Once April Fools is over we all die and get isekai'd. The points we earn here are points for our stats...

Once April Fools is over we all die and get isekai'd. The points we earn here are points for our stats. What are you going to put all your points into?

Attached: Effects of punching water.jpg (752x440, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Luck is the only stat worth a damn.

180 charm

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explosive magic of course

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lucky digits✔️

Put everything in STR, DEXfags need not apply

I'm going to be the luckiest player in the entire world!


Attached: 1543886432909.jpg (1280x1834, 294K)

Penis magic.
>Variable size + girth
>Cock brainwash
>Stamina buff
>Semen regen
>Cumshot Power +10


I'm gonna hardcore dump into Dex/Speed to dodge all the dumb bullshit other anons are gonna try to pull and also Magic Resistance/Wisdom/Whatever so even if they hit me it doesn't do shit

Intelligence. Then I can finally enjoy konosuba

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Attached: shalltear smile.png (752x509, 491K)

int and luck are the only stats worth a damn. Why bother with swords and shit when magic exists

I'm going to spend it int because i wanna be smrt


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My fortune will determine my fate

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

fuck you

Your fortune: Average Luck

Can I isekai as a new sex?

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Is there any way luck can actually backfire on someone? Like if they had a tough day and said "fuck I wish I was dead" would their luck make it so that they're lucky enough to get hit and killed by a passing carriage?

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Okay, but what about the rest of your stats?

atrength and dex at the cost of luck

What would 10,000 points in explosion do?
Nuclear apocalypse?


Dick size
Nothing else is necessary

I'll check these numbers

Necromancy skill tree.

how many points do I need to be a cute girl, that is all that matters.

That would work, but their luck would make them get Isekaie'd again.

How many points to be 6'4" with a strong jaw?

8675309 points

only if you write it yourself

Attached: Happy Minotaur.jpg (117x125, 3K)


This. Trips confirm. I can live without battling if I can have all the luck to make my dreams come true.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

>implying even placing my measly points to any stat would help at all
I accept my death with arms open

But what's better. Having many points or having few points?

Putting all my points in INT because then I'll earn more AP per battle and I'll unlock more abilities.

Put all my points into the Jewish Trickery skill tree

First man to ever get kicked out of an entire reality.

INT duh. I'm not dumb after all

enjoy getting BLACKED

I'm gonna get iseki'd as a fucking hobgoblin with these points....

Attached: tumblr_p790tjG5g81w7l907o1_500.jpg (500x500, 24K)

Int as the main stat, with a little bit of HP and then luck. I can focus on my growth, become the little girl, and then tank even rape.


Dino points. And then I'll run a little dino shop.

i would certainly use them, IF I HAD ANY


Chad points

Holy shit❤️


I'm screwed...

Heads: good boy points
Tails: sudokuCoin Flip: Tails

How do you even get that many in one day.

Later user

Neet much?

Here, have a like friend❤️

>The points we earn here are points for our stats

I chose SPEED

That sounds awful, I'll wait for death in some ditch

do it faggot🏴

10% STR
30% CON
40% INT
20% CHA
fuck DEX and WIS

charisma so i might actually get some friends

All in luck.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Why would they have a tough day in the first place? Their luck would prevent that

You can go the Raidou Kuzonoha 2 route and make it so too much luck alienates people

thank you, kind traveler

Just be the first person to a popular thread and say "like this post". Will get 1000p from that post alone.

>tfw still

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bad luck user


Luck is not a fucking stat, dirty japs and their shitty sistems

Attached: hi anon.jpg (200x200, 23K)

Yeah that’s gonna be a like from me senpai❤️

don't know really.


Everything into str.

How to check?



Gonna get "Lucky" maybe?
Perhaps you'll be an Otome villainess.

Attached: Resistant to heartbreak.jpg (165x271, 16K)

> Implying it's limited to nips

Attached: LUCK BE A LADY TONIGHT.png (341x285, 202K)

Can someone mog me hard? I don't enhoy being the biggest point guy in a thread, 2nd place is fine by me

good digits tho


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i’m a scorelet, so i’m putting them into CON so i don’t die.


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No matter how many points I get it won't stop me from being a loser in the other world. My cool stat is beyond negative.


if heads I fugg.Coin Flip: Heads

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I invest all my points into Moxie.

