While you were complaining about one punch man s2 i was hyping over dr stone

recently started reading the manga, i'm hyped for the anime adaption this. this series is so good and underrated.

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Doesn't matter, as long we have our Lord's Murata and ONE

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Dr. Stone is great and its sad its so underappreciated. I'm not too excited for the anime but I love the manga.

There's some hype for Dr. Stone on here. Everyone lost their shit at a panel from a few chapters ago

Y'all are gay as fuck. At least it's Garou and not Speed O' Sound

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Bless our masters, ONE AND CHADRATA

>hyped for an anime adaptation of a farming manga

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>he doesn't eat

don't want to sound like a hipster, but cherish the feeling of following/liking an underappreciated manga/anime. Can't think of a single manga that didn't suffer because of its overnight success. Maybe the hype gets too heavy for the authors or something, idk.

I'm actually looking forward to the anime, hoping they fix the grotesque looking females. It's puzzling why they look the way they are, when we know for a fact boichi can draw sexy females.

Honestly I would prefer Boichi drawing more funny action packed lewds instead of some shonen shit.

>says this while posting off brand naruto with the plot of planet of the apes

Good taste OP. Catch up and see you next week.

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Like Origin, Space Chef Kaisar, and Sun-Ken Rock?
I'm hyped for this too, but also hyped for Dorohedoro, AND NOT A SINGLE NEWS OF IT, GOD DAMMIT.

And Wall Master, yes more pls

started reading it a few days ago, the art is great, still confused about the whole freezing tsukasa thing.

Did you catch up there? Senku explains his reasoning pretty well.

From what I understood they froze Tsukasa's corpse and then planed to defrost him, petrify him, and then undo the petrification to bring him back to life. They've said the petrification has healing effects but it seems unlikely that its able to bring someone back to life.

>they finish the boat.
>go Into hiatus.
Is a curse! A CURSE!

They don't need to defrost him, just petrify his frozen corpse. His wounds from being impaled were grievous, and Senku's extensive surgery was temporary at best, they'd open up or get infected and he'd die again. So by preserving him as he is now, even if he's dead from freezing, depetrification can undo the micro damage caused by the ice crystals forming in his cells. It saved Senku after his neck was snapped by Tsukasa, it saved Mirai from her chronic illness that required her to be on life support, and no one that's been revived so far has needed glasses, so it likely even corrects vision defects.

So the only way to save Tsukasa is to go obtain that technology, petrify his frozen body, then depetrify him again. This will heal the damage caused by both the freezing, and the impalement, and Tsukasa should awaken again, safe and sound.

it has brought someone back to life it's capable of doing it, though it's unclear what the situation has to be if for it to restore life, if it can't do it if it's complete petrification or if it only works if it's partly petrification.

Man, Ken looks really gay in this pic wtf boichi

Fucking hipster.


don't respond, this is our designated hunterfag
he's here every thread and posts the same shit, it's no use

See you next thread, pal

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