It has now been at least 10 minutes since the last Eva thread wtf are you doing Yea Forums
>best girl
>best scene
>best episode
>best character
>best song
>best battle
>another anime you like
be kind to newfriends!
best girl hikari coming through
and so it begins
>best girl
>Best Scene
Shinji tells Rei to smile
>best episode
EoE(if you want to count that) Rei 2 or Dance like you want to win are my 2 favorites
>best character
>best song
>best battle
Israfel or Asuka's final battle in EoE
>another anime you like
Just finished Baccano! Pretty solid
it doesn't being it ends here
submissive, no personality,bland,poor hygiene, most likely has piss and shit stained panties
Abussive, mean, self absorbed, plays mind games about her emotions, can be considered a bitch
breath smells always of beer, will most likely die of liver failure due to all the beer, probably smells of piss due to all the beer, a slob, a in canon slut who give it out like cheap cigars.
has a kind and careing well defined personality, makes lunches and meals for those she loves, a simple nice girl that befriends asuka despite how she managed yo push everyone else away, is shown to be someone people can depend on, she shows she is capable of literally being a good wife and has qualities to back it up through out the series.
zeruel fight will always be the best. Asuka vs mass produced evas is a close second
not really that submissive. She is at the beginning because that is all she knows. She is not afraid to conflict with or insult people when she feels necessary and in the end she does not do what Gendo wants
yup mentally she's really lacking but she get's help from noone and is forced to have a superiority complex to cope. A strong dominant man could make her feel loved without being a doormat to her
alcoholism is an issue. She however is the most altruistic character in the series and makes the most sacrifices for others. There is no evidence that she was very sexually active after her breakup with Kaji
brings lunch to a guy who literally doesn't give a shit about her just because he's tall and allows the guy to take advantage of her and ignore her. Very sad that her feelings would not be reciprocated but she needs to seek somebody who would love her in the same way. Very nice character but her pursuit of Toji will not end well for her.
she had pirated saturn games in her room, hikari is a criminal and a bad girl
I'm bored so why not
>best girl
>best scene
Can't think of one
>best episode
Fourth Child
>best character
>best song
>best battle
Vs. Matarael
>another anime you like
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou (1998 OVA)
had never heard that song before thanks for sharing!
>Maya as best girl
never post here again
Mana a best.
rei has only the slither of a personality and being an alien and alien to a lot of human concepts and basics is the worst waifu choice, again she most likely has shit and piss stained panties due to her lack of hygiene and even understanding how to function as a human.
asuka is not completely far gone from being a good wife but she sure is a fixer upper, and is second best after hikari
misato is second from last, her sacrifices mean nothing if she can't be there for you physically just ask shinji and how he feels about his mom sacrificing herself to become part of an eva unit. i also don't see her doing any house work anytime soon with her slob life style shinji even comments on it to his friends that they don't know what it's like to live with her.
hikari out of every girl in eva is shown the be the most best suited to be a wife, she is best waifu if anyone can't see that they are delusion ally attached to their trash waifu when in reality they would make for trash wifes.
Do we know those were Hikari's?
Asuka could have brought the games over.
hikari is poor leave her alone, she would not just pirate games for no reason as she is shown to be good natured
I don't think Rei would be unhygenic? However that scene in her appartment is pretty tragic as she has no hobbies or friends. It would feel damn good to expose someone like that to the joys of life.
Agreed a fixer upper if she wasn't in such a bad mental state she would probably be a cute submissive girl with a bit of sass
Misato lives a bit of a crazy lifestyle she seems pretty set in that way of living so it's probably something you would have to adjust to. Her alcoholism could probably be solved by helping her with the psychological issues she having and actually spending time with her and being there for her.
Hikari would be a great wife but she is OBSESSED with chad. She will do whatever it takes to get chad's attention instead of finding mutual love with a good person.
