Ganbare! Ichika-chan!
Other urls found in this thread:
Why does Ichika love to show of her boobs so much?
Ichika a best and did absolutely nothing wrong.
Rolled 5 (1d6)
the old thread didnt die yet you snek shitter
Like if you hate snakes!
its over bros
nino fucking won
there, the five of us are here
like this post for no reason
Reminder that we can't stop this from happening, Ninobros🙁
I can't -- I used up all my likes on Itsuki last thread
>me and ben frank got a damn good thing going on way more than a random fling
What did Ichika mean by this?
wait you lose your own likes?
ok guys
just contacted negi
he will pull off school days ending
the bride is miku
but ichika will stab him from behind
miku will choke ichika
prepare your tissues
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
What happens to Nino?
>wanting to hug a snek
Like if you love snakes
yeah, of course, sneaks are the ones that hug you
she dies alone
Pretty good shit, man. I knew you bastards have good taste
Shhh Miku is half-asleep
When will Yotsuba die?
Rolled 6 (1d6)
After these chapters
Hello there.
Yotsuba dying at the end of her volume confirmed.
That's a harmless snake, Ishitka is venomous
go away
Reminder that Yotsuba is dead weight.
do not respond to nino posters. It gives them an excuse to post.
Ichika is harmless tho, she won't drug you or anything
I don't need an excuse to post.
Yotsuba is cute. CUTE!
Rolled 2 (1d6)
Fuutarou will marry this girl
Please pick 3 for the love of God
Ninobros, I know it's fun to joke around and make memes about Nino being the bride but seriously, how badly will Nino get BTFO? She has literally zero chances.
Rolled 6 (1d6)
Fuck this chink dice
Fuck April Fool's
Fuck Ninofags
And Fuck Nino
>how badly will Nino get BTFO?
Like having an hippo sit on your back.
Where are you bros?
I think we can still win this.
She's too pure
Rolled 3 (1d6)
You baka this is how you do it.
First d6 reply decides the quint, first d100 reply decides the amount to draw.
D6 splits the amount among the five.
Delivery within the week. Come at me.
The quality of the drawings will be inversely proportional to the amount.
Rolled 1 (1d6)
Give me the best.
Rolled 5 (1d6)
Just believe, bro. Fags here go ballistic during her chapters so i stopped taking part in the shitflinging. Seems like the average IQ drops by 100 with all the downplaying.
Rolled 5 (1d6)
Might as well try
>i'm not going to lose!
>several months later
>why are you disguising as me ichika? i was just trying to give this bread to muh fuutarou
Miku was asking for it.
Rolled 82 (1d100)
Fuutarou will die at age
>Ichika went silent instead of playing it off as some sort of joke
Dumb snek,she really didn't think things through
>if your opponent cheats that makes you pathetic
Will she return?
>82 years.
To live that long means he did not marry Nino/Yotsuba as both of them would definitely squeeze him dry every night.
"you did it to yourself and that what really hurts"
I feel kinda bad for Miku.
Fuutarou is still concerned about Maruo's words now.
As of now, Miku liking him will just add another headache for him.
4 down. 1 more to go.
That croissant better be good, Miku.
Fitting since its an Ichika thread.
Ichila did it to her you dumb snekfag.
Rude but cute!
>That croissant better be good, Miku.
Fuutarou's a poor fag, so he's fine with whatever Miku make anyway.
Yotsuba should take responsibility for unsealing the snake and ruining the trip for Fuutarou.
"One day I'll get to you and teach you how to get to purest hell"
Why is IchikaMiku more insecure than the real Miku?
Which quint would Negi character assassinate next?
That scene was true pottery
Fuu has always liked Miku's cooking, it's only an issue when she gives him too much to eat
Ichika and Miku will make up by rubbing their pussies against each other🐒
Ichika more like BITCHika
(don't forget to like this post)
He will eat it,even if it dropped to the ground
Why is Nino not trying to one up Miku by making something for Fuutarou too?
Seems suspicious. This is not the Nino I know. If Fuutarou likes Miku's cookie this whole thing is over.
