>No Love Live thread
I shalll change that. Time to finally determine who's best girl
No Love Live thread
Other urls found in this thread:
(You) are
Do people legitimately give a shit about these characters?
To me they're just meme girls whose entire appeal lies in their character design, personality and nuance are not even a factor.
were her tits always that big ? i only watched s1 and i dont remember her being that meaty
Good taste
>they're just meme girls whose entire appeal lies in their character design, personality and nuance are not even a factor
that only applies to the aqours
Let's not pretend that there's much of a choice in this matter
All idols are sluts. What did you expect?
What are Honoka's boob size?
Rolled 43 (1d100)
My wife Riko
Honoka's sister
This cute fucking birb
>blatant fishing for likes
Rolled 55 (1d100)
Youhane a best
Umi is love.
Umi is life.
I'm super in love with her
download her JAV and see if you still love her
Is meat allowed in this thread?
Another Yea Forumsqours thread? Come aboard!
>nobody's posted actual best girl
Shit thread
She was already poster here
>hagfag thinks his opinion and his shit girls matter
Nico>Nozomi>Rin>Hanayo>Honoka>Eli>Umi>Shit>>Kotori>>>Maki>>all of Aquors
This is FACT. Try to prove me wrong.
>when she sees your score
Umi isn't first so it's wrong.
Have anything to back that up or is /vg/ is down or something?
For me, it's Maki!
I came on too late to get a respectable score, so I just want to post idols for everyone. Is that ok?
>more than thirty posts
>nobody posted best µ's yet
Who was in the wrong?
Ha ha could you imagine consentual sex with Maki for the sake of procreation? Wouldn't that be funny ha ha?
Nico Nico NiiCoin Flip: Tails
This, Rin is the best
lol you're crazy haha
Woops, I forgot to ask if Sunshines were ok!
Funnier if you spanked her for being bad in bed
>Where are you staring at, user?
Now that the dust have settled, what did we think of Over the Rainbow and Tsuki?
our girls
how do i downvote this?
Where the fuck did these hagfags come from?
I want to gently suck on Maru's marus
But what if I give her brocolli?
I love this Slav!
dont forget siro
Just ignore them and play with You
Honk is at a solid 78 cm bust size.
Notice the lack of the word "Sunshine" in the OP
What's the game?
i thought they were black nippled f-cups?
She's well-balanced.
I prefer Saint Aqours Snow
Wub Wooby!
>prestige's highest selling slut of that year
Cute bisexual slav!
Have sex with her and her bisexual tubby girlfriend!
What do a school idol's armpits taste like after a long training session?
>Love Live thread
Imagine being the yakuza in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Emitsun, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your fat body and horrific black nipples. I would totally have sex with you, both in this JAV and in real life." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be that yakuza and not only sit in that bed while Emi Nitta flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the mosaic censorship barely concealing her stretchmarks and greasy skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that sex. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking breath but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's THE CUTEST AMATEUR and DAMN, THIS GIRL HAS A GREAT SINGING VOICE because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her fat fucking michelin ass release gases in your dick you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of schoolgirls and supermodels and later dead-eyed naive country girls for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Okinawa. You've never even smelled anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste her breath as she forcefully shoves her tongue down your throat, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "rubenesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard eating karaage in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before your bosses could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're a fucking yakuza. You're not going to lose your future criminal career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
She's a miracle, all the nutrition goes straight to her chest
This made me want to measure myself and I got
Is that bad?
Is You a great cook?
based nya
>no Mari ITT
>based nya
Nya? Yes?
Yes I still love her.
Yes I still support her.
Yes I have, still and continue to fight for her like a Warrior Poet.
The OrcTaku belongs in the dustbin of history. I stand on the right side of history.
You are incapable of thought but mindless aggression. You will be annihilated. Every last one of you OrcTaku.
Wape Wooby.
Do you think she does it raw all the time?
It doesn't matter what she did faggot. I stand with Emitsun. I fight for Emitsun and I will die for her.
