One Piece

Previous thread hit pic limit (yes) so here's a new one.

I'll take this opportunity to inform fellow Dressrosa bros that while Doflamingo's backstory is heavily inspired by Master and Margarita Oda gave the Satan's power to Law back when he was introduced. Remember the magic show where Woland decapitates a dude and the head is still talking and then he puts the head back in the place but the guy is forever traumatised and can never sleep again? Where that's basically Law's main power, he's a dark magic expert in a lot of ways in fact.


Attached: fe756f74df628f1cb48134d0082b64804cf065c0_hq.gif (500x281, 735K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Oda is a fucking hack.


Attached: doffy_0.jpg (1077x726, 218K)

based and truthpilled

The most liked Antagonist reply/post will get the title.

Just settle this shit because there will NEVER be another chance for this since Strawpolls are garbage.

Attached: 1hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 26K)

Nami is /ourgirl/!

Attached: illust_69522426_20190401_182134.png (1772x2717, 2.48M)

>mfw no dislike option

Attached: 1553111562874.png (166x293, 17K)

Can O-Toko bring back his laughter?

Attached: 33e56e9b123af04bdc92ee3c78a624bc.jpg (162x287, 15K)

just reply with your waifu to compete for /ourgirl/ retard


Attached: pissed.jpg (203x248, 13K)

Mama is best villain

Attached: perorin.png (623x443, 146K)

>future golddigging slut

Attached: 4d243005f0c751da47ba32ac7b7f9317.png (1280x720, 751K)

The one true God Buggy's crew.

Attached: Buggy_Pirates_Brand_New_World.png (1280x720, 1.47M)

Beast Pirates

Attached: tumblr_pm5oipDHma1y63mz0o1_1280.png (538x1920, 336K)

Based how Zoro not only beat Sanji by miles but also won /ourguy/.

Today, we drink on Sanjifag tear Zorochads.

Attached: illust_73986348_20190401_081912.jpg (2894x3547, 2.19M)

Mama's good too

Attached: 1553398969937.png (1366x768, 1.23M)

Where are my Crocochads at?

Attached: 1543409090894.png (358x272, 179K)

kill yourself degenerate faggot

Attached: Akainu.jpg (299x168, 8K)

Good morning, everyone.
Ask Katakuri anything and, with his future sight, he will show you your fortune

Attached: Interesting....jpg (1071x816, 464K)

>Trannyfags are ten third-world spics samefagging constantly
feels good senpai

Attached: 15541065106732.png (202x282, 168K)

i thought people hate Sanji because he's transphobic

Ready for more adventures?

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Attached: 937 (0).jpg (1770x1300, 2.42M)

Attached: Robin.jpg (295x357, 56K)

You though wrong, he's transphobic cause he's in denial of being a tranny deep in his heart, and that's pretty pathetic. If he was transphobic on principle that would pretty based.

Attached: 47354490_365550270668365_7256917357979532188_n.jpg (480x480, 66K)

I sometimes feel like One Piece isn't a shonen, but rather a character drama. The story starts out by showing the relationship between Luffy and Shanks and building up the world. Meanwhile we don't see Luffy fight someone until Alvida several chapters later, and that lasts for like 3 seconds and is the culmination of Coby's character development. Compare with DB/Bleach/Naruto which all start out with the MC proving his power by beating the bad guy long before any character development takes place.

Attached: thumb-1920-618290.png (1399x781, 271K)

Yeah, it's basically canon he wants to be a woman.

Uh, bros?

One Piece is destruction of the Shounen

Attached: OP66_131.png (956x1500, 342K)

How many likes for this smug rabbit

Attached: carrot-1065035-1280x0.jpg (1280x704, 72K)

Basically why OP does shounen best, not being overly shounen but focusing on drama, emotions and exploration of the world and the shounen journey being used as a plot device to move the action forward.

Spooky Luffy is kinda cool

Attached: 1502125411946.png (324x397, 116K)

Hey y'all, it's Usopp's birthday today.

Wish our boy a happy birthday.

(This post is celebrated by the black kabuto gang)

Attached: 1553978855274.jpg (791x642, 468K)

>mfw no dislike button

Attached: 1540242218431.jpg (640x800, 67K)

First of all why would anyone draw this

This board feels like /r/anime right now

thank Hiro

second of all why would anyone not draw this

This user browses /r/anime

Attached: 1530468306298.jpg (398x398, 27K)

Did he have better CoA than Luffy?

Attached: One Piece - Chapter 770 - 3.jpg (1066x1600, 452K)

I still can't believe Robin is Momo's sister

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

>retarded op makes a shitty OP without the other thread reaching bump limit

And now I have to complete 19 posts so it reaches the limit alone. Thanks for nothing headass.

Roughly on par perhaps, also strength can overpower haki itself, so Bellamy's df is giving him some more force.

Attached: One_Piece-v53-156.png (960x1500, 365K)

just don't bump it bro

reminder that fishmen aren't people

Attached: shanks1.jpg (225x225, 8K)

How many children will I get?