She will, soon.
nino look like she's the next on the chopping block
Because she thinks she deserves to be with fuu just because is her prince
She already said that she thinks fuu should be grateful to able to go out with her
She thinks just orbiting around fuu is enough for him to fall for her
Imagine being Miku and seeing Ichika dressed like you, getting a vague ominous feeling but wanting to believe in your sister's good faith.
>Why is Nino not trying to one up Miku by making something for Fuutarou too?
Because Nino has a lesser moral narrative than Miku but a higher one than Ichika.
Because Snake is feeling the heat now.
Are SHAFT Ichikafags?
How does Miku feels about Ichika using cheap headphone as her disguise accessory?
Imagine being a traitorous snake just to outslut your sisters haha
Fuutarou would have caught up with Miku/Yotsuba thus giving Miku her chance to confess if Yotsuba didn't carry Miku to the top.
How is Yotsuba going to take responsibility for that?
>Fuu has always liked Miku's cooking
Meanwhile in the manga
I don't know about you guys but Ichika's shifty ways turn me the fuck on. I can't be the only one.
Don't believe her lies. This is part of her master plan to take out 1 and 3 at once.
If Nino wins I'm going to shit
--- with everyone worried about the current chapter, no one will notice stealthy itsuki ---
It makes her a great deal more interesting than your usual passive girls, to be sure, but Nino's already fulfilling my aggressive girl quota for this manga
Because feeding != confessing. If Nino wants Fuutarou, just directly confess, no need to beat around the bush with some bread.
Agreed. Ichicute a best.
Rolled 59 (1d100)
Rolled 4 (1d6)
Dice decided the best quint
Thank god for episode 11, pure kino
Ichika is obviously feeling bad about dressing up as Miku.
Nino is just assertive. I'm taking about a straight up psychopath here. How does that not get your willy hard?
She's only upset she got caught❤️
Let's see how that will improve her self-esteem and faith in humanity. Oh wait, it won't.
I'm on the fence between Nino and Yotsuba. Yotsu is winning me over and I'm a Ninofag
She's hung up on him saying that he likes girls who are good at cooking. For all we know he could have just thrown out the first thing that came to his mind.
I liked your post because it was correct
based yotsuba
She was just giving him too much to figure out his taste
Ichika being "Miku's good older sister" and proceeding to usurp her image for selfish reasons, knowing full well how much it's going to hurt someone as fragile and trusting as Miku is pure diamond. It's cruelty that's so over the top and undeserved it becomes hilarious.
Like if nino a shit
Don't forget to subscribe.
Yotsuba is a good girl.
She's everyone's girl.
She only feels bad about being caught in the act my dear user.
Fui likes girls who make an effort to better themselves and be an example to others
Reread it. She feels bad for it before she happened upon Yotsuba and Miku. Being caught had nothing to do with it. Also stop posting forced yandere faces.
sexy stare
By me.
Your fortune: Bad Luck
How bad will Fuutarou's smile be broken?
You now realize that this is the 7th thread in the past 24 hours.
Would Miku be shocked enough upon grasping the extend of Ichika's scheme that she'd end up barfing and fainting next week?
Wonder if Yotsuba is still popular in Nipland. She probably lost second place to Nino but she should still be 3rd at least right?
I love Ichika and I don't care if she fucks over her sisters to get her man
>remembers the Kyoto trip
>got a full house in the second round of cards
>makes the same pose as lolikano when Nino took her photo
These hints make me think that Yotsuba being lolikano won't happen.
That's a cuck mentality, user.
I wonder if Itsuki's popularity improved enough to overtake Yotsuba.
Rolled 14 (1d100)
Miku will win
Like quint, like fag.
>feels bad for it
>doesn't think twice into doing it
>carries Miku disguise tools Kyoto around with her
Nino will remain dead last despite what Ninofags want you to believe
>that she'd end up barfing and fainting next week?
That will only make him like her more.
>59 Ichikas
She isn't my favourite but she the easiest to draw I guess. 59 Ichikas it is.
Man, Yotsuba's Yotsubas are massive.
Snakes die
>blaming yourself for the bad deeds of others
There's a cuck among us, and it ain't me.
