What is the worst anime you've ever seen?

What is the worst anime you've ever seen?

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Berserk 2014, I know its a cliche answer, but I can't think of anything worse

Kony 2012, I know its a cliche answer, but I can't think of anything worse

Violet Evergarden


Some of you superficially hate shows. I know people that hate all isekai just because of the isekai hate meme. But I promise you that there are still things to enjoy even in isekai.

For the real meat and potatoes though, everyone has a anime in their heart that has ZERO redeeming factors. That anime for me is Chaos Dragon.
I get physically sick thinking about Chaos Dragon.
This show.
This fucking show.
This fucking garbage show is the definition of trying to be deep and just ending up as a flaming pile of shit. You try so hard it's not even funny anymore... I can't even watch it to make fun of it anymore.
It's beyond a train wreck.
It is a stain on everyone's resume who was involved with its production. Let me give you a synopsis:
>shota boi gets the power of a red dragon that can kill anything but to use said power he has to kill those who he loves
If you couldn't tell, this forces some of the shittiest drama to ever come out of anime as a medium.
This causes some of the most stupidest scenes that have ever shat themselves onto my screen.
You see the pic related? Let me describe these 1D character from the upper left:
>I am mysterious.
>I am clearly evil.
>I am a shota.
>Every time I pick up a sword it breaks, so I have a slew of swords ready to go, I am cool.
>I am Jax from League of Legends.
Whoever green lit this show needs to rethink their life.
Whoever wrote this show needs to go writing class or something.
And if you watched this show and you liked, the fuck is wrong with you?

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See the problem with this question is that there are obvious, non-meme answers that everyone already knows
Anime that are legitimately awful because they were made by people who didn't care, with no money, with no direction, etc etc
Mars of Destruction, et. al is what I'm talking about here. Craftless, artless, below simple trash.

However, even if we're discounting anime that barely qualify as an animated product, there are still obvious non-meme answers that everyone already knows
Shitty OVAs from the 80s, 90s, 00s that were made by people who tried but had no idea what they were doing. I've seen so many of these that I can't even remember them individually by name anymore. I saw one just this past week titled "My girlfriend is a witch" or something similar, which, bafflingly and quite amusingly, had no credited director. While I'm uncertain whether or not it had a director at all, if it did he certainly wasn't doing his job. It was a bunch of random scenes loosely shoved together with no cohesion or plot.
There are dozens, hundreds of these. They outshine almost anything from the last 15 years in poor quality because they were made by complete idiots in an economy that printed money for them.

Kids these days have it fucking easy, nothing produced these days dips below a certain threshold of quality unless it's been completely mismanaged, and while that does happen, it's rare. You don't understand how good you have it.

I generally read reviews before dedicating time to something. And if it's bad I will drop it quickly. I guess the worst anime I've seen an entire episode of is Terra Formars.

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Why does this board allow attention whoring contrarians.

Since ever, newfag.

Fuck, I read the "why does" as "when did". Guess I'm retarded and will just kill myself now.

There's another one I consider slightly worse, but I don't know if it's still available on the internet.

Munto TV or shikabane hime

Imouto Paradise made me nauseous

Get your life sorted out, OP. I hated Lucky Star which aired during the same season to the death, you don't see me spamming threads about how I'm feeling.

It's probably not the worst logistically but nothing has made me angrier than Danganronpa 3. I know the games aren't amazing but overall I really enjoy the story and world, so seeing this show take a huge dump on all of that was incredibly frustrating.

Another thread on this exact topic has been up for a day now in case you missed it

you shut your mouth

Made in Abyss. The designs of the characters was super bad, they look like noseless cabbage patch kids.

worst in quality? probably that twinkle nora thing that's been making rounds
worst at how much it pissed me off? kanokon, nothing in this medium has managed to pop more blood vessels for me

You're favorite one.

Dragon ball Z

Worst I ever finished was probably Kotoura-san. I had decided not to drop any shows during that season (winter 2013, i think?) and, goddamn, it was incredibly hard to sit through.

There are much much worse anime from a technical standpoint, like Mars of Destruction and Skelter Heaven, but Kotoura-san is the one that still makes me nauseous, just thinking about it.

domestic na kanojo, fairy tail, SAO, Accel World, Young Black Jack, Kyokai no Kanta, Akuma no Riddle, Aldnoah Zero, Akagami Shirayuki and that one anime about picking up girls in a dungean.
They are are fucking worst but many fuckers likes them.

and that is just from top of my head

Tactical Roar, but i like the pilot girl.