Based and redpilled

Attached: 1553678549699.png (375x385, 9K)

Your fortune: Godly Luck

Attached: Katakuri.jpg (916x869, 391K)


Attached: toko.png (439x304, 66K)

Attached: silent_mammoth.png (199x230, 50K)

Mugiwara bros lets go

Attached: illust_73825414_20190327_193238.jpg (1701x1313, 693K)

I love them!!!

Attached: Best Mom Pirates.png (1920x1080, 1.67M)


Images like these make me wish Wano was just a comfy journey in One Piece Edo Japan.

Attached: KVse2UN.png (244x589, 115K)


Attached: 1540055160063.jpg (749x657, 35K)

Your likes are mine kaido! I'd be willing to trade some for child support though you deadbeat.

Attached: 1551887472969.png (259x347, 33K)

Why would anyone even like Sanji. He is pathetic as fuck, especially post timeskip.

Big mom can’t eat child support

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

Attached: buggy.jpg (764x519, 212K)


>no demonic cats fixing their gas burner stoves
Oda is a hack, a hack!

Your fortune: Good Luck

Attached: one-piece-v60-187.png (942x1500, 523K)

Give me some good df ideas, and make them unique like Katakuri Mochi.

Attached: 1549169959027.jpg (337x363, 19K)

Your fortune: Godly Luck

Attached: BEjkPhACEAABEil.jpg (600x405, 47K)

Is the break only one week long or is there some meme japanese holiday


It's not like there was any doubt



Holy shit

Wano will end at chapter 1000!

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!


Attached: mail.png (238x305, 74K)

Attached: bignews.png (209x360, 41K)

Your fortune: Average Luck

Attached: 0896-013.jpg (1067x1600, 420K)

Will this rabbit join the Strawhats?

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Attached: 1553216281505.jpg (356x1200, 86K)

>Another year+ of fucking Wano
Please god no

Attached: zolo.png (343x437, 199K)

Ow, didn't know there were so many bros here

Attached: based.png (400x170, 73K)


Attached: 1506011167740.jpg (1280x720, 166K)


Attached: 1553931136182.jpg (1100x809, 75K)

There's tons of us here but most don't want to "discuss shipping" because it's pretty cancer and we know how bad the threads get. Silently enjoying luna is the way.

Flowers need time to bloom, Zolo. Or are you unclean water as well?

Attached: 4270cdc36b76b5c49ace7eebae475be695a49f48r1-910-1300v2_hq.jpg (716x1024, 180K)

Attached: 1550493729965.png (680x697, 352K)

Foxychads RISE UP

Attached: file.png (473x347, 386K)

please god yes

Attached: 1530256640107.jpg (832x832, 116K)

Your fortune: Outlook good

Attached: Gin.jpg (780x1200, 679K)

Personally it's more of a "don't think there will ships eos but if there are it that one" approach for me.

Attached: 1543880500708.jpg (301x267, 55K)

There's still hope Ginbros

Rolled 2 (1d6)

If 3 or above jinbei is dead

Attached: 1451346176238.png (550x409, 613K)

Will we see Katakuri in Wano soon?

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

From the previous thread:
-Parrot fruit
-alcohol logia
-dimensional shifting
-rope fruit
-chain fruit
-Hunt hunt fruit

Hopefully I can finally drop this crap.

Attached: yawn.jpg (1242x1480, 206K)

So many inferior competitors but no nomination for the Gilgamesh of One Piece?

Out with you, mongrels. Enel has arrived.

Attached: images (73).jpg (772x397, 37K)

It must have sucked to flirt with the man who killed your father.

Hell yeah, fishbros!

Attached: 1503027142113.jpg (501x941, 180K)

Got a link to the previous thread?

>Rabbit has been reabsorbed into the minks clan again
Thank fuck, she almost ruined the last arc

In fairness you posted a series that is currently doing far worse than even Wano

It's still in the catalog

This is starting to get sad user

Attached: 1.png (899x3012, 734K)


Maybe. I hope she'll try her best. Tickling allowed.

Attached: F is for friends.png (404x384, 207K)

That's the right mindset. Lowkey shipping is the best way of shipping.
Same for me desu.

>Calling anything else crap
O I'm laffin

Attached: 1552218607949.gif (611x681, 370K)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

If 4, Toko will stop laughing after witnessing Zoro's death!

Is he alive?

Attached: MISSING APOO.jpg (1280x720, 188K)


Attached: 6.jpg (399x635, 113K)

Zorokeks BTFO

Attached: Shiro.png (310x284, 76K)

I think his den den mushi was shown in Wano. It's a hazy memory tho

Otoko looks almost like Yachiru

Attached: image.png (250x193, 51K)

Him and killer are planing something BIG

>"You know, Luffy, with great power comes great Freedom. Gol D Roger called it "The human burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant."
>Shanks looks directly at the camera.
>"The fishmen, the okamas, the giants...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the adam tree. The Day of the Rope is near, Luffy. We'll have every fishman under the sea dead or in chains in 10 years, and may God have me lose my arm to a weak ass seaking this very night if I'm wrong. God bless the World Government Gorosei party."

