Shingeki no Isayama

This man has been guilty of mocking the readers for 9 months.

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Other urls found in this thread:!hZ/0F55w5s/order/asc/

And he will keep doing it till the end

What did he do?


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I assume OP's talking about the drama surrounding the identity of Historia's baby daddy. It shall soon come to an end though.

Her dead anniversary is in one month
Do you miss her, Yea Forums?

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Fingers crossed for the farmer

>mocking the readers
Wait are you telling me that the Farmer is not the father?


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>EH has no development
>N-nothing of significance happened in uprising
>L-lol parallels? it's all a bait h-haha
>T-their interactions are those of friends.! J-just friends!

>F-farmer makes complete sense despite 0 development because one character said that's what happened

What killed the hype?

Fingers crossed for Eren, personally. The butthurt across the entire fanbase would be unprecedented and would probably blow GR 2.0 out of the water.


>L-lol parallels?
Parallels are not an argument, user. It's literally nothing.

It stopped being about killing titans.

Mikasa's song

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>Imagine caring so much about shipping

Not him but you must be a newfag.

Go back.


Historia's song.


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All I want for next chapter is Historia's POV, with her inner thoughts. So we can finally bury this shit for good

If you think it's ever over you're even more delusional than the shippers. Whatever gets confirmed there will be sperging every thread

...or things could get worse

Reminder that Grim Reminder 2.0 is a meme and you fags are delusional. Not. Happening.


Reminder Eren is a chinlet and low T

Just hope its a girl as pretty as her father

It's gonna get much worse once we get hers and Eren's POV, user.

Yes, he is. EHfags are just delusional.



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Could you explain why? Eren is as valid as the farmer. Unless you are that YHcuck in that case I'm wasting my time

I stopped posting in these threads around the jews on madagascar you people actually care about boring and obvious subplots like this?

Manlet is...

Farmer-sama is the father, no mocking. It's just that you guys can't read

Isayama thinks he's grrm

Nor the implications that would suppose Eren being the father? Nor Isayama hiding the time Eren spent in Marley? Nor Eren obviously deceiving Zeke? And the page with Eren reacting to Carla's phrase told to her baby and Zeke being an antinatalist?

Farmerfags are literally EMfags and YHfags.

Calm down, user. I talked only about muh parallels, this is ridiculous. They can only be additions, not the main arguments.

There are no arguments for Eren being the father

I miss Jean

Actually there arent, in reality Hisy simply wanted a baby and people are overspeculating

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Because since the very first moment a SnK thread was made, there has always been shipping sperging and anyone who try to deny that fact are just fooling themselves. So there is no point in bitching about it anymore, better wait for spoiler threads.

Looks like someone missed 9 months of discussing this shit.

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my maid

>calm down
But I am. I was curious as to why are people so limited.

my father.

Nope, doesn't mean shit.

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As someone who has been in more than one fandom, it's true that the sperging is everywhere and it's infinite, but it's usually retarded fujos. idk wtf goes on with snk, especially since Isayama is so blatantly disinterest in writing any romance of any kind. Eren ending up with his cat is more likely than any of the female characters he's paired up with

So she can be constantly put in her place.

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>especially since Isayama is so blatantly disinterest in writing any romance of any kind.
Gabi and Falco

>but it's usually retarded fujos. idk wtf goes on with snk
The same.

>i-it's just a joke moment

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>one sided crush between 12 year olds

I feel like you are new with manga. Two characters fucking don't make the manga "romance", is just an addition that doesn't need to be focused on, look at Dragon Ball ir the JoJos, but the theme if the sins of the fathers was always present in this manga.
I really don't know why you keep opening threads when you don't seem to understand your own manga

But Isayama-san has a regular release schedule that he follows.

Those are two characters that are very present in the last saga. Falco liking Gabo saved her life, and Gabo cares about Falco.
Even if Eren came inside Historia that doesn't mean the manga would suddenly be romance, look at Grisha's flashbacks.

I've been reading manga since you were in the cradle, faggot. You're just trying to justify your shipfagging kek

That's because his editors own his balls, grrm could have done with a similar arrangement but they allowed him to do what he wants and these are the results

Thank god

So she can inherit Eren's titan.

Are you autistic? Honest and serious question no judgment

Gabi loves Falco as much as he loves her. She was willing to die as well as betray Marley for his sake.

Is there something wrong with saying GRRM is a food-obsessed lazy hack who can't even keep to his own deadlines?

Are those really your best arguments?
>I read a lot of mangas
Then why do you keep mixing circumstances with genre? And why would betting Eren is the father make me a shipper and not betting farmer is the father when farmer being the father would save other shipperfags?

>Marley on the shores of Paradise.
>Liquor Titans woke inside the walls.
>Levi is almost kill.
>Airplanes bombing.
>Historia giving birth.
>All MCs in Shiganshina District looking up the wall.
>Zeke and Eren are on top.
>Zeke asks Eren to make contact to use the rumbling.
>They touch.
> ~P~A~T~H~S~
>Eren gives him a shonen smile.

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>tfw both inspired me to be a writer.

I regret nothing.

What is Armin doing in this scenario? I think Eren may have burned any bridge involving cooperation.

>Armin on Eren's side

>Are those really your best arguments?
They're the arguments you deserve

>Armin was the one who setup the bomb: He saved Mikasa before she went back.
>Armin was used by Eren to break the Ackermen curse from Mikasa by having Armin and Eren fight.
>Armin was the one who made the entire marley plan from the beginning.

Colossal titan was the twist all along.

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That would be pretty based. That could help rectify the issue with a potential "collect all 9" ending too.

