Post your waifus and I'll give them a fortune reading

post your waifus and I'll give them a fortune reading

Your fortune: Average Luck

Attached: 1505353292120.jpg (720x720, 37K)

Do it, I'm not afraid of anything.

Attached: 1446708689950.jpg (633x275, 38K)


Attached: 33262629_p17.jpg (550x780, 98K)

Feel free to!

Attached: 31126442_p0.jpg (720x550, 237K)

What's her fortune?

Attached: D1YjiQtVYAUx99z.jpg (1086x1600, 212K)


Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Hi OP!

Attached: 7bca9b2084361b5587155c701fedbf41_480.jpg (480x647, 43K)


Your fortune: Outlook good

Well fuck everything.

Attached: 1476440699308.png (439x521, 130K)

Your fortune: Good Luck

Blessed, thank you!!


Attached: 1446773629900.jpg (201x219, 11K)

already know the fortune will be good

Attached: 23525232.jpg (327x328, 24K)

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail


Your fortune: Better not tell you now

lets see

Your fortune: Bad Luck


Attached: 1544131813452.jpg (1000x907, 373K)

Rolling until I get good or bad luck, I already have enough uncertainty

Attached: Hanabi.jpg (721x768, 64K)

Attached: MARII'S.png (1077x881, 721K)

Attached: 1538491114694.gif (220x224, 55K)

She's a good girl.

Attached: 1483248735500.png (560x600, 151K)


sorry for the wait

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

This is my wiafu no h8ate pls -////-

Attached: 1553895634765.jpg (1600x1147, 552K)

Attached: 2YH.gif (245x240, 494K)

I need a good day OP help me out

Attached: d8be7b2e5e3cc0b0f3cc4311851f199c.jpg (2900x3500, 2.39M)

Do it nerd

Attached: sexy ghost.jpg (850x1237, 209K)

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Attached: intheendmidi.jpg (474x737, 54K)

God bless you user

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Please tell me

Attached: 74BC21759446494F9E89972BE904F1DD.png (736x832, 1001K)

yiff in hell, furfag

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

glad I could help

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Attached: []_Joshiraku_-].jpg (1280x720, 117K)

pls no bulli

Your fortune: Godly Luck


what nothing?

sorry for the wait

Your fortune: Good Luck


faulty reading, i want another

Attached: 1501812135970.png (720x806, 362K)

Send her lots of love, wishing her the best of luck

Attached: an_1785.jpg (843x517, 170K)

idk. Lemme try again

Your fortune: Good Luck

Attached: 1506895472375.jpg (850x1133, 449K)


Attached: tomoyo_8.jpg (640x960, 231K)

Thanks user appreciate it :)

why does captcha takes longer to do than the usual?

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Attached: 1541989511982.gif (500x700, 1.96M)

Attached: 54519161_p0.jpg (661x1011, 641K)

my life is complete

Attached: linkjar.jpg (225x225, 12K)

Here goes

Attached: Screenshot_20190330-222647_YouTube Vanced.jpg (779x593, 104K)

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Your fortune: Godly Luck

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

How's this?

Attached: 1523991345364.png (360x516, 326K)

Your fortune: Bad Luck

You already did

your wife looks so obscure. Is she ok?

Attached: kaos.png (640x360, 96K)

ok gotta reroll. Fortune isnt working again

Your fortune: Good Luck

Please I have to know

Attached: 1 Touko.jpg (2652x4000, 2.57M)

Attached: homu_apron.jpg (850x1200, 177K)

Your fortune: Outlook good

Attached: 1535467076876.jpg (1024x576, 41K)

gob fortune

Attached: Hotaru.jpg (390x550, 52K)



Your fortune: Excellent Luck


Attached: asuka_vofan.jpg (800x800, 229K)

Must be all the user busy at work giving out all the (you) godspeed

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

Attached: 1552871423521.png (1024x1024, 194K)


Attached: 1529868074341.jpg (584x820, 314K)



Attached: 1544071423832.jpg (991x1050, 444K)

Your fortune: Excellent Luck


Your fortune: Better not tell you now


Your fortune: Bad Luck

Pls be a brown tomboy.

Your fortune: Godly Luck

screw you and your fortunes, I'm outta here with my waifu

I want to ____ her

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail


Your fortune: Godly Luck


Attached: hm.png (1116x858, 827K)

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Attached: sagiri.jpg (1000x1000, 79K)

forgot this user. Please spare me

Attached: 1428987449595.png (680x540, 368K)

Here goes

Attached: 44564139_303002920541136_5161401747450150024_n.jpg (700x875, 78K)


Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Attached: 90a1feedb68f70309fb6df23d3180f9e1670815ed24f1012b7a18e5a2d27bf88.jpg (338x480, 26K)

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Let's try again then

Attached: 1553714625805.png (687x380, 459K)

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Lay it on me.

Attached: 1525184189749.jpg (1088x765, 808K)


Your fortune: Bad Luck

inb4 Kurisu gets a bad luck

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Trying again I guess.

Attached: 1510804230734.jpg (353x281, 37K)

Attached: [Commie] Love Lab - 01 [708F7A56].png (1280x720, 1.17M)

this is what TOTSUGEKI gets you

Oh.. oh dear.

Attached: 1545641654990.jpg (400x400, 56K)

Attached: C_N0_saU0AEOoRI.jpg (1200x676, 83K)

>I'm not afraid of anything
>Gets very bad luck
God was like "well, you asked for it"

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Fuck you and your fortunes

I love Rizu

Attached: Rizu.png (372x372, 166K)

I don't expect anything too be quite honest.

Attached: D1TWAjOU0AA_GHw.jpg (1000x1412, 84K)

Just do it

Please let me know

Attached: 1550793353584.jpg (2480x3507, 1.05M)

Your fortune: Outlook good

Do it.

