come on user whip it out
Come on user whip it out
Whip out what?
*sigh* well if you insist.
think i need a longer tape measure
For what?
let me save you the trouble. 3 inches
whoops was supposed to be for the fish, let me measure you thing user
Lolis should not be the ones doing penis inspection duty.
I'd rather have a trained medical professional do that
Can we get both?
No, it takes years and years of university to become a licensed medical penial professional. Lolis will grow up in that time.
Not if you start educating them from birth, medical only route no other subjects. Should be prime for penis inspection by the time they are like 7-8
Babies are literally too dumb. Your dream is dead.
And babies that are not too dumb are soft science fiction/freaks of nature like Bean, from O.S. Card's spinoff books, that I regret reading.
I cannot sexy loli, I only whip it out for my special one.
I hate it
Take yours first.
riding crop or cat o'nine tails?
Im not exactly sure, needs to be confirmed first, but I think that user just uses penis inspection as an excuse for a loli to fondle his peenus. Crazy I know
I want her to describe how her hair smells.
wouldn't you prefer that she let you smell it
I would rather let her smell me.
*unzips ms paint*
why are kodomo no jikan lolis so hot
Lolis are the most qualified for performing erection inspections
what the fuck happened to the other thread?
Thread derailed and became noticed.
I had to sleep so couldn't bump it
can she help an user to make it larger?
Butthole inspection day was a great chapter.
i am watching it
i am getting bad vibes from this cousin
That's just it. They're supposed to be measured flaccid.
>i am watching it
You should read it. The anime doesnt adapt the whole thing and really glosses over the Reiji drama turning it into something much dumber than it really is. Kokonoes mom flashback episode is S tier though.
what were those stickers for?
Ok can someone explain to me how your 9yo old says her teacher said he loves her but you just brush it off?
i am 10cm and a manlet too (160cm). fuck me
>user goes for penis inspection
>true hag lover, suppresses all wrong thoughts about lolis
>loli touches his penus and user gets an erection
>she hastily scribbles down some notes while looking over a few times
>"no its not what you think! I LIKE HAGS!!!!"
its over user
You're way smaller than my cock. Can't even use you as a condom.
Something about parasites. Roundworm? I dunno but it's a thing. Like penis inspection day but not.
it grossed me out a bit i didn't know hags had hairy assholes. it was cute when that loli was bent over tho
why do we grow hair there anyway
its the opposite of hygienic
no idea but i agree it's nasty
Hair helps for controlled flow of shit. It gives grip for shit to not slide away.
doesn't work like that for my it jsut get covered in shit so i shave it off
Hairy assholes make for a provocative rimjob, user.
>it jsut get covered in shit
That's expected cause hair is meant to hold shit while intestinal motion moves it forward.
with a razor
Kuro is perfect for penis inspection since she's a lesbian. Now if she did vagina inspection day she wouldn't be able to handle Rin because of constant orgasms.
Keep watching
Sometimes it seems like the Japanese school system exists for the sole purpose of creating porn scenarios
What did they see?
this thread
Secret lovers or someone passing waste?
this anons chode
Is this anime worth watching or just another snoozefest sprinkled with occasional good ecchi?
it's pretty good read the mango aswell tho
God i love the ED
any other animes with EDs that sound so lolilike?
It's alright. Manga is a lot better in every way.
Hanamaru Sensation totally sounds like One Fine Day, by Offspring.
>tfw lolis are dying on japan
nothing lasts forever i guess...
my dick is 10x1
are you sure, like shoujo ramune was made an anime last year despite being terrible i think it's the first actual loli hentai
Moralism is finally arriving on japan because of that big event of football
nah i think thats just fud desu
I don't think that's true.
good one user
are you sure? im pretty sure it was
I am reading of japanese companies starting to get infect by western moralism like
>we cant sexualize pixels xddd
How long till they decide that they cant make lewd drawinds of 2D children?
It’s already illegal to draw vaginas in Japan
This is a cultural thing i hope you know, this hasnt changed in centuries its not a modern change.
Holy shit 1-6 is all lewds and giggles but after that the shit really hits the fan, at least thats what i am seing on ep 8.
