How do we feel about tanned girls?

How do we feel about tanned girls?

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sex them


Gay. Try asking again but with dignity.

Holy fuck I didn't know there would be a sequel. Based Tarou

strength and fist? Sounds brutal man

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I like anything that is cute regardless of the individual components that make up that cuteness.

Tanned girls with light colored haired are a miracle of the universe, they are more miraculously beautiful if they do happen to have red eyes.

Tan is not quite as good as naturally brown but still nice.

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>naturally brown

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but brown cant be white.
white skin masterpiece

they're the best

I want to bully that smug demon.

Just don't hit em too haaaaaaarrrd.

Real talk; how do we feel about black girls?

an improvement

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They're cute. Tan skin is aesthetic in general and on top of that adds a degree of exoticism, which is attractive. I don't know why brown anime girls started becoming a lot more common in the 2000s but I'm not complaining.

Eh, they tend to be too dark and even the mixed ones generally have unaesthetic facial features. Not really the same as anime's "just a white/japanese girl but brown".

Made for hot sweaty sexing.

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i like wiggly flappers

Rare in 2D but fuckable.

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If they're just darker brown girls then I'm all for it.

If they keep the nigga lips and shit hair then they can go back to the cotton plantations.

With my hands.

I recognize this artist.

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