I Return to The Countryside And This Awfully Attached Brown Ponytailed Loli is There

It's time for a story of a cute brown loli and her cousin.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Or is it?

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Why did you edit her nipple out? Are you ok?

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I didn't.

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Then who ever scanlated this is a garbage redditor:


This is a softcore loli ecchi manga. Removing shit is cringe. There are entire chapters with her nude.

Here's your canon nipple.

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You better not be posting hentai on this wholesome Christian website, user.

Huh, I just pulled it off the pixiv.

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It's actually just an optical illusion.

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Struggling with his inner demons. The poor man didn't know what he was in for.

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Yeah, thank god.

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And that's all, remember it's not gay if it's cute.

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That's all? What am I supposed to do with this boner?

Is that a guy or a girl?

is this porn

what's the point of scanlating the censored version lmao

absolutely homo

Read some Nagi Ichi.

What's with the looooooooong titles?

>Yea Forums is trying to make me gay again
P!ease no more.

Rolled 44 (1d100)


You'll take it and you'll like it.

oh no no no no no

I spent over a year in Japan in a rural area in high school as an exchange student and the younger of the two kids (the older of which was my age and one of the exchange students who went to my hometown) whose house I stayed at regularly bathed with me and it fucking weirded me out. I was a turbo-sperg regarding politeness/Japanese culture so I never politely declined like I almost certainly could've. I definitively found out I don't have a RL shota fetish, which is kind of a relief.

Damn it

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Why are you blogposting in a dead thread?

this kinda made me suddenly remember that. incidentally never do exchange student stuff or JET, it sucks

Cute user, what's the release schedule on this?
no one gives a shit, so don't blogpost

make me bitch

the weather is always too hot or cold and all of the buildings have basically no insulation, the food is all pretty bland, and japanese hs is fucking boring