Master of Martial Hearts

There is a LOT of trash I watched when I was younger, which I wouldn't give the time of day now. But as for the seriously worst anime, it would probably have to be Soul Link. Even as a teenager I recognized it as a absolute and total dredge.

Kara No Shoujo

oh, come on, MoMH is hilarious.

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11 eyes

Why keep making this thread though?

The ending where he's doing naked pushups high on coke made up for it, laughed my ass off

Bad bait op

Because OP is a contrarian faggot.


I'm still mad at myself for having watched the first episode of Grand Blue

I remember getting excited when first seeing the PV. A real shame with how it ended up.

I should've killed myself.

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Enjoy your report you low quality faggot

>it was incredibly hard to sit through
It was an extremely bland SOL show with a few bullying scenes
If it made you sick then there's seriously something wrong with you

Its not too late user

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One Piece
Sword Art Online past the first arc
Berserk 2014
Zatch Bell
Rave Master
Cage of Eden (is a manga but w/e)
Dimension W
Gundam Seed
Duel Masters (not the US Dub, US dub is golden)
Elfen Lied
Tokyo Ghoul Anime Adaptations (manga is decent)

I don't bother watching moei or isekai really so I've been spared the worst probably

>all of this faggots just posting FOTM or just overrated shows

It would be a tie of 3 shows.

Chaos Dragon, which is already well explained by Glasslip, because its the biggest waste of your time ever. A show about a nothing plot, with nothing character, with a nothing development that leads to a nothing end. When i finished i just realized that i had lost about 3 hours of my life that could have been used on literally anything else and it would have been more productive or fulfilling, not to mention the rest of the time wasted browsing the threads, hoping that something, anything would happen, to give meaning to the shitty experience. This is the dictionary definition of a waste of time.

And Wizard Barristers, that while it has one or two good action scenes and likable characters, it turns into such a clusterfuck plot-wise and production-wise that you end up baffled at how can someone squander it like that, and how they allow themselves to air this (just look on the youtube for the scenes of the last episode, its perhaps the most embarrassing piece of anime i watched airing live, on television).

Your Name. I'm not even here to play the contrarian faggot part, I just can't stomach Shinkai.

Mezzo, I will always answer mezzo.

Twinkle Nora Rock Me

It wasn't that bad, but it was just a massive drop in quality from the first series.

But maybe you just haven't seen the really shitty stuff.

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What the fuck, when did sproingy stick get an anime?

>Worst Anime of 2007
>Check the anime releases of 2006-07
OP, how much anime do you fucking watch to even think that TTGL is worse than:
>Nagasarete Airantou
>The anime adaptation of Kaibutsu Oujo
Do you get your recommendations from Anime List or something. Fuck's sake.

Nice b8

I don't even like TTGL and think its overrated trash that nostalgiafagging fags claim is the best but this

Tokyo Ghoul root a but the first season was much better
If we're talking about a full series then shigatsu wa kimi no uso

3D Kanojo real Girl, Soul Eater Not!, Divine Gate and from this year Egao no Daika, I doubt anything will surpass Egao no Daika this year.
C'mon Ef wasn't so bad.

You posted it.
Close second has to be Kiznaiver.

The BlazBlue anime.

>Close second has to be Kiznaiver.
Shut your whore mouth.

Vampire Knight

funny because both the shows I listed are stories about whores

Shut the fuck up. It was worse.

Green Green.

Imagine being that much of a delusional faggot

Kill la Kill is the worst anime i've seen a substantial amount of.

Probably Release the Spyce, only anime I ever dropped without even thinking about it.

based and truepilled

Oniisama are funny but Mahouka was fucking terrible all around. Morbid curiosity got me through 24 episodes of this shit before I decided I had enough and dropped it two weeks before it ended.

also based and truthpilled

Welcome to the NHK. absolute dogshit of an anime

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Oniisama memes*


Why though other than just saying shut the fuck up you dumb fucking nigger? you know, elaborate, converse. Otherwise you're wrong and retarded. stupid faggot i feel bad for your offspring

I forgot about how much I couldn't stand elfen lied. everyone i talked to would recommend it saying it's amazing, tried watching it and felt like vomiting from just how fucking bad it was. dropped on episode 1

DAL2 probably.
I generelly drop stuff if it's this bad, so it's quite the isolated case.


