Is anime declining?
Is anime declining?
No, but Yea Forums's taste in anime is.
No it's just the opposite actually more animes have gone mainstream in the last couple seasons than for a long time.
yes it has been since fall 2013
Anime has been very stable and consistent from 2013 onwards. 2013 is 2014 is 2016 is 2018 is 2019. The only real standouts are 2010 (for being significantly below average) and 2011/2012 (for being significantly above).
go back
This pretty much. Anime is pretty good still, but Yea Forums has gone into the toilet.
No, anime is reclining
Absolutely. Tasteless contrarians can fuck off.
Anime was always 99% garbage-1% good
no. japan is making more and more gyaru characters so anime and manga are definitely improving.
yes, no, whatever helps you sleep at night, user.
yes its in the postmodern genre subversion stage
will probably last another 4 decades of trash then just cease existing altogether
based Violet.
>Anime now
>it looks more cute, so it's better
no, you're just getting bored of it
Do you want some ketchup with that strawman or not?
>hand-drawn, detailed backgrounds
>base color and shading are simple computerized graphics but some effoet was put into the textured lines
>background is literally a monochrome blur
Girl sure is cute, though. Yep, that sure is a cute girl.
Why does modern anime look so blurry and washed out? It's not even a kyoani thing it's practically everything being released nowadays.
This kills the nostalgiafag.
Its easier to ignore the lack of detailed linework or shading in everything except a single foreground image when they put 'camera focus' on the one thing they put effort into and make the rest of the picture a blurry mess.
>hehehe le strawman lol.
What was your point then?, here we're talking about the intrinsic quality of anime and not how computers keep advancing.
You make it sound like VEG wasn't drawn by hand.
Stay mad.
What's the bottom left one? Because it looks like something from the 90s, in which case it would have been hand drawn too with no computer graphics.
>moving the goalpost
See, I can do the same.
VEG is objectively superior to the rest in every conceivable audiovisual aspect.
Is this intrinsic enough?
Sakura-chan is the cutest, even though she's in middle school now!
Anyone saved that 1994 usenet post about anime becoming moe trash?
Are you implying that it did not continue to decline over the past 25 years?
No but its engraved in my brain
I know this discussion has been done to death and its a meme now
However I think there's a lot of truth to quality or appeal of a product degrading to its original users once a product goes for mass appeal
like we see with Anime, and so many other things before it
>implying every modern anime looks like that
>Is this intrinsic enough?
Nop, because is boring af. Also one exception is not the rule, we're talking about in general.
>All those isekai
The industry is in retreat right now. We went from 40+ shows per season to 36 shows this season (the one currently ending), and 30 shows next season which starts in a week. It overextended itself in the past few years; hopefully it'll pick itself back up and get better again.
Boring is a subjective interpretation of what is being presented, not an audiovisual aspect.
I'm gonna laugh my ass off when anime becomes nothing but CG and some of you idiots finally start looking back to VEG as something that peaked a medium.
VEG is certainly a perfect demonstration of superb technical skill.
>I'm gonna laugh my ass off when anime becomes nothing but CG
You've already proved my point.
I love instagram filters in my animoos too
No, just changing. Anime is becoming more and more normalfag. Digital coloration and associated tools are making the visuals lazier than ever. HOWEVER more anime gets made and sakuga is more prevalent at the cost of aesthetics.
Really the big problem is that there aren't any "classics" coming out. Look at any 80's/90's/00's chart and you'll see a handful a year. Now you MIGHT get one every two years or so.
Reminder that this poster was correct and vindicated by the early 00's.
classics take a while to be established. you can't talk about "classics" in the last 5 years, maybe even 10
they need time for retrospection
That's a pretty cute tomboy in the top right, I'm sure she has a lovely feminine name.
Agreeing with the statement is the contrarian position retard
In my view an anime classic doesn't really benefit from retrospection; what defines a classic is its staying power, and nothing else. There's no "revivals" of obscure shows that are suddenly acknowledged as hidden gems. If it is a hit and is still widely talked about after five years, it's a classic. Especially the genre-defining works.