I really cant handle kokonoe crying
The manga is an even bigger ride.
Does the manga ever explain why kids can't have sex?
>black hair kokonoe
bros... i... i am having trouble breathing here!
God reiji is such a cuck
>oh no she was crying because i spend too much time away
LMAO, she doesnt even give a fuck about him she just want the sensei D
nah i dont think so
I hate it!
20cm, i'd post but I'd get banned.
girls doing the measuring is my biggest fetish.
I want Juju to laugh at my micropenis
Fuck off.
at least spoiler ir faggot, want another thread nuked?
thats sfw dont see tits or pussy
>tfw found out this image is traced
That episode and the ova with Aoki imouto are really the only good parts of the anime. Everything else is much better in the manga. Its not really bad it just pales in comparison.
Why dont they do emotional mangas/animes anymore?
Damn I should read it
>tfw backed the kikestarter
>like 5 years later and still nothing
>backing a Kickstsrter
I'm sure glad people realized 99% of these are scams
company whent bankrupt
totally worth it for kokonoe touching herself, and for the better plot
The anime is definitely still worth watching. To see some things animated, hear some voice acting, some songs, etc is really nice. It's a nice adaptation of a great manga. I think it's a lot easier to dismiss the anime as just regular old fanservice based lolicon anime than it is the manga though. The manga is clearly still very lolicon, but there's a lot more depth to it that couldn't all get put into the anime.
She seems to no longer have her hymen. What a slut
Rin probably did it.
i skipped to the end of the manga and they at least attempted to fuck. disappointed.
Her VA is a turboslut
Well there's a timeskip so she's legal
Is there a better match than small lolis and big dicks? It's even better when they somehow fit and there's a stomach bulge.
Is 7x5 big?
My dick is 17 inches around
But only 1 inch long.
>the legs are longer than the rest of her body
link to /soc
lolis and big dicks are best
Especially when they try and fit it in their small mouth
Its not supposed to be?
overlfowing dribbles
How fucked up is your body?
here's what she would like.
One thing I know is that this manga is infamous with Zac Berchey of ANN. Think he got sent multiple death threats after he trashed KnJ in this cloumn he did back in 2007.
Also specualted that it was because of this article that the original release of the manga by Seven Seas back in 2007 got canceled becuase of it.
Get out
anons you have patrician taste
if you look your thigh is almost as long as your torso
i wasn't saying lolis have tits oppailoli is gross, i just saying i wouldn't consider an image nsfw if it has no tits or pussy
>not loving your loli no matter how much different she looks when she gets older
That's pretty gay user
Now hes going after any series then even mentions rape. Goblin Slayer, Shield Bro... whos knows whats next.
I want a JC to measure mine.
If you want to take advantage of a troubled and vulnerable little girl like Rin you should self-insert as the principal, not as Aoki.
loli's are for love not molesting
>author is female
>writes stuff like this
What did she mean by this
Truly one of the greatest progressive minds of our time.
if anything shes regressive because progressives raised the aoc
But I don't want to take advantage of her and would do the same exact thing as Aoki did. All I want to do is love and protect my wife Rin.
It's wrong to have sex with young children unless they want to.
Sauce katsudon.
This. This series drew me in with the cute and funny, and then through its realistic depictions completely changed my attitudes towards cute and funny things. He was right to wait for her to be ready, but the timeskip wasn't really necessary. It felt like something probably forced by the editor but anyway it didn't even really matter. He waited for Rin to be ready herself, not just her age. He never took advantage of her complex situation that lead to her acting in that unusual way, just helped her and protected her and be a good teacher.
I hear girls her age all love dicks.
That's JCs. user is just being a bully, my friend Hazuki is a JK.
Oh no.... that image.
It just confirms one thing, that lolis are dangerous and are completely in control.
I don't think I could have said that better myself, user. While Rin acted in an unusual way that made her seem much more mature she was still a vulnerable child on the inside that needed someone to guide her through her situation properly.
That's a big fisheᵗᵐ
Settle down guys, loli is a body type, not an age range. We just need to focus on getting cute doctors.