Don't reply to me, TTGL is spectacular.

comfy old Yea Forums feels

This piece of shit. I call it a fucking waste of a funny sounding premise for a "comedy" anime that doesn't have much comedy.

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It was my first anime back in 2005 so It still has a place in my heart, it's admittedly shlock edgeshit.

The eddgy blood C

OK fag

Mirai Nikki. Only made worse by the OVA, too.

Why the fuck this thread is still up?

It was heart warming, besides the unfortunate ending.
Worst I've seen so far was some boring shit about a girly boy playing piano.

The original Red Dragon was decent
I seriously don't understand the point of animating a TRPG session if you're going to change the players' actions

Gundoh Musashi, TTGL is unironically the second worst anime I've ever seen, it's the most plagiarising unoriginal piece of shit.

This although Infinite Ryvius is an extremely close second.

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I don't think it's objectively the worst thing I've seen, but Index 3 has definitely gotten the biggest negative reception from me out of anything else I can think of. The next closest show would be Tokyo Ghoul Re, which Index 3 actually has a lot of problems in common with: trying to rush too quickly through a large backlog of unadapted material, leaving no time for the viewer to become attached to the characters or invested in the conflicts, resulting in massive pacing issues and important events feeling like they have absolutely no weight or tension to them. It's just been a massive disappointment, especially if you take into consideration how long I waited for it, and I'm frustrated every week to realize how little I care.

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1. yuyuyu yuusha no shou.
2. mha.
fwaaahh... hero anime made me sick.

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1. Hiro isn't badass. I hoped at the end of 22 he is badass and I really liked him. He will save Zero Two. I would have saved Zero Two. That made me think I was him in that scene.
2. Zero Two is not hot enough. Zero Two is supposed to be hot. I think she is hot all the time and she is still hot don't get me wrong, but she could have been hotter. Think about it. If Nishigori had not made her a nice girl after 15.
3. Kokoro fucking sucks. I've said it before and I'll say it again a thousand times until I die: Kokoro sucks. She is the worst. I know I said I want baby ending, but I want baby ending with Zero Two not on this girl.
4. When I pretend to be Code 016 at night, I think about hot girls and how I could do them. That's what FranXX is all about: how you would do those girls if you were Hiro even though he doesn't have the balls to do it himself. A reviewer on my story Birth and Rebirth told me this: you are the viewer and you have to put yourself into Hiro's brain and pretend how you would do it if you were him. Like when I pretend I'm Hiro, I have a thing where I find Zero Two in the beach (the one where she blabs about how Hiro is hers to Ichigo) and we do it real hard. What I'm saying is that HIRO IS STRAIGHT. You telling me they never fucked even when cuddling in the same room for a month.
5. Why didn't we get more naked girls? Not only that but we are told to not sexualise the girls after 8! They even wear some shitty catholic girls school uniform for the majority of the show! I can't even see them in their pilot suits much? Come on, Nishigori.
6. Mitsuru isn't even that big a deal. He's in one episode of the show where he was all angsty about Hiro not piloting his ass but now he's all over the show going 'muh Kokoro-san' and 'muh Hiro'.
7. What is even VIRM? More like 2 stupid masks put over a white blanket that was the final villain.

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soul eater not, holy shit what absolute trash. Poorly animated, bad music, literally thing to anything except fanservice and it's not even good fanservice. I'll never understand how that abomination was made

>yuyuyu yuusha
I refuse to accept those are real japanese words

Oh jesus I forgot that had ever happened. It was better that way.

TTGL is the most overrated anime I've ever watched that I think only nostalgiafags that have only ever watched a handful of anime could actually enjoy (People genuinely need to stop jerking it off, babies first mecha anime), but I think the worst might be something like Kaze No Stigma or something, I don't know. It's not even that it's terrible (Although the main girl is atrociously annoying) it's just that it's really goddamn boring and I'd rate it lower than a lot of other stuff I've watched. Though now that I think about it, I remember really disliking Deadman Wonderland (Fitting that a crappy anime gets canned right at the start of a filler arc, lmao) and just thinking it was stupid as hell and tried way too hard to be edgy. I was also immediately turned off of Seven Deadly Sins by the first episode with the Mary Sue main protagonist and literally molesting the main girl in her sleep and her being perfectly accepting of it. Fuck off with that rape shit.

