Do people browse Yea Forums in China?

Do people browse Yea Forums in China?

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I don't know, but they do love the masterpiece that is Violet Evergarden.

Only if they buy passu.

Chinks also come here for LN spoils, and images leaked, I saw they grabbed spoils here, and posted screencaps on Baidu.

i hope not

They just want to fuck Violet.

At least they have good taste.

Check this out.

Attached: greetings from china.jpg (1200x800, 72K)

thank you based Violet.

Surely if you suffered through the horrible VN you'd have an unfair advantage

Chinks aren't people.

What the hell is that picture?

D, A

English instruction in China.

Attached: bioretto sensei.jpg (980x551, 316K)


please stop bullying us

Attached: crybaby_aikyan.jpg (1920x1080, 859K)

sub-human chinese filth.

Answers: D, A, B

>learn english
>use VPN to get past the firewall
>risk imprisonment and loss of social credit
>just to shitpost on Yea Forums
Chinks aren't that retarded, right?

Attached: 1553102617478.png (270x320, 77K)

Who needs travel privileges when you can shitpost?

A lot of absolute losers go to China to teach English and I bet a lot of them browse Yea Forums.
t. Chinaboo who totally isn't like the other guys because he really likes traditional Chinese culture none of which exists any more

Yea Forums isn't blocked in China



Traditional Chinese culture was weak and degenerate. Deng's implementation of national socialism is superior.


let's try something out
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

Cringe as fuck.

t. John Guotong

What does this do? Get the site banned for them?

Probably not, and within two years neither will anyone in the EU.

The offices of the communist party are on lockdown and all VPN's have just been blocked in China.

It does nothing. It's a lame little spell amerimutts post to make themselves feel better and relevant whenever China is discussed.

So they're trying to get random Chinese posters sent to the gulag or something? That's fucked.

So chinks have shit taste?

>people shilling VEG on Yea Forums are chinks
it all makes sense now

>Winnie the Pooh
I just keked

>all VPN's have just been blocked in China.
Pretty sure the EU will do this too soon.
I've seen Canadians and Australians laughing about it recently, but just remember you're next.

>none of which exists any more

Bits and pieces can be found in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

And of course, a lot of Tang culture was preserved by Japan.

No, China is fucked. But the same can happen in the west, with other topics.

No, because we do not tolerate bugmen here.

Attached: 1549178824364.png (1400x586, 692K)

Hong Kong hasn't been Chinese in a long time. Only recently has it begin to rejoin its nation.

And a ching chong nip nong to you too, young lady.

Attached: 1550782235478.png (722x648, 631K)


>the west
t. bugman

China is the future of anime. They like actual shows and not just DEEPshit like the west.

>Do people browse Yea Forums in Louisiana?

Attached: Anon's Store Deli Signs 00.jpg (1200x583, 771K)

Attached: Anon's Store Deli Signs 01.jpg (640x853, 167K)

What the fuck

Only the trash of society browses Yea Forums, and officially there's no such a thing in the People's Republic of China

Nah man, I'm not buying there.

What, for example?

Attached: not ok.jpg (1048x720, 128K)

Holy fuck I want

Attached: 1493719283930.gif (250x250, 69K)

>officially there's no such a thing in the People's Republic of China
what if I told you that there is no such thing as designated human trash in China because all of China is composed of human trash?

Attached: 1550780425851.jpg (683x1024, 86K)

somebody pls remove

>We'll make you cum Louisiana fast!

Memes involving killing sprees, not agreeing with the official history on the holocaust, stuff like that.

likes are a permenant feature, dearest user.

No they stopped accepting American trash months ago.

>those tags

Attached: smug_trap.png (1067x850, 509K)

Attached: 82f3e603da3cac49afa87689ca653304d981eedbe54dfe4c9ff2583b22b86efc.jpg (1021x881, 244K)

Of course bomb threats and that sort of stuff has to be taken seriously, that's not even a political thing. If you dismiss that, you risk ignoring real cases. Are you retarded?
>not agreeing with the official history on the holocaust
What a load of shit. I live in Germany where this is literally illegal, and you would never ever get van'd for this. In fact, nothing would happen unless you'd be stupid enough to announce it in public.

oh you are so funny user
so quirky and random
fucking kill yourself

Attached: 1533694024723.gif (436x359, 3.14M)

How does he get away with this

Attached: Screen_Shot_2019-04-01_at_19.13.32-1.png (1428x1078, 3.16M)

How many lego sets are in your cuckshed?

