Is it possible to be too flat?

Is it possible to be too flat?

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No. Flat is Justice.

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Aika is the very definition of too flat .

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Better flat than fat.

kasuga ayumu really likes his perflat fetish, huh?

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Like it or not this is peak performance

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yah if u a boy




And it's okay!!

Saber has the ideal breast size. Anything flatter is too flat

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I'd post more Aika but I've been IP range banned for like 3 weeks

Absolutely delicious. This artist is godlike.

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As long as she's got ass...

How flat is too flat?

As long as the butt is fine.

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When its concave

Too flat is when there is not even a hint of softness anymore. Basically skin and bones.

I really fucking hate when people refer to really small/budding breasts as perflat. Perflat is completely flat you retarded niggers.

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Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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Cute and designed for loving hugs!♣️

Ah, it seems I have found like minded patricians.
Also, tallflats are definitely the best