Misaki isn’t coming user

Misaki isn’t coming user

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She came for my animefag comrade 12 years ago. I'm still jealous that he was saved.

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I did have a neighborgirl come to my door randomly one day to bum a cigarette, she had apparently been going through my mail and listening to me through the floor for a couple of weeks

She moved in with me immediately, though we didn't really bond until she had a psychotic break and I brought her dinner every day while she was in an inpatient mental hospital.

We've been together for four years now, she's basically my housewife

Hello Kotehok,...

Wear kevlar vest 24/7

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It's not that bad, though she did throw my phone through my TV when the autocorrect made her think I was cheating, and there's a few holes in the wall b/c she saw faces coming out of the wall and watching her

Not as long as you make these shitty blogfag threads she won't

Maybe she did.

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its even more odd when you live in the middle of the woods and this happens

>b/c she saw faces coming out of the wall
Kisama, why did you have to strike me so close to home

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I would pretend to be a worthless bottom-feeder while keeping my window open so Misaki could watch me. Never clean my room, masturbate to loli, pretend to do drugs, pretend to cry a lot, eat nothing but ramen, etc. Once I have her attention, and she starts using me as a way to feel superior to someone, I make a mifaculous recovery in only a week. This drives her depression as she realize I was better than her all along, and the only one who can save her is me.

Xoll, that's a cool story sis.

It's all right. I don't have a peephole anyway.

God I hate women

what are you, gay?

Good. She's a suicidal BPD case.

I don't want no filthy 3dpd ruining me life and sucking all the time out of me. I'd end up hating her anyways.
Escapism is better left as escapism.

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Take your meds poppy.

oh god why would you do that

How can you be so sure?

Things that never happened: the post.

I'd look for her myself if I only knew where.


That's right. Give up on women.

Do you guys think that there are people on this board who actually don't understand that the point of the series is that having a Misaki doesn't solve anything.

What if there is no solution anyway?

Based retard
>small brain
>big brain
Misaki was responsible for curing Sato and making him an overall better person

>mfw she did come
>mfw I fucked it all up
she deserves better than a filthy NEET anyway

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That's not how it goes at all, user
Her attempts at saving him didn't work, but mommy sending Satou less money got way more of a response out of him than anything Misaki did up until then

This. The only way for men like us to win the game is to flip the board and leave the table.

She already did though. Too bad she's autistic and never leaves her house.

Well, that's because she doesn't know of my secret 3 finger technique.

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The moral is that some people are cursed with a fear of death larger than their fear of living

I thought I could accept it but now and then it really eats at me.

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rape face

I'd be happier with the cute pyramid-scheme-chan