Attached: shanks.png (602x452, 302K)

I thin you're on to something

Attached: bb2b620ee5bd7cdea86092135d36bda5-700.jpg (1245x700, 81K)


Even the eye injury is there.

Attached: stupid.png (650x456, 126K)

Can we all agree he's the best character?

>Wano will be an homage to Japanese culture and Dragon Ball
>turns out it's also an homage to some other manga
Not the biggest suprise of my life tbqh

Yup, Sanji is the best male in One Piece.


Attached: 1545250950396.png (600x337, 286K)

Of course

Attached: 1445689268899.png (1146x720, 606K)

By far.

>No Kidd bullying Law about his crew getting captured and shit talking the samurai SoL moments


Attached: Netflix Live Action One Piece.jpg (714x419, 71K)

oi oi

Attached: imagine.png (495x483, 336K)

Kidd's crew is probably held hostage as well.

No contest.

Attached: 1553217337768.jpg (350x413, 47K)


Attached: bungeegum.png (1366x768, 1.39M)

Bros...she's too pure.

Attached: pure.jpg (918x362, 267K)
I miss the old Zoro, before he became edgy and with both his eyes open.


Attached: 1501209885400.gif (517x417, 1.07M)

Of course!

Attached: blushingkuri.png (1366x768, 1.44M)


Attached: ball fish.jpg (659x439, 35K)

>Post filler scene
>Calls Zoro edgy
How the fuck do you miss a character you don't even understand?

Attached: 1.png (160x238, 35K)

This thread has been hijacked by your local Hunterchads

Your fortune: Average Luck

Attached: 1537385668348.gif (544x563, 367K)

witnessed and mediocre

Attached: maxresdefaul666t.jpg (1280x720, 56K)


Attached: schwing.png (1366x768, 2.49M)


Witness this friend

Your fortune: Good Luck

Attached: ABSOLUTE UNIT.png (709x1058, 808K)

why is robin such a disgusting whore?

Attached: one-piece-62775.jpg (309x338, 40K)

That was just an example, remember when he used to laugh so innocently before?

I hope you don't mean that as an insult

Yeah, thats gonna be a downvote from me


Attached: Morel.png (1920x1080, 1.27M)

He will laugh at the end of Wano when his bounty passes a billion and Sanji's doesn't

Attached: 1554065523534.png (582x563, 176K)

all professions are needed, all professions are important

That's before Mihawk redpilled him about the world.

Plus Sanji wasn't around.

It will return, I'm sure of it

Attached: 85_1.jpg (1366x768, 139K)

We can do better

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Attached: 1537317978287.png (213x360, 43K)

you didn't mean it

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Attached: waif.png (235x363, 57K)


Your fortune: Outlook good

Attached: 1537253197104.jpg (1024x576, 25K)

this againDamn, it's like you can't get it up but really want to

Attached: 1554078349944.gif (498x249, 512K)

Will Hunterchads and OPbros form an alliance?

Your fortune: Outlook good

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Attached: 1542330468841.png (229x137, 57K)

Nami-san is the gooddess. Like!

We already have.

What for?

Attached: 1554066508323.jpg (448x417, 49K)

Never, you can be our slaves though.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Attached: 1537729132847.png (644x301, 556K)

>Implying that it isn't
It's just banter between friends

Attached: 3.jpg (1366x768, 152K)

Rolled 16 (1d100)

What's the rating for Wano so far out of 100?

I'd like to sleep on him.

You can't stop being mediocre. Go to your containment already.

Attached: 1553906466824.gif (500x280, 980K)

Very nice💯

What's Zoro bounty going to be at the end of the arc?

Who wouldn't

We own Yea Forums, every thread is our containment thread

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Attached: 1538445429359.png (644x482, 148K)


How do your fortune anyway?

The usual trend with his bounty is getting Luffy's last bounty + some extra, so probably 500mil+

Dang, forgot my sign.
1 represent 1 Million Berry.

Luffy will pass two billion and become a yonko and Zoro will be something like 1 300 000 or 1 500 000. BTW this whole deal with Ryuma and slaying dragons, and the fact that this is more of a Zoro arc then any other SH makes me think he's either gonna play an important role in slaying Kaido or will straight up do it while Luffy takes out Big Mom.

rude. let us hang out

Attached: out.png (258x334, 56K)

If you have enough points, type in fortune in options and it will work. Check your points by clicking on perks when you quick reply

I'll be nice to them if they're nice to us mom😂

>Lose to a weakling bandit
>1 billion bounty
Yeah no, it's gonna be 600 at best.
And Sanji around 550 with his raid suit.

They're alive you fuckin liar!

Attached: 1554065014417.jpg (410x414, 52K)

I didn't think that was what Joy was

Your fortune: Godly Luck

>tfw zero points

Rolled 71 (1d100)

The Straw Hat with the highest number will officially be dubbed the best straw hat:

You have a weird definition of losing.