I'm more worried about the emu knees.
I feel like every pedo romance story makes either the man or the girl a boring blank slate.
This is your JK for the evening.
You mean this is my wife all the time.
Aoki wasn't a boring blank slate, faggot.
Cute wife.
Neither was Rin. Even the titty monster gym teacher got good character development.
haha doesn't your wifes cute little legs get cold?
Lwife/Lmom is the best.
What is with this cat and it's smugness?
His father was a lucky man.
>not eating your mom's sweets
What's this faggot's malfunction?
A severe case of faggotry, an incurable disease.
Thanks user
No, her legs stay pretty warm. But she does like to cuddle a lot.
>gets older
>still looks perfect
Thank you eternal loli genes.
Hopefully she'll look the same when she's 42 too.
I don't think that's true.
She's as cute as a JC
God I wish that was me
I'm not against this, but really how did they get away with this?
I don't know, but I wish more people would take advantage of it.
Another surprise penis inspection day?
Rin is a piece of shit and she gets away with it because she has a vagina
what if Hitler had a vagina, would he have been forigven?
She's a kid whose dad abandoned her, mom died, and cousin that took her in abused her. I think maybe she can get a pass for some bad behavior here and there
If he was a loli.
I was actually surprised how in-depth it went with him trying to be a teacher, like there's a chapter where he outright realizes he's giving too much attention to Rin and her friends and starts spreading his attention around more. As someone who wanted to be a teacher once upon a time, there's some interesting topics the manga brings up.
I get to whip some lolis or get whipped by them?
Yeah he actually paid attention to the other 37 students in his class for part of one chapter, he deserves a fucking medal.
They're far too cunning.
why does their poop look like an arrow
Goddamn I know Im going to watch this because of the ecchi gifs and then I find out that those 5 gifs are all there is in the entire series
I'm scared, user.
best bot, truly
Kodomo no Jikan is Yea Forumscore as fuck, you should watch it regardless
Though I'd recommend reading the manga first
That's because that isn't its knee that's its ankle. To put it simply the human equivalent is walking on your tiptoes.
>Yea Forumscore
youre the ironic kind arent you so Id best just skip it?
Ive never read in my life so mangos are out of question
>Ive never read in my life so mangos are out of question
You're the faggot kind, aren't you? So you'd best just skip it.
okay Im convinced thanks kind user
If he has never read that means he won't understand your post so why even bother
That too over the top to be insulting I mean if your bar is that low it must be your first day on the internet
>Usually hate the 'Lesbian who hates men and abuses the male lead while being all over the female lead' characters
>Don't hate Kuro
It's a strange thing.
How are you reading my posts? Do you have some aid that reads and types things for you?
It helps that Kuro is a hot piece of ass.
Im a fast learner
Unrequited yuri is the only good kind of yuri
The anime is pure ecchi from start to the end.
I wish Mimi didn't exist.
yeah it looks fun I already started watching I googled it too thanks
Its amazing how much content that aligns with my interests just flies right under the radar
I wish you didn't exist, user.
Probably because you're extremely new and retarded.
Just because she's a big girl up top doesn't mean she isn't still cute and funny down below.
Wanna be my friend
I hate people who hate oppai lolis
Why does the only one who acts like an actual child have the body of a grown adult?
That's illegal.
I thought they were called pinworms.
>what if Hitler had a vagina, would he have been forigven?
True, derailing that thread should be illegal.
I don't know user
Those are perfect.
>[citation needed]
sometimes i feel like an oppai loli
>Also specualted that it was because of this article that the original release of the manga by Seven Seas back in 2007 got canceled becuase of it.
Hence the inundation with death threats.
Poor oppai loli are always bullied, even in Yea Forums threads.
How did you do that?
I only read the manga years ago, guess i should watch the anime already.
You've gotta delete system32.
Just Google It ®
They deserve it.
Oppai loli are the second most persecuted group in the world, after lolicons
You'd make a little cute and funny girl cry over mere sacks of fat?
I can honestly say if a loli had done my penis inspection when I was a little boy I would have been a hell of a lot less nervous and intimidated. Instead I get man hands. Thanks, western education system.
