10/10 Well written antagonists

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People with an inaccurate sense of their effect more likely.

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I am Ruplong, the Avenger of Samples.

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Kojiro, as the polar opposite of Musashi.

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>"Boy do I love killing children hee hee haa haa"
>"Actually i'm a victim of the system and I just wanted the kids to be happy and I never meant them any harm ;__;"
Yeah nice writing real deep

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You're a brainlet if you ever thought Isabella was just an evil sociopath who willingly chose to side with the demons

Holy shit...Imagine being such an arrogant little piece of shit

You're a brainlet if you think her character is in any way consistent and this wasn't a totally hamfisted last-minute "redemption" to shove in some fake depth into a character who was borderline mustache-twirlingly sadistic for most of the plot

No you're definitely the retarded one here, even normie animeonly fags realized that she did what she did for survival. And you're also retarded for thinking the show is trying to redeem her. You think it was trying to portray Isabella as a kindhearted person at core in the end ? If so then you are indeed a moron

was about to post either Johan or Griffith, but on that topic, did you guys notice the similarities between the two characters?

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Besides the fact that they're pretty boys they are not similar AT all.

See? See how dumb you are?

Not him, but I also thought it was really cheap to give her a tragic backstory. It's just the way the show presents the character with super edgy faces that makes it unbelievable. Also didn't like that she cheered them on.

Nah there where some signs of it but she immediately went back to being an evil bitch to the point where I don't get why I'm suddenly supposed to feel sympathy for her
Just a few minutes before the kids escaped she was more concerned about saving Rays brain than him actually being dead or not, and all of a sudden "she just wanted to do the best out of a bad situation after all". How does that make any sense?

>Krone reveals to the kids that caretakers were actually in the same position as the kids
>Non retarded people must have at least had this idea in mind once
>Krone dies wishing the kids to fuck the system up because in the end she is a victim, which doesn't excuse her actions done for survival

>"she just wanted to do the best out of a bad situation after all".
Yeah right the show definitely wanted you to think that what she did was a good choice


It wanted me to feel sympathy for a character who just a moment ago was more concerned about salvaging her childs' brain than his actual well-being


Krone was even worse. The dancing, singing and doll was so over the top, it became repulsive. I would have actually preferred Isabella be an just a psychopath. Would have been more interesting considering Sister already had a tragic backstory.

shes not an antagonist
she also did nothing wrong

>Gendo did nothing wrong

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Empathy not sympathy. Do you feel sympathy for a serial killer after learning he got raped by his parents dummy ?
The point of Isabella's character is to show what Emma would've become had she given up.

That is a REALLY dumb reasoning. By that point you should've been intelligent enough to deduce that adults working with Demons don't do it out of evil nature.

Viewing everything as a binary choice is a sign of a limited mind that leans towards oversimplification.

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She was broken decades ago and simply buried herself in her work because her value and survival was determined by the quality of her children. She was proud that she raised them so good to the point they actually managed to plot an escape. She's always been proud of her children as a cattle farmer is proud of their cows but in a hilariously ironic way they ended up being too good and she's going to get killed because they got away.

>tfw dumb people watch a show that's too good for them

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Even if I grant how much you downplay the authors intention its still shitty writing because of how hamfisted it was. Its like showing an irredeemably evil super-villain pet his dog in a flashback before getting killed by the protagonist, Its such a lazy way to add "depth" and "moral ambiguity" into a story
And there you go. You probably think the show was being deep and original with this crap which ironically enough reveals how stupid you actually are while accusing ME of being dull. You even punctuated your sentence because you thought you said something really smart lol

>By that point you should've been intelligent enough to deduce that adults working with Demons don't do it out of evil nature.
That's why I wanted her to be a psychopath. Giving some kind of tragic backstory is so cookie cutter at this point. The show was already presenting her as an over the top psycho, so might as well go all the way.

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you seem to be the type to eat up all kinds of contrived bullshit because god forbid anything simple exists in this world

>that's too good for them
You're the dumbest faggot in this thread

Based quads of truth.

Isabella lost. What else did you want them to do with her ? Just rage like a retard and kill the other kids out of revenge ?
>b-b-but that's not what I wanted her character to be even though that was logical and obvious given what was presented
Isabella is evil and ended up lying to herself to make herself feel good about her choices to survive, there is no doubt about that and this is not the author's intentions to make you think otherwise. But to think Isabella just has a black heart and is evil by nature is retarded.

You're projecting.
But what I mean was that you're implying that the show was either trying to make you see a character as evil, or make you sympathize with her completely. This is not a choice the show ever put forward for the audience to make. And it's funny that you (or someone) earlier berated Isabella as a mustache twirler, when in fact that's exactly what you want her to be -- a villain who's evil for the sake of being evil, with no reasons for being so, or characterization outside of "villain".

>You even punctuated your sentence because you thought you said something really smart lol
>lookit you with yer fancy punctuation marks!
Jesus fuck, what have I been conversing with?

Just to clarify you quoted two different people and I didn't imply any of that, this only applies to your second quoted post

The first line is for you, the green line and everything under is for the other dude

If you go out of your way to give your post the aesthetic of a contemplative anime girl it does come across as if you thought your post was deep enough to warrant it
Just say "no u" next time
>And it's funny that you (or someone) earlier berated Isabella as a mustache twirler, when in fact that's exactly what you want her to be -- a villain who's evil for the sake of being evil
Sorry I don't smoke the Weed so this isn't going to blow my mind at all

>What else did you want them to do with her ?
Not give a sappy tragic backstory. Have her just be someone who succeeded in the system rather than being forced into it. Her change of heart just comes off as unnecessary. It'll be like having Berserk end with Miura trying to justify Griffth's actions by saying he was forced into sacrificing his allies.

