We can all agree she's fucking done and Hina is gonna win this, right?
Domestic Na Kanojo
Rui a shit
Hina a best
100% correct
Hina is best girl so she wont win.
heh now that's funny
Hina is best girl yes
Hina will lose no
I was honestly cheering for Rui, but after the breakup, I don't care anymore. I am in for the Serizawa gang now
i don't care
she is ten times more sexy,lewd and hot
her head looks like a penis
that's cause you love cock so much that everything resembles it for ya
Factually incorrect. Hina is the sexiest and that cannot be contested. Just look at chapter 164.7, nothin beats those tits man. (Rui is definitely cute and sexy though, will give you that)
I'm not a ruifag.
>chapter 164.7,
thanks for the info
I liked what I just saw
Rui's still better tho
can't cure shit taste i guess.
Honestly, I am more into /ss/, GFD and cakes in general but god damn Rui is so much better than Hina.
Rui is the type of girl that would unexpectedly take the lead and completely devour you for hours on end until you both are a sweating mess and THIS close to crying from all the emotions you're feeling.
Hina on the other hand is plain and boring and has none of the appeal a cake should have. I don't get it. I really don't.
Rui still wins cuz she gets the Chef
and Rui becomes Cooking Mama
Different strokes for different folks I guess
Still shit taste but whatever
I'd honestly be happy if she got together with chef boy, they seem cute together. Honestly as long as Rui and Hina are happy in the end I'm fine, I just think Hina will end up with Natsuo though
More cute Hina for your viewing pleasure
What is the endgame?
Whoever ends up with Natsuo basically. And it's looking like it's gonna be Hina
Rui's going to win, give up now.
Self serving bitch won't win shit except Chef boys dick
>cropping kobayashi out of the image
user, wtf
Only one that matters is Hina in her cute helmet.
If they do actually own 3 millions to the mafia, doesn't that means they are the ones in the wrong?
I wonder if Chef will realise what a shit Rui is.
That's just Misaki. Natsuo didn't do anything wrong because he had no idea about the drugs until recently.
Maybe but maybe she'll actually become a good person through him instead of staying as a selfish asshole
Team Rui!!!
Shit meant
My bad lol
Maybe the MC will actually kill himself like he told best girl. Then we won't have to suffer week to week to find out how he has no character development over three years on his communication skills.
Maybe the drug Lord guy will just follow Marie's advice next chapter and take the safety off and blow Nat's fucking brains out in the first page
Na, the drug lord is already dead.
I'd like to believe that OP. But i can't bring myself to think Hina is going to win. When or if it finally happens then I'll believe it.
When has the main girl ever lost.
Hina is clearly best girl but Hinafags are some mentally crippled faggots. Just check out the last thread
Hina fell in love with Natsuo on the school roof, falling in love with his eyes and only started accepting she was in love when she realized she could not fight her feelings anymore
Rui experimented sex and kissing with Natsuo, then fell in love but pursued him in earnest after being hugged by him when he mistook her for Hina.
Hina supported the Relationship with Rui despite how much it hurt
Rui supported the relationship with Hina, then tried to keep Natsuo away from her, kept the truth that Hina lied to Natsuo about not wanting to get back together, and admitted to Momo that she took advantage of the
Natsuo planned on Natsuo becoming a successful author in order to make his family accept his relationship with Hina
Natsuo and Rui showed had no plans in exposing their relationship to their parents.
Hina took time off work, bought a washing machine, took cooking lessons, learned to body scrub and was by Natsuos side when he was stabbed
Rui got upset over destiny comment, did not take time off work despite being offered, worked overtime, avoided Natsuo until Chef cheered her up.
Hina cheers Natsuo up when his book is given bad reviews by voicing her anger and wanting to make an account to tell the haters they're wrong
Rui tells Natsuo to ignore the haters and leaves him still upset.
Natsuo proposed to Hina, giving her a ring, which he gave back after Hina lied, which Hina now keeps.
Natsuo said he wanted to marry Rui, she came up with the once a month date program. He gave Rui a watch to represent his commitment and to fill her doubts and suspicions with trust by spending more time together, which Rui then returned after breaking up because of the doubts and suspicions.
Hina broke up with Natsuo and lied to him to preserve his Future and his dreams in writing
Rui Broke up with Natsuo over a writers block she could not help him with
Rui left when Natsuo needed her most
Hina is going into a gang fight with guns to save Natsuo.
Hina is best
Thank you for the reminder
someone said we have to wait for two weeks for the next chapter is that true?
Oh god he may be dead but hopefully he doesn't take Hina with him :(
Yeah shes on a break next week.
I love that the reminder came directly after someone called hinafags mental. based as fuck
Yes it is
Yes, no chapter next week.
WRONG. These kind of manga always switch tone and return to the original girl at the last second!
Rui had her time. She is now irrelevant.
Hina was the original girl. Rui was the rebound.
Fair but was first girl Rui or Hina? Rui was first physical girl but Hina was his undoubted first love. Would it not seem like now we're switching back to first love after 100 chapters of Rui bullshit
Can someone explain to me what happened in the last chapter? Is Skrillex making a edgy mask for Natsuo so he can fight for equality between ghouls and humans or is he just starting a music carrier?
What's the difference between Hina and The Stalker? They both are buying their love interest expensive things. I wonder if Hina already spent more money on Natsuo than the stalker did on her. With this washing machine and all.
*They both are buying expensive things for their love interest .
I don't think I'd call her a rebound. It's not like he immediately jumped from Hina to Rui in like a day or 2. It took a long time to confess and all that. Although the confession only happened really because Hina shot him down to help preserve his future and Rui hid Hina's true feelings from Natsuo so she could be his girlfriend (again, self serving bitch)
He only went after the rebound when he thought he was going to lose her to Alex.