>Miku disguise
Just in case she wants to slip out or if she gets recognized.
Her implication is that she doesn't want to do it but has to.
>First to fall for fuu-kun
>Will (probably) be the last to confess
This could end either way.
Liked because Ichikabros are based
I'm a likelet again, fug
>Confirmed visual on target. I'm taking the shot
Picture of Nino and Fuu-kun's wedding.
Oh lord please do not let Nino win. Amen.
Rolled 78 (1d100)
I'll give you a like as soon as I can, Mikubro.
>Do it!
for each like in this post a ninofag somewhere will die
Of course her conscience is acting up again but that didn't really stop her.
> forced yandere faces
You're reading too much into it. That's just a colored frame from the manga.
I hope Ichika descends further and further down. Maybe become a yandere.
Is she going to dress up as Rena and spook Fuutarou while the quints are gone?
Just got home from work
Please bully me
Despair is on the menu, my dudes. Who's gonna come out on top?
Take a like, Kira.
Please like nino bros
Our girl is going to surprise us all.
no Yotsuba, not now. Big sis is busy with your future father-in-law
You guys won't admit it but you know that without Ichika shenanigans the manga would be boring as hell.
>7th thread
Damn, already? Raws come out tomorrow, so there probably won't be any break too.
1 and 2 are the most interesting and dynamic quints and are a large part of what makes the manga fun and exciting to read! You have the best numbers, user, and should stop posting so as to preserve them.
I love it. She has gotten more interesting and likable.
Ara ara. What do we have here? I sub-20 point let.♦️
who else
Ara ara~
Your dick needs to be this big to ride the Ichika train, kiddo.
Help a likelet out please.
Just reset my points so I can bully you for being higher than me
I've always loved Ichicute and she is the reason the manga is exciting now💙
>but that didn't really stop her.
She really didn't have a choice. Miku was going to muck things up.
>That's just a colored frame from the manga.
I know but the way he colored it feels like it is forcing the yandere narrative.
Why not both?
>implying ANYONE in their right mind, LET ALONE based Fuuts, would want to date a backstabbing bitch
You're free to love her if that's your thing, but don't act like she's in the bowl.
Yotsuba is the best
Are you retarded?
Don't do it bro
Nino has the hots for Isanari and Itsuki is going to marry Fuutarou.
These are the best girls in the show. If either of these girls win, its a good end.
>still no Yotsuba volume special
Fuutarou is a vomitfag?
>ichika train
LOL I don't want a snek
She can shove a dildo in her ass
Do dick for her
How is she a backstabber? Miku never had faith in her. The thing is that Ichika has been nothing but lovely and accommodating to Fuutarou. None of her almost bad behavior has been directed at him. Her love for him is pure and sweet.
Everyday is a party
Yotsuba is dead last if goods sales are anything to go by. Yotsuba merch is typically the only one that doesn't sell out or last to sell out at events.
Too late, you high-scoring punk!
I bet Yotsuba is a serial killer for her criminal-themed art.
Reminder that Fuutarou just wants to enjoy his trip to Kyoto and doesn't care if the quints kill each other over his dick.
Full house confirms it
Fatty best girl
For some people there's a difference between workdays and weekends. Not that a hikkineet would understand.
Then he should have dropped them and go alone with the guys.
well done
Yotsuba will be the one who ruins it.
Shut up Fuuts,you dig your own grave
Remember not to stick your dick in crazy, everyone.
I work 11 hours a day. And it's monday right now neet-kun
I want to lick her eyes
Who is this
>Getting this hyped up over (You)s
> She really didn't have a choice.
Naturally. She constantly has to act or her house of cards will collapse, but it's only a matter of time. Hopefully Fuutarou didn't figure it out yet and this tension continues for a while.🥧
>the motherfucking trip ends up with fuutarou going on a quest with yuusha to gather the lost quints
Rolled 94 (1d100)
If this were a reverse harem, everyone would be praising Ichika while laughing at Miku for being such a pathetic weakling faggot.