>Her alcoholism could probably be solved by helping her with the psychological issues she having and actually spending time with her and being there for her.
Yeah, but once you start having sex with her she smokes. I hate smoking and its worse in the house than some alcohol.
chad is her only fault, but there is a canon au where she is not obssesd with chad but with shinji and they kiss. it's as canon as the rebuilds.
That's never really bothered me. I never smoke regularly and don't drink much anymore. I agree that it smells like shit but there are much worse things people could indulge in then smoking. Also if you tell somebody not to smoke... they might just listen
what makes rei unhygenic exactly
Rei does take showers, but her room is a health hazard, she doesn't clean at all and leaves dirty bloody bandages on the ground.
I used to watch Eva every year but I never got to it last year. Guess I'll have to watch it twice this year.
have you seen her room it's clear proof, it's that way because she doesn't value herself as a human and doesn't know how to be hygienic as a human.
if nobody taught about the hygiene of maintaining a living environment do you really think anyone at nerv taught her about body hygiene.
might i remind you also they have tones of rei clones do you think anyone has the time or care at nerv to teach every new rei clone basic hygiene after one dies that they already taught it to.
most based post itt
unironically hope the netflix release is good so that I can talk about it with my non weeb friends.
Misato's the worst. Why was she such a bitch to Shinji in Rebuild 3.0? Even if he was used to make the near third impact happen he was just a pawn, why would you be so hateful towards a child soldier you partially were to blame for putting him in that position in the first place?
why would I give a fuck about 3.0 lmao just an awful movie. I agree that she was a colossal bitch in that movie though at least Asuka's anger was somewhat justified.
>why would I give a fuck about 3.0 lmao just an awful movie.
3.0 is canon.
'cause it's a movie about scapegoats and people trying to pass off responsibility and living in the past and so on
it's not canon to the og series or EoE which are the story arc that actually matters to me. Rebuild 1.0 and 2.0 were both pretty good but I was shocked with just how terrible 3.0 was so I'll just be comfy with the ending of the original series.
>'cause it's a movie about scapegoats and people trying to pass off responsibility and living in the past and so on
I guess. It was really weird though how everyone was so ridiculously dickish and hateful towards a child. Like I could understand them taking sensible precautions to keep him from causing another apocalypse, and I could even understand that exploding collar shit, but there wasn't much sense in them expressing such extreme contempt towards him on top of that. You can lock him up for everyone's safety and still be nice to him.
>it's not canon to the og series or EoE which are the story arc that actually matters to me.
I don't think it's a separate continuity. Anno made it clear in a few different places that Rebuild came from the original series as a time loop. Someone fucked with the timelines and that's why Rebuild universe came into existence and Kaworu refers to it as "this time" when talking about how he's going to help Shinji find happiness.
ya it was just strange but that movie in general was just bad. It was boring the action sequences were well animated but it just was not entertaining or compelling in any way to me.
If any anons actually enjoyed it I would love to hear why cus I thought it was terrible and iredeemable.
yes so its some separate universe bullshit. Something very common in capeshit that I don't need to explain why its stupid. I'm not invested at all with this new story but I could have been if 3.0 wasn't so terrible. The EoE and final 2 tv series episodes are kino and left me very satisfied.
I'm trying to find the full Fly Me To The Moon Rei version. Not the credits version but the entire 4 minute one.
that took 30 seconds but enjoy yourself user
its tone, atmosphere, ect, it's done like that to be jarring to the audience, to make them feel the culture shock yknow? if they're nice and accepting to ypur audience proxy it's counter to the goals of the film and serves no purpose of its own. don't think about strict in-universe narrative as the primary driver of a film, it's not, it's in service of other more significant elements. fiction always intentionally plays with'realism' like that, and eva especially so.
3.33 is far from a perfect film but singling out that stuff because it did its job and made the audience disoriented and uncomfortable is forest for the trees
blocked in my country
This will piss me the hell off, but its probably true.