Hina doesn't want to fucking murder Natsuo for not loving her, and she's also genuinely concerned for Natsuo and wants him to be happy. Tanabe just wanted a girl, Hina is willing to sacrifice everything for Natsuo's happiness. Just because she buys him an expensive thing doesn't make her a psychopath retard
>I don't think I'd call her a rebound.
fucked her to get over his feelings for her and dated her for a while after his heart got broken ... what do you think a rebound is
I'm the only one who thinks this series is becoming more and more irrational and further from reality? Who tf would scream things like that while being kidnapped.
Getting flashbacks of Al's attempted rape and getting away with it.
I am pretty sure my sister spent even more money on me. I wouldn't call her a stalker ...
YEs they break up and then Hina will win eventually. Because KEI is a fucking trashwriter. Both sisters are trash, sluts and retards.
Why do you allow her to do this?
I didn't let my parents to buy anything for me since I started working.
Ruitards amaze me with their constant decline in argument quality.
>She is now irrelevant
A tonne of chapters are going to be focusing on her and chef ... it's going to be so fucking boring
I get where you're coming from but I disagree. The difference between what he did and a rebound is his emotions for Rui were genuine, at least to an extent. He did really love her, but like he himself said it wasn't the same type of love he had for Hina. It may have just been misinterpreted emotions or something. I'm team Hina all the way, but I feel like a rebound would be if he didn't care about her at all and JUST wanted a cock sock to stick his dick in to get over Hina.
I like Rui, which is why I want her to end up with someone nice and not the MC. Only fagets self-insert as the MC.
But Natsuo still owes her and I hope it doesn't sit well with him because otherwise he'd become a literal gigolo.
Are you a boy from Chiba, by any chance?
After what Rui did to Natsuo, she can jump off a bridge for all I care. Hina is better, but he just needs to leave the stepsisters and go after some theater girls
I'm kinda at a loss for words, I really don't know what to say to that lol. She was just being nice for her brother who just fucking saved her life by jumping in front of a knife. He wouldn't be a gigolo because of that and she wouldn't be a stalker either, what the fuck are you on about
>what Rui did to Natsuo
Natsuo is a bitchboi who needs to grow some psychological backbone.
Hina is honestly the best girl for him. And he's the best for her. They both support each other completely and want only what's best for one another, and they really love each other deeply. Not like Rui where she was just envious of the love Hina had from him or Serizawa who just seems infatuated with him.
She abandoned him at his lowest point and just left a few hours later. What the fuck else is he supposed to do other than feel sad
My parents past away when I was 5. My half-sister, from my fathers first wife (who died shortly after she gave birth) is 12 years older ... so yeah she supported me my whole life. She sacrificed everything to become my guardian when she was just 19. Everything I achieved in life is thanks to her.
disregarding the sisters and looking into the college girl crowd throwing themselves at him would be a good start. Hell even Momo would like a ride, but I wouldn't want him being a dick to what's his name
Hey that's my boy Ritsu's girl don't try ruining what they have >:(
I can agree with you, but I feel like Hina's relationship with him would be toxic for the family environment. Plus that opens a whole other can of worms when the general public realizes he was the one responsible for what happens in her career or that she was the one that he saved from the knife attack.
>what the fuck are you on about
A person becomes INDEBTED if they receive a material gift from another person. It's a rather simple conception, not that hard to understand.
>What the fuck else is he supposed to do other than feel sad
He could realize that women aren't everything in his life, for starters.
That Rui was pretty jealous and insecure through their entire relationship is quite clear. Some of her obsessive behavior makes only sense if Rui thought of herself as a rebound. That probably rooted from the scene where Natsuo hugs her from behind while she is wearing that wig.
But did she keep buying you stuff when you became an adult? That's the whole point.
He is one braindamaged ruitard or probably just baiting. Don't take his shit seriously.
Hello /r9k/
Oh, I'm so sorry for having my own opinion.
Yeah that's something I was thinking about too. But I feel like those opening pages from chapter 73 would be a good sign as to how things will go (assuming that he is indeed married to Hina at that point and it isn't someone else)
I get that concept, but that isn't really what's happening here. He saved her life, he almost died for her. That alone would be enough to just make the whole debt thing out of the question, on top of the fact she just fully in love with him and would do anything for him without needing anything in return. I get what you mean and why you think that way, but it's stupid considering the situation lol
It's fun talking to people who disagree I don't mind.
I mean, it would be just a little bit fucked if he felt nothing from what happened and just said, "nigga women ain't shit" and moved on immediately. Especially since he's at his absolute lowest point, being in the middle of a massive writer's block and everything
We still live together. But I don't live on her money no. I am studying engineering and work half time. She never studied and pretty much wasted her entire youth for me. The time and energy she gave up for me is worth more than all the money in the world.
Do your sis proud user, good luck with your studies
Your sister is literally an angel. You should treasure her.
I'm not baiting - for me, the total financial independance always was one of the most fundamental things in life. I wouldn't feel myself totally free if I would be in debt to anybody.
So I can't comprehend how people are able to accept gifts, and rather expencive at that, and to be okay with this.
Well, it's really terrible you sister was forced into such a situation where she has had to basically forfeir her own life for your sake. Sorry for being harsh, but I'm sure deep down she has some regrets about all this.
But world really is unfair I guess.
My position is that no one human being should be in thrall or in dependance to another. It's idealistic, I know, but I myself try to live up to my beliefs.
Honestly your answers sound like you took them from some primer of prescribed reactions.
Do you really believe his sister is happy with how her life turned out?
Let me hug you, user.
Was this ever a competition?
No, I'm sure she wishes she could have lived her life for herself more, but the fact she did what she did for his sake is a really amazing thing. The reason I said to make his sister proud is because it would be best considering what she did for him.
Okay dude shut the fuck up lol, I can see what he meant earlier about tumbrl-esque responses now. You sound so condescending it's honestly irritating.
Psychological dependance exists too, you know.
So, you do believe that his sister is happy, right? Like in these stories about Christian ascetics?
