only 7 days until bocchi's anime adaption airs, I'M GETTING FIRED UP
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Bocchi will soon get lots of anime only friends!
RIP bocchi threads, it's been nice while it lasted
I'm not saying you should be reporting shitposting but its obvious when people are just trolling
Losers don't have the right to be this smug.
losers dont know that they're losers
its okay though
Hitori Bocchi?
More like Hitori Botched
please don't bully, the anime is going to be a big success and Bocchi is going to have lots of pure friends
I want Bocchi to forget her pantsu for a day.
ˢᵐᵒᶫ ᵇᵒᶜᶜ
Do you think she'll get lots of lewds?
I hope not
I'm a big bocchi kinda guy, do you have something to satisfy my needs?
I want to cum inside this loser.
yes actually
The only good thing that can come out of this is porn. That's it.
you're evil
If she doesn't throw up at least once in every ep I will kill you all.
not if I kill myself first
Don't kill yourself yet. Wait until the anime is over and there is no hope for a second season.
she vomits and passes out in the PV's at least a couple times
Eventually she learns not to throw up. She actually grows as a character unlike you. (me)
she still passes out tho
God I hope Ojou sama makes it to the anime and has a hohohoho laugh.
I'm looking forward to this moment at least twice to be honest
I've always wondered if Aru actually is like a homing loser missile or if it is just a light headbutt.
she weighs about 40kg and can move at escape velocity so its not an inconsiderable amount of force
I cant wait to see all of the expressions ruined by the artstyle
the CM had a cute squished bocchi face
everyone is just nervous, but I think it will be okay
Will this be a 23 min anime or dicks?
Is she the final bossu?
It's full-length, yes
Nice I won't kms for another 2 months then!
That is prob the last time we see males in the series. It was never explained how the class had males in it in the first chapter and later they just disappear from the world.
It's explained in every fucking thread retard
It was explained why males are completely gone from the world outside Poseidon?
Katsuwo thought it would be near impossible for Bocchi to make friends with a boye
>Katsuwo thought it would be near impossible for Bocchi to make friends with a boy
Why? All she has to do to befriend a boy is to just pull down her pansu and bend over.
Women can't have male friends that is common knowledge. Even when I first read this I saw her as only having girl friends. I just thought it was weird all the guys just stopped existing and if you didn't find it weird then you are a normal person.
bocchi is a pure girl, stop being a degenerate
of course they can, but bocchi is bocchi and can barely even make friends with girls
Vanilla lewds should be fine.
All getting Bocchi animated will do is bring fags who will shit up threads constantly talking about Bocchi's c*nny
sadly true
she's too pure for such nonsense
Who want to have friend like Bocchi? not me that's for sure.
Bocchi is only good for bullying and teasing.
Ban pedos
Should I bother reading this before watching the anime
Bocchi not a manwhore like you
Bocchi's cun deserves to be bullied
No u
yes, its super wholesome
How many applicants will Yea Forums sings: Shine On, Aru! have?
all of them
Am I the only one excited for doujins?
Yes. I don't typically stand with purityfags but Bocchi should not be defiled
>It's ok to sexualize the Colors
>but not Bocchi
What the hell, Yea Forums?
bocchi is an innocent
>Yea Forums is one person
The colors are impure brats while Bocchi is a pure, heavenly angel
As long as they're SFW.
God look at how flat and sexy she is.
God damn that's hot.
Me too, user.
I want Bocchi to pee herself.
>will be animated by the same studio who animated the worst kirara of all
>will be animated be same studio who animated the best fluff of the season
desu, I wouldn't mind Bocchi being animated by silver link, at the very least they made colors similar to the manga
It's funny seeing this image now.
>Bocchi thinks all boys are womanizer scum
>All the boys think she's just the weird vomit girl
Wouldn't it be funny if Bocchi did that haha? Doujins when goddamn.
I want to be Aru!
Why do you want to be a loser?
>All of Bocchi's friends get together to teach her about sex
>Corral her into a room alone
>She repeatedly faints every time someone tries to touch her
>Nako and Aru couriering dozens of buckets of ice water to wake her up
>Sotoka trying to pull her drenched clothes off her unconscious body
>Everything is a mess
>Naked and conscious Bocchi is finally achieved after 30 mins of effort
>Most of the crew works together to hold her down and pinch her all over to keep her awake
>Nako manages to insert the very top of one finger less than half a centimeter inside Bocchi
>She doesn't quite faint this time
>Everyone jumps up and cheers
>Go out and party to celebrate the rousing success
>Bocchi shining and proud of herself for giving it her all
>Everyone compliments her on her tenacity
It's better this way.
Discount Colors.
must be one of colors anime only, manga thread was comfy back then.
People are worrying too much about studio. Bocchi has a good director managing the series so it won't turn out bad