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will this little save me, I wonder?

fak this gay earthCoin Flip: Heads

Elins are my slaves..

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Not much.


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My height

Put it all into luck, go to the casino, use my winnings to buy better stats. Heads I clean the place out, tails I lose everything.Coin Flip: Heads

get isekai'd straight to hell


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if head i'm god for today.
if tails i instantly die.Coin Flip: Tails


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> Put all my points into str
> subtract 50 points from luck to put into dexterity
> Immediately trip while dodging and fall on my sword and die


Attached: ss (2016-03-11 at 01.12.09).jpg (1366x768, 183K)

Guys what should I do to get likes?

tails and (you) will fuck that creatureCoin Flip: Heads

That's a nice armpit.

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What are the options?


Nothing at all

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Rolled 77 (1d100)

I'm going to dump my roll stats into Luck.

I love isekai because my life is miserable and I wish I was dead.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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Wisdom is the one that allows you to be tranquil and content, it's the happiness stat.

Now for some kurisu.🥞

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Rolled 17 (1d100)

If I roll above 50, all my points go into stealth.

>tfw no points
I guess nothing.

It also gets you an AC bonus with just one monk level, the all-essential Will save bonus, and you can cast with it as a druid or cleric. Wisdom is truly patrician.


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If any good fortune, all my captchas get autochecked forever.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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Its always the joosCoin Flip: Heads

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Let me negate his fortune!

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

I will claim her as my bride!🏳️

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Or perhaps not.🏴

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Rolled 4 (1d6)

If dice matches dubs, I will be final boss.

Like and scrubscribe, scrubs!❤️

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I become a skeleton

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>Once April Fools is over we all die and get isekai'd
Tell me user, do you think most people who frequent this site would have even a fraction of a chance standing up to something that weighs hundreds of pounds with claws that could tear through your soft skin in an instant and a stinger just as deadly and poisonous to boot?

That AC bonus doesn't stack with armor though. It's only going to be a good option if you're pumping up both wisdom and dexterity anyway, which only really applies to monks and (most) rangers.

2 points into char. Maybe in the new world I won't end up a scorelet.

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I will invest all my points into Magic, and spend all my skill points in Explosion!

All into lust

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Cant rape the willing, sis.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

All in on magic obviously I'll become a master mage the moment I spawn and laugh at everyone who actually wasted their lives studying

That's why you're gonna need a cheat.

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I saw some guy on Yea Forums with 50000 points

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I'm going to beg the Isekai gods to make me a hentai orc.


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>had over 650 points
>lost them all

Attached: [YameteTomete] Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ - 04 (1920x1080 BD FLAC) [190DFD59].mkv_snapshot_18.27_[ (1920x1080, 204K)

They grant it but unfortunately you're that one orc that always gets cut down right before the others overpower the heroine and rape her, not satisfied with how quickly you died the isekai gods reincarnate you as a female adventurer in the most orc infested backwater they can find⚾

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Cheat for pussy.

Shouldn't have shitposted so hard user♨️


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My router reboots itself in the middle of the night. I'm a good boy, honest!


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To be fair, Kurisu's IQ is very high.

Wait, this still shows all of my unlocked perks. Maybe I still have them.

ready for that NPC life

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That's not how isekai works. You never get the pussy because Japs.

Time to get a watch!

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Are you living as a protagonist right now?

All into str, I want to become the tard baby


Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Kinoseeker has taught me to put all my points into agility.

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Hey woah no need to get angry fellow kurisuposter!

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>Orange man bad

Have a bunny Chrissy🖤

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Why need stat points when you have all the mighty modern knowledge.

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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500 into ass
200 into thighs
100 into tits

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I got 0 so what do I get?

Imma steal that fortune from you!

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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Man i would put a 1/4 in str, 1/4 in resistance, 1/4 in speed, and 1/4 in luck. Then maybe start working out to increase con

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Also, lets see what my luck would be like in this new world

I'll be an average, forgettable adventurer using standard generic equipment who takes boring fetch quests nobody else wants to do

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Dammit I forgot to put the options

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Damn straight.

A leggingless Kurisu!🐱

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> 340 points in charisma
> tell enemy to kill itself
> it kills itself

Attached: bestbro.png (1029x1080, 1.32M)

Why did you post a magic knight then. Do you just want to be contrarian? When getting isekai'd you'd literally shitpost with your build?

