Why are Vegeta's always the best characters?

why are Vegeta's always the best characters?

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because they always do their job

>why are jobbers always the best characters

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Post jobbers, old and future.

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It takes untold levels of Chad to wear a bodysuit as a male.

Because these characters, like Vegeta, have actual character arcs.

Trunks and bulla both look more like bulma.
How did this fucker end up looking like a carbon copy?

What are some Vegetas from other series?
I think pic related is an obvious one. He character arc was amazing.

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>What are some Vegetas from other series?
Guess what they have in common?

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They didn't even try. Even Gotents has enough going to make him look different to Goku

Black hair?

>fingerless gloves

Nothing. Law is 6'5 while Vegeta is 5'3 and Zeldris 5'0

Why are Yamchas always squandered potential?

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Can I join the club?

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that's blatantly false
it is always Chars who are the best characters

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I believe its because the Vegetagonist is allowed to fully immerse themselves into the setting while the Protagonist is made to transcend and destroy the setting.
The Vegetagonist seems to be the only character unbound by the status quo and the only character usually able to follow their own wordly desires, while the Protagonist must follow the monomythic wheel- they will learn of a problem fail against the problem and then transcend the problem forever, while the Vegetagonist will find ways to cope and live within the problem though he struggles to transcend it himself.

Women have a seventh sense and know what baby they'll get out of your nut, she probably wanted at least one Kid to be more like her husband

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Could he be considered a Vegeta?

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Kakyoin and Polnareff were basically both Vegetas
Unfortunately DBZ fights are all kind of the same so there's not really a more apt comparison.

Kakyoin is the flexibility and range that Star Platinum doesn't have
While Silver Chariot is basically Sword Platinum

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Law never jobbed. The only time he list was a 2 vs 1 against two fellow top tier fighters. A fresh Law with full stamina would've destroyed either Doflamingo or Issho in a 1 vs 1.

>has character arc

Have you eaten your vegetables yet?

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