ITT: manga with terrible art

ITT: manga with terrible art

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b-b-but its supposed to look ugly on purpose!!11!1

Ultimate bone structure.

Baki deconstruct art just like hxh

Baki, while shitty story-wise is fantastic as far as the art goes.
The characters tread the line between human and grotesque monster on purpose.

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>STR vs. DEX

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CHAD vs Virgin

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It's not bad art, it just looks ugly.

my favorite manga has a shitty art in some chapters
pic very related

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you just dont fucking get it

Attached: wood_block_japan_print_2016sept158.jpg (1200x742, 260K)

>you will never be so full of muscles that you need to concentrate on not exploding
>you will never fight an imaginary giant mantis
>you'll never pick up a bowling ball with just the suction of your palm

>you will never kill your wife with a slap in front of your son
>you will never be feared by the entire world as an unstopable force
>you will never impregnate women all arround the world to make babies strong enough to stand up to you some day

You start OP

Why does this piss me off so much

baki is seriously just bad drawing
this is a style and good drawing

Wouldn't he just walk around like some kind of wacky flailing arms inflatable tube man? Those couldn't possibly hold a proper posture in a consistent manner.

just like your elbows and knees flail uncontrollable by any muscle as you move?

Nah, this is just him doing "image training " to lose the fear of breaking his bones while punching really fucking fast, which ironically bites him in the ass later.

Attached: 2NianUK.jpg (440x700, 269K)

Fuck man i don't remember it being this bad.

it's a metaphorical thing, when his flesh gets ripped off later he gas normal bones. It's the author's way of showing power of mind and supernatural bullshit, it seems like BS but take it as an artistic interpretation of the technique.

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is he okay?

Ah, that explains it. Still, I'd like to see those freaky flexible bones in action. It'd be like that one scene in Harry Potter where his arm lost its bones temporarily.

Those aren't his actual bones. An old chinese master told him that mind rules over matter so he has to imagine that his bones have many joints to use it as a whip and it would work

And of course it worked because anything is possible in baki

You need to be a man to appreciate it.

yes, actually

don't worry, his arm gets bitten off by a flintstones-esque caveman fighting god named Pickle anyways

the arc basically still has that effect, read through it if you'd like, it's the Pickle arc

I just can't over how everyone's pelvis is some kind of blackhole that's absorbing their ass and pants.

Wow, Togashi's style has really improved.

They do move when we walk. No imagine what would be like if your arm was one giant elbow



Someone make a chad edit it's fucking perfect.


>virgin vs chad

And then post it on facebook lmao, so funnay