How Do You Think About This Anime Company

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I think every shounen adaptation should be handed to them.

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Bad at Action anime
Good at Drama,RomCom,Comedy anime

Somewhat better than Dogakobo.

Great Ideaaa

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They used to be fine, but lately everything they've done is terrible.

Would be an upgrade in some cases desu

Everyone is disappointed about One Punch Man season 2...but let's be honest, it could be a lot worse.

At least it isn't Toei.

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Consistently makes rock solid anime.

Idk why Yea Forums hates them.

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>that picture
I take it that you haven't seen the hot mess that is Index III.

Only Utena is worth its own weight in salt and it happened decades ago.
JC is a fucking joke.

So it's bad a good anime and good at bad anime.

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I said everything in there except Utena is utter shit, retard-kun.


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Saiki K is really fucking good and they did a great job.

Seem to put zero budget into action series that need a budget, but they are fine to good for romance and comedy series. The first season (and the 9 episodes of the second season that I watched) of the Familiar of Zero really show how bad they are at doing the action scenes. At least Pierrot knows when to use QUALITY and when to actually spend the budget most of the time.


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80% of their shit sucks

>yfw da kanna wins da user atsu

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Henneko is good

They are good. They tend to lower their budget throughout the seasons (s2 getting lower than s1) but they aren't fit for action animes.