That's a respectable opinion to have, but I feel like being able to depend on others is important because you don't over do anything. Being independent is great and all and it's ideal for the most part, but recognizing when you need to let others assist you is equally important. Not letting anyone in just means you're trapped in your own bubble thinking you need to do everything yourself only and that becomes pretty bad. Just don't push yourself too hard man. (Don't want that to sound like condescending or anything, just genuinely care for your well being, as well as all other anons on here, even the ruitards)
There is cooperation, and there is reliance. I hope to believe I understand the difference between the two.
>she has had to basically forfeit her own life for your sake
Yeah that's true, especially if you take in consideration that she was a model student, she had a great future in front of her before life happened. But I don't think her life is terrible, she made a quite remarkable carrier for her starting point. I just hope she had some sort of love-life. Being female over thirty ...
I would hope so too. I don't mean to say to be entirely dependent on another, I just mean it is important to not close yourself off to the idea of letting others help you out at times when you would need it. Maybe I misunderstood your main idea
Nah definitely not. Could've done without the 100 chapters of Rui x Natsuo bullshit though, shit was annoying as fuck
Do you by any smallest chance heard about a Soviet sci-fi author Ivan Efremov? One of his books was named 'Razor's Edge'. The idea behind this name is that one should strive to achieve balance in every aspect of their life, including the balance between their mind, spirit and body.
Being in debt to somebody would literally shift the balance of my finances and also put some mental weight on my spirit. This is why I evade it.
This thread proved once again Onee-san>Imouto
Ruifags need to BTFO
Oh, and to keep that balance is as hard as dance on the razor's edge. Hence the name.
>All those chapters
>Rui just fucks off to America
I cannot wait for her to come to find out Hina and Natsuo are getting married, bonus points if she goes crazy but then immediately gets trucked.
Oh I see I see, I'm not familiar with it but I'll definitely look into it. Haven't had a conversation this engaging on Yea Forums in a long time. Still I don't agree entirely, I think it is fine to rely on others but I do understand what you mean and why you think it
I wonder what's gonna happen with Heroin addict grill. It'd be fucked up if Natsuo ended up with her. Also I think him getting stabbed for Hina cemented their relationship and Rui leaving abroad to be a chef with chef bro is the nail in the Fucking coffin.
double her points if she unlocks a nice boat scene
>Goes crazy and immediately gets trucked
God what a sight to behold that would be. My guess is she either walks in on them fucking, she arrives to a funeral, or she arrives to Natsuo and Misaki fucking (God I hope not that last one)
She is going to call it rehab, we know it as trowing away a plot-tool
Got you a better pic
Well, Sasuga still needs to make Chef-kun more appealing to the audience. As a Hina fag, i'd prefer Rui with someone else.
Thats mine! but im happy other people like it.
Go to twitter or Reddit. Yea Forums is strictly Hina
To be fair, Hina had her fair share of chapters throughout the Relationship with Rui. Its why Hina being endgame is not really a question since we got so many parts to suggest Natsuos lingering feelings for Hina and Hinas undying love for Natsuo.
>or she arrives to Natsuo and Misaki fucking
>It'd be fucked up if Natsuo ended up with her
you people can't be real, the acid damaged girl can't win ... the Japanese community would instantly incinerate
I will take back everything negative I've ever said about Sasuga if she manages to pull this off.
That's great! He was a really wonderful author in so many aspects. His worlds and characters are so good, healthy and bright (but not sickly saccharine) you literally want to live where, to meet them in person.
And when I read 'The Bull's Hour' where he pictured a world resembling ours through the eyes of such characters... Well, it hit me really hard.
I'd suggest you start from the 'Thais of Athens' if it was translated to your language. It's one of the best stories about a woman written by a man.
And it's a hystorical novel. He wasn't only a sci-fi author.
>Thats mine! but im happy other people like it.
If nobody stands up for truth and justice others have to line up at the front line to swing their swords against shit taste.
It doesn't matter. I want to get off Mr. Sasuga's Wild Ride.
There's nothing worth more than your own life and consider he jumped in font of a knife for her I'd say they were even.
Ah thank you it will make a fine addition to my collection :^)
And honestly I feel like chef boy is good with Rui for now. He's just a tad underdeveloped for the moment, but maybe later on he'll be even better. But who knows, maybe Al will be the one who ends up with her after all
Again I hope that it doesn't happen, and I honestly don't think it will. It would just be funny lol
Sounds like a great author, can't wait. Honestly though I'm not much of a reader so it may take me a while to get through the books, but if it's as vivid as you describe it I'm sure I'll have no problem with it :^)
>It would just be funny lol
Imagine the possibilities. Serizawa could get cucked by the acided cockane snorting whore.
First cucked by a sister, then cucked by a crackwhore, what a glorious day that would be.
Crazy bitch was slipping heroin in his food. That shouldn't been funny, but goddammit I lost it.
What a fucking psycho, knew Natsuo should have kicked that bitch out soon as she stepped foot in his apartment
At this point I wouldn't be surprised for any kind of drama to happen. What are the chances for someone to die. Natsuo needs to fuel his creativity after all.
>Any kind of drama
Nigga we're basically in part 5 of JoJo's this whole arc is nothing but drama. Hope Hina doesn't get hurt though, or if she does I hope that she makes it out okay and it makes Natsuo realize his feelings for her (one can only hope)
>Hope Hina doesn't get hurt
Like Kobayashi would let anything happen to her. He is the best character in Domekano and I sincerely hope to see a spin-off of this faggot.
Yeah, but I can't help feeling a bit anxious considering this is Sasuga we're talking about.
>Have one night stand with guy you met at a mixer
>Turns out he's your new step brother
>Step brother has a major crush on your older sister whose a teacher
>Slowly fall in love with him
>Big sis loves him as well
>Get jealous
>Big sis is out of the picture
>Date step brother
>Become insecure and scared of any girl going near him
>Let the insecurities take over
>Leave brother at the worst time when he needs the support the most and just say "don't be like this"
She'll live.