Attached: UvUOLSe.jpg (318x639, 34K)

You only need about 200 to get Fortune, keep making shitposts user

Rolled 4 (1d100)


Rolled 66 (1d100)


Rolled 80 (1d100)


Hunterchads, forming a team

Attached: IMG_20190401_163024.jpg (1080x1157, 418K)

Rolled 40 (1d100)


We need to break into the MHA stronghold, you in?

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Attached: 1538543558375.png (412x462, 100K)

He might as well have lost by fainting with just one injury with an enemy that doesn't even use Haki or df.

Rolled 71 (1d100)


Hope you don't mind me screencapping. I'm fairly confident that Zoro's bounty will pass a billion.

Attached: 3141431.png (902x240, 15K)

Rolled 23 (1d100)


let's go

The Pirate Queen can't stop winning.

Attached: 1548515117336.jpg (487x639, 182K)

Lol, Zoro confirmed weakest Strawhats member.

Rolled 51 (1d100)


Rolled 29 (1d100)


Rolled 33 (1d100)


Rolled 55 (1d100)


>nami won

as usual

Attached: 150.jpg (1516x1108, 1.64M)

Attached: Nightmare.png (500x377, 104K)

How do you even bait them, they're open cuck-fetishists

Attached: 1554121921117.jpg (1069x1200, 176K)

Everytime I see an Usoppfag I get fired up and start pacing around in my room and shadowboxing.I've taken some martial arts so I know I can defend myself and would be able to lay the smackdown on those shipper faggots.
I wish I could meet one, I'd give them a few jabs and hooks after parrying their weak ass suckerpunch.
If I ever identify an EHfag in real life I would square up on them and fucking smack the shit out of them goddam I'd probably do a leg sweep and stomp on him.

Don't forget to livestream it.

Attached: Nothing of value was lost.png (492x102, 7K)

From Best to Worst
2. Luffy (RUNNER UP/TIE)
2. Sanji (RUNNER UP/TIE)
4. Robin
5. Usopp
6. Brook
7. Franky
8. Chopper

Attached: NamiTreasure.png (640x512, 140K)


Attached: dabji.gif (414x232, 1.33M)

Amazingly accurate.✔️

5th emperor is lord of the coast

Wrong again, anticarrotkek

Attached: carrot singled out of the minks.jpg.png (260x592, 145K)


Attached: 155485454.jpg (132x303, 9K)

>nami is wearing a crown even there

Attached: 1445741162595.jpg (288x499, 111K)

The order is in reverse.

Attached: 0987b2006ad5acd0f041f1a14d8ca18e_480.jpg (480x820, 45K)

Bait them by doing anything
MHAfags are literally subhuman and I'd rather hang with OPfriends than even look at a herotard.

Attached: 1537243681068.png (572x380, 235K)

Attached: I REFUUUSE.png (448x429, 102K)

>using data on mobile
>Some fag got warnned for posting porn using the same IP
>Lost all my points

Attached: 1553878296613.jpg (1024x994, 66K)

>using showscore with such a pathetic score
try again bucko

Attached: PATHETIC.png (800x450, 371K)

Attached: luffy hates ace.jpg (1242x830, 152K)

Attached: turn up the camera.gif (564x361, 370K)

Alright I'm in. Let's have fun HxHbro

Attached: 1553998986646.jpg (512x294, 43K)


Attached: 1552710154876.jpg (1137x640, 44K)

Serves you right for being a degenerate.

Attached: raffin.jpg (400x400, 22K)

For heaven's sake, Daifuku! it's your sister's wedding! Have some decorum

Attached: 1540403924486.gif (498x280, 423K)

w-wow, how did you get such a big point number?

Attached: 1553438547208.png (279x271, 118K)

I'm in class with no laptop I have no choice user I gotta get those upvotes

You're cute.

Post more cute zolos for more likes.

Attached: 1552601059512.png (1684x1190, 872K)

fine. i give one

Thank you user, hopefully I can get back to fortune again

Attached: SVEmdNIBBzvc1WEfDcsSXUaik4DeSYm3GLlpXAmrIfE.jpg (704x400, 47K)

I have no life

Attached: Cute horse smile.png (696x358, 165K)

Just living that here. Don't forget to like comment and subscribe Sanjichads !

Attached: simple as.jpg (2517x1557, 459K)

Attached: illust_73971095_20190401_082005.jpg (2480x2605, 2M)

I love horse chicks.

Your fortune: Outlook good

Attached: tsebeast.jpg (1280x720, 298K)

Made for each other.

Who allowed you to post, spic?

Attached: illust_73457347_20190401_082525.jpg (500x502, 440K)

Your existence was ended in the previous thread

She futa though...


post more zoro please

Attached: Carry_on_your_will.png (720x1093, 637K)

Attached: 20190401_180929.jpg (358x513, 102K)


Rolled 98 (1d100)

Romance Dawn

Attached: Zoro2.png (621x492, 600K)

Attached: illust_69403626_20190401_214147.png (1108x607, 446K)

Rolled 57 (1d100)

Orange Town

Attached: illust_70831554_20190401_214056.jpg (707x1000, 157K)

Rolled 5 (1d6)

Even and Law will die in Wano
Odd and Jinbe will die in Wano

Rolled 86 (1d100)

Syrup Village

Attached: 28902935_p0.png (1000x700, 428K)

The dynamic duo!