>from 4 to 192 in 7 minutes
fuck you
The end of the trip will have him be depressed again, thinking the one time he is necessary he causes harm to his surroundings
screencap this
no u
A bitch and prone to losing her shit
Self absorbed potential yandere
Not sure what her problem is but she sure is a busybody
Constantly plays mind games and gives shit tests every month
well the quints about to fuck it up, hopefuly his homeboys would come and save him before he lose his shit.
I'm going to believe in Nino until the very end even if it's hopeless
If this were a reverse harem people would be rotting for Takeda.
>345 are good girls
>12 are cunts and bitches
Is Negi trying to tell us that imouto > oneesan?
Who wouldn't want to fuck Fuutarou-chan?
I can't believe Yotsuba ruined the trip for Fuutarou and Miku in 1 day.
You didn't give me any tho
No, fuck you.
She kissed him but he rang the bell
I'm going to believe in Itsuki until the very end even if it's safe
you don't need any more
At least Ichika looks better in the actual chapter than in the fake spoilers. feeding Miku's bread to Itsuki would be an amazing shitstorm.
Ichika is OLD
Wooosh give a like receive a fatty patty
>I had to do it.
Don't bully me, you asshole.🙁
Oh right, what happened to the credit page ideas?
Rolled 2 (1d6)
>Nino tells Ichika off for being a scheming snake
>N-no I'm not
>Immediatly starts scheming as soon as she gets out of her sight
It's too funny to be upsetting, really.
> feeding Miku's bread to Itsuki would be an amazing shitstorm.
How would you rate it when feeds it to Fuutarou and claims she made it? That is after Miku runs away in tears.🐂
>there's a difference between workdays and weekends
>It's monday
Lost track of time? kek
Fuutarou making that pose impossed over a dead snake, a derailed train, a dead pig, and broken headphones.
What about Yotsuba?
Her face is faded in the background, little xs on her eyes and ribbon
>ichika will never go snake eyes on your dick
why live
I see. Well, maybe someone will make an edit of this.
>How bad will Fuutarou's smile be broken?
>a dead pig
A broken scale
Well, Miku wouldn't care for it. I don't think Ichika would do something that bad.
I don't get why Nino is so mean and rude over one incident. She has got to stop holding a grudge.
not mine, I think she is as cliche as it gets
I'd sooner ask Eba for help.
Rolled 72 (1d100)
Rolling to check my age and if Ichika is my big or little sister
>Itsuki eats Miku's bread
Oh, that would be downright destructive. It's like kicking a puppy.
>I don't think Ichika would do something that bad.
You're in for a rude awakening, my boy.
I'm going to marry Miku!
>I don't get why Nino is so mean and rude over one incident
Nino knows of Ichika's serpentious ways. That's why she wasn't surprised with the manner in which Ichika betrayed her, but instead that Ichika was interested in Fuutarou.♥️
Wanna lick Itsuki flabs
You underestimate a snake in heat.
Only saw that d&d alignment chart for Ichika.
Maybe we can take the last page of this chapter and give Fuutarou a "Nandatte?".
she is the best
roll d6
Who is best Girl. Yea Forums Poll:
Do you have the crop for 3 and 4 as well?
>picture is drawn well
>lapels and buttons are a sloppy mess
artists that do this shouldn't be artists.
I did not know that she also slept with her eyes open
Ichika sure is the most atrractive quint. I think she took the wrong direction, she just needed to be flirty with F, it always gave me the impression that F valued her woman features, how she seemed the most mature of them in his eyes. already with a goal in her life, etc.
Sexiest bullet I ever dodged.
>inb4 "everybody but Ichikabros use proxies"
Who is the african user?
Best girl.
>she got apple headphones
How long until Negi decides to make visual novel for 5toubun? Would sell like hot cakes and would be the only way to provide satisfying conclusion for everyone.
Those aren't crops.
I want a VN just to be an asshole to all the quints
> someone spent time searching for those frames
Dresses: 2 > 1 > 5 > 3 > 4
Yotsuba's dress is too genki for marriage.
This is the only colored version I've seen and it looks pretty good. Thanks Mikubro
Rolled 7 (1d100)
Which legend is the strongest? The bell one or the campfire one?