Does he, really?

Best girl!

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Thanks for proving you can't even explain shit.

Nice excuse. You have no arguments.

Those don't even qualify as arguments.

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EHfags killed the hype.

Great arguments, my friend.

this would redeem the mong

I used to think this guy was a nationalist projecting his beliefs in the manga, and I think that's what Japanese readers caught on to
But then the story took a hard left turn into Israel allegory and things just got really weird since then

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Will this meme ever die?

How can someone be best girl while being dead


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casualfag here
did levi survive? how bad were his injuries?

Flip them around and it'll be accurate.

shitlet's status is unknown but he'll most likely survive because asspull loony tune logic even though he should be extremely dead right now

Spoilers out
Eren is the Eren

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Based Hans saved him.
As for the injuries, I doubt he'll be able to fight for the rest of the manga.

>spoilers out
>before the end of the month
You either are new or this is the worst troll possible

He'll live but he's blind in both eyes, probably deaf as well, and missing one of his hands.

Last year he got married and took the Abepill.

Probably blind on just one eye. Most likely not deaf. And only missing 2 fingers.

>implying this won't make him even stronger

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Because of all the shitposting and ships people stopped criticize Isayama for his real failures. Like the whole plotline with Gabi in Paradis, or Eren-Zeke meeting.
I want to talk more about the latter. Plotwise, it's rather obvious Zeke couldn't have touch Eren and reveal his real intentions too soon, but this wasn't explained/lampshaded at all in-manga.
Zeke just said: 'We can't shake hands yet' and that's all.

I unironically want Zeke to succeed

Except him being the single male person in the cast who cared about Historia?


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>he does it for free

Hey fuck you the others do care about her. They just don't put her over anything and everything else

Rivaille is my wife.

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Hajime a cute!

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Yelena/Lolimir pls.

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>Do you miss her, Yea Forums?
No, neither Gabi's bullet ^_^

This would actually be very good. The fact that Armin overreacted to Mikasa's suggestion of eavesdropping gave me suspicions too.
But then again, he told Annie he doesn't understand Eren anymore.

Come on now, the other 104th dudes care about her too, just not nearly as much as Eren does, which is understandable.

>They just don't put her over anything and everything else
This is how women understand caring about them.
What did they do to help her? It's easy to say nice pharisaical words.

>EHfags are speedreaders

casualfag again, i got 3 different replies and the only common thread between them is manlet is alive. i bet that guy regrets using the titan serum he got off kenny now.

I am going to assume that Armin had two plans and Eren went with the one that would cause the most causality for reasons Armin could not understand.

What COULD they do faggot?

Next chapter:
>Eren beating Pieck
>Hans trying to escape with Manlet's body while being pursued
>Reiner and Galiard conversation about Annie
>SC being released from the jail

Eren makes

He regrets ever putting his faith on Eren

If Eren nonchalantly kills Pieck and the only thing shown is him eating her Isayama will be fully redeemed for withholding the pregnancy plot for as long as he wants

>What did they do to help her?
Sadly for them they are just secondary characters, without any special powers or relevance

>Eren beating Pieck.
>Not Gabi knocking her out to save Falco.

Step up your predictions, user.

Like, ANYTHING? They are the fucking heroes who saved Paradis and retook the Wall Maria!


They're disposable human soldiers who weren't even in the meeting. I genuinely have no idea what they could have done

Read the manga and find out

He definitely doesn't understand Eren anymore. Armong would never break his no-violence code to punch his bff of all people unless he had a serious reason to be angry, and Eren trashtalking Mikasa into the ground was definitely it.

Piecks fate next chapter. No need to even transform into titan.

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Finish your post. Unless you actually have nothing

i hope they survive

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>Eren beating Pieck
Unlikely, not because Eren cannot beat her, but because narratively it would be cheap, stupid and premature.

One of his ears was bleeding.

Would be neat if a spire shot up through the ceiling and the roof depending on how high they are

He lost a couple of fingers, probably deaf in one ear, and may have lost eyesight in one eye. But he's gonna a wicked scar now so he's fine

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Guys guys guys will we see AT-WHT?

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Pieck is literally a character who exists to fill a place. If Eren is actually eating everyone there's no reason she can't go now.

I blame Isayama not for holding the pregnancy reveal; in the scenario where the farmer is the father, no additional 'revealing' is needed at all, for example.
I blame him for hiding the events which instantaneosly turned Eren-from-the-railroad into Eren-meeting-with-Yelena. They are like two different people.

Pieck obviously came to talk. We'll see how it will turn out.

Just do not tell me that it is OP

Armin would easily punch Eren for the sake of a plan though. He'd have trouble killing Zackley if anything, but if his plan was truly to replace Eren he may have felt forced to do it.

I don't know if I completely buy the theory, but reading back through the chapters it doesn't seem impossible. There are even moments when Armin's facial expression is a little suspicious.

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if eren eats pieck next chapter then end game is 100% eating all titan shifters.

>Zeke just said: 'We can't shake hands yet' and that's all.
I didn't like that reason either. I'm thinking there's memories that he doesn't want Eren to see yet. Or more FT shenanigans

>Pieck obviously came to talk
>Next chapter opens with a *blam*

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the only good reason he has to hide that stuff is that it's relevant to Eren's keikaku

>They are like two different people.
This being a mystery is the point. He was even building it up even more with these flashbacks

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That's Mikasa's character song written by Revo or something.

It's clearly because everyone talked about abandoning Historia user it's all implied there. Its like you didn't even read the manga jeez.

That would be dumb to make her meet with Eren only to get rid of her one chapter later when she clearly has some kind of idea in mind.