Attached: carrot and choniki.jpg (564x835, 115K)

Rolled 63 (1d100)


Look at how horny she is

Very based.

Attached: illust_69403626_20190401_214141.png (1023x1079, 620K)

Rolled 2 (1d6)

Zoro will have a higer bounty than Sanji by the end of wano

Arlong Park


Based and zoropilled.

Rolled 61 (1d100)



Learn how to count Zorofag

Attached: mocking pudding.png (1179x854, 1.43M)

Rolled 41 (1d100)

Logue Town

He rolled 2 and his post ended with 2, you are the bad counter lamer

Attached: 4479291f154415d2b8f205743dbb836be399610dr1-1024-629v2_hq.jpg (1024x629, 66K)

Attached: illust_66562907_20190401_215128.jpg (408x859, 131K)

East Blue Saga Best to Worst
1. Romance Dawn
2. Syrup Village
3. Baratie
4. Arlong Park
5. Orange Town
6. Logue Town

>telling anyone how to count
Lurk more and learn what digits are.

Attached: yikes_touka.jpg (290x457, 19K)

That's not how it works fatso, the score is 2 so it's a low one, and low probablity of it to happen.

ok thats wrong

That's not how it works fatso, the score is 2 which matches the digit, a 100% probability of it to happen

>is that meat in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

That's the way fate intended, user. We have no say

>Rolled 2 (1d6)
So 2billion confirmed eh Zorobros?

Attached: illust_73969629_20190401_082022.png (1300x1300, 1.04M)

>comparing a roll out of 100 to a roll out of 6
I know I shouldn't really expect more from a zorofag but I'm still disappointed.

Attached: robinworry2.jpg (267x287, 33K)

Zoro and Luffy reunion warms my heart

Attached: tumblr_inline_pc5ngl7GNv1qmw31p_540.png (275x270, 43K)

How new are you?

Attached: Disappointed Hiyori.png (319x272, 76K)

Am I smiling?

Attached: 145234241.png (224x208, 49K)

A lot less than expected. But it'll suffice, Zorobro.

Attached: zozojuro.png (650x800, 215K)


Attached: ninty.jpg (600x1266, 125K)

literally can't stop winning today

Attached: 1554065603833.jpg (736x726, 63K)

Oh no. The only thing more powerful than calling someone a fag is calling someone a new.

Attached: 1454048110.jpg (469x480, 60K)

>matching a 1-6 digit leaves 4 digits alone
Even more rarer and worthier.

Steamy sex with Zoro when?

Attached: Hiyori sweat.png (225x158, 41K)

What's going on here?

Attached: 1549858286065.jpg (511x355, 35K)

Lickity lick.

Attached: illust_66056683_20190401_220013.png (800x600, 223K)

'Sup 2 billion berries post wano

Attached: heart.jpg (500x400, 113K)

In 2-3 in-universe weeks, she needs some time after going off the pill to be really fertile again.

Attached: 1553963906011.jpg (401x500, 70K)

How does the future of these threads look?

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Reminder that Zolo is still a lip virgin at 21 yo.

Attached: 1553388281861.jpg (1440x810, 217K)

Attached: onepiececapitulo449001-002.jpg (960x676, 169K)

God bless Zoroposting and Zoro, Zorobros.

Attached: illust_59696765_20190401_220419.jpg (640x480, 169K)


Attached: perona_and_zoro_by_hasagav-d4wm1z2.png (900x537, 431K)

Attached: 47694985_1489632854502246_4103869876798656835_n1.jpg (1080x488, 87K)

was going to post this

>zoro gets most beautiful woman in Wano
>sanji gets three eyed freak

Attached: 1546551005666.jpg (690x720, 29K)

Fuck Sanji.

Attached: 47694985_1489632854502246_4103869876798656835_n.jpg (1080x494, 92K)

Very based.

Attached: z.png (608x691, 270K)

Hey now, Pudding is cute.
Komurasaki is sexy.

Attached: hiyori.png (633x744, 155K)

Zolowhoring for likes or something.

Attached: 24445790_p22.png (300x300, 9K)


Sorry I forget worthless entities or objects.

Attached: zoro cleaning sword.png (914x977, 274K)

Is Crocodile the only character who has different laugh in anime and manga?

>implying perona was his first

Attached: luffy_x_oc_x_zoro___special_day_by_khriky-d7uwlpi.png (720x1023, 555K)

Attached: vivi.jpg (523x406, 127K)

seems like faggots jump from Katakuri to Zoro now for some reason
really feel bad for previous zorofags

Is ZoSan endgame?

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

You're my faourite cancerous shipperfag as of recently.

>"... or pornography starring your sister will be the second worst thing that happens to you today!"