If you have an issue with her you answer to me. You start shit and I'll take you out.
wheres ack
I think in death we are all the same. In death you will be nothing by a carcass. I will send you to that grave by the sword.
If you want to be a school idol you should lose that fat ass
post crack
i bet her carcass was used by half Japan
i love my national socialist daughteru!
like if you agree
So you are into necrophilia now OrcTaku? Why of course. You are a subhuman. That is why you must be defeated by the Justicar Knight clad in white.
Chika is best girl
Sorry to tell you user, but she is married to me.
Only the finest crack for you
white is the liquid she loves to drink
Love Live? More like Love Dive cause I want to dive away from this terrible show.
>Maki's waist to hip ratio
Wooby is for WUB not wape!
were there other ones?
And next to her girlfriend her breasts almost seem big
There was also SIRO579
White is the last thing you will see before you choke on blood impaled by my sword.
No matter how many videos she was in she will always have her supporters. The Silent Majority stands with EMTN. True LL Fans stand with EMTN.
Yeah, you're a fucking manlet.🙁
She also chokes on all those dicks she takes
It doesn't matter what she did. I will always support her. That is the meaning of loyalty.
You on the other hand can fuck off. Traitors who turned against EMTN have no place in the LL fandom.
Yeah, but she will asphyxiate from those dicks!
You will not asphysiate OrcTaku. You will die slowly and painfully clutching at your guts wondering what a pathetic life you lived.
Stand with EMTN.
Fight for EMTN.
Die for her.
who /Kasuchad/ here
Help her dammit. Too much dicks at once isn't healthy!
I want swimsuit lolis next april.
I will help her by defeating and destroying you. By kicking your ass in and telling you off. That is how I help her. Your obsession with shitposting is not healthy faggot.
These threads are the perfect encapsulation of disgusting 3DPD worshipping normalfaggotry that has ruined this site. I hate how you absolute fucking degenerates ruin the purity of 2D with 3D piggotry. 3D idols are not your waifus, they are the same as every other 3DPD on the planet, and they are most certainly not anime.
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
That's another load she just swallowed
This is another fist to your face. For Emitsun. For justice.
When is Aqours next song album coming out?
Was SAP doing all that for her, himself or his bosses?
Shut up neet
This shit happens mostly in hag threads. Sunshine threads usually get spared.
I know what I am doing. Putting you down. Telling you off. Shutting you down. So these threads can be good again. To be the lone voice of dissent against the hate. I'll do it again and again.
On the contrary. I see the OrcTaku lurks the Sunshine thread as well. Which is why I have to be there.
looks like honk's downie cousin
why was her pseudonym Miku?
Why are you still breathing OrcTaku? How do you function even though you are retarded beyond medical help?
Why was her pseudonym Miku?
Shut up 3DPuke eater.
Why do these threads keep repeating like a broken record?
oh no no
See, We all know you and bikinianon are autists on an individual level, but have you considered that there could be more than one person who enjoys making fun of Nitta porn exploits? Your labeling of "the Orctaku" is probably a collection of some 50+ distinct individuals over time
Hags are unable to keep their shitposting in check.
To be honest you're all a bunch of faggots, both you and the whiteknight 3DPussy-worshipping "Orctaku" Slayer. At least the bikiniautist talks about fucking anime. These threads fucking suck. Stop talking about 3DPD or go the fuck to /jp/.
Unlike you I'm not retarded. I'll fight against each and every last one of you. I'll beat back each and every last one of you. Come hell and highwater.
99% Similarity? I don't care. I stand with EMTN.
Blame the OrcTakus for their shitposting. Kick them out. Kick them out.
I'm glad you mentioned the slayer. Goblin Slayer shows us how you treat a enemy like the OrcTaku.
Like him, I will show no mercy for they gave none to Emitsun.
I will be relentless in the massacre.
Don't the ever get tired of shitposting about the same crap over and over again? They're pathetic.
3dpd is usually done in sunshine threads though, the only time we get any in OG threads is emitsun shitposters
Bitterness makes you do dumb shit.