She travelled all the way to Japan just to dump his ass.
What a cunt
Yet her fags still believe he will take her back after she basically abandoned him.
>don't be like this
It's still a sound advice.
>Hina is gonna win this, right?
He was already going through a tough time. Rui just had to fuck him up even more.
>Rui Btfo even in her Vol cover
>bonus Vol22 cover with Rui
it's HinaxNatsuo hot poster
Most of her fags believe it was fully Natsuo's fault and Rui did nothing wrong. They are braindamaged beyond repair.
Considering that he was already destroyed over his writer's block fucking everything up for him, this just added to the weight. He did love her, even if it wasn't to the same extent he loved Hina. When she abandoned him like that all he could think to do was just let himself be sad like that.
They're just delusional. She let herself get too scared by the thought of other girls stealing him the same way she stole him from Hina. There is no way she's coming back, especially now. She broke his heart, trying to do the same thing Hina did ("try to write down how you're feeling right now") but in the end it was for a completely different, selfish reason that made everything 100x worse.
>What's the difference between Hina and The Stalker?
easy the difference is that:
>Hina is his big sister so it's normal
>The stalker was a stranger it's too much
I like Hina and I'm rooting for her, but did anyone else get tired of that, "I'm going through a MAJOR problem and even though Natsuo would go to the end of the universe for me I'll keep it to myself" mentality she has?
That's one of her biggest flaws, she thinks she needs to solve all her problems herself because she doesn't want the family to get involved and maybe end up getting hurt like Natsuo did. Although I think now she's getting better with it, after that whole incident with stalker-kun and Natsuo reassuring her that he's always there for her
Soon my friend, soon
I-It's not fair, bros...
Why is it that the blue-haired girls are always the ones that get cucked in anime? Does japan have something against blue hair?
She brought this upon herself, nothing more we can do except sit back and watch how it all comes tumbling down
i literally cannot imagine being this autistic
Couldn't tell ya. Guess the nips just hate the colour blue
Even as a Ruifag myself it sure is looking like it.
Actually the more and more I read the manga the more I'm turning into a Hinafag instead of a Ruifag. Weird.
>the more and more I read the manga the more I'm turning into a Hinafag
Same here, around episode seven I started to read the manga as a Ruifag... now I hate that stupid cunt. Overall she is not that bad of a character but Natsuo and Hina have a truly special connection in the manga, Rui is left to be an inconvenience for them. I started to really hate Rui when she started to go out with Natsuo. She was so annoyingly boring all the time. What happened to the offensive ice-cold Rui? Kei recast her as an insecure winy bitch she used to produce some ridiculous drama whenever she failed to come up with something better.
This show is cringy as fuck. Is it worth watching all the way through?
How many other winners where determined in the original drafts?
All i can remember is Hinata from Naruto and Mine from Akame ga kill
I myself was a Serizawa fag. Then i began to like Rui, but after reading the manga i became a hardcore Hina fag. After reading the whole manga almost 5 times over (looking for symbolism or small hint to suggest that Rui could pull an upset) its clear that Hina is going to win.
Anime? nope. Even the author is upset at how much they cut from the manga.
Manga. Hell yes. But be prepared for some feels.
>he thinks Momo is going for gold
Not exactly true. from memory, blue haired winners are,
Tohka from Tokyo ghoul (though she comes off as purple at times)
Kasuma Touma from white album
As for possible future winners
Rem from Re-zero (technically yes and no. but she's doing well)
Shiba Miyuki from the irregular at magic highschool (though theres part in the story to suggest Saegusa Mayumi can cause an upset and win)
Asiripa from Golden Kamuy (depending, but she and Sugimoto have a strong bond despite the age gap)
Cakey from Grand blue (SHe likes the guy, but who knows whatll happen)
Mary from Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash (story ongoing)
Lumedilla from Lord Marksman and Vanadis (the retelling with her as the love interest)
But yea, Rui lost and there was lot of story points that pointed out that the relationship was only temporary. the breakup just confirmed it.
To be fair, Natsuo has the same thing with his writers block. It snowballed the breakup with Rui.
So i asked a while ago about a poll that suggsted that Hina was no the favourite in Japan.
Finally found it. It wasn't even close.
>Even the author is upset at how much they cut from the manga.
>Asiripa from Golden Kamuy
user it's pretty obvious that if Sugimoto survives by the end, he will reunite with his blind waifu for whom he is trying to get the gold in the first place. Sugimoto doesn't look at asirpa in any romantic way.
Very true. He doesn't want to let the people around him down, so he didn't tell anyone but Serizawa I think. It's something he and Hina need to work through together
Hina always felt guilty about having to hurt Natsuo by lying like that on the island. When the stabbing incident happens she feels even more guilty as she thinks she dragged Natsuo down once again. She even tells Natsuo on their family trip that she feels she has done nothing but hurt him and it would have been better if she wasn't a part of his life at all.
If he's talking about those tweets she made last week, she was just worried about the finale since episode 11 had some QUALITY in it. Dunno if she's said anything about the cut content, but she mentioned having seen the storyboards months ago so there's no way she didn't know about it already.
¡Esto es el fin, Natsuo!
The Call
>episode 11 had some QUALITY in it.
Understatement of the year. Did she enjoy watching MADchen too?
Which chapter is it, user?
This is beyond QUALITY
This is supposed to be by the way.
It's an actual insult to that beautiful moment brought with Kei's art.
Have you seen an OVA or something that you can see Rui's tits?
But I haven't seen a direct source yet, desu I haven't looked so this will do
Where would you take the manga right now if you were writing it?
