probably lost on Twitter

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the warmest, most loving embrace you could ever find in the abyss, and it comes from a soul that has known pain like no other. If you're lucky enough to find yourself in those arms... don't let go!!❤️

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Jesus you fucking people I'm gonna take down the MEGA if you morons keep bringing unrelated shit in here for me to slog through and archive.

take down the MEGA

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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I need to go to bed...god am I tired.

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Nice chapter but, where did all that value and balancing shit come into play? The village origins dont seem to have a thing to do with it.

do it fagget

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

This was absolute kino.

Can't wait for anime/movies to get to this

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Is Ozen's hair so hard to draw?

Rolled 97 (1d100)

Moff will fuck me for how many hours in a row again?

Hell I get angry just for seeing that fucking bird

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Lmao dude, your dick finna whittled down to a pencil💯

Do you think Tsukushi prefers lolis or shotas?

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Why this guy ñooks like your typical rapist

Head: lolis
Tail: shotasCoin Flip: Tails


Nanachi is a kemono, not a furry.

wrong nanachi is an eldritch abomination

Why were they kicked out of their village? Some of them could have been village chiefs with their abilities.


Belafu is smart enough to notice what they were feeding him and Wazu can see the future, for example. Those abilities can help villages prosper seeing as they were from like, 3000 years ago.

But I don't understand what you are talking about, they live in the village

They were kicked out and had to find a new home in the abyss.

When is that mentioned?

On the boat.

Not in any translation I've seen

Weren't they just castaways from their respective home countries and wanted to start a new life somewhere else? Maybe they were criminals and wanted to escape, it doesn't mean they were stupid or something like that

Oh, it wasn't on the boat. It was when they were in the abyss.

Based on the text, yes. We have no idea what they were before this though, but they made a society because they appointed sages. Kind of weird.

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Based shotacon

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All things nice must end, must they not?

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Maybe they gut banished as a result of some internal conflict or something.

I bought a Nanachi Nendo
She's going right next to my Wise Wolf

Attached: nanachi nendo.jpg (650x800, 148K)

I have this one!
My only complain about it is that Mitty is very small, even for the manga design.
Also, it's pretty much impossible to make Nanachi stand like in the picture, since the weight of the hat will pull the whole thing back if you don't make her look up a bit.

Dude, you're being stubborn at this point. You don't seem to get through your head the points that have already been made.
1. Legal systems are there to help civilians and are based on our morals and logic, if you discard the feelings of a person in distress but you uphold the law then you're being retarded. It's like taking care of a house while the foundation is being destroyed.
2. People aren't rational. The man acted irrationally, but at the same time, it's understandable. Maybe you would cry in the corner and fap, but the majority of people would be enraged to the point they won't know what they're doing.
3. The man that got killed raped the man's daughter in his house. Someone else already used the analogy that a normal person wouldn't jump in a lion's den for anything. This person was looking for trouble and he found it.

I hope I made it as simple enough for you, but who knows. If the law had punished the man, then it would discourage any future men from beating the shit out of any rapists in their homes. That's beneficial for rapists I guess, but the majority of people don't want their children raped. Also, think about the trauma the girl would go through now knowing that her dad is in prison, her mom now having to bear the expenses of the household, and on top of that the psychologist's bills. It's honestly a good thing that the man was not imprisoned.

From the thumbnail, the panel on the left looked like a close-up butt with semen dripping from the anus.

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So, is it safe to assume that a new layer is created every 2000 years?

Jesus Christ mate, your interpretation of law and how it should be upheld is dowright retarded.

No, only retards and people emotionally invested in their headcanon think that. So only retards I guess

obviously another flashback with moth and reg

Nah, that's supposed to come just before or after she's killed

... No it didn't.

speedreader here
what layer did reg and lyza meet on?
was it before or after she "died"?
was it before or after reg met moth?

>those replies
Sad to see that these threads are dead.
I mean I already knew it but it still sucks.

If you read it at all you'd know we don't know any of that.

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I thought it looked like a sperm.

>was it before or after reg met moth?
Pic related

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does anyone have this cover of volume 6 but with the back part too? It's the only one I've never seen and I can't find it on the internet. The format is like pic related

Attached: page002.jpg (1650x1175, 219K)

yikesing at

Attached: D2pcCbkUYAAONzj.jpg (1200x849, 160K)

Yea but only this shitty version, you'll have to wait until the english version is released in a few months to get a decent version

Attached: Made in Abyss - c039 (v05) - p000x1 [LQ] [Front Cover] [anonymous]{v2}.jpg (3500x2448, 655K)

Thank you, yeah I gave up on finding it and I too was waiting for the english version in June, but I figured some of you would have it saved somewhere. Thank you again

I must be missing something obvious, what does this prove ?

searching your pic on google I also found this version, which was posted here on Yea Forums last year

Attached: 1510675448938.jpg (1740x1180, 1.45M)

Look on Reg’s back

Reg has Lyza's weapon on his back. So this has to have happened after he met her and before he made the grave on the 4th layer.
Also Lyza met "clawbot" nearing the 7th layer and she obviously met Reg later then that.

Can the village survive if Veko dies though. It would be a nice tragic way of ending it.

"Those are some nice boobs there, nnaa~~"

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this fucking artist again...

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Fucking hate that guy

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I'll post something cool in the next thread.

I don't care who survives if Veko dies, but I would say it's about 50/50 at this point depends whether or not Wazu was lying about their "connection" or not. He was already lying at that point so it's feasibly bullshit.

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What's wrong, my niggas?

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I want to make Veko wear revealing clothing and watch her embarrassed expressions

It's finally good to be back after being banned. I missed out on both showings of the movies as well as the chapter release.

it's good to finally be back* it's been so long since you communicated with anyone that you kinda forgot, huh? Cute!!