Once April Fools is over we all die and the points we earn here are our starting mana pools for pic related.

What are you going to put your points into?

Attached: isekai 1.jpg (1296x7688, 3.58M)

I have zero points lol I'll just die in that world and get isekai'd back somewhere else

Celeb 700🐸

Attached: f481122af476127f1664a444cecb8235de245235.jpg (950x1600, 698K)

Level 99
Chaos Zweihander
Grass Crest Shield
Giants Armor
Mask of the Father
Black Flame
Ring of Favour
Ring of Havel
48 Vitality
66 Endurance
16 fucken Strength
10 Dexterity (don't level that you fucking faggot)

This is my isekai build. Time to fucking pwn some demon lords.



Attached: isekai 2.jpg (1296x7864, 3.12M)

It's a good stat line.

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I'm fucked so I'll put them all on sex appeal

Rolled 71 (1d100)

If 100, we all just get rickrolled like last year.

Shit build desu

Attached: jund dex.png (587x691, 385K)

Rolled 14 (1d100)

Attached: 1514244356527.jpg (800x785, 42K)

Rolled 37 (1d100)

Rolling again

It won't happen that way. I'll use my superior human wit to become an Orc trapper who sets up devious traps to capture female adventurers unharmed so that they're more fun to molest.

Attached: marie_lewd_like_doujinshi.jpg (1920x1080, 898K)

Just like in real life!

Rolled 63 (1d100)


That's what all the orcs think.

How would KOL stats translate into classic rpg statd anyway?
>Muscularity = STR and END
>Mysticality = INT and WIS
>Moxie = DEX and CHA
is my best guess
Please give me points my children are starving

Only 800 points and you'll be out of the negatives!

How many points is dino?

Class: Bard

bitches love Bards

Hellyeah, just got a bunch of stuff. Just gonna test it out.

> Isekai gods look at you
> Roll their eyes
> Reincarnate you as a goblin
> In Goblin Slayer
> In a cave that Goblin Slayer and friends are already on his way to

Attached: siiip Ogre, now that was a good arc.jpg (198x315, 36K)


10 Likes! = Headpat!
20 Likes! = Hand holding!
30 Likes! = Kiss!
50 Likes! = Anal!
100! Likes! = Explosion!

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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>implying I'd spawn in one of those shitty low effort isekais with points and skills

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Real men always max strength

Your fortune: Average Luck

Attached: 1518460575993.png (1106x1059, 833K)

CoinflipCoin Flip: Heads

Rolled 1 (1d6)


That's a poor example considering what happened afterwards


Is my score cute




oh no, user! you've isekai'd and encounter Clementine.
What do?

Attached: Clem tiddies.png (580x731, 244K)

Give her a hug💚

All my shit into defense

STR/FTH. Paladin or fucking bust.

Attached: Gracefeel 02 (manga).png (868x1236, 418K)

Why does she love him again?

>Go to a restaurant with your harem of jade-like beauties to eat
>Suddenly, a wild young master appears!
>He properly sits down saying
>"Hey waiter give, if me every type of alcohol you have in your store."
>"For take-out I assume?", the waiter asks
>"No.", the young master denies, "I'll drink it all right here"
>Another customer hearing that stands up and exclaims
>"Hahaha, no, I'll be fine! Now, waiter, let's start with wine first!"
>murder hobo protag feels confused due to the unexpected development, because he was sure that he'd be faceslapping someone today, but appearently not this time?
>As time passes and the murder hobo protag and his harem are about to finish with their meal, the wine-drinking young master suddenly shows a strange smile on his face
>murder hobo protag can suddenly sense some sort of magical thought transmission, but only catches a few words
>"... weak human ... that smile ... my right toe ... mighty dragon!"
>murder hobo protag feels very confused because todays events are totally different from the usual chink cultivation cliché
>all of a sudden the young master turns to the murder hobo protag with a red-faced grin on his face
>this bizzare event made the murder hobo protag run out of the restaurant with his harem following him. It was just too different from the usual!
>After he made his exit, murder hobo protag saw a scholarish daoist with a bashful smile standing on the road, mumbling to himself
>"That noble kid got potential on a similar level to that one grass porridge sculptor guy I once encountered, but he's still a little chick in comparison."
>the scholar daoist goes his merry way, but when murder hobo protag turns around he made a shocking discovery!
>all the roof tiles of the restaurant are gone!