This is how I would do it personally. Natsuo uncovers some strange items the mafia was smuggling. One such item is an arrow that Natsuo accidentally impales himself on. After that he slips into a coma. He wakes up a week later with hina asleep at his bead side. After he is released, he is walking home one night he sees a strange figure standing before him in an alley. A tall intimidating man with alabaster skin, his face obscured by the darkness. "I see you have come across a strange ability, Natsuo, would you show it to me?". Natsuo, sensing the danger from this man, escapes immediately. He heads to his father's home, he tells hina and his family that someone is after him and he has to flee. Hina is against this completely. However they hear a knock on the door, Nation panics but it's not the same man in the alley. This man is a tall Japanese man with a dark blue trench coat and hat, he introduces himself and pardons himself for the intrusion. Suddenly an apparition appears behind the man, a large muscular purple barbarian. It is about to strike Natsuo in the face but stops before impact and Natsuo stumbles backwards. "So, you can see it. I think you need to come with me, I'll tell you everything about that man. I'm going to need your help, if we're to stop him." Natsuo doesn't want to here it and turns him away. But later, it turns out while hina was at work, she was kidnapped. The Japanese man who visited him earlier informs him that the man in the alley kidnapped hina.
So natsuo set's off with his new strange ally on his abnormal quest to save hina.
How many men has Rui slept with? If only Natsou, then that right there, is your answer. She's the end game.
It's like Natsuo is constantly living the Pinkerton album. It's like the soundtrack to his life.
Rui is going to become a lesbian screencap this.
>Implying it matters in a manga written by the author of GE
user I
This retard hasn't read GE I guess.
Don't know if this counts but GE's winner was also the same as the one shot.
How were you a Serizawa fag without having read the manga?
It's so obvious user
Natsuo would be a pop punk girl issues playlist. Probably Take Off Your Pants And Jacket.
I can see why she'd be pissed. That panel is beautiful and that scene in the anime butchered it so hard.
How the fuck did the camera capture this scene if it was this dark.
Eh she probably doesn't want to copy ge so Rui could still win.
That's not what he meant you dumbass. It just means that being pure isn't worth shit in a sasuga manga.
What is this soap opera bullshit
majority of sasuga heroines are non virgins, only miu and rui are (but rui popped her cherry at the very first page) so you can keep your virgin fantasy to yourself. Kei doesn't give a shit.
>watch the anime on a whim
>teacher is cute but in general the adaptation feels kinda lame
>hear that it's by the author of GE and burn through the entire manga in a week, just like I did with that series
>went through a goddamn rollercoaster, caught up and am on the Hina train
how does sasuga fucking do it man
Who would ever be a Serizawa fag even after catching up on the manga?
What happened?
Her crush on Natsuo is kinda uninteresting and her character all-in-all has mostly just been used as a plot device to break up Rui and Natsuo
meant to reply to
I can't believe how much they fucked this scene up. It's my favorite panel from the manga and was one of the biggest reasons I loved Hina so much (although I had always been rooting for her, this panel just made me root harder) These fuckers ruined something so beautiful, I'm glad Sasuga is openly upset about it instead of not saying anything.
Her crush feels really forced too, there doesn't really seem to be much chemistry between them. It's annoying and I hate her
Honestly out of all the other girls in the series besides Rui and Hina the one I liked most was Ashihara; she and Natsuo were cute together. Kinda bummed she got dropped and ended up pining for the sensei's D
Yeah same, she's adorable and I could definitely see her with Natsuo, but it just wasn't meant to be I guess
I’m just saying I’d happily eat shit if it turns out that hina really is the main heroine of the story and ends up marrying natsuo but all my years of literary, anime, and life experience tells me the narrative direction is not in her favor and watching people try to twist it in her favor is like trying to watch a child explain why the sky is blue
Who do you think will win the Fujibowl then user
I'm curious too. Because it certainly isn't Rui, seeing as she is fully out of the picture now
Your feelings don't matter. She is literally the main heroine from all her drafts. You must be dumb as fuck if you think anyone else has a chance.
Literally no one but Hina has a chance anymore, and it's especially obvious now with her risking her own life to save Natsuo the same way he risked his life to save her
Why would anybody be team Rui? She's a slut.
Whose shit please be specific
A retard pretending to be an expert.
I'd slurp down some of Hina's smelly sloppy stinky shit mmmmm bet it tastes good
>To his surprise, their destination is Rui's house—and her request is for him to have sex with her. There's no love behind the act; she just wants to learn from the experience.
Why would I pick this up?
Oh dear Rui....
The characters are actually interesting and well developed and the story moves along at a pretty satisfying pace. You really want to see what happens to everyone, and it isn't like eternal highschool until the end either, time moves around like normal and you see everyone's lives even past those years and into college and the work force. Not saying it's the best manga but it's definitely worth the read
>I was only pretending to be smart!
Even after like 30 chapters of not seeing Hina and being with just Rui and the others from the school the moment he gets an opportunity to see Hina he runs from Rui like there's no tomorrow, I love it get fucked Rui
Does the 3DPD-lite slut redeem herself in anyway? I'm assuming she falls for him during or after the act.
Nah, I think the author is making it way too obvious for it to end that way. There will be a twist and there's a decent chance Rui ends up winning.
If that does happen, I can see Hinafag meltdown absolutely making Yea Forums unreadable for a couple days lol. Would be interesting to see.
Well I mean she does fall for him. But she never becomes best girl, she pulls a lot of shady shit that is really fucked up. Hina has always been and will always be best girl through the series
I could see Sasuga doing that too, but the thing is there's no reason for that to happen and if it were to happen it would solidify this as one of the worst manga I've ever read. Unless there's actual good reason Rui wins out it's most likely going to be Hina if Sasuga actually cares about writing any kind of a good story.
I mean it was pretty obvious Kurokawa was gonna win for most of GE so who knows
Would be pissed if Rui and him got back together after the shit she just pulled
The difference is Yuki never had to take advantage of someone's situation to get Seiji. Also she never persued Seiji
Their breakup had more to do with her PTSD. Besides Yuki was never insecure or jelous about another girl getting him.