You don't understand the mind of the mentally ill, best you can do is to report and not give them any visible attention
Not the person you were arguing with, which again emphasizes my point.
I personally think the solution is to stop having LL threads until there's actually something to talk about, say if they actually do something with PDP
Sunshine threads are way better than this garbage even with 3d
I'm not a hagfag or a flopfag, I just want this shit out.
Your fortune: Godly Luck
The OrcTakus are insane. They cannot be reasoned with only destroyed.
Thankfully there is a man willing to cut them down.
Can you not count?
Hey genius, I'm not the Orctaku Slayer autist. I just want this shit out of these threads.
This thread is half sunshine anyway, who cares
you'd have better luck in vg, love live threads are mostly just good for /c/ image dumps now
I thoughr it was 100%. As in 100% percent of SAPs load swallowed.
I want a reboot anime with Muse and Aqours.
You are all OrcTakus to me. Every person who insults and slanders Emitsun and any other innocent maidens. The Enemy of good.
When I took this vow I vowed to defeat you.
>trying to crash this thread
>with no survivors
Leave this shithole to hags and knightfags.
>10% discussion of the game
>30% shitposting
>60% /c/ image dumps with added SIF content
I don't mind, but calling it better is a stretch
B-but my BMI is normal...
I'm not a man tho
Did she vow to suck every yakuza dick in existence?
Nice to hear that user, the girls doesn't deserve the hate.
Didn't that other whore marry some sweaty wrestler not too long ago?
I meant the girl, fuck.
>exploding knees
>wrestler bf
>anger issues
>softcore porn actresses
What the fuck is wrong with hags?
Don't forget gooks!
>Love Live in 2019
Come on man, I outgrew school idoru shit last year. It's all about Bandori now.
>Well will never know what her actual face looks like
>exploding knees
Who has exploding knees?
some grandma who's been irrelevant for years now
More of these?
"normal weight" is fat for all female and most male models. idols aren't that different
I want to hug Ruby!
I want to look EXACTLY like Rinboy. How did he attain such a perfect twink body?
>still no ack
The SIF "prank" is too cute for words.
It's Honk. It's always been Honk.
Yes, and?
What are these codes?
She's not my favorite. But I still like and support her.
Support her and Prestige by buying her porno!
Rape wooby👌
You can be certain of one thing. By the time I am through with you you will not have hands to slander nor a tongue to speak.
There is hope for this thread yet.
You do not understand vows. You do not understand loyalty. You are a traitor now fuck off.
I will tell you what is wrong with you. you are nothing more than Sub-dirt scum polluting this thread. Like refuse you will be removed.
Those videos never changed who she is or what she was. Our Leader. Stand with her. FIght for her.
Don't worry. I will clear up this thread.
JAVslut is loyal to that dick!
Wow a faggot OrcTaku agrees with the dumbness of another. How surprising.
Keep your mouth clean and go prepare cameras for the next scene!
Dia is the only LL girl I need!💜
>fat body and horrific black nipples
My sides
My mouth is clean. Yours is not OrcTaku. Is is tarred from your malicious slander like the Mouth of Sauron.
Your sides will hurt a lot more when you have the sense beaten into you.
Did she ever do anal or scat shit?
will i ever be able to post honoka without retards replying with jav shit?
post the nips
Yes we know you're into that you shitmonger. Anything else you want to tell us filth?
Good. Get yourself banned.
Haha no😂
Hope Solo's roast vs Black Nipples
No, those fuckers just love to start shit.
How long was her JAV career anyway?
Very fluffy.
To hell with JAVslut. What about that other seiyuu who sucks off wrestlers?
I know. The OrcTakus are insane and they need to be put down before they fester like rats in this thread.
Your life will be short I assure you of that.
Post her, she is and will always be cute anyway.
Sheepesh, aren't they?
To hell with you dickhead. Mimorin, like Emitsun, did nothing wrong.
Ok, but how long was her JAV career?