Not true at all. We knew when Madoka happened. We knew when TTGL happened.
Very few shows deserve it nowadays.
Both aged like milk.
>art ages
>Madoka and TTGL of all things are bad
contrarian retard
The anime community worldwide is so sparsely connected and critically illiterate that anything and nothing can be classic series
Most things outside of japan that are considered classics are only so because of childish nostalgia
Madoka is terrible, deal with it.
>popularity defines classic status
>staying power defines classic status
Very few consider Bleach/Naruto to be classics. That ain't it Chief.
I was thinking more on the lines of something broadly accepted, like how we can all acknowledge (in conjunction with the Japanese otaku community) that shows like Lucky Star, TTGL, Haruhi, K-On, etc. are classics. Possibly also stuff attached to long-running franchises like ZnT, Shana, Index, and so on.
I'll have to move the goalposts a bit, but Bleach and Naruto (and Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Beyblade and others) aren't "late night" classics or "otaku" classics, which is what I'm trying to get at.
Wow a moment of QUALITY like literally every single television anime production what a game changer
Neck yourself contrarian, even if you don't like it you have to acknowledge it is what it is, Madoka is a classic. I don't like K-On or Lucky Star but they are both classics.
Not him but ff you have to move goalposts to make a definition, your definition is trash.
At least you admit that we're talking about completely different things.
not him, but madoka is pretty trash. even precure is closer to classic status than madoka.
Find me an actual QUALITY cut in VEG.
Classic doesn't imply quality.
Are you forgetting Japan on purpose or what?
More than one person is allowed to be a contrarian retard I suppose. Precure is also a classic obviously.
I'd argue only TTGL, Haruhi and K-On are close to any kind of classic status out of those.
Any of them because the entire show is a blurry filtered fucking mess
Top right is best girl.
no matter how hard you try, madoka will never be a classic. it just didn't make enough of an impact.
K-ON, and Haruhi are examples of classics. Madoka and TTGL simply isn't.
So, you can't do it. There goes your bullshit reasoning for the amount of QUALITY Madoka still has on the BD release.
No, touhou is reclining
>Wolf's Rain
>Gash Bell
>Last Exile
>Kino's Journey
>Ninja Scroll
>FMA Fumoffu
>FMA 03
>Gunslinger Girl
Not even a great year and so much staying power
>TTGL isn't
Come on man, just stop embarrassing yourself.
There is can't and won't. I'm not finding a moment in a show I don't care for to prove a point to somebody who is such a newfag they don't have perspective on television production for anime.
TTGL didn't leave any long lasting impact, so no, it's not a classic.
In that case you'd have to define a "classic" two ways:
1. An anime that's part of a long-running franchise. This includes shounen stuff like Bleach, and toy / game-oriented shows like Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Gundam. Possibly the Fate series goes here, maybe even the Da Capo series (it's iffier when it comes to VNs).
2. An anime that is popular and influential within the small sphere of otaku; stuff which can begin or define a genre and is talked about years afterwards. This would be Haruhi, Lucky Star, Index, etc. Maybe they even reach mainstream consciousness.
It's still considered a must watch and is one of the few anime that has breached the normalfag barrier. Considered one of the defining 00's shows and looms over an entire studio. It's fucking Gainax.
Projections and adhoms this soon?
Aw, what happened sonny?
No legacy came out of it, but people will still remember it for a long time to come.
>a must watch
oh boy.
>heh if you don't do ridiculous thing that I determine as a measurement of success that means I win
Post any smug you want, me not getting a VEG screencap has no bearing on the nature of television anime.
It's a must watch for fans of mecha that only want to watch post 2000 series and Eva.
Yup. Stay mad /m/fag/Luckyfag/KLKfag/Shittaster
You being unable to find something to sustain your original argument that - all - TV anime has QUALITY in it is nothing surprising.