Based and casulpilled.

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Nothing, this is my first post of the day.

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Spd, Dex, Str so I always have the high ground

Attached: jahy high ground.jpg (844x1200, 256K)

All points into Wisdom. Become the Sage.

>Give her a hug

Hug was not effective
Clementine counters with fire & lightning stiletto's to your eyes.

You Died.

Thanks. How many points until spookies?

She's more along the lines of reluctant due to the wide obstacle separating them.

>“I will... suffer thee to do so.”
>For some reason, God had returned to her previous stiff style of speech, but I wasn’t in a state to think about why.
>“Fool. You really are... a fool.”
>Yes. I have nothing to say in my defense. My grandfather was hoping for a great-grandchild. He’s going to be disappointed.
>“I have no body of flesh.”
>I’m aware.
>“I do not have the strength to form an Echo.”
>I’m aware.
>“No matter how deep your feelings, you can only love.”
>I don’t care. I’m ready for that.
>“Such a fool...”
>And, softly, she smiled.

Attached: idyllic origin story.png (991x1000, 2.07M)

1000, or so I've been told

> Max out Charisma
> Max out Strength
> Max out Endurance

Attached: ASS WE CAN.jpg (1200x1601, 186K)

Heads: Mira's Smug Build
Tails: Mile's Average BuildCoin Flip: Tails

Meguka is pain.

Attached: sample_17bdd06a9a9a5b148cc92f6b2dcd37a5.jpg (850x1275, 105K)

>user get isekai as female
>another user get isekai as male
>both meet
>male user rape female user and makes her a cock slave.

Your fortune: Average Luck

Attached: 1541884636293.gif (425x425, 223K)


I guess I put all points into "Averageness", then!

Attached: average.jpg (422x600, 71K)

Meguka is suffering.

Attached: d0160ecd69c9febbba100e685a7e95a59422e0d9.jpg (1000x707, 542K)

3 parts luck and 2 parts agility (to run from danger)

Attached: db235c6aab45922f2d78d4932c94db75.jpg (1000x1361, 706K)

Attached: sample_7a3c2b4ab6c1036d0ff36f4e49645267f320b141.png (850x1203, 914K)

Rolled 70 (1d100)

Forgot to roll for my number of stat points.

Attached: 8c8b769560cf836c2c4c474929744bb08c4916e5.png (868x1228, 959K)

Rolled 10 (1d100)

Me as well.

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DEX & STR and claim to be a muscle Wizard

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Everything into INT so I can have the best taste in another world

This really dasu's my genki!

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health and agility, though I'm a scorelet🙁

Just be yourself

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Just Monika.

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A little bit of Monika.

Attached: 501.png (1280x1512, 951K)


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What score?


Depends on what Embryo I get.

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I'm gonna die with my low stats and its all of your faults.

Is this the thread?

I'm not gonna make it.

I'm just postin and this is merely a thread
That was a fun fight

I was going to put all my points into being louder, but I'm past 11 now. Bummer.

Based high scorechad

I spread all of them evenly between stats.
Hopefully that will be enough to make me not a gibbering retarded paraplegic.

So this is the thread!

>24 points

There's a special place in hell for people like you.

Attached: quality brainlets.png (471x636, 307K)

Forcecage into Delayed Blast Fireball spam
Sucks to be her

This guy is right. Just have uber-luck and you'll succeed in whatever world you end up in.

Oh let's see

>Stop Time
>Release time
Rinse and repeat for 30 days nonstop.

Technically not true since there's some things luck can't save you from

Faggot, ask for likes, like a real man.

Actually, let's check.

Your fortune: Average Luck

There's literally nothing being lucky can't prevent or help you escape from.

I mean for example even rolling absolutely nothing but twenties won't help you against time stop into Wall of Force spam followed by, say, Stone to Lava. Skill checks (such as diplomacy) aren't automatic successes on a natural 20, and just because you can hit the wall doesn't mean you can break it.

>1 point
I guess I better grind...


15 inches penis.

>all these luckfags
Everything in int
Ascend to a higher spiritual life from and gain infinite stats from including luck, nothing personel.

