Show me your score. Any degenerate over 99 gets hauled away. Over 299 and you're dead.
Please dont shoot me I'm a good girl!
Good evening to you, officer. Keep up the good work.
It's not my fault I'm popular
I'm sorry if I did something wrong
I want Shusei to sit on my lap.
You have nothing on me, officer
>it's okay to kill people if it's your job
fuck the police
What's going on in this thread?
save me Akane. I know you serve the people and not the system.
Sou da ne
It's okay to kill people to save other people. If you see someone about to drive a knife into someone else, you shoot them.
I bet you're pleb enough to pull the lever to redirect the trolley too.
If I'm the lever operator, sure. But if i was just walking by it aint my prerogative to intervene. A cops job is to save people, that's a burden we have put on them.
i posit that the 99> is the phoneposter and the true degenerate
What if the guy with the knife was trying to kill someone that was trying to kill someone else.
God might forgive you, whore.
You're no better, creep.
Nowhere in the law does it say that it’s a cops job to risk their life in a dangerous situation for you. Ask that dude who got stabbed in the ny subway
Are you faggot for real? You wouldn't save 5 people? What kind of hero are you?
The correct answer has always been to let the train kill the 5 people then kill the last person yourself to maximize your score.
You can't kill me.
I am the law.
Let that be a lesson to the rest of you punks. Spending to much time here will make you into latent criminals.
Come and get me!
D-Did I pass?
inb4 S3 has something like this as a plot point
Let's see
Feels good to be under the protection of such a competent officer.
Haul 'em away boys
You score is inversely proportional to your contribution of quality content to this board
H-happy birthday, inspector
holy shit
let's do this niggas
I'm clean, I swear.
I have nothing to hide
Why is a willing tool of a broken, oppressive system so cute?
>only at 194
Id enjoy it desu
Wtf is this score even
Wasn't this already done before?
please like my post
You can't stop me likelet
based and genocidepilled👌
I'm safe senpai.
Like I'd get caught by some pathetic, penis-haired cop.
please no
Reminder that death is salvation.