Do you think that guy brings all his crew?
Somebody post qt pansser loli Maki
Every Honk is a cute Honk
She's adorable.
Is it WHOREnoka or JAVnoka?
I want to pull her tail, but she guards it closely
At least you know JAVitsun is good in bed. Honk is an adventurous girl.
I put them all together.
Cute! now with Aquours!
Why the fuck did they use the ballet hair for Eli?
Cute and funny bunny!🐰
I already started on it. It should be done soon.
Yea, I don't like that either. I guess it's because the only time we see her younger self is with her hair in a bun.
Fuck flopshits
Wait there was more than one JAV?
>>softcore porn
nothing wrong if they are in a committed relationship. Jav on the otherhand is unforgivable
>exploding knees
>anger issues
>softcore porn
who are these
>hag newfags
I only got into Love Live a few months ago♨️
And heres aquors. There are several cute girls in both sets.
Cute and fluffy bunny!🐰
I know only of this OrcTaku. The True Fans stand with you. Scum like you will perish.
I thought you were expert on JAV actresses. So how long was/is her JAV career?
It's less about defending whatever and more about stalking any post that speaks the truth. Just unzip your pants, go on your personal crusade, and act like a normal human after.
The good looking ones imo are Nozomi, Rin and Ruby as all of them looks childish enough for their suit, which is kinda ironic for Nozomi
I'm not sure what you're getting at here. All of them are children here.
some looks too old for this kind of stuff, for example Eli, Umi, Kanan, Riko and You, some of their faces looks copypasted in like honkers, Maki
>when you can't rebuke the fact your seiyufu is a whore
who was in the wrong here?
Based Umi slapping the shit out of javslut.
is referring to 3Ds all these threads are capable of?
I don't care what she did. There is no need to rebuke anything. I only need to tell you off and tell you to fuck off. Cut you animals down by the hundreds like a poacher hunting down Rhinos. That's what you are. Animals.
I will stalk. I will crusade. I will defend.
Anyone still believes the OrcTaku isn't the one starting shit in this thread?
Remove them and these threads will be good again.
she probably got off to getting slapped like that.
She was fucked in doggystyle like an animal. Is she an animal?
You are an animal. A dog with all the traits of one without loyalty. You will be put down like a rabid dog. Struck down by holy hellfire.
>Top tier
Nozomi, Nico, Umi, Rin, Kanan, Ruby
>Mid tier
Kotori, Honoka, Hanayo, Maki, Dia, Riko, You, Maru
>Bottom tier
Eli, Mari, Chika, Yoshiko
So she is a dog?
>Honoka-chan, are you a virgin?
JAVsluts can't be virgins.
No. You are a dog. A rabid, diseased dog.
How? Yoshiko's jellyfish is probably the coolest costume there (maybe Dia's). Imagine the poof and the bounce.
Did she contract std?
There is only this OrcTaku, our Leader. Nothing more. Nothing less.
I am sure you have contracted many diseases like the dirty animal you are.
I thought there were more? JAVslut etc.
Y'ever think that the JAV posters are here only because you fall for any bait? I mean it's you responding and leading them on that's consumed the thread. You're directly responsible for most of the badmouthing Emi gets on here, because if you weren't doing what you do, almost all the shitposters wouldn't either.♨️
Lost for words like the infant you are.
They are the ones starting shit. I saw last year looking into the archives how bad it had gotten. Normally I would have stuck to the seiyu threads and ignored the LL ones but I was wrong. I cannot trust these threads to regulate themselves. I must bring down the might of the Crusade.
I have to do what I must. Beat them back. Blow after blow.
...Coin Flip: Heads
You're right though, it's a great way to derail a LL thread.
those two looked weird although i didnt consider the suit gimmicks, you might be right, move them a tier above then
as long as you end the thread with a bang like that Nozomi thread back then, all is forgiven
By replying to them, you're only giving them what they want...attention.
Are there more javsluts in the industry or is she the only one?
I stand with WhiteKnightfag.
