Rin prefers her girls blonde
Rin prefers her girls blonde
Rin Tohsaka is straight though. The reason some people say she's bisexual is mainly because of the H-scene in the fate route. But it's clear that it doesn't make Rin bisexual:
First of all, the author Nasu didn't write that scene. As noted in the complete materials, Nasu didn't actually write the script for the fate sex scene.
1.Why didn't Rin tell Shirou about mana transfer earlier? There's absolutely no valid reason. Transferring mana would save Saber's life (and before the whole scene Rin had told Shirou Saber would most likely disappear due to lack of mana and gave him no answer when he asked if she could be saved), so it would be logical to inform him of such possibility as early as possible.
However, if mana transfer involved sex, she had a very good reason not to tell him about it. She had feelings for Shirou, so she definitely didn't want him to have sex with Saber, unless it was absolutely unavoidable, causing either Rin or Shirou to die.
2. The whole scene seems like pointless fanservice. The fact they went for the H to give mana to saber instead of making Rin the master of Saber and let her get lots of mana still baffles me after all this years.
3. It is a life-or-death scene in which Rin is forced to have sex with saber and enjoys it. The question would be be, does it make her bisexual? When 2 girls in an eroge touch each other and enjoy it then they’re bi?
I don’t think so. I strongly believe the result would have been the same with every single heroine in the game. It’s an eroge and I’ve read a few VNs where 2 straight girls enjoy sex together. I’ve also watched even more hentai (not that different from eroge) in which straight girls (usually sisters) that love the same dude end up having sex together and enjoy it very much. In my opinion it was mainly fanservice for an eroge game, not to mention the newer versions of Realta Nua completely remove that scene, making it non-existent.
So basically, It's not a threesome if she's there touching saber with a bored expression. This is an eroge, there is no fucking way a girl can touch another and don't make it seem it's glorius, what kind of a H-scene would it be otherwise?
Also, Sakura got a similar treatment in Heaven's Feel while watching Rin get raped (she got turned on by her own sister and maybe it was faservice for the H-scene. There's no need to assume Sakura's bi, it could just be Nasu's way of making H-scenes (all 3 heroines had a sexual experience between themselves after all).
4. Shirou was there in the whole scene (she even kisses him for absolutely no reason before starting "preparing" saber). Rin knows Shirou's watching and she watches them have sex afterwards. Her arousal is entirely due to Shirou.
If we move onto Heaven's Feel Rin thinks something very interesting after returning to the Emiya House (after spending 1 year in London): I've been going out with boys but whenever I am with them I can't concentrate cause that fool's face appears in my mind. Am I in love with him?
In this route Rin and Shirou didn't have any romance moments, yet she thinks about Shirou, not Saber, Rider or anyone else. (not to mention she says she's been going out with boys, not girls).
So that is why Rin is straight.
After countless hours of research, I have reached the same conclusion as I had some 13 years ago: Rin exists only to make Luvia look good. Not only is Luvia superior to Rin in every conceivable aspect, her only purpose is to highlight it even more. You know how attractive looking girls will deliberately befriend a landwhale, making sure that she stands right next to her whenever they take a picture? Yeah that landwhale is Rin. I mean think about it in her so called route, Rin is over shadowed by Archer and Lancer - a "heroine" losing the spotlight to two fucking guys top fucking kek how pitiful can you get
IIRC didn't Rin also love Shirou in HF route too?
Rin prefers her men old.
And for free
We need a ''what if' route where Rin summons a Saber and Shirou summons himself as HS Emiya
This. Luvia is richer, has bigger boobs and is apparently even better at magic than Rin
That and she knows how to suplex people.
>Shirou summoning Emiya
>Kills Shirou 5 seconds after summoning
>Rin prefers her (wo)men rich
You fucks have no imagination, have Shirou summon Emiya (Assassin) instead.
Rin prefers men, and only men. Yurifaggots fuck off.
Shirou and saber are an awful forced couple, prove me wrong
I can't, the only good Servant/Master romance is Medea/Kuzuki.
Reminder for every time this pasta is posted: the scene wasn't taken out of Realta Nua, just edited to be SFW. Deal with it.
No, its family that gets her hot. Her mom, dad, and little sister especially get the pleasure shudders from her. See Hollow.
She just also happens to like girls, and Luvia fits the mold of being her cousin and an attractive busty blonde, just like Sakura makes her weak in the knees from being called Onee-chan.
You want additional proof? Well in FSN, Rin gets extra mad when he finds out Sakura makes him breakfast, saying he must think he is a king of some sort. And in Hollow, she gets immensely frustrated and worried when she and Shirou imagine all the girls as maids and get to Sakura. It's all there as proof. Rin is bi and clearly wants her senpai.
I can't.
>Why didn't Rin tell Shirou about mana transfer earlier?
I think she still thinks of him as competition.
>Sakura got a similar treatment in Heaven's Feel while watching Rin get raped
Rin got raped in HF? I don't remember that at all.
God, I wish that were me.
Dense motherfucker.
>no doujins of Shirou and Luvia spitroasting Rin while OHOHOing