Attached: meet the spy op edition.png (590x350, 145K)

They're both perfect.

Attached: perfect.png (993x654, 509K)


no wonder she was left behind lmao

Attached: 1245725999256.jpg (400x312, 95K)

>all this zorospam
Damn, they're just as autistic as the carrotfags and katafags

Based and Nosepilled

Attached: 0f689a5a-9c33-4a18-9c35-c542f960f673.gif (628x344, 826K)


Attached: illust_59696765_20190401_220409.jpg (640x480, 202K)

It's not illegal to like Kata and Zoro.

Luffy wished for Zoro to die early in the story therefore he will.

Attached: 8A6DEBC9-1FD8-4620-A468-AC896EC21560.jpg (1066x1600, 341K)

>carrotfags and katafags in the same basket

Attached: 1553173651359.jpg (148x187, 9K)

but it's illegal to be a faggot

Attached: hqdefaolt.jpg (480x360, 26K)

Year of Zoro, SanjiEsl

Attached: 1553157692917.gif (336x252, 1.11M)

What are you talking about? It's like fine wine raining.

Attached: illust_66056683_20190401_220019.png (531x767, 100K)

This guy know what's up

Attached: Buggy_Anime_Post_Timeskip_Infobox.png (1280x720, 1.6M)

Jesus. Oda really is a hack.

Wife materials

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Attached: 1553970010321.jpg (1445x1073, 201K)

this thread is just zorofags at 3% of their posting power

This has been one of the most tame threads in a while

Please delete this holy fuck, and I like Sanji. Where is that cringe poster when he is needed. Piggu disgusting.

>implying there ever was something like that

Attached: dfadfa231.png (239x242, 72K)

It's okay to be gay

I've come to purge this thread from faggotry

Attached: Shanks.jpg (1920x1080, 124K)

What kind of bad things could even happen in a comfortable circlejerk.

When will you guys realize characterfags don't exist? It's just shitposters latching onto whatever character they think they can shitpost most effectively with

Then post some pics of your favorite character you doof.

Attached: why is this rabbit talking to me.gif (500x283, 212K)

Must we discuss powerlevels and shipping when Oda has created such a beautiful specimen for us to analyze and discuss about with decades of discussion worthy content?

Attached: zoro wise.jpg (630x764, 689K)

Word, Zorobro.

He comes in various forms too!

Attached: illust_60451472_20190401_222120.jpg (330x261, 103K)

Zorofags exist but itt we just have faggots spamming they disgusting yaoi shit

Will 939 be a Charlotte family chapter?

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Zoro needs to be loved!

Attached: zoro render copy.png (500x500, 293K)

Be careful.

Attached: 1434865529448.png (520x605, 117K)

>implying there's any difference in their cancerous spam
And now zorofs a somehow feel the need to fill the void because Zoro had his first moment of relevancy in three years

please let Smoothie be relevant

Your fortune: Outlook good


Attached: torao.jpg (1824x1600, 1.53M)

Zoro is the thinking man's character

Attached: df7f7ae81a1c3918911924c0591e3b11.jpg (718x722, 97K)

Law is going to die.

Your fortune: Good Luck

>implying there's any difference in their cancerous spam
There is, Carrotfags spam retarded theories as if they were gospel while Katafags just post fanart. Nothing wrong with fanart

Attached: 1553117069676.jpg (544x521, 184K)


Attached: ....jpg (600x330, 96K)

Don't worry, we are united in despising all the faggots, no matter what character they are posting

Attached: Will of D.png (917x1500, 2.22M)

Little girls crushing on manly men are not faggots.

Please help me get my score high enough to unlock skeletons.
I like skeletons.

Attached: brook relaxed.jpg (223x254, 26K)

sure, let's talk about Vivi

Attached: viviandusopp.jpg (954x810, 87K)

Quit being so insecure, friend and join in.

Attached: 1523518339864.gif (540x303, 1.22M)


Attached: 9e08fee3c9127af01cc401a63cde7a43e12453e9_hq.jpg (480x381, 25K)

Here's a like Brookbro

Attached: 1515346036991.png (926x834, 338K)

You are worthy of my 'like', musician.

Attached: illust_60451472_20190401_221848.jpg (786x693, 285K)

You'll get there eventually, bro

Thanks anons.

Attached: 0855-010.jpg (1067x1600, 419K)

Love and positivity💚

Attached: GomuMochi.jpg (1200x784, 193K)

just checking my score please don't dominate me zoro daddies

>early piece always nagging like a married couple
>Zolo always lost
>Nami literally a navigator
why arent you on the patrician ship?

Attached: zolochad.png (500x750, 286K)

OK, why is she so objectively inferior to Perona in every way imaginable?

Attached: Op girls.jpg (770x450, 243K)

You've got something of mine there.

Attached: illust_66056683_20190401_220006.png (800x565, 264K)

Honestly I feel like Zoro sometimes can't stand her. Tho when he told her to shut the fuck up in Water 7 I think she squirted in her panties a little.