I don't care what Emitsun did.
I will always support her!
Because I have a fetish for chubby jap cakes and loved those JAVs and I split much of my WHITE seed on my keyboard to Emitsun!!!
99% similarity indeed!!
Heads: She did the JAV
Tails: She didn't do the JAVCoin Flip: Heads
anybody here had SID raws?
A true connoisseur.
>download ezd183
>all sluts over there are downright ugly
>javitsun's part is boring shit where she gets topped for 90% of the duration while doing annoying moaning
>black nipples are horrendous
Even without the fact that she is a slut how could they pick that lard of meat as a leader?
God I fucking love the Love Live art style.
Behold the true power of my King Crimson.🌈
Try to reach this and I assure you a lot of kids.
thinking bout that loose, hairy cake pussy
She looks like some crackwhore
nani the fuck
what about them are superior anyway?
>inb4 /jp/ shit
well they DID pick her clean off the streets
Better music, girls, anime etc.
>inb4 your /vg/ shit
But instead it will be me, Mari!
lol yuribait
S1 is disconnected from S2
now go ahead
Objective because music has higher production values.
>lol yuribait
Not an argument.
>S1 is disconnected from S2
Watch the anime again, speedwatcher, and pay more attention . Maybe you will notice more character development too!
okay, sauce it
take the L
>Character development
3rd years k-drama sidelining Dia
Dog episode
>sauce it
Your whole opinion discarded.
What's wrong with it?
guys, you're agruing over the wrong thing.
we should be discussing Emitsun's saggy black nippled titties
How about the scene where she farts on SAP's dick?
see? next time, pick a fight you can win, it's for your own good😃
I came so hard at that.
she's such a slobby little piggy tehe!
How is big is that IRL anyway? even Nozomi lost to you
How about listening to music first, you secondary shit eating hag newfag? Don't tell me you don't know where to actually get it?
she has serious stomach problems
I enjoyed GK songs, i'll give you that,however i don't see how anything different from muse, either sauce your claims or lose
You really are new, aren't you?
really? you don't even know how fucked up your own anime is and you're calling me a newfag? come up with a better argument
I want to sniff Dia's butt.
How about paying attention when you watch and knowing where to get the music before making shit claims?
Now now, being a broken record won't fix anything, come back when aqours accumulated some iconic songs like Cancer Halation, Bokuhika, etc
Pretty sure KimiKoko is iconic, but sure, continue spewing your retarded /vg/ nonsense and continue being ignorant of an entire group.
>only one
>M-MUH /vgvgvgvgvg/!
is this the first time you got into a debate and lost? sorry bout that🐷
aquorfags seething every thread
I like how every time they used the "Better character development and anime argument" and gets completely BTFOed by a competent musefag, not even salesfagging can save them now
I like both muse and Aqours ^_^
why is she so aesthetic?
>abandonment issues
post your best Loli
well then this is a board for you as long as you're not spewing stuff like
idk why we always fight about "who's better".
Aqoursfag and their insecurities, that's how it is them when we lived rent free inside their heads
Punch Nicofags in the face
Nico Puri
Nico Nico
after i'm done inserting me non existent dick
long haired maki when?
thoughts on hanayo?
Puritybait, just like Maru, which is stupid considering their body size
is there any point to this character?
Holy shit, that's really her.
Honestly, probably my least favourite idol from both u's and Aqours (maybe Kanan just because she's so bland but at least she can get abs in fanart).
In the vein of Maru is just a straight upgrade to her, and as such there's nothing that I like that's unique to her. I'd still eat her rice though🥓
literally one of two likeable characters
Cute again! Thanks for the work, user!
because she's perfect from the start? boring tb h
>pic related
i think maru got raped, her tit size upgraded for 1 cm yes, but she could have been better if she didn't stuck with Yoshiko 24/7
My 3rd favourite
SO you admit to shitposting OrcTaku? All the more reason to fight against your bullshit. I am always ready to fight.