Annie is...

Maybe because it's stupid to think she just "shows up and dies". Think why would she reveal herself in this way in front of Eren? It's clear she has something on his sleeve.

I don't think so. He said it was something he quickly wrote after reading a certain manga chapter. It's interesting that the actual title of the OP is part of the lyrics though (Path of longing and corpses)

Either way it's beautiful

in the crystal

Not if he needs her dead like Ymir

...the best girl!

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why are you even following this manga anymore if you're this assblasted about Ymir

Imagine being so angry with the world that you need to fuck the queen.

based jaegerbros just wanna see the world burn
FUCK marley scum

You know that's not the point

Wtf Ymir has to do with this? Killing Pieck this soon is bad writing.

Isayama kills characters whenever convenient or desired, whether they supposedly have potential or not

That's because the change happened during that two months period or at the ceremony itself and is essential to understanding his motivations and masterplan, simple as that. And that's not something characters who are unaware of his intentions can reveal through their own perspective either, like what we've seen from all timeskip flashbacks so far: only Eren himself or someone's who's directly involved in the conspiracy can. And at the moment the only character who's being muted alongside Eren and could potentially fit the bill is Historia.

Hisu's soft thighs!

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isayama killed shitmir off because if she was kept alive, mystery of everything would be revealed. i dont know how he thinks pieck would need to be killed off now, but he was using shitmir as an example.

>Reiner and Galiard conversation about Annie
Not happening

Pieck clearly has cards to play no matter whether she'll make it to the end or not. Ymir's role was over when she left with RB. Move the fuck on already.

Ymir dying as a side note was bad writing, she should have died during the fight with Reiner/ Bort when she was more relevant. I want decent writing, killing Pieck at this point is lazy.

Ymir fags are embarrassing.

isayama isn't going to blow the big reiner return on something like that

It's unlikely but I'll think it's just as funny if it happens

This is Ishikawa right? Beautiful

>Y-you can't kill m-my character yet... It's not f-fair...!

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You don't need to like Ymir to see her death should have been sooner, than a side note in Marley.

>Muh Ymirfag boogeyman

An unconvenient moment.

It has been 1 month since she died. It looks like it has been 10 months, I couldnt stop crying. One friend adviced me to write this dairy to relief my pain, and for sure it does. Reminiscing those good times with Sasha helps a lot to heal. And healing is good. Writing about those moments of happiness, sadness, surprise, fear, and those funny moments I had with her helps.

This one, is none of them. Or it could be any of them. If by any chance you were daring enough to break into my privacy and read this dairy, I just want to let you know one thing: This is open to your own interpretation.

Anyway. It was a cool evening. We had been dating for, what? 3 months? That night, we were celebrating, precisely our 3-month anniversary, in the only way that could make us happy to both of us: A splendid diner. Ah! Tracks of happiness can still be found on my kitchen, those moments were we shared and play together, with playful comments or jokes forever printed on those walls. In a way, Sasha is inmortal because of that.

That night, we had an apple salad, lobster, Marleyan fries, and a whole cheesecake with blueberry jelly and homemade gelatto. Nothing less for my princess, nothing more that the best from my castle inside the walls: The excellency of my kitchen.

We already had sex. Twice to be exact. Her first time was cute. Her second time, a little more savage. That day, we planned to get on our third time. It was not that dangerous time of her month or whatever they call it here in the Walls. In Marley, we use an infused root to avoid getting babies. However, for some reason, it doesnt work on devi--- I mean, on Eldians.

After we cleaned up the table and washed all the dishes, the real dessert was still pending to be served. She ran upstairs, to my room, playfully and laughing.

- Now it's time that I serve you some dessert, Nico~-, says her, with a devilish smile (Pun intended).

There is a one panel which caught my eye too, by the way. Take notice it was Mikasa who answered to Connie - so her words were 100% honest.

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I took my time, preparing myself to whatever she may come with. I am 7 years older than her, and quite experienced with women, as any Marleyan should be. I have to say, I'm fairly open-minded, so this was funny for me too.

And there I was, on my room, and there she was, in my bedroom. Doggy style, ass spreaded, a fine line of frosting cream going from her neck to, well, her... asscrack. Topped with a cherry... Oh yeah! She's still anally virgin. It seems she's been learning from my pun jokes. I have to say, they are usually just really bad, but Sasha would loud with them anyway. I loved that girl so much. Just as I loved the sweet smell coming from inside her labia menora.

- Today's dessert: Me. So please, sit, make yourself comfortable, and eat with pleasured- says Sasha, trying to keep her bangs out of her face while trying to turn her head to make eyes contact with me. This new haircut suits her so nice, I have to thank that Hacker-something girl for giving her that idea.

I was going to took off my clothes, but just inmediatly she begged to keep my cook attires. She confessed she had a fetish, and who I am to deny the best girl on the world such innocent wish?

Carefully, I started licking the frosting around her neck. Softly, heavily sniffing the skin around, with small and delicate bites, more like pinching with my teeths, carefully enough to not hurt her, but firm enough to make her squeak silently.

And then, I started going down her back. I can feel she put some chocolate chips down the frosting, that surprised me for a moment. I responded that gesture with an aggresive kiss just up on her butt cheeks. I couldnt resist, and left her a bite. Usually she would scold me but, in this case, it seems she liked it since she squealed like a aroused mice. She was enjoying herself.

No, they didn't shake hands because then Zeke would see Eren's real thoughts, memories and intentions too soon.

>What is narrative weight?