1-50: Bell (one girl wins)
51-100: Campfire (harem end)
>Fuu has always liked Miku's cooking
He canonically just has no taste.
Ninobros this is our end
Better surrender now to our fatty overlords🏳️
Miku: Shadows Die Twice
It's close but still off.
Doubt that's his version
Rolled 2 (1d6)
rolling for the best of the best, the top of the top, the cream of the cream
I realize why I like Ichika so much now...
Her time has finally come! She needs to be selfish for a change!
Kek, finally.
Like if you like❤️
Itsuki would never fit on that dress
She will mikiri Ichikas snake strike
How long until the party stops?
>puke on his own cooking
>likes the expensive duck that he ate
Oh I know. I call any Mikufag a Mikubro though. I don't know what happened to that color user but I don't want to ruin the thread by bringing that up so I'll leave it at that
5 > 1 > 3 > F > 2 > 4
I fucking hate Fatsuoka.
Who is this carrot nosed uggo?
Did Negi just copy Sagiri?
Rolled 4 (1d6)
Rolling for the winner
Even if she's no more than a supporting character now, seeing so many Yotsupanels made me really happy.
Yotsuba carried Miku this chapter was so cute.
Please let her at least have some happiness at the end of the manga Negi.
Rolled 4 (1d6)
Ah yis, again!
Is that her VA?
Rolled 6 (1d6)
Rolling for which quint will die first
Rolled 6 (1d6)
Third time!
That’s one lewd ninja
>accidentally only missed Ichika
The karma is a bitch.
>Matsuoka: "It's been a while since I've worked on a series with large female cast"
It's Yotsuba's VA. That was from a very long time ago around the time of the manga CM.
Me too user! I want to keep believing in her after how great her character development was.
They have reserved dresses with different size.
Yotsuba VA
Here Miku and Itsuki
3 and 4 are both precious.
Fuck, marry, kill, befriend, ignore
Miku deserves to win for cuteness alone.
Like and re-tweet if you agree.
Shut up Fuutarou
Fuck Miku
Marry Nino
Befriend Itsuki
Ignore Yotsuba
Kill Ichika
Fuck Miku
Marry Ichika
Kill Nino
Befriend Yotsuba
Ignore Itsuki🐢
Fuck Nino
Marry Yotsuba
Kill Snek
Befriend Itsuki
Ignore Miku
He's busy
Whats wrong with Itsuki hand?
5: best performance by far
4: underrated by most
3: rookie but pretty good unless she tries to sing
1: overrated but competent
2: skilled but with her most annoying voice
F: horribly miscast
Fuck Yotsuba
Marry miku,
kill Ichika,
befriend itsuki,
Ignore Nino
>the girl with the shortest hair is always the worst
Why is this universally true?
FUCK Nino!
Fuck Itsuki
Marry Nino
Kill Ichika
Befriend Yotsuba
Ignore Miku
Fuck Nino and Miku
Marry Nino
Kill (you)
Befriend Yotsuba
Ignore Itsuki
>Ichika's VA is just as sexy as Ichika
What a pleasant surprise.
Scriptanon here.
They have no scrambling or anything on the new site. Just open developer tools (F12 most likely), open the console and type in "img_list". That will give you the direct links to all the pages.
Fuck Itsuki
Marry Miku
Befriend Yotsuba
Kill Ichika
Ignore Nino
Since when Ichika become so possessive and creepy? She was totally different in the start.
Based ninofag artist.
Fuutarou ruined her and her sisters.
>open-hearted and frank personality
Open your eyes!
Negi isn't a good writer, so things most be simplified for the to continue
>for the to continue
*for the story to continue
in the ass
Matsuoka and Ayaneru are never gonna change those profile pics huh. Those pictures are from 10 years ago.
>Since when Ichika become so possessive and creepy
Boy posters got btfo'd.