Read manga
>too big
Got that with a framerate that isn't shit?
>Yea Forumscore
You're the reason she's misandrist.
Google what?!
nice self portrait
It ©
That tells me nothing.
And she's the reason I'm horny.
whats wrong with webms?
For not being a mind reader?
Why does this read like she's gonna get a big shounen power boost next page?
My system doesn't like the format.
Works on my machine
Get a not-shit system.
Is your system a literal toaster?
And why should that be anyone else's problem
This is somehow more cute than arousing.
do you ever feel so melancholy that you don't even want to masturbate to lolis?
I'm not THAT depressed.
Isn't it funny how they even bothered to make Rico naked? Like who would even like to see that?
Lillie should've been naked too.
I wish I could enjoy Dog Days. It panders to me so hard.
It's to show that even Rico can't escape the lewdness of war.
It's a nice and silly series, but i dropped it in the middle of the third season for some reason i can't remember.
Good for you and your machine.
Not an option.
Apparently you're of the mentality that any machine that's not yours or better is a toaster.
Where did I ever say it should?
She's like 11 dude.
Try not being an iToddler
Yeah, an 11 out of 10.
>Apparently you're of the mentality that any machine that's not yours or better is a toaster.
That is true since my machine is a toaster and I have no problems with webms. How technologically inept are you?
She doesn't look a day over 9
user no
Don't bother, it's probably this same idiot.
I know it's him but it was interesting replying to him because it was liking talking to an actual child.
user yes
>it was liking talking
I guess you'd know.
14 is prime.
Fuck loli pussy.
Megumi is 12
What is she learning with pornography?
JC are prime
Machi definitely is, at least
pedos means "farts" in spanish, the more you know
Is Doggystyle days worth the revisit?
Their biggest advantage is how it's easier to impregnate them than a JS.
As long as they're cute and small I couldn't care less about their grade though.
prime hag garbage
But Yea Forums used to love 11
Yes, for Rico.
8 is the new prime. Things aren't just like they used to.
The economy has hit lolis hard
It has been
and always will be
That's a big butt for a little pup
JC are the best!
Don't worry, I still love older JS.
479 is where it's at.
Even my eternal lolis are being called "fake lolis".
Plebs, real men love Zygotes, everything after is crone territory.
I still do.
But 8 is an even number and it's even symmetrical both vertically and horizontally, if you write it like two circles of the same size.
Ignore them. Some bullies like to think their own personal preference takes precedence over the truth,
Why are they wearing bras?
the current times and "normies" keep sliding the appearance of ages upward so an 11 today is more like a 16
Thanks, Kid.
Good to know they are still welcome.
That makes 9 prime, which is clearly not true.
Because it's sexy to watch a girl that young strip dance.
Yea Forums's lolicons love most age ranges, this fag trying to start a war between people who love JCs the most and people who love JSs every thread is a recent thing and I'm surprised at the fact that so many people still fall for it.
Ain't got one.
Disparaging me won't make my machine recognize the format.
You were saying?
Apparently being petulant and vitriolic is more mature to you.
The feud between pedophiles and hebephiles is as old as time itself
They always are.
True. I feel like it probably started out as a joke but enough people took it seriously to make them genuinely think it's true. Loli is loli.
Rate my waifu Yea Forums, she's still in the developmental stages be kind.
I'd visit a JS/JC strip club
Scene composition.
Gross old hag.
JCfaggots' massive persecution complex is the problem. Just look at this thread.
That's why I still say they should just make their own threads and leave JSpatricians in peace and quiet.
>his waifu isn't still in his balls
>waifuing another man's seed
Or so you say. All I know is that even though we have occasional JC threads on Yea Forums, their fanbases have a large overlap with common loli threads so there's absolutely no point in fighting. Loli will always be about body anyway and age only gives it a spice.
All that in addition to how some fag pretending to be LRD has been all over threads for loli shows recently makes me assume this is just an organized attack.
Oppai loli
>Not unicelular
into the trash it goes
Planned Parenthood pls gtfo
I'd rather have this fake LRD than a retard who can't shut up about how this is all an ancient reptilian conspiracy.