By replying to them and parrying them I am letting them know they do not have a safespace for hate and never will ever again. I stand at the gate and stand ready to strike like a Predator Drone.
When the time comes that any other seiyu needs my help I will be there. Standing firm like Stonewall Jackson.
You support her? Good. Then always support her and tell the OrcTaku to fuck off.
Juvenile teenage humour worthy of you creatures. Goblin Slayer-sensei would know what to do with you. Show no mercy. Not even to the children.
Obviously you are no True Fan of LL but merely a OrcTaku faggot. She is a great singer and a singer that brought me to LL. A voice I remember belonging to a woman I respect and defend.
You probably post on the streets OrcTaku. You are ill-mannered unintelligent room temperature IQ do all you can resort to is begging for money.
The OrcTakus keep coming again but I will still be here fighting until every last one of them is dead. Holding the line like a Boer at Magersfontein.
Those who slander Emitsun can fuck off.
we need more doujins of her, so far the only Pana doujin artist is @siroSR, this is a crime
oh look, who's back
The Enemy is here. The 101st did not run away from their foes. They kept them close and combated them at Bastogne.
I bet it smells amazing🐷
anyone here got the Aqours size chart?
you rang?
>no ass size
Holy shit that artstyle was great.
Rolled 55 (1d100)
Let's check it from a trustworthy source
They all look sexier in the original style
My wife Maki is very beautiful!
can you remember the raibus tit size from the top of your head?
>Maru, Kanan:83
>Pana, Chika, You:82
>Kotori, Dia, Riko:80
There are charts with hip measurements, but sadly nips don't pay enough attention to ass
It's a sad fact, but you can't really blame them. It's in the name💔
>2nd and 3rd best ass belongs to the 1st years
what the fuck sunrise? i like how the OG girls had the most potential to be fanservicey but was omitted completely in the anime
Can Nozomi get a like to calm down Nico?
how about raping Eli instead to aggravate Nico?
I feel like Eli doesn't get nearly the attention she deserves.
how about protecting Nico instead of aggravating her?
The original art was unironically better.
look at that face, Nico wants to be raped. Nozomi too, she only washi washies everybody in hopes that someone will washi washi her in return.
she's used as a ship fodder as of late, Umifags usually just pair her off with Eli willy nilly, just like Honkerfags, Makifags, Nicofags and Nozomifags
Why not?
Nico gives her all the attention she needs
How do you feel about large nicos Nico?⚽
i like how the entire BiBi is thirsty for Nozomi's cock
have you checked that one breast swap doujin?
A nico with large breasts just isn't nico.
Hit me with that please senpai
It isn't just Nico, it's Nico and more
yeah, it's Nicomi
Fun doujin first time I really liked flat nozo
Nozoeli is as cannon as it gets. The rest are just crack ships.
I'm glad someone has some sense. She's not the most popular, but I will.
all Nozopairs are fun
i could settle with Nozoharem tbqh
Thank you based user💚
Sounds like a great harem.
Nozomi had a pretty good relationship with all of the muse besides Umi and Kotori, it's like Muse is her playground
Nozomi and his bibitches
Nozomi's hobby of watching girls is canon
based Nozochad, how can other gays even compete?
Why couldn't Nico just ask for bigger breasts, instead of Nozomi's breasts? Then she could have kept them. While I like flat Nico, I can't help but think that the fact that she's so short and flat is because she couldn't get proper nutrition while growing up, for being poor and having to cook and ussually give the best food to her little sisters.
And all of the BiBi are tsunderes. Not to mention the favoured tropes like busty blonde, loli and tall girl, she's living in Yea Forums dream, how did she do it?
oh yeah, Riko is also a chad for taking in Chika and her butthurt girlfriend, holy fuck
so which ones have the futa cock? The ones on the left or the right?
she envied Nozomi, not the breasts
The difference between Nozomi and Riko is that Nozomi respects her girls and treat all of them fairly, Riko outright dumps Chika after S1 and went with Yoshiko and You, now it is up to you to decide which of these two are your role model, Nozomi 'Women are queen' Tojo or Riko 'Cum and Dump' Sakurauchi
brothers of good taste😂
Aside from the inferior product why miss the opportunity to have a matching red catsuit for her pretty red hair?
same colors usually don't fit the aesthetic
Contrast maybe?