It was time to get down to business. First, I took the cherry held it for a moment. Then, I licked the frosting, but just on the surface. With some of that frosting on my tongue, I carefully smeared that frosting with just the tip of my tongue around the inner walls of her upper cheeks.

-P-P-Please N-Nico, d-dont tease me l-like this- she said, trembling. Oh, but you are a devil. And you have been a really bad girl. My tongue met again with her skin, just above that rugged part of her fairly shaved anus. Like a blender, I move my tongue in circles just on the surface, over and over and over. I could feel that, each time I completed a round, she would tremble again. And again, and again, and again. Like an explorer on a virgin swamp, the tip of my tongue started pushing to the right, and then to the left, right and left, right and left, loosing that firmly and sealed door to the unknown. She was relaxed, but heavily panting. Sometimes, I could feel her cutie anus contracting around my tongue.

But it was not deep enough. No, this was barely the surface. I needed help. And so I got help: I put the cherry just outside of her final gate, and started pushing slowly, slowly, slowly, softly. Sometimes I would heavily inhale the sweet aroma of that frosting that moments ago was on her fairly beautiful ass. One moment later, the cherry was diving on the unknown, and so did my tongue. Clearly, Sasha prepared this for me, because no waste or dirt of any kind could be found so far. I trusted her, and my tongue wanted a deeper taste. I kept pushing that cherry inside her, my tongue moving like a powerful drill around those inside walls.

>Connie being suspicious in the background at Mikasa for five chapters while letting Sasha's killer run around learning values

And then, it happened. A roar. No, not just a roar. And echoing roar like a salvage wave, barring anything on the coast, like a tsunami. Something was not Ok. But, I didnt have time enough to think or act. Before I could tell, I could feel the cherry pushing my tongue, and then an really really really awful taste. The Dead Sea, a rotten water with the most dirty colours you can think, was springing from that formerly divine dry fountain. The cherry, on the top of my head, had something brown that was not chocolate. Rather, it looked what chocolate looks like after 6 months. My cook attire could be as well taken to clean the toilet. My girlfriend was blushing. I was smiling.

I forgot she can only eat fresh lobster for dinner. Anything else may result in an unconvenient moment.

Eren makes

The title is a reference to the 13 years armin has left right?

Eren makes

Isayama doesn't know what to do with Connie. Maybe he will make a gay couple of him and Jean to give Jean somebody to beat while being drunk.

He saw Historia getting creampied by Farmer and turned into an incel antinatalism.

>Maybe he will make a gay couple
this won't happen

Arumin's wife

Armin has 9 years, user. It's been 4 yours since he ate Bert.

Jean has a oneitis now.

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If Isayama had the power to do that it would be EAr because he has irredeemable bad taste

>this lack of responses

case closed.

we will NEVER get the last books.

Please he's not Mikasa

It's hard to tell if he's shocked, guilty, or just thinking.

I have long accepted this. I never enjoyed Dorne or the Iron Island plotlines

Yes, but that disk is released along season 3 part 2 opening, armin has 13 years at that point user

I just wanted a decent ending to the massive drama filler that it is - Now I get CGI and poor script.

Also, the quality of this thread is shit.


JM soon my brothers

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>eren leftovers

years*, wtf was I drinking

Imagine looking deeply into Eren's eyes. Feeling his intense and burning gaze on your body, making you shiver every time you see his eyes inspect every single inch of you shamelessly in a silent invitation. Imagine him making no move, daring you, daring you until you can't take it anymore and you move in to press your mouth hungrily against his, shoving your tongue desperately in his mouth like a starved animal. Imagine pushing him on the bed, as he lets you completely take over him with slight amusement, and ripping his clothes off, gently, with love. Imagine exploring every last corner of his body, every bit of skin, everything he has to offer you. Imagine watching his face in pure ecstasy as you do unimaginable things to him, as you kiss places no one's ever kissed, lick his torso with a tenderness he's never felt before. Imagine how loved he'd feel, how hot you'd feel, how wonderful it'd get when everything finally culminated into the two of you becoming one. Imagine him moving, gently, so unlike him, so you could enjoy the moment as much as he is before losing himself to animalistic instinct and just raw passion as the two of you simply give in to your primal urges and make love. Imagine the sweat running down your bodies as you both come undone, satisfied, and end the night with some chaste kisses and cuddles, completely lost in each other.

I dream of this every night.

>people stopped criticize Isayama for his real failures
>Like the whole plotline with Gabi in Paradis, or Eren-Zeke meeting.
They didn't, it's just that those people don't come to the threads unless it's chapter week. This last arc is fucking awful

LH's main female singer is a cutie

Only sane people come on spoiler/chapter week.

That's Farmer King's way of the farmer

>Isayama doesn't know what to do with Connie
And Jeanbo. Come to think of it most of the characters are useless now and don't even matter to the story anymore

Never, Jeanbofag

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Behead those who give Yii a bad name.

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>give Yelena a bad name.
Yelena has already that covered.

kek that was actually pretty witty. I disagree, but you got me.

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Based Magath will save the world

Not a chance Reiner is going to be the next Heros-chan


Of course. She is my favorite girl together with Petra

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wouldn't that make him more the new tybur

Yes, he is going to the one who governs while Reiner it's going to be a figure of legend that is going form a link between Eldians and Marleyians when his heritage is revealed and he does saving the world from Eren the Devil.

>EMA starts playing.

He will have 13 left by the point the season ends though

This arc is good. You people just have no patience and can't handle story telling unless it's spoonfed to you or accompanied by constant action.

Oh yeah, I'm so balls into the mango it didn't even register that the song was meant to be for the anime.

LM soon.

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LM sex chapter when?