I don’t get this joke


Nothing. This "pasta" full of bullshit. It's spammed by discord undereages from Yea Forums across internet because China is hot topic in Yea Forums.

Hong Kong culture is really interesting because it's somewhat synthesised with British culture in weird ways. Like, you know XO Sauce? That's named after the "XO" labels on rather luxurious brandy bottles, because brandy became a biword for luxury and superior quality.

Taiwan really doesn't have any more traditional a culture than mainland China desu.
lmao desu Japan saved China's culture by translating it into Japanese and voraciously jerking off about it. See: Water Margin/Suikoden.
In Chinese, my name is 申子墨, which means "ink", or "intellectual", and is a reference to a great Chinese scholar. Please, do not make fun of my supposed Chinese names again.

Reminder the chink writing system is retarded.

that's the lamest attempt at a pasta
bet some angsty edgy 16 year old typed that up

Attached: 1529275713384.gif (330x166, 2.11M)

Big enough for a tower to fuck your ass with.

Attached: 1553145771624.webm (900x580, 2.92M)

t. zhang

This is from Taiwan I think, since the Chinese part is written in Traditional Chinese.

t. Island chink

Use an alphabet insect.

t. retard child

Still better than its spoken language, which is by far the worst among the major languages of the world.

Where is this from? Please tell me it's a VR game.

is there any tonal language that sounds pleasant?

Got any more?

fuck off pol fuck off

tiananmen square 1989

Its literally pictures you have to fucking draw and memorize around 5000 of them just to be literate in the hive(China).

I'll take 2

Attached: 1518378294572.jpg (280x300, 25K)

>modern Yea Forums
>fuck off /pol/
/pol/ owns this site

What the fuck I want bayou deli cheese now

The guys twitter is @ImContaidges im too lazy to post the others

Attached: DxyIk9yUcAAzAVj.jpg (2048x1536, 474K)

This is 4channel. We don't even have a /pol/ board.

Mandarin poetry sounds great. I must assume Americans have only heard some gibbering southern dialect.
It actually makes a tonne of sense. Chinese is in one way supremely retarded: every single word is one syllable long, so there's a LOT of words which're pronounced the exact same way. Using an alphabet to write that sort of language just doesn't make sense -- you can't tell what word xī is referring to. But if I type 希 or 西, then I can tell whether it means "hope" or "west".

I love how greens are in a constant shitfest now that they can't just export their rubbish but have to be honest now.

Attached: 1335703498996.jpg (403x396, 41K)

Wow look at that stupid shit drawing a bunch of pretty lines and calling it a language, mandarin is retarded. At least make your pictures easier to draw you fucking autistic chinks.

>At least make your pictures easier to draw you fucking autistic chinks
they did

fucking western fucks are so hypocrite. They did all the bad selfish shits and now forbade others to do it. Asking third-world country to stop developing because muh habitat. Asking banning of palm oil also because muh habitat. Fuck you western fuckers


They did, actually, a great many times. The Chinese you know only exists after many centuries of scholars writing characters and collectively saying "fuck this shit, I'm lazy, I'm gonna write this without all these squiggly bits". And of course in the 1950s they introduced simplifacation (although IMO that was a mistake; it makes it easier to write, but a lot harder to read).

Attached: get chinked.gif (594x595, 20K)

And Japs are even worse, because it's Chinese + Hiragana + Katana + some sort of eldritch grammar.

High level trolling

Also -- and this is important -- the same Chinese character can be read in many different bloody ways, only one of which resembles the actual Chink pronunciation!

You call that easier? With thousands of characters it makes no difference how much easier you make drawing them its a stupid system altogether.

A means cat
B means rape
C means big
, means you

ACB, means Big cat rape you

This is how stupid the chink writing system is literally picture writing.

It's remarkably easy to read once you get used to it.

I sure hope not

Its very interesting the logogram made by sandniggers in Egypt and Sumeria dont look like this alien gibberish at all, asians are fucking autistic. Can you imagine how painful it was to meticulously write this shit before the information age?

>use a language that foreigners can't even learn properly
>Still thinking they can become a world power and ruin anime
The absolute state of chinks.

you are retarded

They better get rid of tones if they want this to be a lingua franca.

I don’t like how it sounds spoken but it sounds good sung. I listen to a few Chinese bands

they already are world power, i dont like China too

That's a strong level you got there, user.