Look at the logo man. The Red's on top. The suit is making sure that her hair is an important part of the design, instead of just blending in with the rest of it.
Also I just prefer the taste of Pepsi anyways. Pepsi Lime is the shit
holy shit you're right
everybody loves hanayo
Heads if Nozomi is a homoCoin Flip: Heads
nice! fuck hetfags
Why would you want used goods?
women is still women even if they are used goods, look at MILFs for example
>root bear
Yea there are a number of mistakes, but I'm not the one who made it.
Pony tail, side tail, and twin tails are the best.
nico so cute
honestly, i can see Nozomi as an alcoholic
what is the point of this character
Oh god Bob-cut Nico is intense. I'm loving it.♨️
That one shadman thread.
okay? what did i miss here?
Nico looks good in anything
Pic related
>Maki is the fifth tallest
>Mari is taller than Kanan
>Dia is the same height as Kanan
This feels so wrong for some reason.
An important piece of art🐰
who the fuck put moles on their designs?
Looks like Dia just kissed a running car
The funny thing about Riko is that she barely did anything, girls fly to her without her doing anything. She's truly the Kavorka girl.
Whoever it is, they need to get promoted
It helps that Chika is turbo gay
still having an ability to talk like Nozomi is more likely to happen to us compared to having Riko's charm
Moles are dirty imo, it looks like someone that had just finished their lunch after being chased by a dragon
Honk looks so hot in this pic. Wtf?
Old LL pics are fanservicey
My mother-in-law is almost as pretty as my wife.
Oh yeah, Nozomi is the real deal. If she had a cock, she would already have ended Japan's population problem. I just find funny that Riko became the harem meme girl when she's actually super submissive and just lets herself be dragged around.
I wonder what would girls do irl if they had a friend obsessed with squeezing breasts.
Call the police
does nozomi do this because she isn't smol cute and flat like nico
she only had 3 girls on her hands, Chika, You and Yoshiko, still pretty good for being submissive girl
Nozomi isn't a man tho and girls are usually gay
Which of the PDP girls piques your interest?
oh ok
I think I'm not explaining myself, forget it
I'm pretty basic so Rina and Karin
i get it really, Riko never did anything but 3 girls are already infatuated by her, only god knows what will happen if she goes all out
Kanata and Emma seems fuckable and Ai is another blonde, those three then
i don't get why these two stopped developing and ended up in the meme department
i think it's time to break the image limits, posts your LL pics, all of them
This is still the best designed mom
Nozomi looks great
The madmen
Why are these two so compatible
Pretty based user
tits too small
Shizuku has been one of my favorite Ns for a long time, glad she's moving up in the world!
Kasumi really surprised me with her character introduction, wasn't expecting her to be a genki type.
Setsuna is my favorite so far, she's so positive, really hot, and I love her song.
No face and gay, i wonder what will happen to the fanbase once her puts away the drawing
literally the most underrated girls
Shizuku has been here for a long time, since the beginning of LLSIF wasnt it? Kasumi is Kotori acting like Nico. Setsuna felt like genki Umi
Not even close
that bang ruined it
where are all the umifags i wonder
Good amount of thirs years dose in this thread, good
I prefer Purple Rainmaker
it's the /jp/fag
Every bullshit response will be met by a greater opposing response. Every bullshit of the OrcTaku will be responded to with the fist of a Hero.
Why is pic related so unpopular in west? She's pretty popular on Nipland tho
There is nothing to forgive for there is no fault or wrongdoing in the first place.
Fatties a.k.a Yea Forums's favourite
lil sis can be cute too
fapbait, nothing else
Whatever floats your boat
I support her forever by standing like a Knight in this thread. Guarding this thread like the Knight Templar guarded the Holy Land.
