ITT we post anime characters pointing at the top right corner for some reason
Attached: May.jpg (1440x1080, 283K)
Attached: 16637462388.jpg (859x755, 105K)
is looking up to the right corner ok?
Attached: chiyoo.png (522x511, 325K)
Rolled 33 (1d100)
Attached: gets.jpg (124x116, 3K)
Attached: dubs.png (348x529, 420K)
Attached: 1506232170972.jpg (800x1000, 284K)
I wonder what they're pointing at. Maybe you should check it out.
Attached: 1423579533106.png (301x321, 216K)
Rolled 31 (1d100)
Attached: honk.png (962x720, 606K)
Only if you can make it work
Attached: 1.jpg (1440x1080, 771K)
fill in the blanks
Attached: better.png (723x638, 438K)
Attached: 1498265613021.jpg (235x332, 27K)
Attached: 1498264605197.jpg (667x562, 157K)
No gets for me
Attached: 10937752_p0.jpg (800x600, 261K)
You will have to step up your game, Yea Forums
Attached: there.jpg (1920x1080, 810K)
Close enough?
Attached: 1548561906324.png (854x720, 331K)
Not today, Satan
Attached: Ha-ha.jpg (640x480, 200K)
Attached: 1539911811941.jpg (640x620, 49K)
>come into thread wanting to like doubles
>no doubles
Shit thread.
Attached: dsfargeg.jpg (597x392, 30K)
You're gonna get us all banned
Attached: haruhi.jpg (750x580, 90K)
Shut up and help salvage the situation🙁
Attached: Renchon.jpg (1920x1080, 277K)
Maybe you should post fairies and pharaohs related to specific numbers instead.
Attached: cirno.jpg (600x631, 102K)
Silly baka can't even get a 9!
Attached: Checkm.jpg (1440x1080, 136K)
Chen can only look at the top right corner and hope for a get.
Attached: chen peek.png (300x300, 43K)
Attached: chen leave.jpg (126x126, 1K)
Man you guys are TERRIBLE at the fine art of GETS. Allow me to show you how it's done.
Biri biri
Attached: 20190331_235644.jpg (1155x900, 629K)
This thread is pathetic.
Attached: 5.jpg (555x555, 55K)
Attached: Rion.jpg (468x468, 166K)
It turns out the way to get a GET in this thread is to NOT do what op instructs you to do.
Attached: Dn0ZrAGXsAAOLKW.png (822x496, 230K)
Attached: saiyadab.jpg (400x400, 26K)
ya goofed chen
Attached: 718.jpg (1048x1200, 88K)
Attached: lookie.jpg (523x480, 144K)
Attached: 1552250504589.png (326x182, 56K)
Attached: Puss.jpg (304x304, 47K)