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But you didn't elaborate either.

>worst anime of 2007
that would be lucky star

what a shit taste

Its baby's first edgeshit

gurrenigger spotted

histrionic tranny spotted

Devilman: Crybaby
talk about an overrated, poorly animated, piece of shit

How did you even watch all of Duel Masters subbed? Beyond the original season.


I avoid bad anime by reading about them before watching.

But I gave up on Stein's Gate after 8 episodes. I donĀ“t care how good it may be in future episodes, every single character was unpleasant and I cba to go through with it.

>I gave up on Stein's Gate after 8 episodes
you fool

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Is this the planet with thread?

Strike the Blood ,Overman King Gainer and Gridman come to mind now.

>hehe I'll call timeless classics bad, i'm so funny

Oh super milk chan

desu alot of those supposed "perfect" shows tend to be dragging a lot
If 60% of the show boringly sets up for 40% goodness it's just unbearable

>Strike the Blood


Yes, you should go there, nobody is going to upvote you here.

gurren lagann is my favorite anime

Roots Search.

I agree, instead of doing a Soul Eater adaptation following the manga they did that shit

Delete everybody in this thread

upvoted :P

how does pic related make you feel
yuusha means brave

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That's very disrespectful towards Getter Robo. Ryoma and Hayato would never hang around with two fucking faggots

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thanks brah

They hung out with Musashi and Benkei all the time. Granted not at the same time.

>talking shit about musashi
fuck you underage piece of shit

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Overlord. Granted id probably hate other isekai even more but I havent watched them.

>musashi (subhuman chink) dies through kamikaze like the typical disgusting yellow jap he is
>kamina (probably white) dies while inventing the main special attack of the series
Another win for the Americans.

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Glad the filter caught you

>musashi wipes out the (((reptilian empire))) with his heroic sacrifice and saves the earth
>kamina (probably circumsized amerimutt) gets btfo by one of the (((four supreme general))) and dies like a bitch

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Honestly, I think Index 3 is far better than the first two seasons. The first season managed to hook me with the science and magic premise, interesting characters and really cool abilities. On the other hand, it fell flat in the 2nd half of season 1, with boring arcs like Angelfall and the golem woman, they had so much untapped potential. Also, it was just saving one damsel each arc. Season 2 was decent, but I wish they had made more out of the Daihassei festival. Season 3 although rushed and too shortpacked, has delivered interesting storytelling with a feeling of a red thread guiding it, and although short, there have been many awesome fights

I usually drop things pretty fast if I think I won't like it but I think the worst thing I've watched all the way through was Strawberry Panic.
Just an absolute clusterfuck of storytelling problems with no consistent characters and a terrible ending on top of it.

Musashi is easily the best of the original Getter trio. Prove me wrong.

that and yuyuyu is "yuuki yuuna wa yuusha de aru" for short.

Chargeman Ken is considered to be terrible, but I found it entertaining. I watched the first few minutes of the Neptunia anime and thought it seemed really dumb. I also watched a little bit of Cat Planet Cuties for some reason. I'm sure I have watched some stinkers but I'm blotting them out of my memory.

He didn't watch anything in his list. I can guarantee as much.

This is the correct answer. I doubt there is anyone here that genuinely enjoyed Green Green.

Fuck you Mirai Nikkimay be a mess but it's the mess it wanted to be, and very enjoyable for it

Dog and Scissors

your favorite animu

Love Live
I knew it was going to be awful but had to test, I now have PTSD just by thinking about it.

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I don't even know what it was called but everyone basically had Stand powers and the main character had God tier powers from the start but he has to repress them because he's so OP. Also lots of fanservice. I think I watched like 3 episodes before I called it quits.

Worst for me was Narutaru, it'd probably be Tokyo ESP though if I bothered to finish it

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I don't know which one to pick from either Meganebu, Kill me baby or Azumanga Diaoh. I only had to see one episode to drop them.

>dropping kill me baby
Oh wow this is retarded


Tried it because I like most SciAdv shows and this had some interesting ideas, but was so shitty and dated.