A Justiciar Knight.
your average Nozo'toddler'
i can't believe he's still here
It doesn't matter if it was her in the video or not. She will always be Our Leader and the face of the Love Live franchise once, now and forever more.
Join in the Crusade.
Be strong and stand with me if somewhere beyond the barricade there is a World you long to see.
They will hear the People sing. Singing a song of Angry Men.
the west has already fallen in love with one girl
i prefer defiling the naive Arisa
not fat enough for the burgers
You don't leave the job unfinished. That's what the US Army did in Vietnam to their mistake. I will not leave this job unfinished. I am at War.
nozomi protects her girlfriend
So, which raibus are good at being a man or dom?
at least for me
I welcome the marriage. It's something you will never experience OrcTaku dipshit.
decent thread
What is this, a Honk for ants?
nice tits
Lmao the honoka's crying face
i can see her cunny
fat fuck
what is this about
yoshimaru vs umi by alp
that doesn't even look remotely alp
try reverse image search :)
okay now that was unexpected, now i see it
>i wonder what will happen to the fanbase once her puts away the drawing
She would merely reveal an incredibly generic face that would impress no one, it would be better if she keeps the drawing on until maybe the very end.
The west doesn't have such good taste.
I prefer to call it the love pocket
i doubt that would be the case, let's hope they don't disappoint
they have tho
vagina is not a pocket, it's a mouth
some nozonico for moonrune reader
8 more post
Baby art has already started
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
Good for you, also nice thread, smell y'all in the 19th
Dia told me that Ruby is dating Kotori💚
Cute canon
Whatever that means
Good thread bois, good thread
Last (hopefully) for gay
Thank you for ana amazing thread my musebros you are the best and fuck flopqours
You will be crying soon enough OrcTaku when my fist is planted into your face.
Doesn't matter what she did faggot. She will always be our leader. She will always be a seiyu. She will always be the face of Love Live and I, I will always passionately defend and support her.
The thread got better towards the end despite an unsightly start. All thanks to the man clad in armour, wearing a white cape and donning a sword. The OrcTakus were cut down in their droves.
>samefag sucking off himself
Kurosawa Kotori
Minami Ruby🖤
More like a pathetic horde of OrcTakus being cut down in the thousands by a battle-scarred Hero who continued to fight and never gave in. Goblin Slayer-sensei has taught us how to attain victory over vicious evil creatures/
A man arose, descended from the same warrior stock, ethos and spirit that gave the Boers, the Spartans, the Vikings, the Cossacks, and the Knight Templars.
Nah, we'll welcome them with open hands, lets not turn into another butthurt aqours like some of em
>lets not turn into another butthurt
I wonder who was butthurt the most when Aqours were announced. I wonder who shitposted the fuck out of Aqours on their very first streams.
Hey hey, there's no need to vent here, There's still sunshine thread up you can dump your pics there
Just keep these threads separate.
I don't see any problems with combined threads honestly, it provides better understanding to all of the girls, look above, there are some good discussion about characters, adding aqours in the discussion couldnt hurt
Nobody wants to deal with your JAV problems and hatred towards Aqours. Whenever there is a discussion you just shrug every opinion as subjective and remain totally ignorant of Aqours music and its characters. It's impossible to have a good threads with hags, so please keep your shit to yourself.
Which is why it is so important to tell the OrcTaku straight up to the face to fuck off.
If you see a vermin, you don't let it fester and breed. You exterminate the bugger as soon as possible. Who will exterminate the serial pest in any LL thread? They are the Villains of Shanghai, they are trying to ruined these threads. They must be stopped.
Hey, dont push your /jp/ stuff to us, we never discussed any 3D, our contents are still fresh even after a decade, still there's never or even rarely(read it) any "Hagfags" spewing shit like "Nice no Floptards here" sometimes, there are still some of you did this whenever i visited your thread, are you guys obsessed perhaps?
Whoa i turned into an ESL, sorry bout that, still a bit tired
Kotori is dating Ruby