>usa go to your CLASSROOM now!
>T R I G G E R S A U T I S M
Another thread ruined by JC faggots.
>I'd rather have this fake LRD
Clearly you haven't been in enough loli threads then.
Quick, while they're fighting, we can seize the opportunity!
>making a distinction
Here, take this and fap.
I'd waste all my life saving at one. Probably get kicked out for trying to get a happy ending at the end of a private dance.
If she has cleavage she's not a loli
Don't do this to me man, I failed lolimatics
If I got a lapdance from a JS I wouldn't need a happy ending because I would have already had a happy beginning and a happy middle
Why is there no js/jc 2?
Oh shit I actually thought js*jc is a one-off work, thanks user.
Given how there's this one too:
But nobody scanned the second one maybe lolis aren't divisible by 2.
In the manga do they explain better why he is scared?
I mean i have a overral idea but its not really explained.
It's a good thing they're wearing bandages, this would be really lewd if they weren't
I used to think oppai loli was trash but them my eyes were opened.
Just make sure you stick with the same girl all night, pay for multiple dances, keep buying her drinks and wear pants that show off your huge bulge and she can feel/grind on and maybe you'll get lucky.
come on user whip it
whip it good
Why are JS/JC butts so cute?
I want oppai loli strippers.
I once saw a midget stripper that looked underaged.
What are some quotes that really resonate with you?
3D's not cute
>Why are JS/JC butts so cute?
They're so small! It's funny to me.
Have an entire page.
I didn't saw she was, I just said she looked underage. She was also fat. Everything is bigger in Texas.
>that armpit
oh no
Reduces friction. Ever shaved your ass? Very uncomfortable
I pooped for 12 years without butt hair and I did just fine
Is there a tag for, not lolis but middle scholers?
It's a evolutionary hold over from our hairier ancestors. You can get a sense of the health of another individual by the smell of their poop. We lost the sense of smell trait but kept the hair butt. Well, we kept the sense of smell, but hundred of thousands of years of sexual selection selected for people to select the less offensively smell mate.
>lost the useful, kept the useless
Evolution sucks!
A young feminine-looking blonde boy with green eyes naked on a rock
Kodomo no Pico
Depends on how you look at it. If you look at the rest of the great apes, humans have the largest penis size by actual length and by body proportions because we lost our penis bone. Our ansestors also had barbed dicks, chimps still do. We also have some of the hardest orgasms of the animal kingdom because of the spine loss, though I think turtles of all animals beat us on that.
what a FUCKING faggot
so you let some fag carry your wife away because he made some UWU BADBOY face?
Fucking faggots i swear
If you're gonna go precise, it's 598.
Not really, its just that my pc cant run some 1080 animes(the ones with amazing animation like konosuba) so i just download 720p.
What does it feel like to cum like a turtle?
literally me, except for the having sex part.
Good night, /l/.
To be forgiven, he would have had to have done something wrong first.
Sleep well lewd boat.
Thank you /l/ you cheer me up when I have bad thoughts
>crumpling the straw
I'm triggered. Fuck everyone who does this.
Mitsuboshi Colors is pretty new isn't it?
Is that Coco from Pico to Chico to Coco?
I thought this thread was going to be about cocks.
I've heard girls her age love them.
It was cute as fuck when she went full tsundere for Aoki.
Is it weird that when I was in elementary school no one molested the teacher? And I don’t remember my third grade class perfectly but I’m pretty sure no one had D cups.
Yes. JC are sluts.
Why is Ueno so flat?
The same reason she keeps showing off her tight butt.
I love ojous.
Why is Ueno so sweaty?
Sexual tension.
She's trying to attract mates with the smell.
She stinks though.
Pause at exactly 0:28 and ask yourself this question:
Why does she have a flabby butt?
>after years of pirating pretty much everything he could find, user is unable to perceive copyright symbols anymore
no loli is definately an age thing a woman who has a loli form is just flat chested
js are prime
do you have the screenshot of her bandade?
probably this one
>its just that my pc cant run some 1080 animes
the fuck are you using i can run 1080p bd rips on my thinkpad x201
>a woman who has a loli form is just flat chested
"No she's not underage she's a 30-year-old flat-chested woman."