Next time don't make such stupid claims kiddo.
Funny you mention it, since lucky star is probably closer to classic status than TTGL thanks to it's impact on the industry.
Prove to me that some telvision anime DOESN'T have some sort of QUALITY, and if you don't screencap the whole show cut by cut, I win :^)
I can't prove a negative kiddo and neither can you or anybody else.
You really don't have to be this upset over being wrong, it happens many times in life.
Both are classics, as well as KLK which I hate.
If you want to be literate in anime circles you watch TTGL, it's like Death Note. Babbys first anime.
Your position is the opposite supposition: "some anime lacks QUALITY". You should be able to prove that statement. Remember if you don't meet my criteria it doesn't count :^)
I agree with you on lucky star. But TTGL not so much. KLK is arguable since it did cement Trigger as an actual studio.
So Lucky Star and KLK are classics, TTGL isn't.
Except my position is "VEG lacks QUALITY", not that "some anime lacks QUALITY".
Your argument is still "every TV anime has QUALITY", which is wrong by simply having the word 'every' in it.
Tired of being wrong yet?
If KLK is a classic, so is TTGL. Anime fans consider TTGL more relevant and it tends to get higher praise. Not every classic is influential, just look at Lain or Mushishi or something.
>/m/fag (fake)
True /m/en knows that Getter Robo is superior.
Prove that it is wrong and prove your statement :^)
Can't huh? Guess I win :^)
Why even argue over some arbitrary definition of "classic"?
Something like SAO is a classic no matter how you try to spin it, but that doesn't make it any less shit.
I'd argue that TTGL is a classic on the basis that it's generally well-known and well-liked by the community, by which I mean Yea Forums.
Wanna know how I know you're quite upset?
KLK established Trigger as an animation studio.
TTGL lacks the impact previous gainax shows had. It's very lackluster when compared to the rest of the gainax shows. Popularity =/= classic
Gurren Lagann, not so good
Nope, normalfags will forget about SAO like Bleach and Fairy Tale. Nobody will send you back to watch it in 5-10 years time. The only relevance it'll have at all is one of the progenitor of isekai.
Yamato unironically looks better than VEG.
The heights anime can hit have certainly declined. Every decade has been filled with trash just like we have now, but each decade also used to produce noteworthy exceptions to that trash.
Where's the Akira, Honneamise, Jin-Roh, Metropolis, etc. of the 2010s? The industry's capacity to sustain artistic and daring big-budget productions has declined significantly.
Not relevant. Learn to argue next time, protip: handing out an assignment to the opposition and then claiming victory if they don't do it is not winning an argument.
I'll say it again because you seem to have missed it. Not every classic is influential. Look at Lain or Black Lagoon or Baccano or something.
>I'll say it again because you seem to have missed it. Not every classic is influential.
This is wrong.
yer mum is declining onto my benis
Handing out an assignment to the opposition when said opposition claimed something without providing evidence is literally called the burden of proof.
Oh kid, but your generation is such a disaster.
Also the trash was better. Trash in the 80's and 90's were still filled with Sakuga and crazy ideas a lot of the time
You don't get to determine the arbitrary and nebulous parameters in the burden of proof. Nice assumptions as well, PROOOOOOVE that i'm 'A different generation'.
Calling someone kid over and over is like broadcasting to the world "I have nothing". End yourself.
We disagree, and we are talking about two different things. Dallos is influential, but not a classic. Bebop is a classic, but it's hardly influential.
I'm not determining anything when all I did was ask you to prove your claim.
Your initial claim, your burden of proof.
Don't ever make a Raven Paradox and then try to sound smart, my dear phoneposting kid.
Is this really it? I remember one poster going on a long rant and not four separate posts by different users.
>Where are the shitty adaptations with tons of money and talent poured into them?
Anime is fucking dead
>not even one old man boner nowadays
Pack it up lads, anime is over.