Attached: 1532258299337.png (1920x1080, 2.21M)

Hold up, if I'm black, what do I get isekaed as?

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Animal Handling🐶

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Fun fact
Chinese (Forma de Communist) gamer lingo has lucklets in gacha games (so people who dolphin or whale and get shit-all) "Negros" or "Africans", and people who have incredible luck "White People" or "Europeans".

Rolled 26 (1d100)

dubs user gets thrown in jail
evens user gets shot by the local guards
odds user becomes a normal adventurer

Attached: 1369846451728 (1).png (429x519, 166K)

I just want a simple life with a good wife, maybe I become a blacksmith or something.

Did I do it?

I'm expecting a permaban after this, honestly.

>all these people forgetting to put points into Anal Circumference
You poor fools never realised which world it was you are going to be isekaid into

All I want is a good home and a wife
And a children, and some food to feed them every night
After all is said and done, build a new route to China if they'll have you

>don't like posting much
>forced to be an introvert in isekai'd world as well
life is suffering

God I hope I get isekai'd in a few minutes

oooooooooooooo so close

Luck or health

75% INT/Magic related stats and 25% luck. While we're at it, let's see what my fortune would be

fuck. let's try that fortune again

Your fortune: Average Luck

Dexless sin just need to make a hot spring in the isekai land for my sauna robe.


That's not how time travel works.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

>Not being a priest chad

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Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Does this end at midnight Pacific time or what?


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Persuasion, Appearance, Haggling, and seduction.

Attached: 12345 (2).jpg (1280x720, 153K)

10 into food then I die

All arcane, all the time.

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The only thing that matters is dex

How do I get a Maria wife

>not luk+agi
git gud scrub

I'll be a monk or a fighter.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail


Utterly based trips of luck.

Which one(s)?

Maderaka's, surely.

Attached: 6.jpg.png (836x1200, 472K)

Bully the shit out of her in her piss-easy boss fight.

Attached: Bullying Maria.png (850x531, 324K)

You're going to need it if you don't realize Clownpiece's charm point is her cute legs clad in tights.

Attached: hells_judgment.png (1553x1649, 2.67M)

If she didn't telegraph like a uni slut on grindr in her second form she'd actually be dangerous
I want to have a Maria companion made for bullying

Dexterine/Int Hybrid


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Even in Rosmarinus-only fights against her she still gets hitstunned by every other tick.

Attached: Pushover.jpg (1000x3140, 909K)

Just buy some slaves.

Can I use my points to gamble for God Tier haxx abilities?


Gonna sell my points for cultivation pills and a very cheap and obscure dae jade tablet.



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I want Aqua to piss into my mouth.

Where's all the rape porn
Why is she so fucking weak

Probably dex. I won't have that many to play with.

>tfw scorelet


>implying anyone will ever get into that situation when they have abnormally large luck
You're thinking about adventuring way too much. Live a peaceful life full of fortune while some other unlucky guy with high stats takes on the demon army

Well Shit, Drop what little I have in to luck and hope

Doesn't actually work that way unless you subscribe to raw luck affecting the free will of entirely unrelated people
If you're isekai'd, and meant to be the hero of the story, it's totally possible that you'll get fucked regardless. Moreso that you might spawn in a world where you're fucked from the start with nothing but 'luck', since you only distribute the points after the fact generally

Can't I just max out all my stats at this point?


Attached: KAZUMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png (530x789, 468K)

With that many points you're stuck as a wizard

But I don't have to look like an old man with a gray beard and everything though right?

Imagine being an archmage who gets isekai'd and he tries his hardest to get laid and designs elaborate traps and schemes to make sure the succubus absolutely lands on his cock but he always fucks up somehow

This. Nice trips, user.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

I dont have points so I will die instantly to a slime hopefully is a lewd slime

I guess April fools isn't technically over yet huh?

The april fools stuff has lasted for like three days before.

Dick size.

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I'll put them into... uh... something, I guess.

lets see what i get

Fuck off to faggot.


I'm just glad that ain't like last year, that was a massive error.

Joke’s on you. I’ve been completely ignoring this, which means I’ll have power level zero, which means that I get laughed at and called “the zeroer” or something for two episodes until it turns out that having zero is actually the most broken power possible for some fucking reason.


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