They're looked at as the same thing and interchangeable.
JC butts are better
Is this the power of Ultra Instinct?
There's a huge difference between just having a flat chest and being a loli. Keep your studies up and one day you'll understand.
>There's a huge difference between just having a flat chest and being a loli. Keep your studies up and one day you'll understand.
a fully grown woman literally cant have a loli body, they will always have hips that are too widfe and different fat distribution. Thats why i said it's jsut a flat chested woman
Where is the dick?
Perfect age to become immortal
I want Ellie to measure my penis.
Even if it turned out to be too small for her tastes?
Especially if.
Vampire lolis are so shit
If it were too small, she'd give it a stroke and call it cute.
It'd probably be appropriate-sized for a child like Ellie though.
t-t-t-t-t-t-this is an insult to our intelligence
I got perma'd for saying there's nothing wrong with being a pedo, be careful anons
What is this, really. I fucking love this, short bodies with really wide hips and big butt.
>no one love JY lolis anymore
what went wrong?
>mod just randomly abuses his power
Nice, that means your behavior doesn't matter because mod behavior is completely random.
Low-key wish that had been me. Then I would have to accept that this place had gone to shit and have an excuse to leave forever.
Pls guys lets settle down. Lets just agree that 8-16 is patrician
9-14 and 15 for Haduki
He uses that ban message a lot. Isn't that why the other mod got fired?
kek even if it was you wouldn't leave
no idea only like two of the mods aren't complete faggots from the ones ive spoken to on irc
we need more new straight loli shows like this its all yuri now sometimes a man has got to self insert
Yeah yuri is too common.
I just hope we get some /ll/ that is as lewd as KnJ was. Even ones that had chances like Uzamaid cut back on some of the original content even though it wasn't particularly risqué.
i guess yuri is better from a business perspective as there is still waifu material for non lolicons
my ass
>i shave it off
Do you also suck dick?
>loli thread
>Its actually a front to discuss pubic area shaving practises
no, whats gay about not wanting to walk about with shit stuck in your ass hair all day
>still doomposting about Olympics
Nothing will happen, calm down.
>I am reading of japanese companies starting to get infect by western moralism
They will just swep under rug a lot these stuff when olympics start and things will go back to normal when that shit stops.
>quality pasta deleted
The mod fears the pedophile. They want to keep us closeted and self-hating.
>got banned for telling the truth
Ellie has moved past "appropriate" long ago.
What has that to do with sense of smell or hair where the sun don't shine?
Why won't Juju come back to us?
>I think turtles of all animals beat us on that
How do you figure?
That's just disturbing.
JS is prime.
You've heard wrong.
ᵗᵐ != ™
Ausfailia pls pull your head out.
Who's that?
How were the other ones faggots?
Wtf is with all the capybaras?
They love onsen and loli.
They are the audience surrogates
It's Mitsuboshi Colors all over again. Except that one was about the perception of color.
I got banned with this same message around 8 times.
The new mods will never change Yea Forums aka (((4channel))).
>Not lolimatrix
Why live?
I'd probably cum from a single stroke from Ellie.
>gets cheated out of her mommy genes
>her patience gets rewarded by a cunt that's too small for her man
terrible way to end things
>b-b-but muh hagshit...
Fuck off, retard.
This is either a dreamcut to Aoki's interpretation of the situation which helps to expllain the out of character actions he's making in his sleep as well, or else we might be overthinkng it.
it's aids and they will
You see, if you were and INTELLIGENT pedophile, you would have gotten away.
Applies to being a pedo IRL too.
You should learn how to read a reply chain before posting, newfag.
I don't know about the anime but this perfectly encapsulates the manga.
I want to have sexual relations with these girls(boats).
Sorry it didn't have enough battles for you, user.
I fear things will get worse before they get better
I want the first with the fifth's shorts.
They all come as a set.
Now they will all wear spats.
My shipdaughterwives won't be allowed to wear anything because they must be ready ready for prone boning at all times.