You did no such thing, you asked for a SPECIFIC action in which to "prove my case" like I give a flying fuck what you think.
>Kid Kid Kid
It's like genuinely arguing with a 13 year old
Anything irrelevant to grasp onto huh? End yourself.
You sound upset.
no need to be upset user.
>1 minute apart
I want my hand to decline down Sakura's skirt
>so upset he lost the ability to count time.
50 seconds*
Don't be upset.
Yea Forums only cares about isekai and idol garbage these days
>3 seconds apart
>17 seconds apart
This is the part where he feigns retardation.
are you sure you know how to tell time?
>10923 seconds apart
>can't argue
>can't troll
>can't keep track of time
I honestly didn't know I clicked a special needs thread.
>>background is literally a monochrome blur
The focus of the shot is in focus, and everything else is out of focus because it's not important
It's a technique used so your primitive ape brain doesn't get overwhelmed by garbage data and your actual human brain can focus on the character's emotions
It's not unusual for animation to steal techniques from film, you fuckin moron.
Yea Forums fails to find and discuss that 1% for years now, it's gone from 1/20 to 1/75 now that it happens.
I laugh really hard when people praise Akira, that shit is a fucking MESS. It's like a frankenstein's monster gone absolutely wrong, maybe bullet point 1 with a big fat red circle on a list titled "how not to adapt a property"
I invite you to read the manga sometime and then rewatch Akira and tell me I'm wrong.
Anime as a medium has grown a lot since the past year.
The overall quality of anime has went down.
The 99% 1% saying is a pretty big dumb meme based on literally nothing but parroted by enough retards to lend it passing credence
I'm tempted to say it's repeated exclusively by pompous retards who want to feel really special for only watching one show per season because they're actually too casual to watch more than that
At a glance and a rough estimate the % is probably often closer to a 60/40 split favoring quality. Please don't reply to this post telling me that cartoons made for literal children are garbage just because they weren't made for a guy in his 20s.
Animation has grown in what it can do, but nowadays things like the actual storytelling have fallen apart. It's interesting to see Tatsuki going in the opposite direction, making actual stories but not having the best animation
Yes and no.
Japan spent $500 million on that Cool Japan thing back in 2013 to maintain their cultural products (like anime). The projection was that anime will become a trillion-dollar industry but that failed somewhat because it is still in the billions in earnings as of 2017 (the anime industry generated around $15 billion for the Japanese economy that year).
Getting the BLAH BLAH BLAH BACK IN MY DAY BLAH BLAH BLAH COWBOY BEBOP nonsense out of the way, I'd like to say that as far as accessibility and visibility outside of Japan goes, anime is going through something of a golden age. Anime is more popular than ever, and it's not just the weird kids watching it in America/Europe anymore. Mainstream stuff beyond just Pokemon grabs views and big services like Netflix are scrambling to pick up series. That's encouraging, since a larger viewer base generally means a healthier industry. However, anime has problems.
It's kind of amazing the variety of shows that get approved for broadcast in Japan, in both a positive and negative way. On one hand, that stuff like Kaguya-sama and Boogiepop can air in the same season is a testament to the robust nature of the industry, but on the other hand, a lot of low quality stuff somehow makes the cut. And I don't mean just in writing. The ultimate example is Berserk 2016, but for a more recent example, look at Ueno-san wa Bukiyou. I enjoy it personally, but it's clear that it's on a particularly old and worn out shoestring budget. The quality of the animation reminds me of someone moving animation cells by hand, or more accurately to the actual process, moving layers in photoshop. Ueno-san doesn't need movie level production values, but there should be a certain minimum quality standard for animation. Hopefully the foreign fans of anime succeed in pouring more money into the industry at large, because lately a lot of anime just looks cheap. There are too many examples of a scene where a character is talking, so to save money the studio just slowly pans over a still or mostly still image. It's lazy and boring, but probably born out of necessity.
It was never good, you just thought it was because you were a mentally ill teenager.
>these kids today
not sure if oldfag or newfag.