Attached: 1526999102685.jpg (656x900, 49K)


Attached: 1504643127935.png (637x717, 419K)

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

based Mitsuha~ poster

>these bicycle captchas
>bikes smite-racing with cars
I really hate cyclists so much

Your fortune: Average Luck

Can I retry for her?

Attached: 22382481_1505179016240546_8891081658824031173_o.jpg (1967x2048, 340K)

Your fortune: Good Luck

Do it faggot

Attached: 1547492248659.jpg (720x774, 394K)

Rolling again

Attached: IMG_-mfwfsm.jpg (313x313, 38K)

sorry, 1 fortune telling per waifu only

Your fortune: Outlook good

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Attached: b12b4a74c492690f17dd85ca1861d9e3.png (486x831, 301K)

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Attached: 2237230-emi_1.jpg (800x600, 221K)

Sure, why not.

Attached: nekonya bikini.jpg (384x960, 38K)

Attached: Sakihata.Rimi.600.1081514.jpg (401x600, 50K)

Your fortune: Godly Luck

Attached: 1554105456768.png (500x500, 184K)

Attached: [Chihiro]_Smile_Precure_-_35_[1280x720_H.264_AAC][A05497E1].mkv_snapshot_01.11_[2018.03.13_19.27.13] (1280x720, 1.32M)


Well hopefully my luck is better than my computer restarting so I lose all my >(Likes)

Attached: annindoufu (oicon) Miki furu furu future.jpg (1020x724, 612K)

Godly Luck

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Boogiepop wa Warawanai (2019) - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.35_[2019.03.23_18.32.29].jp (1280x720, 287K)

Attached: 61541964_p1.jpg (1075x1518, 200K)


Attached: 1509478632713.png (1280x720, 987K)

p-please be gentle with me

Attached: chrome_2019-04-01_05-16-43.png (911x389, 149K)

Do it faggot

Attached: 1517370790029.jpg (1721x2048, 306K)

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Attached: 93FF95FC-D6FE-4C7F-91BC-EF0D53AAB452.jpg (519x792, 76K)

May fortune smile upon me.

Attached: 1554069196742.png (1654x1860, 2.07M)

Oh no🍞


Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Attached: 1419856994400.jpg (1512x2400, 850K)

Attached: 12d78092592befb40ea55d68cc56abd9.jpg (2000x711, 1.15M)

Wish I knew what that means! But I decide my fortune!

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Attached: 1416952207736.jpg (2911x4207, 3.43M)

Neat, thanks!

Attached: 62992216_p1_master1200.jpg (792x1200, 308K)

God damn! It must be now!

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Attached: 1415428292984.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

Damn right!💜

Attached: 1411506048666.jpg (951x533, 112K)

I see you know how to appreciate them

Gimme a reading

Attached: 086xbzpocmo21.jpg (1000x974, 579K)

My daughterwife Shiro gib the fortunes pls

Attached: 1548681227945.jpg (717x1000, 443K)

Give me the harsh reality.

Attached: 20171121161627.jpg (1922x1441, 351K)

fortune goes in all fields


Attached: 1540544734732.jpg (1280x720, 128K)


>Godly Luck
based, Korbo is confirmed best waifu

Attached: BCC19601-1591-453A-A3E6-5C42C239D644.png (2800x3000, 2.69M)

Attached: a cute.jpg (640x480, 41K)

I love my husband(female)!

Attached: Poledance Futayo.png (850x1047, 572K)


Grant me luck.

Attached: 1552534918940.jpg (739x994, 69K)

Attached: Toonami General Drawfag Midnight.png (879x1109, 487K)


Attached: 498ee6e558acbbc509693ccfd0501c972244e04b.jpg (3000x1897, 473K)

Time for great luck!

Attached: 1551306087904.jpg (850x1258, 102K)

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Attached: 1368595407946.gif (500x294, 601K)

what's that fortune thing, how can you do that?
has that something to do with the new like-stuff?
and that's the girl from "Your Name", isn't it?

Attached: gabriel-dropout.jpg (900x659, 67K)

OP is kill🐰


thanks for the (you)

Attached: 1553328042218.png (1150x1230, 692K)

Attached: 1542766924043.jpg (235x206, 14K)

suck it

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Attached: Natsume.Rin..jpg (803x1100, 380K)

Rolled 15 (1d100)

dubs and satania pleases old men for money


Attached: 1546407052240.jpg (640x410, 82K)

Hit me baby.

Attached: kwBw-hJl.jpg (277x400, 34K)

check this good luck

Your fortune: Good Luck

Please tell me our future!

Attached: 1546095806298.png (525x786, 376K)

let's go

Attached: 46764747477.png (566x491, 291K)

Attached: edc59190932fbb5fd8ba8dee8d2fee81.jpg (800x752, 97K)

Attached: 1538600055130.jpg (1200x675, 80K)

calling it, black gentleman

Your fortune: Bad Luck

i can do that myself

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Attached: Hanako9.png (436x628, 285K)

well then

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Attached: 1521851072523.png (1010x813, 384K)

fortune me the fuck up senpai

Attached: shiro.png (1366x768, 1.06M)

Alright good fortune here I come!

Your fortune: Good Luck

Attached: Miki smile 8.jpg (1200x675, 97K)

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Attached: 1553963523012.jpg (501x1000, 142K)

Attached: 1546838059636.jpg (1300x1244, 193K)

>Sorry man, your luck could go either way really
>Tries again one minute later
>never mind it's actually amazing♠️


let's see them fortunes

Attached: Felt_perdona_a_Subaru.gif (500x468, 1.61M)


Attached: Myriad_Colors_Phantom_World_Screenshot_0470.jpg (1280x720, 95K)