>Jesus fuck, what have I been conversing with?
a strawman

No I didn't want her to be a psycho, I wanted her to be written consistently

>Isabella lost. What else did you want them to do with her ? Just rage like a retard and kill the other kids out of revenge ?
This is my problem. The face I posted looks like someone who would do exactly that and more. But they instead decide to make her tragic, which doesn't line up with her visual depiction.

These right here. And its honestly an ongoing problem with the manga where everyone needs to be a parallel of Emma and she needs to be right all the time. Isabella would have been fine as someone who fell to the system and came out on top but no she just had to be broken into it in order to make Emma more of a Sue.

Not in their goals, but in the way they go about achieving them, also notice how both characters have been noted to be incredibly charismatic, as described by the people around them, look into both of them carefully and you'll see plenty of similarities

>Succeeding in the system is educating kids until you send them to die
Oh wow I'm sure Isabella would've been proud to succeed at that. Who the fuck in this world would want such a future ?
You just completely missed the point of the show and and wanted it to be something else.
Isabella is an antagonist meant to parallel the kids. If Emma had been in Isabella's shoes, she would have chosen death over survival. Isabella took survival. It's about the choices you make.

Just read the manga next time if you don't want to complain about retarded crazy edgy faces and insane anthics

wow you're a fucking retart, opinion discarded

>Isabella is an antagonist meant to parallel the kids.
And the show failed spectacularly at it

Nah man, I just really like Azunyan.

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>Just read the manga next time if you don't want to complain about retarded crazy edgy faces and insane anthics
I'm perfectly willing to grant that the manga is a lot better than the anime, but I really doubt the anime got her THAT wrong

Alright whatever you just tell yourselves that among the minority of brainlets who couldn't see the obvious mirror.

Did you know Krone doesn't actually talk out loud to a doll

She does in the anime.
And it's awesome.

>Oh wow I'm sure Isabella would've been proud to succeed at that.
She was? Did you even watch the fucking show? That's why she was trying to get Emma to give up and become a Mama. She was proud of the fact that she was the best Mama and up until this episode had no remorse about giving children away to their deaths hence her answer to Norman asking if she was happy. The anime/manga played her up as pragmatic and someone who did what she did to survive but still cared enough for her children to give them a good life until they got shipped the backstory just seem to shit on what made her so interesting,

Very cute user very cute

>Who the fuck in this world would want such a future ?
You do realize there's characters in the manga that do support the current system right?

Eh, I'd give a 7/10.

What about a 10000000000/10 well written antagonist?
>inb4 not anime
Give it a couple of years, we are getting that Investigations adaptation soon.

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The author of this shit must have the worlds biggest whiteboard to write all this shit backwards. Everything seems like a fucking ass pull when you write the characters into a corner and reveal something crucial at the last moment. Every god damn episode.
Doesn't mean it's good writing. This show was mediocre.

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t. Shitsha

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>That's why she was trying to get Emma to give up and become a Mama.
Please explain with details how does that correlate with her being proud of her job and not just her not wanting Emma to suffer.
You have the chance to survive death but you have to push a kid over the edge for it and 10 years later you tell another kid in the same situation to push a kid over the edge instead of dying. Are you proud about it ? No you just want to survive like a rat.

>She was proud of the fact that she was the best Mama and up until this episode had no remorse about giving children away to their death
I only remember her cutting Krone for her brown nosing bullshit when she told her how amazing of a Mom she was.

>hence her answer to Norman asking if she was happy.
Hence why she paused for a second before answering him. She's not truly happy at her situation, read between the lines. She's just deluding and pleasing herself in her shitty situation.

Among the victims ? Who ?

Has any girl ever managed to atay the best girl and the best, most intriguing antagonist in the series while not appearing in the manga for more than 5 years?

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How can you just put aside the part where they showed her own escape. standing at the cliff realising that there was no hope for her. At that moment she accepted that her possibilities are to the mercy and desires of the demons and thus she embraced that lifestyle. she saw herself like a ferryman transporting the doomed to the other side, she never hated any child but she saw her task as inevitable, the only task she was able to fulfilled was to give them the best journey possible. The moment she saw Emma at the cliff she completely snapped because she realised that these children actually succeeded where she failed, they did what she thought was impossible.

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Why do brainlets struggle so much with human beings? I mean Isabella is far from being the only bad person who was a cog in a system or cared for her victims despite still enforcing said system. It shouldn't be that hard to understand there are many sides to a person. Even a bad one.
Honestly I can't help but question the intelligence of anyone who wishs for villains to be emotionless psychopath. I mean, the only perk to that is it makes them easier to grasp and hate.

Yeah just skip over the entire discussion to serve us your ice-cold take

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This is more like antagonists that make your peepee hard.

I want to make her pregnant again

I love Johan, but he's the far opposite of well written. It is impossible to understand his motivations and methods because he is written as someone who idoes things he shouldn't wish for and picks inefficient methods out of sheer insanity

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Funny how the best antagonists are not in anime, but rather in video games, an unoptimal medium for storytelling.
See Simon Keyes, as you posted, or Ocelot in MGS3. These two alone are better than almost everything in anime.

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his methods are well masked, but they are written well over all

first of all he's not insane, he just had a trauma enduced amnesia case, and his motivations and goals are split into two sections:

pre memory recovery: he wanted to be the last human alive, how he was to go about it was unknown but Schuwald and his wealth was part of the plan, my guess is he'd try to reignite the cold war and have everyone nuke eachother

post memory recovery: after recovering his memories in the library he wanted to prove that Humanity is inherently corrupt and evil by having Tenma, the most moral man he knows shoot him