Attached: 1554070222609.png (688x474, 285K)

Endgame ships are
Robin and Franky will die alone


Attached: 1437379904471.gif (500x306, 576K)

You forgot that they have the best doujins.

Attached: tonk.png (367x309, 220K)

he once tried to stand against her and it's didn't end well

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 79K)

>n-no thanks

>Zoro self inserts

Alabasta Saga is peak One Piece

Because Zoro already has a CANON wife.

Attached: 154854.jpg (501x498, 62K)

It's Zoroposting time, Zorobros. Get comfy.

Attached: illust_61386421_20190401_220709.png (914x977, 568K)

No, Dressrosa is

Attached: tmThq.jpg (927x743, 198K)

Attached: I don't even know this kid.png (845x479, 431K)


Attached: 1526074180438.png (768x1048, 720K)

How many points do we get per like ? Also do we lose points by giving likes ?✔️

Attached: hard at work.png (496x426, 276K)

back when one piece has SOUL *sip*

Attached: 30 years old Boomer.png (1920x1873, 1.89M)

Good taste.🌈

Not sure how many points are gotten for being liked.
You GAIN 1 point for every post you like.

I want to insert myself into Zoro. He'd refuse, though and that'd make me wet.

Attached: 50304801_724370257937407_4362452199059376535_n.jpg (800x1000, 112K)

I'd say it's cozy enough already but I won't complain about more.

Attached: 22518464_p0.gif (450x490, 72K)

>do we lose points by giving likes ?
Certainly not. I've done almost nothing than liking and never lost points. Maybe by liking shitposts.


Attached: drumisland.png (2132x1600, 916K)


Yeah, I can't bring myself to ship him with anyone else now. Canon is just too good and Oda knows best.

Still prefer ZoLu

>borderline filler

Some filler arcs are better than canon ones.

>new Nakama
>First mention of the Ds
>Ace first appearance

I'd have the same reaction if he screamed at me too, Zorobro.

Attached: illust_60451472_20190401_222125.jpg (700x637, 235K)

What the fuck is this shit

still better than the Birdcage

Literally nothing would change if the arc was erased from existence. Even chopper is now irrelevant.
Yes but Drum Island isn't even one of the best arcs

Zoroposting time, interested user?

Attached: illust_59328206_20190401_220441.png (752x766, 186K)


Because their dynamic was replaced by Sanji-Zoro

Thanks for the info lads, take these likes for your troubles.

Attached: pudding.png (213x221, 57K)

The only problem with the birdcage was the long way to Doffy's place. The fact that Doffy could manipulate people with a bountyhunt even as he genocided them was kino.


Attached: zzz.jpg (1504x1798, 1.43M)

and over the years he just accepts the fact that Nami would hit you regardless

good night sweet family💙

>back when one piece has SOUL *sip*

'Cause they have no heartfelt moment despite being the oldest crewmates. Still not sure Zoro cares about Nami after 900 chapters in. It's 100% tsun with 0 dere.

Zolo's feet

Attached: 0133-005.jpg (1066x1600, 303K)

This is the only time in the manga that we get a glimpse of Doffy's eyes.

Attached: 0763-004.jpg (1066x1600, 391K)

Can you remind me why are they stitched up? I remember he was going to cut them off in little garden but I don't remember if he actually started to cut them.

why is robin such a dirty whore?

Attached: TC6JhVouMrk.jpg (400x224, 24K)

He seems to dislike Nami and Sanji the most.

Oda where's my nibba Mihawk

Attached: 1553309842592.jpg (587x746, 123K)

This is a blue board, please refrain from such indecent activities.

Attached: illust_60063619_20190401_225620.jpg (665x851, 286K)

>He seems to dislike Nami and Sanji the most.

Zoro dislike Robin the most.He yelled at her when they went down to the Fishman island.

The idiot actually did.

why are you such a little fag?


he actually cut almost halfway through them

Attached: 002052.jpg (396x406, 49K)

We're going to get a Mihawk flashback for when Zoro fights Kyoshiro.

But he also saved her from Enel bridal style.

Robin looks like an ugly man, so you're the fag.

Zoro hates no one. He's just very bad at showing kindness to his friends.

Attached: chads.jpg (512x909, 337K)

So what? After that, he practically did not speak with her.

>Heh heh...

>the madman is actually standing on them

Attached: 1553196834431.png (328x354, 124K)

he likes Luffy, Chopper and Vivi the most btw

>Still not sure Zoro cares about Nami

Did Nami manage to run away alright?

Attached: tumblr_inline_p7wdbsRqJI1rvbtb8_500.png (500x380, 142K)

Attached: 1549857344720.jpg (692x547, 294K)

He had to do it like that because he had fucking swords in his hands.

Your score x1million is your bounty.

Attached: Good job.jpg (717x828, 166K)

It's ok, Zoro likes Nami better now she stopped bullying him.

Attached: The healing power of MILK.png (1510x815, 1.29M)

Will > Biology

ZoRobin is 死, user.