You are missing the point there are thousands of these characters you must remember and with thousands that means lots of squiggly lines that are annoying as shit to draw.

What did he mean by this?

Sadly, it will never die, because beeing able to represent an entire concept in a tiny amount of space is chuuni as fuck, and is so fucking chuuni several cultures adapted it. Asia is a post-chuuni apocalypse where other languages fought a battle of survival of the chuuniest and lost.

Wouldn't "ACB," be "Cat big rape you"?

so does the other scripts, dont shittalk for nothing. All languages are good


Attached: 1543070085107.jpg (330x488, 69K)

Id have no problem if the words didnt all look the same but they do.
In my language you put the noun before the adjective to describe something.

Bullshit alphabets are so easy to draw that you dont even feel any frustration writing words. But chink symbols are pure autism.

it's actually from taiwan, so nothing suspicious there

Attached: 3TdrQrX.jpg (960x720, 57K)

>tfw chink runes are so inefficient that Vietnam abandoned them the moment they were free from Chinese rule

nanking massacre didn’t happen but it should have

A bunch of lines.

Chinks cmon now use an alphabet dont use the latin one make up your own its easy just make an EASY TO DRAW glyph to represent a single consonant or vowel.

Now do it already you fucking insects.

No. China has its own equivalent of Yea Forums, and it sucks.

>tfw your Chinese name is 曉璣

Words are usually two or three syllables (characters) long you fucking sperg. Do you even 漢語?

That doesn't even remotely stop them from coming over here and shitting everything up with pure Chink retardation

The chinks who are posting here in the west are all exchange students sent by the chink government to learn stuff from the west so that they can bring all the knowledge back into chinkland.

>coming over here
is this your first day on 4channel? LARPing as chink for epic (You) is common thing. Especially because no one know chinese. When you LARPing as jap you can easily be called out.

t. amerimutt or some other anglosphere tard who doesn't understand that just because someone disagrees with them does not mean that the person is Chinese

>attention fagging /pol/tard shitting up threads as usual

Nice, triple Chinklets

Attached: ching chong.jpg (381x380, 37K)

>h-he's chink!
See. Typical /pol/ behavior. Ebanashka

I for once welcome chinese investors building a new supersilkroad in the form of the belt and road initiative and trying to connect with west europe.

>Are you retarded?
Are you? Real bombers don't shitpost about it on 4chins.

>he doesn't like sub Disneyland level "restorations" of things destroyed in the cultural revolution


They are a world power even if I don't like it. They overtook Japan, they will shortly overtake USA. I just hope poos become a local counterweight and EU comes together of we are fucked.


They're literally at negative GDP growth right now

The EU can't come together, simply by virtue of the fact that it's different nations with different languages and different people who are all too much focused on maintaining their different cultures apart and only doing the bare minimum of cooperation.
Which is a result of braindrain happening in the eastern part of the EU, leaving only utter morons in the east EU to vote for hypergreedy and ultracorrupt crazies.

You mean today? Daily doesn't matter.

Yearly you fucking dumbshit

>he actually believes their cooked as fuck commie numbers

>Official numbers are always doctored
This is literally why the west has failed to predict China's "fall" for over 30 years.

I'm doubtful of everything, but most of all retards on 4chins with no source beside
>dude trust me

Both Sumerian and Egyptian had a weird half-logographic system. Also, while the "official" Egyptian writing system was batshit insanely was pretty much only used on official proclomations and big stone monuments. Actual Egyptian looked like this.
Yes, and it's surprisingly easy to read when you get used to it. As for writing -- it's actually slightly faster than joined-up handwriting in my experience. At least, using simplified.

I will say this: dyslexic Chinks literally cannot read Chinese. It's not possible. While in English mixing up "lemon" and "melon" is a pain in the arse, you can kinda work it out from context. In Chinese, mixing up the components of a character utterly fucks everything up.
That's a """modern""" innovation. In Classical, almost all words are only one character long. It's for exactly that reason that modern Chinese spludges characters like "body" and "another word for body" to mean "body" -- although it seems weird and unnecessary, it's to distinguish it from other words with the same pronunciation.

Having said that, it's still absolutely hiney-hammering to try and read pinyin and make sense of it.

Attached: comparative evolution of logograms.jpg (797x1300, 337K)

Attached: chinese escalator caution check.webm (426x426, 2.85M)

Clever girl.

See western logograms arent abstract autism like the chinks.

>Developing country has spotty infrastructure
Wow it's fucking nothing.