So we all agree Ichika is out right? Even if she does redeem herself, there's no way you can justify her being the bride when we're close to the endgame.
everyone is out user, Itsuki is going to win
Fuck Itsuki
Befriend Yotsuba
Marry Miku
Kill Nino
Ignore Ichika
Not necessarily
These bitches have long hair and they're the worst in their respective series
That ninja bitch from Yuuna
Matsuoka isn't like very shy borderline homo? i forgot which VA is laughed at in a press conference
Fuck Ichika
Marry Miku
Kill Nino
Befriend Yotsuba
Ignore Itsuki
Wanna tongue punch Ninos ass
Whats more likely to happen
a)Miku runs away
b)Fuutarou said something that caused misunderstanding
c)Yotsuba tries to cover it up
d)Ichika lying through her teeth again
liking all the ichikas in this post
Anons, can Negi pull off an ichika end? His name will be written in golden ink in the history of harem if that happens.
Rolled 3 (1d6)
Not on my fucking watch.
Sorry, not happening. Not after all her lies.
Probably fucking this like always. NEGI YOU FUCKING HACK.
>both have light pink hair
>similair names
>similair bodies
what did they mean by this?
I read that as killing all the ichikas
Was there any [Delete]'d falseflagging recently?
Rolled 3 (1d6)
Ichika never pretended to be Miku. They were hallucinating from climbing all those stairs.
She's still wearing her blue sweater
Who cares about falseflagging in April Fools'?
Nope. I don't think even the bestiality pic 2 threads ago was deleted.
I want Fuutaro to fuckaro me
How long until Fuutarou gets 'd?🐷
I want to impregnate Yotsuba
Wait until the wedding's over, Fuutarou!
Shut up Eba
Miku will forgive Ichika for everything
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
This little piggy went to market,
This little piggy stayed home,
This little piggy had roast beef and married fuutarou.
Takeda and Maeda saving the day.
This is the bride. Her chest is impressive.
how many likes do you need to get the roll command
>mfw Yotsuba is driven to suicide by Ichika
Where the fuck are her collarbones is she okay
20 or so. Pretty low iirc
Just woke up
What did I miss the last hour?
But her chest isn't the biggest
Harem end or Niceboat end ?
Everything she has is impressive.
Bullying Itsuki should get you banned. She is a good girl and the lot of you are making her very for no reason.♨️
obviously first girl end
Except her shitty personality
Someone please stop her!
Men like to show their arms, women like to show their boobs.
Nino like to show her pastry
Nino and Itsuki catching up to them and Futarou asking them again to fuck off, because he wants a normal trip for once, and the a) in tears.
Yotsuba genuinely gave me hope and optimism during my exams.
Nobody can stop her. Ichika is out already. Nino will self-destruct. Miku will never confess. Yotsuba isn't even competing for the F.
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Implying I don't like Itsuki the most and her being an easy target to bully doesn't make her even more endearing.
She has been taking steps to get better. Just give her time.
I hate to admit it, but this is already decided bros
Ch 68: Fuutaro tries to question the way he discovered Miku
Ch 77: Fuutaro looks "disappointed" because Miku is not in love with him
Ch 86: Fuutaro will think again about his feelings for Miku
probably here he realizes something and we have the last two volumes tying loose ends and making those two autistic come together
>She has been taking steps to get better. Just give her time.
>"You should be grateful to go out with me'
>Ch 77: Fuutaro looks "disappointed" because Miku is not in love with him
>Ch 86: Fuutaro will think again about his feelings for Miku
Nice fanfiction.
Exactly, it's cute to bully her. I'd call her fat while stuffing her face with delicious sweets.
>Just give her time
>First thing I'm gonna do in this trip is I'm gonna follow and annoy Fuutarou
She ain't doing a good job. Needy bitches lose.
Her personality is still shitty but at least she's not drugging people anymore.
post the spoilers already
That scene showed how flustered she was. You can see it as she was blushing hard through the whole thing. Plus she felt like she needed to work faster because of the competition around her. Also it shows that she still has room to grow and this arc will allow that.
It is precisely because of that selfish attitude that she has no chance of winning
When did yotsuba started to support miku again?
Yotsuba is a good sister looking out for her oneesan Miku. The others are self-serving trash.
This is Fuutarou's bride. Say something nice about her!
I'd gladly take an out of nowhere main girl Itsuki end rather than any Miku end.
Only this little piggy can win.