Relating to this, I may just be seeing something that isn't there, but it is interesting that last names changes for Gendo, Yui, and Asuka in Rebuild. (In NGE Gendo Rokubungi takes Yui's last name of Ikari on marriage, in Rebuild Yui Ayanami takes Gendo's last name of Ikari on marriage instead)
Yui and possibly Gendo (depends on youur interpretation of Eva-01 eating him) weren't part of instrumentality in EoE, and Soryu is the only other known person to get out of it.
you should be able to find it in the timestamps of this video but I ain't doing that for you
but the moments that were supposed to be emotional or cool battle moments didn't do anything for me either. The movie just felt like a failure they could have done well with the concept but poor execution and there felt like a lack of continuity between 2 and 3. Mainly in the characters. Misato was not Misato in 3.0 even though the Misato of 2.0 is a bit more stern (and a bitch) she's not cruel and vindictive.
>Misato was not Misato in 3.0 even though the Misato of 2.0 is a bit more stern (and a bitch) she's not cruel and vindictive.
Could that maybe be a clue she literally wasn't Misato? As in Shinji trapped in the Instrumentality matrix and doesn't know it?
probably not lmao.
I feel like the idea behind 2.0 and 3.0 was that 2.0 had all the characters acting more well-balanced and social than canon NGE, then 3.0 rips Shinji away from that comfort and throws him into the opposite to torment him (and the audience) for thinking things would be better.
Based, man, and I say that as an Asukafag. Everything you said is 100% correct.
interesting and fun
interesting and fun
well at least she's cute and naive
just fucking boring and prudish as hell. Can't stand jobsworths.
Wait, what? How do you know they're pirated?
Is this some recent Yea Forumsutism uncovering something that I missed?
that copy of winning fighter is totally a burned cd-r
>If any anons actually enjoyed it I would love to hear why cus I thought it was terrible and iredeemable.
I liked it because it felt like some trippy bizarro darkest timeline universe where Gendo murdered the fuck out of Seele and took over and Misato defected and formed a renegade space pirate faction with grizzled eyepatch Asuka as her ace fighter pilot.
Plot synopsis feel's like the typical AU fanfic.
>It has now been at least 10 minutes since the last Eva thread wtf are you doing Yea Forums
Don't make generals. I know you haven't, but if you're trying to always have an Eva thread up, mods might consider it a general if the subject doesn't change
What AU wouldn't feel like a typical AU fanfic?
Timeskip with grizzled characters is one of the most basic ones there is.
It's frequently used because it's so good.
OP here, it's not a general. I started this thread with some original things for anons to post. I was half joking because Eva threads get spammed a lot as of late but I tried to make this thread have some unique discussion (especially with the soundtrack which is not discussed as waifu bullshit).
I watched the original NGE and it really seemed like a total dumpster fire
That's not the original NGE, that's End of Evangelion.
ok well I didn't and thought the Asuka still being a child (now with an eyepatch) was fan service to the max. Eva was already dark just making Misato edgy and more badass looking did nothing for me. I never liked Kaworu and watching Shinji and him play piano for like 5 minutes boring af. The only direction I liked was Shinji being confused on what was up with Rei (in this universe he doesn't know she's a clone) and possibly coming to realize he didn't actually save her. That was the only compelling story arc of the entire movie imo
it sort of is but it actually does resolve shit and I fucking loved it. What did you dislike about it?
Say what you will about the plot of the Rebuild series, but the angel design and soundtrack of Rebuild are far superior to that of the original. Just look at the designs for Ramiel and Sahaquiel vs their originals, or soundtracks such as "The Final Decision We All Must Take" and "The Beast II".
If you don't think she's best girl you're wrong
Just wait until they reach the hospital scene. The normie "Evangelion Promotes Sexual Assault" outrage will be off the charts.
"Hey Shinji! Ignore Ritsuko's warnings and go all in, do it for yourself!"
