
Will I learn Japanese in my lifetime?

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let's see

Your fortune: Average Luck

Let me

Your fortune: Godly Luck


If my fortune is good or better, you have to give me a like.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now



Your fortune: Outlook good


Your fortune: Excellent Luck

I already know I will but someone roll my fortune for me anyway


Your fortune: Outlook good

Will I ever be happy?

Your fortune: Godly Luck

I knew I could count on you user

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the fuck is this♨️

Smelly poop

will i ever learn Japanese?

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

I thought I was making good progress

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Quickly i need someone to read my luck my question is should i buy a maid dress?

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Your fortune: Outlook good

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I already know enough jap to read anything
this fortune is the proof

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Don't be a slave to fate user, you can do it!

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kek apparently not enough

Oh my, let's try again.

Your fortune: Good Luck

Your fortune: Outlook good

please help I don't have enough karma to check

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we'll all make it


Someone please roll for me not enough points.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

You're almost there

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger


Will I ever summon Arturia in FGO?


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all your efforts are for nothing

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Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Will I ever fortune correctly?

Will I marry my waifu for real?

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Will I get a JP gf?

Someone roll pls


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How much perk for luckposting?


Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Will I lose my virginity

as long as you go to /jp/!

Wow this is a lucky thread.

You may keep trying but you will fail.

I will learn japanese.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

I'm not liked enough.

>Your fortune: Better not tell you now
I need to know.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Will I learn Japanese?

Your fortune: Good Luck

Serves you right

Your fortune: Average Luck

Fucking hell, just fucking tell me

Your fortune: Good Luck

Will Eva 4.44 come out before 2050?

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

W-will user like my post?

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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I miss /djt/.

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We can't have anyone actually making anything of themselves on this board, after all. Better to just be parasites living on fucking crunchyroll garbage.

I'm still convinced the "anti-general" shit was just an excuse for an incredibly salty mod to get rid of /djt/ because it reminded him of his own ineptitude.


Your fortune: Godly Luck

Can I get like?

Your fortune: Bad Luck

someone roll for me, im a scorelet

Not even sure if I should try.

Your fortune: Good Luck

A cup of tea.



Will I ever do anything with my life?


Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

>no good fortune

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Rolled 63 (1d100)

Odds: user learns Japanese
Evens: user fucking dies

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Let me see in my crystal ball

Your fortune: Average Luck

Will I learn japanese?

Looks like we live for another day

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All right