One Piece is repetitive trash

One Piece is repetitive trash.

Retards hold it up as the pinnacle of shonen manga but that doesn't make it good. I like it once upon a time, but it just went on and on and on and never did anything new. It's the same fucking cycle over and over, the same puddle deep characters, the same fucking plot points being milked for years on end.

If someone tells me they're a One Piece fan, I consider them subhuman.

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I didn't read this post but what the fuck did you just do to Nami retard

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That's why I avoid shonen and only watch ecchi anime to fap.

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I made her sexier

dont need to post something nasty.

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Based as fuck

If a girl can't crack walnuts with her abdominal muscles then she's an ugly whore

you're wrong


why are you using low quality porn to your post Jeremy

Looks like a muscle erza

Shut the fuck up, you subhuman filth


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Based and redpilled
I only read One Piece because there's a lot I want to see in it, and also because shitposting is too much fun.

One Piece was never good.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail


Rolled 5 (1d6)



Itā€™s actually quite a feat, one piece is the only shonen publication ongoing which is too high level of a story for intermediate readers like you. A young child can understand the story in one way and an advanced reader can get more out of it, but pseudo intellectuals are left dumb struck like op because they donā€™t know what metaphor, allegory, and good storytelling. To a low level adult reader, one piece is ā€œrepetitiveā€ because the presumes of the story is the journey of a peacemain pirate crew with superpowers, in a world so dark sand horrible it makes (to someone who can read) Fist of the North Starā€™s (also a very ā€˜repetitiveā€™ story) look tame in comparison.
There is more story in just Jaya/Skypiea than most entire manga in the genre.

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Your childrens comic book isn't deep, the only pseud here is you