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i want to see a recreation of this but with belafu and the babies

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Pretty much. I only ever post here and a few other places (not as much as in here) and mainly lurk outside of here. It's so lonely being gone for so long.

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Hello Andrew, how's things in wacky world today?

for some reason she's a lot more flustered in indecent clothing than when she's stark naked, it is very cute.

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so who the fuck is Juroimoh anyways

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someone who arrived later I guess. The big guy from Ganja had a different name if I recall correctly


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Good night.

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That big guy is one of the few people who literally did nothing wrong, I bet he had a heart of gold.

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Explain why the most rational thing to do would be to somehow hold back on the immediate defence of a family member?

because cops exist or something

They were gonna teleport to the house the moment it started happening?

>half the thread is about the law

Better than that shitty baitposter, I suppose.

You'd stand there and watch it happen until cops come to help?

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The average police arrive time in America is like 20 minutes.

>so that kind of person's doing this job now...

Whoever it is, it came after the village creation, also Veko knows him.
Also look at the mouth the beard and the "magic sword"

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Is April Fool's over?

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i see the parallels but we just don't know
it will be satisfying to see my wife's tormentor be exterminated though if it is him

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Do you guys just come into MiA threads to witness the cringe?

Is there anyone here who has the official English releases? What can you say about the quality of translation?

papa's pole/10
ido front/10

It's good.

They'll fix Cradle of Greed to Cradle of Desire whenever this volume gets adapted.

So when are we getting the next chapter?

Volume 8 is scheduled to come out in May the 30th 2019 and he only needs one chapter to reach his 160 pages, plus he needs to draw cover art and additional pages so I'm guessing May 10th or 20th

After me and reg's marriage.

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I wasn't there when it happened, but what about those extra chapters about Orth and Jiruo meeting Ozen? Did they come out as normal chapters or as bonus chapters in the volume? I really want to know what Jiruo and Ozen are up to

Did he tweet saying the volume is coming out on the 30th of May or something? I'm not finding this anywhere. Seems weird he has a scheduled date when he doesn't have a set schedule for chapters.

The chapter will be out when it's done. I don't know why faggots are always harassing him about chapters.

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>the longest living person on Earth right now is a virgin

Is Veko so long living she's actually a virgin?

How did she survive without food and water?

>scorelets have been replaced with resolutionlets
absolutely disgusting

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The black ring around her neck and the ropes attached to it and the walls of the cave (Iruyumi's brain) serve as umbilical cords.

I saved it from this thread
The error has been rectified

pls respond

Buy the volumes.

this doesn't answer my question. I asked if those extra chapters came out like all the other chapters on the website or just in the tankobon.

The extras were not regular chapters. They're bonus. 3 bonuses.

they came out during the 6th volume

ok, thanks

It already has an ISBN number (978-4-8019-6627-7)
If you search that a japanese site comes up where it says that release date is 2019/05/30.
Plus he always has a set schedule for the volume releases but usually it's during the summer.

I wish the anime had been 24 episodes. The trollercoaster of suffering would have been so much deeper than just seeing Mitty turn into a rug. Now going into S2 everyone expects dark shit so it won't have the same impact.

Next chapter should be ~25 pages. Since Tsukushi was working on it since before the chapter came out, he has about 65 days to do it.

He took 91 days to do 49 pages previously. He SHOULD make it on time, but he's been watching a lot of movies recently. Plus, he's traveling overseas as well.

Yeah, I did a bunch of googling and found it. I guess his editor doesn't tell him when chapters should come out, just that he should have a deadline for volumes in mind.

Let our boy work at his own pace. You can't rush quality.

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so nervous seeing my king unprotected in our cruel world, I need to protect him.

Just IMAGINE. Riko hasn't even hit her sexual peak yet.

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So this isn't actually about Riko... it's about Regs harem

500th for Riko x Reg

stop burning through these threads so fast

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>fucking a zombie

see you on the next layer friend

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>mfw there are people who don't think Ozen is the best girl.

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They can't get pregnant and they sold the most last season.

im not so weird after all, graph is p much the same for me except move the whole thing back three years and put 50 bar where 30+ is

>They can't get pregnant
You can say this about 90% of the females in the manga

>11 year olds

Why are you a pedo?

so beautiful i cant help it

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Wait, the females, or the fe(males)?

>507 posts
Where is that bunlimit slacker?

Both I guess

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That feel when you realize Tsukushi isn't infatuated with the age of 12 because the kids are precocious and cute, but because they can't be impregnated at that age and he can go raw and enjoy clean fun.


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>but because they can't be impregnated at that age

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Why doesn’t he just fuck women post menopause?

Yes, there are always exceptions. That means trannies can argue that men CAN be women and that men CAN get pregnant because of weird, exceptional birth defects.

user that bun could be a boy

>age 5

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Why don't you eat expired meat?

>based and ozenpilled
same, she would make the best wife to start a family with in the abyss

Oi you biggot, how dare you assume that she's isn't nonbinary.
Bun is a strong independent bad dragon dildo who don't need no man.

There's probably a lot more in history around that age or even younger.

But because they live in bumfuck nowhere they're just not recorded, or they're so old nobody ever thought of recording it.

Must be nice living in those times.

Ozen is 80 years old. Good luck impregnating that. Also she’ll probably die in a few more years anyway

>Wazu: "Damn, at this age they could have been eaten with filling!"

Next time Tsukushi streams I want to ask him if Ozen could get pregnant, but I'd need someone to translate.

There's so many questions I'd like to ask him.

Just post this

her canon age is "at least 50"
she might have hit menopause but she is still hot and can still make a good wife even if she can't make children.

She’s been a white whistle for 50 years. That’s not her actual age

>a good wife even if she can't make children.
based good opinions

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