The winner is kinda written in stone. Just like how Sasuga made the main girl from her GE one shot the winner of GE, she will make the main girl from all her drafts the winner of DnK.
Crying in the middle of the road is never a good idea.
Got a good hearty laugh out of me
I refuse to believe that Nips have good taste.
To be fair most of the Ruitards had killed themselves that week because of chapter 216.
Having the girl whom the narrative has constantly tested by putting everything against her come out Victorious at the end rather than giving it to the girl who has acted in a self serving manner throughout the story with the narrative allowing her to do so is what would make the story actually compelling.
owari da, rui
Can't wait to see Rui bawling her eyes out as Natsuo fucks Hina in front of her
Does having relationships IRL impacts your view on the manga? I kinda like it but only as a comedie bouffe because I refuse to believe people can really be that stupid and irrational because of love or something.
>has sex with both sisters
this is hot. does it get better?
Chapter 164.7 and 164.6 is all I will say
50 or 100 chapters with them on the run from the mafia.
Natsuo and Misaki want to get out of the whole sutuation, but the boss is seriously upset with them, so he takes it personally rather than just worrying about 3 millions. He's also infatuated with the idea of raping one of them (not sure which for now). They have to hide in the city's grimy underbelly and make allies of various criminals to eventually challenge the boss. Eventually, they run away to Vladivostok where the final showdown happens and Natsuo shoots the boss to death. When things more or less calm down, Misaki becomes a target of an assassination attempt. She knows that Natsuo will never be free while she's alive, so she allows herself to die. Misaki's death becomes the legal proof to convict the remains of the gang. Natsuo ends up writing a book about the whole situation. In the end, he realizes that he need bad things to happen in his life to stimulate his writing. He realizes that he will eventually wants the same kind of stimulus from Hina, who is he dating again at this point. He's conflicted with himself, but that where the story ends.
Look at the avi, it’s obvious just a poll done by a bunch of Ruifags
And Rui still lost.
Yuki in GE and shitoge in Nisekoi, eatsuki in 5toubun has been winning since chapter 1, did it stop anyone from reading it till the end? Nope.
God Misaki makes me hard, her crisp skin me diamonds. Shame she won't win. Wish more manga had main heroines with disfigured faces.
Yeah I'm not gonna get into this cus this ain't a toubun thread but my money's on Yotsuba or Miku.
I hate Misaki just based on the fact she's a druggie and nothing else. Glad she isn't going to win.
Just because she's out for now doesn't she means out for good. Theres still potentially 60+ chapters left.
Yes because drafts are set in stone that are from years ago. Yes she may have originally planned it go that way but she can change her mind.
It's less than 60 chapters you idiot and that's also a very loose upper bound.
Like how she changed her mind in GE right?
Again. Just because she did something there doesn't mean she has to do the same shit here. Yes she very well will have Hina win but just because she did something in her previous work doesn't solidify her actions in this one.
If you have nothing better than wishful thinking then don't bother.
I said potentially. Doesn't mean definite you mong.
Are you not doing the same for Hina? Theres no definitive proof that she's going to win. Thus, being hopefull.
Do you not understand what an upperbound is you idiot?
If you have read the threads there's plenty of reasons why Hina is most likely going to win. There's nothing for Rui except people's wishful thinking.
I hate your infunded prejudice with a passion. Hating a junkie who wants to get rid of her debt yet lusting over a selfish heartless obsessive penishead whore.
Your money ain't worth shit if you're just an user on 4 chan.
Have you read Katawa Shoujo?
If you said this thing wil happen without a proof to back it up, that's wishful thinking. Do you even have a picture of a specific point that sasuga changed her mind at all? None.
Is it bad that anytime I enter these threads this is always the first reply?
Check out 214.5
I did about the same level of things.
Rui cucked herself, tbf. She was clearly walking towards the good end with Natsuo, but she chosen to fuck it up
Well, I didn't get stabbed or kidnapped by thugs, to be honest. The way I am now, I would probably run away, but back then I was to depressed for self-preservation. Although I'm a huge coward regardless, so I'm not sure how I would have reacted. But traveling across the country to meet her, then sleeping outside for 3 days because I had nowhere to stay - I did stuff like that.
>She was clearly walking towards the good end with Natsuo
user Rui never overcame the issues she had since the beginning of their relationship. It was obvious that they will break up ever since they started dating.
>ywn cum on hina's smartphone much to her amusement
Fuck, it's still too early to these feels.
Well, it's great we have so wildly different people in the world. Psychological diversity was always one of the humanity's strongest traits, along with physiological one.
I, for example, have never allowed myself to love anybody, because it'd rob me of my serenity.
I fucking love how she brings the helmet to battle. No need to worry about a thug giving her a whack to the head from behind.
That's actually a really good idea and means she's smarter than at least 70% of the rest of heroines and even MCs of other stories that usually just jump into battle without any protection and end up getting fucked.
I'm not so sure. I keep hearing sasuga may have changed her mind from ruitards but so far she has been throwing hints non stop that rui would never be as special as hina to natsuo.
Pics related only included three moments, there are still severals left throughout the manga but you know the uploaded limit.
Based and redpilled
Goblin Slayer approves.
>decide to read this on a whim
>didn't even sleep just to keep reading
>ended up finishing until the end in two days
Goddamn what a wild ride. Haven't been this hooked on a mango for years.
Anyone know similar mangos? Not necessarily about potential step-sister harems, but more like soap-esque shit.
Rui: It seemed like she was ALWAYS the fall back girl. Like anytime Natsuo would have a problem with Hina he'd just use Rui to fill a void. Also when they were together she was more obsessive than in love. And even she realizes that. I think her breaking it off and going after her dream was the best call, but just happened at a bad time in Natsuo's life. But yet again breaking up is like ripping off a bandage. It's better than her doing some NTR shit with chef bro. Realisticly Hina at this point seems like the cemented end game especially after the stabbing. If only she could tell Natsuo just how much she loves him.