I also enjoy the prone and bone.
fuck off post some loli
They're supposed to be JS.
Fucking vampire sluts.
>prone boning
based and bestsxualpositionpilled
Hello yes I'd like to post in this thread without getting banned
I love them.
The man should have to make...
What's it called if you prone bone a girl but she on her back? I know it's not missionary because that involves the girl lifting her legs up. Limp fish?
Mating press? Full nelson?
Is that Christ Chan?
I'll just tell you. I shaved this morning and I always measure it then
Flacid 8.4cm
Erect 13.7cm
I can still take it out if you want to check my work.
>I always measure it then
Why? Do the numbers ever change?
this could be used in hentai
I can feel that mod seething from here.
Sometimes it fluctuates about a cm or so depending. Kinda like how you are taller in the morning than you are at night.
Pedos deserve the rope but at the same time that mod deserves to hang as well for abusing his position.
What causes the fluxuation? Is your penis bigger in the morning or at night? Does it get smaller after not eating or drinking for a while? Where do you measure from, and how? Like do you you it flat on something and make a mark, or just hold up a ruler with one hand and it with the other or what?
>tfw 21 cm
>tfw probably too big to safely fit inside a loli
I remember a hentai were a loli dies from getting big dicked and comes back as a horny ghost.
I raise it to a 45° angle and measure from the base of the bottom to the tip. Fluids and having to pee can swell it up and make it girthy, but I've noticed I'm larger in the morning but thats probably because of waking up bloodflow.
It fluctuates with testosterone, blood pressure and if you fap regularly, it stays bigger. Some days I'll be 19 cm, others it's 25.
Measure it from the base of your sac. The ball sac retracts when a guy orgasms.
i'ma need sauce on that hentai
Post your loli's face when she sees your dick
I'm looking for it. I thought I still had it saved. It starts off with the girl staying after class to meet with her crush, but it turns out her teacher wants to rape her, he rapes her too hard and dies. There's a few .webm's floating around were the teach suck on her vag through her panties and she pisses herself. And there are a few more when she comes back as a ghost and rides a guy in her loli form and then turns into a older teen.
>not knowing what it is
Who is this semen demon?
i rarely watch hentai
>he's not watching the AOTS
>loli thread hits bump limit
Stow away that word soldier.
What the fuck? Why did this thread survive? I thought loli was banned on Yea Forums for life.
No-one posted any porn and it vaguely stayed on topic.
It's sort of surprising with the OP post that it survived but it had enough KnJ discussion to get by.
Also some mods seem more on board with it as some days they survive much better than others.
The mentally ill woman who used to report every post hasn’t been here so things have been a little better lately. Weekend loli threads usually reach bump limit now.
Cunny is eternal.
Precious tummies.
Last one was deleted.
Here's a webm of the ghost scene.
I want my own Shinobu.
Just posting these to reverse image search. I'll delete them in a moment.
Wouldn't it have been quicker to just post the name
fuck boats
and fuck lolis
Found it. It's toshi densetsu series, ep 4 I think.
Can't you read? I was looking for it for him.
That's not the one he was talking about. It's ep 1 of the same series.
I'm the person he was talking to, retard.
And you posted the wrong thing, not what you described, retard.
Confirmed for not watching the hentai. Quit posting if you don't know what you are talking about.
I want to get a loli stoned.
The episode you posted is not the one where the girl died from sex, you absolute dumbfucking retarded nigger fucker.
For me it's getting lolis drunk.
I just DL'ed and skimmed through it. I was right, you were wrong, retard. Quit post now, dumbass.
Sweet dreams, /l/.
>I just DL'ed and skimmed through it.
What a dumbass.
Just ignore him, he's likely just trolling.
Is that supposed to be a non-sequitur?
Which was the one I posted, idiot, she changes halfway through.
>>generic reaction image
You can tell by the post times that it's the same idiot.
Ep 1 is the Hanako episode. You posted 4 which is the Ringu ep. The other user is being nice thinking you're just trolling, but I think you are genuinely retarded.
Ringu is ep2*, my bad. Anyway, it's not 1.