> third impact
"Fuck you Shinji, how could you be so selfish as to ignore Ritsuko's warnings?"
3.0 Misato can fuck right off.
just say h-haha ya that was weird I know the director was a little fucked up. Most normies will be satisfied with that.
Misato wants to fingerbang that kraut
I'd sell my soul to see such a thing happen.
It already did
So Misato is a bi-pedo?
Really irresponsible of NERV to let her take care of kids.
>best girl
>Best Scene
Elevator or ritsuko's death
>Best Episode
Lilliputian Hitcher
>best character
>best song
tie between kom susser tod and thanatos
>best battle
>another anime
Cells at work
can you blame her
I hate this meme lmao any normal 14 year old would fuck Misato in a heart beat and never regret it. Lets stop pretending that older women having sex with younger males is the same as older men with younger women. She also never coerced Shinji and when he refused her advance she moved on.
Retard. Also
>implying you wouldn't prime asuka
>It has now been at least 10 minutes since the last Eva thread wtf are you doing Yea Forums
>>best girl
>>best scene
One Last Final: I Need You, or when Bach's Air plays while asuka fights the eva series
The way the ending wraps up just fucks me up senpai. I really liked Air on the G String before I watched eva so that fucked me up when I saw it
>>best episode
22 probably. As much as I waifu shitpost I relate to asuka a lot in the way she desperately seeks validation
>>best character
>>best song
Komm Susser Tod or as previously stated Bach's Air
>>best battle
the one in Both of You Dance Like You Want To Win
>>another anime you like
Finally finished Clannad for the first time and I loved it so lets go with that
really agreed with that post but really Lilliputian Hitcher for best episode? That was probably my least favorite of the series I thought the entire plot of the episode was so weak and boring. Probably because it focused on Ritsuko the most annoying character of the series.
I liked Lilliputian Hitcher a lot because they managed to create an exciting action sequence without showing any actual fighting. It was interesting to see the Magi and see NERV scrambling to think outside of the box to tackle the threat.
I'm also a sucker for slow pacing so maybe that's just it. Though I can understand why a lot of people thing it's boring
Because Misato is deflecting to fuck on Shinji when she egged him on to cause Third Impact to begin with.
Maybe Leslie Jones should voice Asuka because she could definitely do the watermelon eating scene well.
ya Asuka is fucking cool man well written character.
Clannad looks like shit tier loli waifu bait
redpill me on it please
That's never actually addressed in 3.33 though. She just continually, robotically keeps raging at Shinji with no reference to the previous films to provide context.
>best girl
>best scene
"Enemy, enemy, enemy..." in Episode 20
>best episode
Episode 9
>best character
Asuka again
>best song
>best battle
EVA 05-13
>another anime you like
I've been watching Martian Successor Nadesico recently, it came out in 1996 and the influence of Eva on it seems strong in terms of character interactions. Everyone "thinks" selfishly if that makes sense - they aren't bad people, but they are very poor at understanding each other. I'm liking it so far.
just such a not Misato thing to do. They should have just made a new character instead of abusing Misato's character like that. I know it's been 15 years and a lot of resentment can build in that time but that is not Misato.
Nobody is ever going to believe this isn't a falseflag.
It's BIZARRO Misato.
You're saying you want more?
>watching Martian Successor Nadesico might check it out if I dont enjoy Jojo
Glad so many people like episode 9 I loved it being a bit of a break from the more emotional shit and just giving a feelgood episode with a kino fight at the end.
basically. What's stupid tho is 2.0 Misato was still pretty similar to show Misato. Not nearly as sympathetic but still a good person who wouldn't be a bitch for no reason. Maybe a redpill will drop in 4.0 about why everyone is so butthurt but Misato being my favorite character felt like they just used her for plot convenience.