Post more kunoichi Miku
she has a nice butt
A cunt and not Fuutarou's bride.
I don't read this shit but Itsuki is the cutest
Fuck off bitch.
>out of nowhere
Nino is a mistake
Itsuki is a great many things.
What a simple trick to see who's posting currently in 5toubun threads since people can't help themselves.
I can see the early raw request incoming.
Take it as you like, but Fuutaro has thought about that in each final chapter of the last two volumes
But Mito is by far the worst Shokugeki girl and she has the shortest hair
>>First thing I'm gonna do in this trip is I'm gonna follow and RAPE Fuu-kun
Fixed that for you
Braindead chink.
Itsuki shows up and eats Miku's bread by mistake
Where do these girls go to masturbate when they live in a tiny flat?
Nah Erina is awful. At least Meat was fine because was also irrelevant thanks to Tsukuda
I'm cheering for Ichika, but she is digging her own grave with the lies and schemes. I'm worried
So did every other quint, with yotsuba only being an exception because she wanted to do it for another quint's benefit. Hence, this cannot put off Fuutarou, given we know he marries one of them, and thus, you are a big doodoo head who is telling porkies.
They come to me.
nice ad hominem
Rolled 45 (1d100)
Negi sure pulling his plot direction in the most unimaginable way possible.
I never expect to see Ichika acts so retarded as to pull the exact same trick again.
What would she even do if she meet Fuutarou?Her other sister would've catch up to her eventually and Miku showing up twice will make things even weirder for Fuutarou.
They don't: that's why they're all so cock-hungry and unable to control themselves around the first guy they meet at a new school🐰
They don't, that's why they're so on edge and horny.
Don't worry, Miku will sweep everything under the rug and Ichicute will still be in the race and her reputation still in a good state.🌈
Rolled 2 (1d6)
She would probably lead Fuuts back from where they came and completely avoid reaching the summit at all.
Especially her cream puffs.
S-sorry.... Got carried away a little bit. I'll finish 74 first I'm redoing the BG.
Busy season just finished at work, I got most of my free time back.
I can start coloring chapters again.
Nino's delicious and creamy puffs.
And potatoes.
The Ninos have it, the Ninos have it
i hope so, ichikabro
did you say potato
Did anyone notice that Nino's nails are back this chapter?
>fortune and party hat
What? Can't you only use one perk? Is the party hat not a perk? What is happening?
I forgot about it. You were supposed to finish it by yesterday, huh.
I wish there was one more raw provider besides me.
Guys, what do you think Fuuts and Yotsuba are going to name their first child?
So now that Yotsuba is confirmed bride, how many children do you think they will have?
Probably because she isn't working right now. She only stops stylizing her nails when she has to do work otherwise she has the nails we have seen since the beginning.
Nothing more wholesome than potatoes.
Potatoes > Pasta > Rice > Groats
Was she nailess in the previous one?
Yotsuba will win the Fuutobowl, this 4 wills it.
Men of culture.
The party hats are for the next poster below yours
Negi tweeted that she no longer has long nails, you had the working chapter with her with short nails and two chapters back with short nails.
I just caught up with spoilers and apparently Ichika is still sabotaging people? There's no way Ichikafags can act like she dindu nuffin.
They do but nobody takes them seriously.
That's pretty neat. I need to work harder and unlock it before the mods get rid of it.
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
>excellent luck
here have a like lucky user
But the summit only have 2 way points.
1st one have Nino and Itsuki currently climbing so they can immediately recognize its Ichika had they ever cross path.
2nd one have Yotsuba and Miku currently climbing.
Plus Ichika won't be able to change her disguise halfway.
This hat is for yotsuba. Nobody else is to steal it.
Hopefully tomorrow this cancerous new additions will be gone and we can return to regular shitposting.
Done for!🦑
Imagine being angry all year instead of being happy during April Fool's and angry the rest of the year.
>I wish there was one more raw provider besides me.
Thanks for doing your best
>Ichika's 'new' personality came outta nowhere
I'll finish it ASAP.
>I wish there was one more raw provider besides me.
We appreciate your sacrifice/contribution.