Attached: VF6HS9M.jpg (1200x880, 162K)

Enough to enter New World I guess

i'm worth 238,000,000
not bad


Attached: 1553840014371.png (879x528, 308K)

You lying piece of shits, I gave a like and lost a point. Once I find you it's going to be ugly.

Attached: 1553442497382.jpg (932x595, 280K)


Attached: 1515284645897.png (757x435, 636K)

You don't lose points by liking user, calm down.

Attached: illust_60063619_20190401_225902.jpg (557x632, 135K)

How do I even have points then?

>tfw I recognize every character has their strengths and weaknesses and enjoy them all equally

Attached: Carrot-malandrinha.png (533x300, 161K)

>posting VGcats trash
Absolutely disgusting. Apply yourself zorofag.

>pass out from one wound

Is this married Zoro? Holy fuckin based

Attached: tumblr_pk1tkfZqYN1t1yvcko3_r1_500.png (500x278, 79K)

This arc being good.

Your fortune: Good Luck


Attached: 1552002572938.jpg (640x480, 471K)

You can get points by posting, getting likes, or liking other posts


Attached: 472eebb1-s.jpg (480x679, 230K)

that's it
thread hit rock bottom with this post

Attached: 1550428204732.png (177x238, 57K)

Nowhere near yours, Katakuribro

We can always talk about Zoro in words, like our forefathers and the one's before them.

>speed reading

Is Smoker denied his haki by Oda because he'd just be too powerful? Imagine what he could do with it.


I don't get it, I checked before and after giving a like and I did lose a point.
Also image limit is reached, so have this instead.
>carrotfag is a hue
not surprising😼

I don't know what to say but I had some heavy deja vu after reading your post.🙁

>image limit reached
Only one thing to do now.

Will I get Zoro cock?

Your fortune: Average Luck

[soaked alabasta zolo laughing, red sunset sky in the back]

Oh well, posts actually outweight likes so it's okay😃

What is the average luck of getting zoro cock?

[zoro oneshotting drum island fodder with his fist, taking his coat and everyone being shocked gag]

Have this like as reparations.

Will I marry a Charlotte?

Your fortune: Godly Luck

>Say I like every character equally
>Still get called a [character]fag
lrn2english, Hedvig

[post orange town zoro, laughing loudly at luffy and nami bickering out in the sunny blue sky on their small ship]

Fuck, it's the second time today.

Comfy Zoro in winter coats is underrated.


Will it be Katakuri?

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Those were simpler times

Let's fill this thread up, Zorochads!

Kyoshiro will kill Zoro infront of Hiyori

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Someone make a new thread, I can't be expected to make two in a row

Not until the bump limit is filled retard. We had trouble in the previous thread because of you too.

Stop bumping it and it will get archived quickly faggots.


Damn you're lucky.

Will I fuck Robin ?

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

it's our punishment for tolerating faggots for too long, now they will railing our threads forever

I refuse.

What does that mean ?

Will I steal user's husbando/waifu?

Your fortune: Godly Luck

New thread:

>leave thread before 500
the fucking janny will just delete the other one braintard

[Fanart of Zoro hiding behind a wall and sticking his tounge out in concentration while playing water gun fight with Luffy, Ussop and Chopper]

I doubt it. This is April Fools.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Is Zoro the true Chad of the series?
-could fuck Tashigi at will
-probably fucked Robin on the ship multiple times
-fucked Perona for 2 years, taking turns with Mihawk
-now gets the hottest slut in Wano

Noone competes.

>zoro saving nami from buggy's crew
>zoro saving nami from Mr one/miss wednessday
>zoro saving nami from a shark in little garden
>Zoro staying with nami when she's sick and luffy wants to go watch the new island
>Nami staying with zoro after getting destroyed by luffy's pain
>Zoro carrying nami in alabasta
>nami kicking zoro's swords in syrup village arc
>nami threw him a new shirt without asking
>caught nami, was actually sanji in nami's body , dropped when he realized

clearly a pair of crewmates who care for eachother, not romantically, but that's nobody among the crew.

blacked by fortune


>Nami giving Zoro bread after he and Luffy ran out of food

fag are posting him so zolo is a fag to

I don't understan this stupid rush in making new threads. One Piece threads are the only ones who do this. It's amazing. Even more if you consider only 69 people posted here.

>only 69 people posted here
This is a little bit embarassing


We rule this joint nigger, we can have up to 4 threads at the same time on break weeks, that's how it is, better learn to live with it.

Are you retarded newfag? Jannies just delete when it gets more than 2.

lmao, that's actually rare, there are time where there are 3-4 OP thread at the same time and no one bats an eye.

>every Wano OP chapter ranked #1 or #2 so far in weekly WSJ
>doing bad
go back to your alternative universe you cuck

>We rule this joint nigger
getting second hand embarrassment here

I can finally get my fortune :)

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Ok, next thread it is👌

>we rule this joint
Go ahead and try to have 4 threads for more than an hour.

t. nigger

it's april fools and the image limit was reached. let it rock for today

t. nigger faggot

i fucking love this image. every pixel.

wano will be the longest arc surpassing dressosa