honestly senpai I've been drunk as shit for the past week and I really needed something to cry to. It really hit home in regards to the relationship Tomoya and his dad had. Plus just nostalgia missing my bros from highschool, or having hope for having a family one day. I feel like I've missed out on all of the good times I could've had, even including participating in shit on this board but basically it's just fucking sad in the second season and it shows people barely clinging onto hope. If you like eva I feel like the scene in pic related will resonate with you a lot if you haven't watched it
>Best girl
>Best scene
Shinji killing Kaworu
>best episode
The Day Tokyo-3 Stood Still
>best character
Shinji Ikari
>best song
>best battle
Asuka vs. the MP Evas
>another anime
>best girl
Asuka but I'm objectively wrong. I just like crazies and redheads.
>best scene
Kaworu's death. I went into Eva totally blind and the autisitically long wait scene with the music playing in the background actually built up the tension the perfect amount for me. Unforgettable and perhaps my favorite suspense scene in any show - partially because it does so little animationwise to "deserve" it but still gets my heart anyway
>best episode
When Eva 01 goes berserk for the first time.
>best character
>best song
>best battle
Hedron Pyramid Angel
>another anime you like
Currently enjoying Run with the Wind (best of season) and Neverland, all time favorite is 3-GatsuNoLion or RakugoShinju. Re Zero is a guilty please too
>best girl
>best scene
Dance battle vs. Israfel
>best episode
Those women longed for the touch of other's lips, and thus invited their kisses
>best character
>best song
>best battle
vs. Ramiel
>another anime you like
Rewatching Space Dandy recently
>Shinji killing Kaworu
The pause before he finally crushes him felt like the longest case of a still screen in a TV show I've ever seen.
>implying this site/board hasn't been around long enough for reitards to create this many falseflags
It was, because they did not have the budget to animate a full episode.
Budget constraints were a blessing in disguise for Evangelion. I don't think you'd get such great Shinji tripping on acid scenes throughout the original series if they had the budget to do less abstract and more detailed scenes instead.
they used a long held still in ep 3 or 4, that and the elevator are obviously intentional. they even made a touched up version of the elevator scene with better art for death/the director's cut
First season is a bit generic but sets up the world. The second season is a lot better and hits you right in the feels both good and sad.
ah the romance episode not my favorite but showed a more serious side of teenage romance and Misato's relationships with Kaji
hmm Gendo for best character, unpopular opinion. I thought his design was really cool but man he was such an asshole in every way.
I liked 2.0 bretty gud but 3.0 was just so bad and I felt the different direction they went didn't work at all.
>help mommy everything i don't like is a falseflag!!!
Asukafags are much like Asuka herself in that they are unwilling to accept the consequences of their own behavior.
Eva 01 going berserk on zeratul
The dance battle
Aria the natural
>every meme I see on le chon is true!!
>better belittle those that disagree with me to make sure they know that my opinion is correct
god you are so fucking fat
Embarrassed Asuka is cute.
All Asuka are cute.
lol. Back when I was first watching that I actually thought to myself "wow, Asuka's finally going to come out on top for once."
All Asuka are cute!
That is true.
Pedophilia has a clear definition. Your asshurt over your waifu being a pedo cake won't change that
Asuka and Hillary are role models for STRONG FEMINIST jobbers everywhere!
The odds were impossible.
Plus Asuka was kinda screwed from the moment she was put on battery power.
Manga actually has Shinji arrive on time and you think "Hey, Shinji will actually save the day this time", but he can't win either.
he saves the day in anima, but it's just an aside to set up anima's timeskip and fucking ridiculous continuation stories
What is Asuka's favorite video game?
Regardless, i found it kinda fitting. I already knew everyone was going to die because of EoTV, but misatos and asukas deaths were fitting and kinda noble, given their characters. Like they overcame the thing that's been holding them down the entire series and now could die with a clean mind
Bayonetta, where she can kicks faggots MPE and Angels butt all day
>and now could die with a clean mind
Asuka kinda died in the most excruciatingly painful way possible, and while it was noble that she continued struggling to the very end regardless of the pain, I doubt she views that loss with any sense of pride.
