One Punch Man S2

SOMETHING airs tomorrow, so this is your last chance to wallow in despair or to rev your shitposting engines.

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28-year-old cunny

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anyone else dropped season 1 after the first episode but are still going to watch this to doompost about it

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family guy tier anime🐻

That is pretty devilish of you.

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It`ll be amazing to watch as litterally withing hours of airing the last episode, Mob II is entirely forgoten and erased from existence and OPM returns as the King.

literally any gifs with someone getting K.O'd are filled with
god, no more

I predict S2 will be better than the shitbasket we all expect

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

What are you basing this prediction on?

After how little JC Staff seemed to care bout Index III, I can't imagine this being anything more than shit.

No more c word! Tatsumaki is old enough already!

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>Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Curse you user.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

>SOMETHING airs tomorrow
What's airing tomorrow? I thought it started on the 10th.

I'll never forgive Murata for auto-censoring his art for the manga, stupid fagget.

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Next manga chapter will be Darkshine versus Bug God.

all monsters CG confirmed😂

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Is anyone going to be streaming it live?

Not with that shitty animation.

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More accurate than S2's character designs.

Your fortune: Bad Luck

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G4 was by far the most likely enemy to be CG (he's a damn robot) and he isn't.

This was inside Bandai Blu-Ray box.

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Darkshine vs BugGod this friday.

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That's tempting though I don't like how fat her body looks.

But she looks chubby in gag form.

Nice. I hope this match would be a total squash it meant to be. No dragon form for Bug God, only oneshot.

The way G4 looks I almost wish he had been CG instead.

After this weeks chapter, what should Murata cover next? Tats vs Orochi and Gyoro or Atomic Samurai vs Black Sperm?

Nah, not that chubby. And this isn't really her gag form, but a chibi version of her Murata version, there are some clear differences that Murata keeps when he makes her switch to gag mode.

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>Muder countless living beings.

Tats vs Gyoro. The Orochi fight is more likely for after the dragons fights, right before she wrecks the base.

I'm sure we'll get at least one more chapter between the two, though. We still don't know what's up with Genos and Sonic, and Fubuki's group could meet some lower monsters to fight. Also, G5 and Drive Knight. It's possible they're not the same person and will fight.

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Tatsumaki meets Gyoro and Orochi, just like in the webcomic order
Probably conclusion of three disciples vs Devil Long Hair.

>Probably conclusion of three disciples vs Devil Long Hair.

That will likely just be a few pages right before Black Sperm appears.

I feel like it's too soon for that. PPP was defeated by Garou before AS fought Black Sperm, after all.

They could include the conclusion of the Devil Long Hair fight in this weeks chapter, the chapter should end with either Tatsumaki meeting Gyoro or Garou waking up from his nap.

that can happen after the Tats vs Gyoro fight. No need for more than a few pages either. Those two things would be part of the final setup before BS kicks in.

Sonic is not gonna be part of the raid arc. Genos is literally gonna sit still in Saitama's apartment until Tatsumaki destroys it, which I think is a funnier way to lead into the scene where Genos crawls out of the rubble and sees the dragons cornering Tatsumaki.

>Sonic is not gonna be part of the raid arc

He LITTERALLY said he's going to Saitama's house. He's gonna be involved in this. Genos being on his own sounds way less interesting, he'll likely meet up with Fubuki's group to face Rover. Maybe even with Sonic.

Knowing One, just when Sonic and Genos are about to fight, Tatsumaki destroys Z City and Sonic gets blasted off Team Rocket style.

I don't care what actually happens, this is what SHOULD happen.

>He LITTERALLY said he's going to Saitama's house
Wouldn't it be funny if he arrived after the raid was over?

Im looking forward to the normies reaction when this gets animated.

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>Garou isn't a friend of justice

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Mob Psycho is the superior show.

The shitpost is about to increase in the coming days, I hope tomorrow they at least reveal the S2 opening visuals.


Even that is asking too much.

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Should I watch the first episode of OPM first or the last episode of Mob?

Mob and then OPM♨️

>soon (February 2021)

The huge bird should latch on the building with it's talons first instead of crashing into it headfirst like a retard. Also size is different

I expect nothing from the episode tomorrow but I hope it's horrible so that all my friends finally shut the fuck up about the hype and believe me when I tell them it's going to be shit.

1 hour and 31 minutes


>he watches CR or whatever its streamed in west
how low Yea Forums has fallen


I wonder if animator-san meant Genos is hard to draw.

Judging how One approves Mob Psycho having fast pacing, I expect the same pacing with OPM S2.

Are your friends by any chance blind?

To be honest, normies are still hyped because they never read the manga.

Tatsumaki is so sexy!😃

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There is not episode tomorrow. It’s a special that’s a recap. Why don’t any of you retards research for a second.

Mob >>> shit > Endless Filler Nigger