>Yea Forums gets turned into Facebook lite
>Yea Forums posts are indistinguishable from actual Facebook posts
And you people pretend you're not normalfags?
>Yea Forums gets turned into Facebook lite
>Yea Forums posts are indistinguishable from actual Facebook posts
And you people pretend you're not normalfags?
Other urls found in this thread:
Like this post if you agree.
Like this post if you disagree.
Don't like this post if you agree.
Like this post if you're having fun
just like regardless of your personal opinion
Like this post if dubs
Thanks for proving my point, fags.
Prove this *unzips dick*
Just between you and me, only one of us knows what regular, day to day facebook posting looks like.
But yeah, sure, I'm the loser in this scenario.
haha okay this is epic
like comemnt subscribe if you agreee👌
>implying Yea Forums isn't facebook any other day of the year
I do not need your likes.
>cries about facebook whilst posting reddit tier memes
Upvote my post!
test 3
But I do🙁
can't give you a like so at least accept my yikes
Your fortune: Average Luck
Hello, random person scrolling through the comments.
I hope you have a great day!
Everyone on here is normalfag and always has been.
testing for aids💯
that's the wrong emote for aids🌈
Thank you!
quick Yea Forumsnons summon you lolis to send the /pol/monster running in fear back it's cave
Rolled 8 (1d100)
Hurry up and post porn already faggot
>your* to its*
Typos out the ass, I clearly rolled a 1.
Very sad, can I get some like in the chat
fuck off, normie.
[tags friend] hahahahaha aso truuuuuu xDxDxD💯
What do you need to get dino? 750?
Mag recovered!
If Ellie gets 500 upboats she'll go around OPs house and kick this faggot in the nuts
Your fortune: Good Luck
shut up scorelet
How do you do?😃
Liked and subscribed
>implying you aren't the kike here
We need to build a wall to keep Yea Forums out and make the shounentards pay for it!
50 points aint bad
man FUCK you
Jokes on you. I was merely pretending.
Excuse me, where is the current loli thread?
I don't agree with your opinion @186522915
There's huge overlap between /pol/ and Yea Forums, you're killing this board too then.
>There's huge overlap between /pol/ and Yea Forums
In beliefs yes, in users not so much.
Yea Forums traffic has been the same size for a long time, believe it or not.
like if you will bully satania
Yea Forums
>Look at this milf xD
>Look at this loli xD
>Look at this tomboy xD
>What does her leg smell like?
>ITT: characters you wanna breed
>Another One Piece thread
Like I said, Yea Forums is just a low effort, poor quality /h/ at this point. Even /h/ has better anime discussions than Yea Forums.💢
shitty bait
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
I'm gay.😃
>/h/ better
now that's where you're wrong kiddo, this is just your average animes website filled with people looking to discuss dbz. But you would never understand that🙁
Maybe if you've lurked Yea Forums for the past few years, then yeah.
I noticed too, the quality of the threads and post went down sinces the likes thing happened
it went up
as op said now post are getting normier
Everyone shitposts like crazy. Normal threads die quickly. With my usual keywords, the catalogue has shrunk down to 1/3rd.
Pray that they don't make it permanent. Fucking pray.
Ameno user, ameno
It's just all the new shonenshitters
>Pray that they don't make it permanent. Fucking pray.
Are you pretending to be retarded or are you just this fucking new?
Actually, nevermind. That already answered the question.
This entire fucking thing is a mess. if anything, normalfags are just exposing themselves and being more blatent than usual, and are blotting out the faggots who think this is gay as shit (correct).
They've dragge the site down to their level and are now winning with experience.
Wasn't it found out that all three of those were made by the same faggot that made that screenshot? Those threads fucking hate the OP's if you check the archives.
Dumb falseflagging cunt, I don't even need to be in those forsaken threads to know there's some shady shit going on over there.
Not everybody jumpes on the train though
checking score dont mind me
>what is april fools
Nice digits.
>rampant porn and racism
>indistinguishable from actual Facebook posts
Are you sure we're on the same website, mate?😃
Check mine
Weebs on facebook are still weebs, just more awful ones than us. We're still pretty awful though.
Even if they get rid of like system tomorrow, they should at least keep the perks. They're too good to remove.
Children should've been introduced to Yea Forums first before being able to interact with each other. I'll take Yea Forums autism over normalfag "normal".
/pol/ hates lolis
Still beats turning into full-on Yea Forums, although we're getting closer every month or so.
Oh so this is what facebook s like then?
I take it you don't go on Facebook.
>everyone just shit posts because of the april fools feature.
>Yea Forums becomes unbearable for the whole day.
I hate April fools.
>everyone just shit posts
And what's wrong with that?
I think Lelouch is pointing to anons who're constantly bitching, like OP, about others having fun on April fool's.
What you people never guessed was that the actual joke is that this is a permanent update.
>namefag thinking he has any right to complain about shitposting
>namefag that with his sole presence makes most threads unbearable complains about Yea Forums being unbearable
Oh the irony🐸
pretty sure they are based and redpilled tho
>anons start losing their shit about e-likes and popularity despite the fact that it will be gone in a single day
>no fun allowed
>not even for one measly day a year
It's as if this was a special event that happens once a year and anons just want to have some fun.
literally every april fools day, literally every time Yea Forums bring out a wordfilter or music or background, the autists come out of the woodwork to proclaim how superior they are to it and everyone else is beneath them
you have worms in your brain
I'm only acting like a normalfag as a joke.
>Yea Forums has advanced so far on the no fun allowed scale that it's impossible to have fun even on April Fools
>can't angry/wow react for actual shitposting value
OP you know nothing
Sorry, everyone, but it's
Hey, there's no reason to be rude.
Fun for the fun throne, laughter for the laughing god!
But does facebook have these repeating digits?
Rolled 6 (1d6)
All it need is downvote option and site would become just like reddit with Yea Forums renamed into /animememes/
The one good thing that came out of this shitty April Fools prank is the amount of loli threads full of NSFW images people started making in protest. Holy shit I got plenty of nice fap material today.
/spa/ > team wars >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit > this
/mlpol/>>>>>>> everything else🙁
>Posting Houtengeki
Excuse me sir, but are you preparing this thread for a forest of rising boners?
I feel sorry for you.
/pol/fags are probably the only ones who'd accept this permanently, half of them come from reddit anyway
But you can literally do this on a daily basis in places like twitter, fucking says a lot when the most creative most people can get with this parrots discord-level le maymays. The funniest thread I've seen about it was the /ss/ thread, so I'll give you that one.
Reposting from another thread, it would've been a shit ton better if we could dislike posts, and if an user's score goes into the negatives, their browsing experience would be fucked up:
>jumpscares at random intervals
>can't reply for X number of minutes
>html for X number of threads
etc. etc.