>le skewed Yea Forums shitposting face
people will say anime is declining 10 years from now too and act like the shows that we brush off as mediocre are Jesus' second coming.
Art will continue despite the doomer posts.
It's just an empirical observation, i don't give a fuck what anyone else says, if i would i wouldn't be here but on reddιt
I'm talking about Japanese animation, 90% is weeb fap(fan) service. I felt the same way when i was 15, i feel the same way now. I don't watch kid anime cause i'm not a kid
Leaving neverland for example is total garbage and it's not for kids. Same with the isekai spam or the total garbage that is Endro!. Most shonen are unwatchable after a while as well. Dragonball Z is the perfect example since i was watching it and dropped it as a kid
Art? It's already dead.
Modern art is not art at all, it's shit.
You can't have art in a commercial culture the same way that an advertisment can never ever be cosidered art no matter what the free market brainlets say
If it exists within an industry it's not art. In fact it's impossible for anime to be avant garde or experimental because all anime is created for a market.
Brainlet, modern art was 8 decades ago. There is no denomination for today's art since it doesn't exist, what's displayed in galleries/museums is pure academic circlejerk wankery and your only alternative is capeshit movies.
>free market
Ironic because the so-called real art is the one exploiting free market for money laundering schemes. But sure, keep acting like none of those are legit art. An ad is more honest than those so-called avard grande crap that exist for mobsters and other rich people to evade taxes.
The movies are alright. Fuck seasonal anime.
Art today is so bad its not even a style, just pusedo intellectual political commentay.
Humanity is declining.
But it's more of that the trash shows are getting widely accepted nowadays, even more so outside of Yea Forums
aesthetic =/= quality
Because that's the only way art school graduates with 100k in debt can pretend their work has any cultural value. No one cares anymore about "art" either way since today even the upper class elites only care about superheroes and other pleb entertainment.
Aesthetic = quality.
Style = substance.
It's reclining
Depends on your personal preference, but normalfags going on about this shit is kinda annoying. They refuse to go and look for gems so the bitch that muh adult shit isn't popular anymore when it never really was. Bebop, for example, was a very popular anime in the west, but in Japan it really was more niche. So obviously there is never gonna be as many Bebops as there are sailor moons or pokemons. It is really a case of people who have only watched popular shit thats old bitch about popular shit that's new, the equivalent of 13 year olds saying they were born in the wrong generation on a Queen video.
yes but anime porn is on the up and up
It's quite the opposite. The great moe and chuuni styles of old have in fact been perfected more and more, evidently so in the slice of life and isekai genres, for one, and it takes a foolish blind person to say otherwise. There's no lack of harems either to complete the trinity. Which is not to say that the great harem and chuuni productions of old were bad, or that you cannot pinpoint such marvels residing in the past, quite the opposite, but neither can we say they are not found in the industry of today, aswell as one or other work to please lesser western tastes. In fact, a more worrying issue is if it's possible to keep up with such a golden age. I'd say yes, the animators of this industry have more than obtained our trust.
Humanity has declined
Anime has been declining since Madoka. Everyone stopped trying afterwards. But we’ll hit a bottom and start climbing back up again. That’s just how these things go.
I say compare it to humanity.
>There's tons of new ones.
>The bar for average is pretty low.
>The lowest of low are very low.
>The highest on the food chain are the 1%
95% of Yea Forums nowadays consists of threads filled with crossboarding Yea Forums/pol/roaches and shonenshit.
fpbp because i can't be bothered to read beyond this haha ebin
>but in Japan it really was more niche.
I hate this meme so fucking much. Cowboy Bebop's sales figures were downright incredible for its time and it does extremely well with re-releases. I don't know why Yea Forums wants this to be true so much, but stop parroting it.
Ping Pong and Houseki No Kuni are just two recent examples where they were anointed classics before they even ended.
Not sure but it definitely feels like a lot more studios are playing it safe now with everyone riding the isekai gravy train.