Also it means her mom died on her again, literally 6 minutes after she had her back and learned she was loved.
Asuka really can't catch a break with the universe no matter how hard she tries.
I dunno, at least she died knowing her mother loved her, even if she died horrifically. The point is that everyone else died like 20 minutes after her, so death is death. At least she had some closure before.
some kind of autistic german simulator that she ruthlessly mocks shinji for not understanding, maybe a flight sim
A EVA fighting game made by some autistic mecha fanboys on the Internet based on the leaked combat footage. Hilariously inaccurate but still surprisingly fun to play.
>asuka complaining anonymously in their forums nonstop until 02 is buffed up to s-tier in a balance patch
Asuka is not the type is ask for direct buffs, she'd view them as a crutch IMO.
But she will request Unit-00 be nerfed to the ground after Rei beat her one time by carelessly button mashing.
>asukas death
>Asuka kinda died in the most excruciatingly painful way possible
Did Asuka really die?
I can imagine her posts
>how the fuck can the PROTOTYPE beat the PRODUCTION MODEL holy shit fuck the autists who made this lmao
Anta baka?
Her arm fucking split in half
She got better though.
Evangelion has the concept of souls seperate from the body.
Rei/Lilith gathers up all the souls of people who were dying right before and during 3rd Impact, and their bodies dissolve into LCL.
After Shinji broke free of instrumentality, the souls could reform bodies using LCL if they could also break free.
Everyone died, including Asuka in her fight.
Everyone did. EVERYONE. Including Shinji.
But because of the bullshit magical event that was taking place, they got awarded one (1) additional chance.
she's just making sure the balance is realistic and that there's no dev bias resulting in say, a rickety prototype probably held together with duct tape having moves with better frame data than a sleek top of the line production model
On this note, did animals, plants, and single-cell organisms get tanged?
And if so, are they even remotely capable of "imagining themselves in their own heart" to come back?
>Everyone did. EVERYONE. Including Shinji.
Nah, Shinji straight up asks Rei if he's dead and she says no. Being turned into LCL isn't the same thing as being dead, and Shinji is clearly alive and conscious all the way up until you hear the pop when Rei turns him into LCL.
Its still functionally the same IMO.
How is being alive and part of a primordial liquid superorganism functionally the same as death?
You're not really living.
Death = 0 experiences.
Instrumentality was a 15-car pileup of experiences.
Physically, you no longer exist. Your consciousness remains, though.
Soul is separated from the body and the body is destroyed. That is basically being dead.
Instrumentality is like the afterlife in a sense.
If you continue to exist and have experiences after death then that's not really death. Neither instrumentality nor an afterlife would be death. Death is when you cease to exist.
Then we are defining death differently I guess.
Under my definition, people in Dragon Ball die all the time, under yours nobody ever dies.
>be kind to newfriends!
no. lurk for 2 years before posting, cancer
I can understand using the word out of convenience to refer to a character in a universe like that turning into a spirit being, but I wouldn't see any similarity between continuing to exist in another world with a halo over your head and actual death where there is no you anymore. Kaji was straight up dead. He was shot, he died, and he ceased to exist. Shinji never stopped existing, he just turned into a sentient puddle for a while. In a way he was even more alive as a puddle since he was bombarded with many more ideas and sensations than he normally had while living as a regular human, and those ideas and sensations dealt with heavier subject matter than most people would normally deal with in ordinary day to day living.
I don't think they were literally the puddle.
Why not? Rei touched them and they turned into LCL, I don't see how else you can interpret that.
what retard said instrumentality meant death? EGO death maybe, and that's not confirmed
>what retard said instrumentality meant death?
This user said it was functionally the same as death:
>EGO death maybe
Yeah, that's what I think too. The only thing that "died" were the barriers people had between each other.