>But for now I wanna see where this heroin addict arch goes. Shits interesting.
I recommend NaNa. It's a great rollercoaster ride dude. Christ, it's like the end all be all soap manga. That, and Paradise Kiss. Both by the same author too.
starting soon!
Thanks, I'll give them a go.
You're all a bunch of fucking betas for liking Hina
Chef, stop shitposting on an image board.
I hope your ready for an emotional plane crash that's NaNa.
Imagine the amount of butthurt if Sasuga will give Chef and Rui a .5 chapter.
so she cut her hair?
desu I don't see them happening. The majority of the fanbase hates him and it would piss a lot of people off including nips, unless they like him. I couldn't care cus I'm a Hinfag but still.
Yeah, but it she grows it back
Didn't the author die before finishing it.
I got into the threads after seeing all the images of her kissing Natsuo and people claiming both Hina and Rui lost. I liked Serizawas design, looked up what part of the manga she turned up in, and just read from there
Then i started to like Rui a bit, but Hina more while still thinking that Serizawa could win
Then i re read the whole thing and realized that Serizawa is baisically just a prop and that Hina is best and her love for Natsuo more genuine.
>caught up and am on the Hina train
Welcome brother
>all my years of literary, anime, and life experience tells me the narrative direction is not in her favor and watching people try to twist it in her favor
then clearly your reading the manga with a bias and skipping/ignoring all the parts that say Hina will get back together with Natsuo, that the two are drawn to each other, that Natsuo and Rui were going to break up because they dont work as lovers, that Rui cares more about how she feels than Natsuo, How Hina cares more about Natsuo than herself,
Any one who says Hina will win dosnt have to twist anything. we literally can use the story itself to prove our parts, both for Hina and against Rui.
Ruishippers are the ones who twist everything, from suggesting she only broke up with Natsuo to "inspire him to do his greatest work" or to make him come back to her to "defy destiny" none of that shit has even been suggested remotly and is literally twisting things with fanfiction and wishful thinking to convince themselves that Rui has a shot, when she clearly broke up for good.
the entire story is definite proof. We can literally show all the parts that suggest She will win, and all the parts that proved Rui cant and why her reasoning to breakup was set in stone.
>beach episode
>swimsuit scenes were short as fuck
>Hina-nee had her hands in front of her glorious melons' cleavage 90% of the time
Congratulations, you've learnt absolutely nothing in all those years that you've spent.
>She was clearly walking towards the good end with Natsuo
it was never meant to be user. they had their fun, but it was always plagued by trouble that Rui escalated.
Even if they overcame their issues, the fact Rui knows she cant help Natsuo with the writers block, and left him while he's suffering from one, and was more upset that he kept it from him instead of the pain it was causing him made her acknowledge shes not the one for him, if she cant even support him during a critical part of his life.
Even the anime ends with a shot of the proposal ring and a beach shot. Can't get any more obvious.
Try Good Ending, by the same author.
Did you even see the last chapter?
>that anime ending
Too obvious. I just feel bad for Rui at this point.
Based I bet Kei put that in
I don't. She can get trucked for all I care.
Based Kei.
god. That anime made me so fucking mad.
They left out the ring and both the dates Natsuo had with Hina, making their relationship seem more cheap than it really is
and Rui. Making moves just like that? Even in the manga she had decency to wait, but the anime really makes her come off as an opportunist. Putting her hand on Natsuo, climbing over him, kissing him right after he embraced her because he though she was Hina? Even though its obvious he still loves hina that much?
The manga managed to handle her pursuit of Natsuo in a way i could respect and she didn't pull any moves like that until later.
the anime ruins her completely, and make her come off as someone who takes the first opportunity to take what she wants, despite the circumstances.
Being a Hinafag, i still liked Rui. Even after the breakup since it was obvious throughout the story that they couldn't work as a couple over all the drama she caused it, and that the end was inevitable. But the Anime ver. damn near ruins her for me.
At least the anime properly established that Rui is a snake.
Naruto, Bleach, and probably SNK
>feel bad
Russian DnK fanbase is extremely happy that Rui isn't going to end up with Natsuo because he is considered a terrible partner by our measure. Too emotional. A man in Russia must not show any emotions beyond grudging defiance. Chef, on the other hand, looks like a real MOUZHICK who is good for Rui.
Can't wait to see those rings make their long overdue comeback in the manga.
These aren't even romance mangas.
Based Russian chefchad
How can Kei do Kajita and Rui in a satisfying way? It's obvious or likely they'll end up together but I can't see her being able to get them together in a way that doesn't make Ruifags neck themselves. I'm not a writer obviously so maybe she has an idea that will work.
I bet that last episode will leave a lot of animeonlys confused because the last time Rui and Natsuo spoke, she said she would start hating him.
You didn't specify, but then its really hard to think about one.
well, can aku no hana and punpun be considered romance (I doubt it but maybe). Oh, in your lie in april cucked best friend won by default
Ruifags are a devoted bunch so nothing that Kei does will prevent them from necking themselves other than making Rui win.
Don't kid yourself. Tsubaki was forever friendzoned.
>Russian DnK fanbase
Didn't Putin ban anime and manga?
>left out the ring
Is this really true? Isn't that a huge part of the story?
Only pidor ones.
A lot of sites where you can download content are blocked by ISPs because they contain stuff that can be classified as porn. Batoto was blocked, but then it died anyway, *hentai sites are blocked. A lot of porn sites are blocked in Russia (they wanted to block all at some point, but new ones probably appear too fast). It's not banned, because it's not illegal to watch it, but they want to make it inaccessible instead.
They didn't leave out the ring which Natsuo gave HIna.
We have Cruchyroll subscription in Russia.
