how many likes can god herself get?
Season 3?
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Like this post to spit on haruhi's grave.
Haruhi made me straight. I hope she gets another season.
how fucking dare you, you insolent brat, go back to watching kaguya-suckma
like this post to shit on redditfags who like kaguya
Rolled 62 (1d100)
I need this many likes to make season 3 happen.
OP posts can’t get likes you barney
Haruhifags still exist?
faggot thats why im posting haruhi in the
thread you fools have no thinking muscles
we're here and we're still waiting for s3, and we wont let anyone forget us or rest until that happens
we didn't even get bullshit "announcements" this year🥟
Haruhi was never good. It's incomprehensible LN garbo and the anime doesn't make it any more interesting or clever.
One day we'll make it to 100m lads
uhhhh nuh uh
I'll live as long as haruhisky does his thing
Your fortune: Outlook good
Haruhisky's a little too off-model a lot of the time for me.
She's so pretty.
Blame the author not her
git gud brainlet
There's a girl, she might be God or something, they need to make sure she has fun so reality doesn't shit itself.
IF HEADS WE GET S3Coin Flip: Heads
Dub or sub bros?
everyone says the dub is better but Sugita-san is my favourite voice actor.
>watching dubs ever❌
If heart we get S3♣️
holy FUCK
dont listen to this guy, some dubs are genuinely good, and Haruhi is one of them, its got tier for Kyon's VA alone but everyone is good.
at this point i think americans just get a sadistic kick out of that whore running iconic characters
im guessing you mean haruhi's VA, in which case i think whore would be more apt at describing the japanese one