He lost 2 fingers, that much is concrete. Everything else is just speculation. In my opinion his eyes and hearing are fine, but he may have internal injuries that are seriously bad. It's enough to take him out for the rest of the arc.

you must be into necrophilia

Get in line, true saviour coming through.

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When Kiyomi initiates the Ackerman breeding programme.

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They are barren. Too late.

Zeke ain't saving shit

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The coordinate doesn't work on Ackerdogs.

>In my opinion his eyes and hearing are fine, but he may have internal injuries that are seriously bad.
Not sure about hearing, Zeke got ear and nose bleeding, and manlet was just a few feet away from Zeke. Also, manlet got fragments of his blade pieced into his skull.

My bet
>Blind of a eye
>Lost a hand
>Internal injury

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Oh no is she trying to create an army of autism?

Activated Ackermans are barren from the start.

>Colossal Titans that will destroy any living thing outside of Paradis
>Eldians suffering in ghettos or being treatedas cattle to be used as biological weapons
>Humans being killed by titans
Zeke is literally saving humanity and prevent further eldian suffering.

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The blind eye may be a possibility, but maybe it could be a situation where it's not completely blind, he can still see shapes, so he wouldn't use an eyepatch. Or maybe he will, I don't know. I really don't want him to be blind in one eye because it's a bad omen for Hange, I can see hacksayama killing her off and manlet wearing her eyepatch.

I think he just lost the 2 fingers, in the preview page only 2 fingers are drawn and not a whole hand. Those 2 fingers are really convenient too since he can still manage 3dmg backwards.

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Ah, it's you again. You're obsessed with this word. No, it's not a good arc because it's a fucking mess, it's all over the place in terms of pacing not to mention the asspulls

My fav thing about Yelena is that she wants revenge on Marley and it totally makes sense. Every other character has some of autism, but she doesn't, she just wants revenge. Finally a relatable character
(April Fools' Day)
This song is by Yui Ishikawa

Don't give up until the end

You want revenge too, user? Who wronged you?

Nigga she's crazy

>I think he just lost the 2 fingers, in the preview page only 2 fingers are drawn and not a whole hand.
His hand could still be hanging by meat and skin.

>Those 2 fingers are really convenient too since he can still manage 3dmg backwards.
It was his right hand fingers, so unless he re-train himself to adapt and creat a new style where he could use just his remaining fingers, he is in a tight spot. He can't use his two blades behind since he would lose his "bayblade" fight style.

M8, she is nuts, que workships Zeke as a god that he is and straight up kills in name of Zeke.

So like Witchers? It's an interesting theory

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Yeah not really sure who you think I am but that fact that someone else apparently thinks the same exact thing is encouraging. Just stop speed reading bro

LM is cute.

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user Yelena is legit crazy, you might like her but it doesn't change that.

>people legitimately believing that P A T H S plot is an asspull

Not him but welp.

>where he could use just his remaining fingers


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So, Mikasa would look like THIS???

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so many characters have been next to explosions or gunfire even in enclosed spaces without any ill effects that i really doubt isayama is going to start taking hearing damage into account now.

That's an amazing youngkasa

Now imagine he has only two fingers to apply proper pressure to hold the blade but without triggering those triggers.
We can expect anything from Isayama, but I really curious to see what Isayama will do to manlet after ter explosion, I expect atleast his skill to have take a tool with those injuries.

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>mfw I still remember the SnK threads from 2013

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>manlet still being alive isn't an asspull
>zeke's resurrection isn't an asspull
my job here is done

imagine the smell

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Isayama doesn't know how bombs works, that's for sure.
>Zeke gets his skin and flesh destroyed by close explosion of multiple thunder spears
>Reiner losts only the top of his skull
And we can still compare Zackly's death, Reiner's defeat by thunder spear, Mikasa's being injuried by two thunder spears, Warhammer's decapitation.

I rabu lebi

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>>manlet still being alive isn't an asspull
He should be dead when Hanji clearly said that a close range explosion of the thunder spear would kill, and only losing a eye and two fingers would be straight up bullshit, it should be alot worse.
>>zeke's resurrection isn't an asspull
Not even Zeke knows what happened, some anons already gave some good theories that while a pure titan from Zeke is alive, Zeke could also be since it would be a part of him.

It's almost been half a year since 110. I cant take this much longer.

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its best not to think too much about any of the tech or tactics in the series really, things like fort slava's layout, their attack, ect.

It's strangely funny how NTR doujins about EM aren't really NTR at all.

Does Isayama know how babies are made, at the very least?

I thought the other translation implied he promised Kuchel he would never do that.

Activated Ackermans are titans in human form. Titans don't have any reproductive organs. Ackerdogs are barrien.

a loli builds them out of sand and delivers them via paths, duh

>implying eren ever hit that

Abe gave him a pamphlet

The mystery surrounding the World/Titans etc. got solved, which was probably the biggest interest.

>things like fort slava's layout, their attack
I'm still wondering, why didn't Zeke just bombed them with explosive ammunition until they either died or a mile is open, and then sent mas titans to the kill?
And don't let me start with Shiganshina, Warriors should had won that.

>og ending never

Attached: Wake Up Eren.webm (640x360, 2.56M)

He'll know soon enough, he got married just last year.

They're more like shifters than pure titans, at least that's what it seems like.

>Warriors should had won that.
They weren't there to win, they wanted to slip in and infiltrate during the chaos, stop speedreading user

The mist ending? There still is a chance

>Why are you here?

This line worries me. Is Mikasa gonna be okay?

Last I heard Isayama is going for the ending he had planned since the beginning of the serialization.

