Oh great, OPM is getting a second seaso-
>JC Staff
Are you fucking kidding me?
Oh great, OPM is getting a second seaso-
been done 20 million times, fuck off.
and right looks more like the manga, the chin is just off.
JC Staff is more accurate to the source than Madhouse? Makes you think.
Right looks exactly like the manga, what's the problem?
right looks way better.
left looks like from a one piece episode
zoom zoom cho cho
Only the chin is off , and I believe they'll make it better
Looks like the A team got to make the Konosuba movie.
Fuck, I hope they at least don't fuck up Railgun 3
>trying to get validation from Yea Forums by attempting to circle jerk with normie shit
OP here, I don't give a shit about the chin in particular.
Why does it have to be JC Staff and not Madhouse? This alone killed my hype completely. Madhouse makes god tier anime, JC Staff is fucking trash.
JC Staff King looks like dogshit in comparison to the manga and webcomic versions. Madhouse king looks way worse, his forehead is too wide, and his expression is intimidating without hinting at his cowardice.
Yes, it's most likely going to be the disapointment of the season, we get it, it's bad.
Daily reminder
It doesn't even look bad. OPM has always been about the amazing story and deconstruction, not animation. Fuck off
That will only make his cowardice funnier pleb.
How many billions of repeat threads before this gets old?
Get used to it, bitch.
The first season didn't really have a story.
Not true. The animation is the one factor of S1 that everyone talks about years after it ended. S2 is dead on arrival.
Murata is hoping to distract everyone with his Fubuki lewdness so no one watches S2 and gets cancer.
> It doesn’t even look that bad
> OPM was never about its animation
Are Fubuki's tits and ass really that small? She looks much curvier with the dress on.
>but that looks perfectly fin-
Fuck off.
JC makes King look more stoic.
Sakuga carried the series to normie success
At least it's not Studio Deen
get fucked capeshits
I'm still hype. You can't ruin this for me Yea Forums!
The season can do that on its own!
>god tier
>same men that made overlod
kek, keep seething faggot
season 2 doesn't exist
this is all fake
Dont be pessimistic!
Nope, it’s an old drawing where Murata fucked up her proportions really hard.
I want to stick my dick between Tatsumaki's buttcheeks.
It's not a deconstruction.
Well it deconstructs shonen and super heroes specifically.
What a disappointment. You'd think with having so many fans that they'd put some effort into the second season.
The thing is that the Madhouse adaptation ADDED to Murata's god tier art by converting it into good shit with a soundtrack and voices added behind it.
There's no point making a second season into anime when it looks like shit. You're better off reading the manga because you'll get better action there, unbothered by QUALITY and whatnot. That's how I see it at least.
>muh deconstruction meme
its a satire, and a low hanging,cheap ass one at that
I want to fondle Tatsumaki's small boobies
I guess popularity doesn't equate to quality.
>watching OPM unironically
The absolute state of nu-Yea Forums. I bet fucking Bunny Girl Senpai was your AOTY too.
His face is more like the one on the right tho
I'm glad fillershit got fucked so bad.
As much as I like to shit on the deconstruction term because it's so misused, it's right to call it a deconstruction here because it voluntarily plays on a lot of tropes in capeshit and Shonen. Just look at Saitama, it's pretty evident.
>gets superpowers through minimal training as opposed to hardcore training or science
>main character is the most powerful being in existence right off the bat
>most of his development revolves around him being bored because hates killing everything in a single punch as opposed to being pumped up to get better and better like every naive shounenshit protag
>every other character ends up learning from Saitama instead of him learning from them even though he's the main character
>they gave konosuba a higher budget than OPM
Yes the people who are in larger quality than us and actually have money or aren't jaded enough to be frugal unlike us. *Not Counting the Buyfags in Buyfag threads
>every other character ends up learning from Saitama instead of him learning from them even though he's the main character
That's not uncommon. It's called a flat character arc.
>now fubuki's cute udders
weak deSu
It was so bad, this guy is remaking it.
Maybe it's called JC Staff cause it looks like they have JC's animating it