Kei is just building this shit up so much I can't wait. God damn this week break she's taking, even though I understand she needs a breather, it's still frustrating :(
after seeing the last episode, from where in the manga do i pick it up?
I recommend you just restart from the beginning of the manga. There's a lot of shit that was left out in the anime that adds a lot to all of the characters and their interactions in the manga. Honestly this is a terrible adaptation for a really great, and you need to experience everything that was in it from beginning to end instead of through the anime (although the anime did have a fucking killer op)
>Can't wait to see those rings make their long overdue comeback in the manga.
>>left out the ringIs this really true? Isn't that a huge part of the story?
>They didn't leave out the ring which Natsuo gave HIna.
>Even the anime ends with a shot of the proposal ring and a beach shot. Can't get any more obvious.
Read from the beginning. Lots of characterization from Ashihara, Alex and Rui were left out.
The penishead didn't wait much in the manga either.
They used public domain door opening sound effect from Morrowind. It's not the first time I hear Morrowind sound effects in an anime, Schoolgirl Strikers used the book opening sound effect and there was another anime with those public domain sounds too. It's like come on, guys, record some foley.
The legends
any more obvious of what? They they're advertising the manga?
What a qtie.
Honestly Rui is cute as all hell, but then again so is every girl in the series (except pig nose whatever her name is) but Hina is far superior aesthetically
I find Rui to be more pleasing. They're both sweet though.
Fair enough. Hina just appeals to my love of large breasted soft women so that's why I love her
a cute shit
Fucking slut
I don't understand how people can think she's going to be getting back with Natsuo after everything she did to him and how everything turned out. It just seems like they're so far into denial they can't tell reality apart from their own fucking retarded perception of the world
Seeing Hina get pounded by Natsuo once more by the end of the series will be the most joyous day of my life
She will never sit on your face, why even live.
When she says "I won't hold myself back for my sister anymore" it's meat to be presented as a positive thing, like being true to yourself, but I thought "maybe you should hold yourself back a little, you terrible person" instead.
Actually nevermind, I forgive everything.
i was thinking of picking this series up, are there any telenovelas i should watch instead?
No read it it's good I swear
Reminder that Rui fucked everything up because she was too insecure and unable to move past her issues and ended up destroying Natsuo at his worst, any good will I had for her was erased slowly over time by her lack of maturity, empathy, and overall stupidity. Fucking bitch
Kei likes rabbits like Hina
If Spanish soap operas had softcore porn in them they would be popular with teenage boys as well.
What level of cuckery can she stand? She doesn't give a shit.
She brings all of this cucking upon herself by sheer force of stupidity and not knowing how to keep a relationship afloat.
To be fair, Natsuo love for her was never as special as his love for Hina. Like mentioned
Yeah you're right. They were never meant to be together forever and it's been shown time and time again, it was inevitable they would eventually break up. I'm honestly glad it took so long though, since now it'll be even more satisfying when Hina and Natsuo get back together and it can get rubbed in Rui's stupid fucking loser face
i laughed all the way this final ep
this is the worst show ive seen since virgin souls
cant believe you retards like this shit
The anime is shit the manga is far superior
she uncucked herself in the last episode, its rui's time to shine
Her time to shine has long past, animeonly-kun. She's permacucked herself.
So Rui is ok with the fact that Natsuo fucked her sister?
What's she gonna do about it even if she isn't? Why would she care
You know I really wanted Rui to win but yeah it seems Hina is going to take it based on that rabbit hint.
She could kill herself.
The perfect plan
I genuinely believe DnK got the worst adaptation in the manga to anime history. I never saw EVERYTHING butchered so hard.
I don't like how the cockewhore said that hina and Natsuo are like family and for her it was hard to believe that they are not blood related ... is that hinting towards them becoming a normal family or just suppoesed to show once again how similar they are?
This. I really liked the first episodes and when episode 7 hit I couldn't take it any more and finally overcome being an animeonlyfag. To read this manga was awesome and I can't stop reading manga. I even stopped watching the anime since I see it as nothing but an insult towards this manga.
Man, I just read this article in the WP and I'm unhappily surprised. I thought the problem of male loneliness (it irks me to use 'virginity') is more or less confined to the Asian countries but now it's clear that Western world isn't immune too.
Does Natsuo represent one of this 20%-males who have sex with 80% of all women?
The real winners of the Natsuobowl are those who lose, prove me wrong
Miu deserves better. I just want to protect her.
What website has the actual full manga of this? I've never been interested in reading before now, and every site I check has tons of missing chapters.
There'd be a bunch of links on desu. Danke's ripped the entire series, you'd just have to search for them.
I'm not even ashamed to go full newfag here, but what exactly is desu? I'm a filthy Yea Forumsirgin, I never use Yea Forums.
The archive. But you might have to tick searching in Yea Forums and Yea Forums cause I"m not sure if he posted everything here as well.
Oh, I'm a retard. I know about desu archive, but I thought you were on about something different. Thanks, user.
mangarock has everything
Thank you. You the man.
>tfw you know this show will never get a season two because its not a shitty isekai
>Rui dating arc
Yeah, thank god for that.
i would say because it was a half assed show and didn't sell enough, but whatever
Still better than anything else this season, aside from Dororo and yet we have awful shits like shield incel that has a 8.38 rating.
Apparently it's selling fine despite being some shitty download code deal, but the manga's supposed to end in a few more volumes so it was never going to get one anyway.
Shield Hero is more relatable to an average anime viewer.
Isekai was a mistake
There's enough content in the manga to make 3 seasons. I've never fucking understood this practice by anime producers. Oh the manga || LN || WN just ended? Fuck this, we aren't going to touch that series ever again despite having enough content to make 5 seasons.
Remember when anime run for like 40 to 100 episodes? Yeah, these time are over unless you're a popular shounen and even so seasons are a way more safe bet.
konosuba is the only good isekai, and that's partly because its a parody of the genre.
Who was in the wrong here?