Well it's kinda hard to sell the NTR aspect when Eren has never shown the slightest bit of interest in Mikasa. Even rape doujins where she forces herself on him are more believable (which might also explain why there's almost as much ME fanart as EM out there).

>They weren't there to win, they wanted to slip in and infiltrate during the chaos, stop speedreading user
The "Shiganshina battle" with Warriors vs SC, user.

She might go somewhere else

I love how flowers imagery looped in the end with beginning

>Mikasa: I'm dating this guy. Can you take care of yourself, Eren?

>Eren: I am free.

I don't even speak ching kek

>ending he planned at the beginning
So the Mist? Everyone dies and eternal sadness

2014-2016 is the golden age

I miss Sasha :(

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Isayama is a faggot

2013-2015 actually.


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>cucked by la creatura

That's a neat shoop you got there


I hope so. It's usually not a good sign when authors change things around for the fans. The original image is almost always the best.

i wish i was drawfag so i could draw Hitch feet 24/7

hey, that's pretty good

why didn't marley just level the fort with a barrage since it had no dugouts or hardened positions? why weren't the mid-eastern ships acting as fire support and bombarding the marleyan advance? because isayama had specific setpieces in mind and wrote the scenario to facilitate them, that's all

Attached: Artillery.webm (640x480, 1.46M)

Isayama's given dozens of interviews in which he's asked about the ending and it's still super unclear which one he's going for. A few things I've picked up from reading them:

>one of the first endings he had in mind was like 'The Mist'
>felt this ending was irresponsible as the series grew
>has stated even though he was unsure about it, he won't hesitate to "betray" or shock the readers
>has stated he's going with the ending that he planned at the beginning of serialization and that it's going well

He goes back and forth a lot regarding the ending, so the only thing that's clear is that he really struggled for a while trying to decide. It's a mystery whether this "original ending" he's supposedly working on is the same as "The Mist" ending, or something different. Either way, Eren's dream in Chapter 1 should be part of it.

Don't make me want things I can't have

Who else is hoping for alternative endings being released at once?

I am the only retard for sure

Annie will have a fate worse than Ymir's.

I don't know why people are so focused on vague statements from years old interviews when we have something much more concrete to rely on.

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Buzzwords like "irresponsible" and "betray" sounds to me like the ending is just a cheap cop out, as in kill everyone in a shocking way and then end it there. If that's the case I don't blame him for trying to alter it, for such a big series with so many loose ends and lore that to just ruin it by not explaining everything and killing off all the characters is a really shitty thing to do. Maybe he plans to kill everyone like he intended but do it in a way where everything by the end is still tied up and questions are answered, so in that way the ending is satisfying.

>It's usually not a good sign when authors change things around for the fans

fucking this.

Definitely. The basement reveal was the last time I remember the threads being consistently good and fun to post in.

That could be a metaphorical ending. Maybe the baby is the only one from Paradis who survives and the character is someone we don't know, or the next AT.

He was vague about this panel, too. He said it's not set in stone yet. And we don't know the implications beyond this.

I don't care about alternate endings but I think there's lots of potential for "what if" stories.

What if Erwin was chosen instead of Armin? What if Historia injected herself? What if Eren was taken back to Marley with RBY? Heck, what was it like for Ymir when she went back to Marley?

These are all things I'd be interested in reading.

He did say the panel itself could be subject to change, but I highly doubt the themes or the message the ending is meant to convey would be affected in any way. As things are right now that last panel does remain the most reliable hint as to where the story is headed.

The ending of The Mist works because it's just a movie. It makes sense that as the series expanded it would feel wrong to end it in a similar fashion after 10 years of publication and 120+ chapters. Like I said it's hard to figure out where his head is at but if I had to bet, I would say he's either not going with that one or has altered it enough to be happy with it.

What if Eren didn't save Mikasa? What if Ymir escaped with Historia? There's a lot of interesting plots that can be explored with paths, but I doubt Isayama wants to drag this series out that long. But at least 1 alternate universe would be really interesting.

Either way, Isayama could with the tragic irony without killing everybody.

literally best ending possible.

Imagine genuinely thinking that the ending is Eren with Boruto, in a series where one of the main plot elements is magic

>she died almost a year ago
Why are we here? Just to suffer?!

>The basement reveal
Would you have done it differently?

Attached: The Basement.png (672x1620, 1.31M)

Maybe the ending will just be Paradis losing the war. Marley is pretty much the America of this universe, they're the world's superpower. So the "scorched earth" tactic they'll use could be similar in imagery to the bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki, and the surviving characters will have to deal with living under Marley rule, if they're not already prisoners of war. Isayama mentioned taking inspiration with In This Corner of the World, this sounds like an ironic ending after all the characters have been through.

Alternate universe aside, what do you think was the turning point or the critical juncture of the manga events? Was it the cave scene? I mean, it changed Eren from somebody resembling Zeke to somebody who will move forward until the end.

Weird as fuck Armin wasn't included in this. It's not like he was passed out by this time either.

Eren's song


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Eren never resembled Zeke, they're literal foils. He had one instance in which he felt similarly to Zeke, but that's about it

Marley is more like the British Empire at the end of the XIX century - still the strongest, but the powers like German Reich or the Russian Empire are able to challenge it.

It's hard to say until the series is complete. Reaching the basement seems like an easy point of reference though.

