Becomes the worst villian in shounen jump history

>Becomes the worst villian in shounen jump history

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That's not Aizen

fuck off

Aizen is not a villain.

You take that back

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wow this art looks like crap



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"well that was a waste of time": the mini-arc

Based shitposters wasting their day

I disagree; it was nice seeing him get some character development, minor as it may be.

Is it good worst or bad worst?


"well that was a waste of time": the manga

>Worse than all the post-Stagiare villains in Soma
I don't read this, but I don't believe you.

The league of villains as a whole are underwhelming as hell. Definitely not main antagonist material.


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>every villain introduced in one piece will have their sins completely forgotten in a couple chapters.
I dont know why oda do this every single time, take caesar for example:
>kidnaped children.
>did human experiments on them.
>made them drugs addict for easy manipulation.
>created mass destruction weapons.
>and now he is the funny gastino the ganster, totally-not-caesar lol.

Now the same whit will happen with the dude starving his country to death because why not.

>Now the same whit will happen with the dude starving his country to death because why not.
user, hes starving the country to keep them from rebelling

The straw hats didn’t forget at all about what Caesar did so that couldn’t have been a worst example.

>experiments on humans
>tries to kill his subordinate as an act of "mercy" because she can't live without him (because he made her depend on him in the first place)
>goal is to kill everyone in Ichigo's hometown
>not a villain

I see you haven't read reborn


that makes shiggy very happy

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just can the whole fucking manga

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I'm more itnerested in Shiggy than I am in motherfuckling Deku, so all I can get of this, the better.

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>I was only 19 years old
>I love All for One so much, I had all the henchmen and noumus
>I pray to All for One every night before bed, thanking him for the life I've been given
>"All for One is love" I say; "All for One is life"
>All Might hears me and calls me a faggot
>I know he was just jealous of my devotion for All for One
>I attacked his students
>He SMASHES me and forced me to retreat
>I'm crying now, and my pride hurts
>I lay in my hideout bar and it's really cold
>Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me
>It's All for One
>I am so happy
He whispers into my ear "Do not worry... I am here."
>He grabs me with his powerful multi-quirk hands and puts me down onto my hands and knees
>I'm ready
>I leave the planning to All for One
>He recruits more autistic henchmen for me
>My pride hurts so much but I do it for All for One
>I can feel my hands shaking as I interrogate All Might's student
>I attack the students again at their summer camp
>I want to please All for One
>He roars in a mighty roar as he congratulates my assault
>All Might SMASHES in
>All for One looks him straight in the eyes and says "That's very emotional."
>All for One teleports me away
>All for One is love. All for One is life

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Overhaul: Became trash thanks to Eri and Mirio
Jiren: shitty one liners and was a whiny bitch
Accacia: Generic and defeated by O MY RAGE
Acnologia: Generic and defeated by nakama power
David: Trolled
Ywach: He died because fk you
Zetsu: just LOL.

>I love All for One so much, I had all the henchmen and noumus
Is this the shrek copypasta all over again I swear to god

You catch on quick huh?

As if BnH isn't riddled with nonsense and terrible ideas.


Those villains are still better, have better plans and motivation and some of them at least had some cool or hype moments. Shiggy is just a manchild who wants to kill All Might and destroy society for stupid reasons.

He was always kinda trashy.

Quick rundown on what happened to shiggy


So they might be labeled the same but BNHA will never be that good, just flashy and better animation.

>A show about kids with emotional issues out the fucking ass
>Yet they all have powers and are better than normal humans.

Yeah that's a big yawn after 3 seasons.

Jiren is more like a rival than a villain.

Not as long as Kaguya exists.

Stop harrasing the heroshitters, user.

Both Azami and EL HERMANO are worse and they're even in the same manga.

>A show about kids with emotional issues out the fucking ass
>Yet they all have powers and are better than normal humans.
>most of them are gay
Ahh, now it's homoxhomo