>It's been 9 months since we've heard anything from Historia or Eren's perspective, let alone the pregnancy.
>9 months

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It was weird, true

he's spent so much time on the theme of freedom and all that that i don't see him taking a more measured and bittersweet approach at the 11th hour, especially not one that ends with the main cast having to basically reconcile their fates with an unsatisfying compromise (because for all the time spent in marley and his attempts to make reiner into a co-protagonist, both he and the readers still clearly think of the paradis natives as the main characters and the ones the audience is supposed to follow along with and feel for)

for bully

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cave scene was the turning point for Eren but basement was the turning point for the story

Get smugged on

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>in reality humans are not extinct at all
shit translation famalam

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kek this pic

Now I can't help but notice how deformed Eren's right hand looks at the bottom.

It's not a 1:1 translation, but is more impactful.

"Humanity as not perished."
Done. Said. Eh.

"In reality, humans are not extinct at all."
It leaves room for further clarification and information. It's an open statement.

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I still believe Eren is going to activate the Rumbling but is going to be set to destroy Paradis by the First King since its inception, ending with a few characters surviving thanks to the Kyomi plane. The tragic irony would be the sacrifices Eren made to activate the Rumbling just to be his doom in the end.

Im glad Isayama is making the story not you retards, fucking hell

I'd argue that '...has not perished' is too strong and gives some wrong vibes. Like it WAS some event which may have lead to the destruction of humanity, but it was avoided. While in fact humanity was never in danger.

What's the best ending you can surmise, user?

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There is nothing 'automatized' or 'set' in the pure titans, they take orders from the Coordinate's user.

I wonder who's getting on that plane. I'm sure Mikasa is safe, maybe Gabi too, and definitely the baby.

The whole point of Eren and Zeke coming in contact is that Eren can use the coordinate without being overrode by the first king's will. Isayama's not doing all this buildup just for it to randomly go wrong right at the end.

>While in fact humanity was never in danger.
The whole point is that this is the messege to people in the walls. Walldians think that humanity was killed outside walls long time ago, so more powerful messege "Humanity has not perished" more fitting imo

Where did the mean old EHfaq touch you?

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Obamachmon will be the pilot obviously.

We are talking about a dude that could somehow impose his "will" on his predecessors, is valid to think he could have imposed a command in the Titans if they ever wake up.

Agreed. "Humanity as not perished." is just overkill.

nice try Ymirfag

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No really. He was just copying Muv Luv Alternative.

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Cringe meme

>Farmer King spinoff
Next chapter, I can feel it in my bones

>Walldians think that humanity was killed outside walls long time ago
That's why, "In reality, humans are not extinct at all." is so much better. It's an open statement, it defaults to adding more information. Compared to "Humanity has not perished." Which is closed, vague and begs the question.
When leading a narrative, open vs closed imo

"In reality, humans are not extinct at all. Across the ocean, there's a powerful nation with a war-like expansionist regime. They are the root of the problems that plague this island of Paradis. The Titans that eat our fellow man are sent here from Marley, set to serve as wardens to keep us penned in."
"Humanity has not perished."

I know who will be the pilot.

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Based right winger

Too tiny, he cannot reach the controls well.

I wonder what the flight plan is going to be.

Nope, I wouldn't have. Everything after serumbowl was genuinely great stuff.

What if Farmer King's name is revealed and it disappoints me?


Annie hasn't appeared in the manga for 6-7 years.

>Everything after serumbowl
Nice specificity, I approve.


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His name is FARMERCHAD


What are the chances of his name being King or Prince William the Great?

>manlet sitting on a phone book
>blocks on the pedals

>didn't go the heroin addict route

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Oh no! Hisu overdosed!

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are people still crying about this?

RIP Gabi

You wish

>Eren raped Gabi

my love

No, I just have shit luck. I have favorite alive girl but both of them have massive death flags as well.


Which ones?


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he shouldn't just shrug it off, that's his brain that has a hole in it. he'll need to regen it

>screen photo
Since when we get anything like that? Nice fakes.

He can just redistribute his shit into his secondary nervous system

Dreadful shoop

Which he doesn't unless he is on his titan.

I mean his own, not the titans

>Page 509
Literally volume 3

ok but then he'd still need to take a moment to repair a serious injury and get his consciousness back into his brain

When did fakefags get so bad at their job?

Anons got lazy and less creative I guess. I liked this one that was spammed a bit.

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Remember when there was that fake leak of Jeanbo dying and no one cared except for that one Jeanbofag who wanted to suicide

The one where he was missing his legs?

spoilers in 5 hours

od made it again


It's bullshit. Expect spoilers wednesday or thursday

>it's real

>Saves your manga
>Gets praised
>Avi for a group of 105,000+

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April fools yes? I hope it's at least funny


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The headshot?

>comes back as some secret new titan


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i am sad that this is the last arc. after that it will be over.

No matter how much shitposting or complaining about chapters i did every month, the thought that it will be over after this arc makes me sad.

Like an annoying puppy that keeps destroying things in your home and is pissing on the carpet. But i have to yell at him and get angry, although i love him. Now i realize that the puppy got quite old and i sense that it will be his end soon.

then i might as well go back to my old dog BERSERK, which will never end/die

VK is the land of crazies. Gabbers has come so far and done so much already. How much power does she have?

Imagine if she became Queen holy shit the outrage

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Considering the guy does not give a fuck about this, I'm assuming he would do the thing that would piss fans off the most.

He's a manga writer, not a military strategist.

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The most infuriating outcome would be Pieck tricking or incapacitating Eren with a fucking peashooter.

>all races have same skull
But we don't.

If we use the manlet as a point of reference we could probably figure out how tall the big girl is

>why didn't marley just level the fort with a barrage since it had no dugouts or hardened positions?
The fort offensive didn't leave room or time for setting up artillery, plus there were machine gun nests and the armoured train to worry about. If they set up any further back, there was the risk of being shelled by the ships in the port. They went for an infantry assault because once the train was disabled, the shifters could take care of everything.

>why weren't the mid-eastern ships acting as fire support and bombarding the marleyan advance?
Ships of the Era were accurate, but not accurate enough for a sustained naval bombardment in friendly-close situations. Instead, the ME's were shelling the Marleyans from the fort. Pic related and here you can see that the ships spread of fire is considerable. Prolonged bombardment would have leveled the fort

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Rivamika is endgame :)


Everytime somebody implies there's such thing as as races, I feel the XIXth century creeping on my spine.


od herself

>people still think I'm Mrs. Smith
Imagine being so stupid you honestly believe my existence is some smoothbrained trolling conspiracy. Literally what is the end game to that? What did she do to you guys to make you so O B S E S S E D with her? Mrs. Smith, if you're here right now I propose we form an alliance. I gave it some thought and realized we could be powerful together. My email is in the archives. I should have taken my tripcode off so all the fags who filtered my based posts would see, but I'll do that another time.

Also, my husband Reiner is handsome and he will save the world with his kino nose when he appears in the next chapter.

Attached: Reiner 56.png (1002x1032, 650K)

She is probably doing le epik april fools prank

I must have missed all of the posts mentioning this

I don't think it happens often but I know in the last thread I showed up in someone said I was her. I try not to come to Yea Forums too often anymore or else I end up unironically seething over shit like being called Mrs. Smith and it ruins my day.

Attached: Reiner 18.png (455x398, 206K)

Same, based Farmer


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every single character in snk is crazy

Mrs Smith autism confirmed


holy shit this is a really good fake


it's really fake

Do you have a single fact to back that up? I'm sure she's a nice girl but she's not me. I'm sure this is bait to try and get me to reveal intimate details about myself in an attempt to prove my legitimacy but I'm trying not to make retarded decisions on Yea Forums anymore.

Plus there's no way she's as autistic as me. Literally impossible.

Attached: Reiner 39.png (460x460, 83K)

kek russians

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>there's no way she's as autistic as me. Literally impossible.
>3829 results found
She's more autistic but less retarded. 3829 posts and she never got her tits out. She couldn't even follow through on her promise of a live streamed suicide if Erwong died


>implying I unleash my full autism on Yea Forums
I save that for people I personally know who will stroke my ego for it and not doubt me. /snk/ doesn't deserve to know what a based autist I am IRL and other places online. The only one more autistic than me is CWC himself.

and shit nigger do you really expect me to read all that shit? No way, fag.

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Well I'm already close to shattering a molar from seething so I need to get the fuck away from here. Hope you degenerate rapists have a nice time believing the conspiracy that I'm Mrs. Smith. Feel free to keep underestimating my autism though but we'll see who has the last laugh.

Attached: Reiner 34.png (645x390, 309K)

yEAH, He's better

Yes, I fucking said it

Fuck the old bastard

Isayama delivers

God bless him

Get spoilers, eat ass.

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No one cares

Elena is raping Dot Pixies as we speak.

You cannot rape the willing

My boy Eren is too strong now

Marley scum can't even touch him

Oh the rumbling is 100% going to happen after the years of buildup since the first reveal. I just don't think it's actually going to be used to "flatten the world" I think Eren has something else in mind that we don't understand yet.

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She's big enough to indulge his titan vore fantasy. Pixis is mad.

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Like pls

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no one likes you

Mikasa is...

Fuck off

>dragging LHfags with you
Stop EMfag

loyal waifu

Like if you think Eren is the father

Yeah, Mrs. Smith isn't some whore who shows off her tits on the internet

Sex with Ereh

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Did no one else notice his hair clip?

Pretty normal in Japan, nips have good hair

A slave, hoping to find her own independence.


We know, EHsayama

Rolled 3 (1d6)

Like if you think Levi is the father

Of Hans children

Eren ain't no farmer

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>Eren fucked this


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wrong thread you absolute fucking retard

Annie a shit

Like if you agree EH are a bunch of retards and shipfaggotry has no room in this manga

He is

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has anybody seen my daughter?

Their shipperfags are definitely cancer and delusional

>shipfaggotry has no room in this manga
Gabi and Falco

t. retarded EMfag


Zeke came with the yeagerists to Shiganshina. He's wearing the survey corps cloack.

war-planes are droping bombs to the island, some of there hit the wall.

Loise with other yeagerists are looking at the walls and there we see the faces of the colossal titans in the holes in the walls. The titans are looking down to the people.

Hanji gets from the river with Levi. They are talking a bit to each other and Levi colses his eyes.

There is no scenes with Eren and Pieck. The chapter is all about how the world army attacks Paradise. And there is the Hindu guy that we saw at the festival on Liberio.

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Annie is love

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if true then its a disappointing chapter. was waiting for eren and piku conversation
>it's here

>EH are a bunch of retards
Not as much as EMfags but here is your plecet

Nice try

>hating comfiest ship
Shit taste confirmed

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fuck shippers desu

Well, it's something

Well made my dude

sounds slow-paced enough to be real

Isn't this the thirdworlder that got so mad one day he couldn't stop saying to kill ourselves?

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this feels like it fell out of a time warp from 2005

Gabifags on suicide watch

Or vicaversa angel. Erin’s song

Take my like O'Mighty Gabo.
I kneel before thou in the customary salute of Gab.

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>manletpedos/manletcucks thinking they are any better
My sides

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>/snk/ posters barely have any likes

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/snk/ is too underground and punk for that

I know

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Except for a Gabi post of all things. Cursed timeline.