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What did Murata and ONE mean by this?
Jace Torres
Other urls found in this thread:
Grayson Peterson
Nigga do i look like i speak Japanese
Jason Gonzalez
I really love Murata's habit of highlighting Tats in white to make her stand out.
Justin Jackson
>ugly bastard
what a degenerate
Justin Anderson
Leo Allen
God I wish that were me
Gabriel Cook
The little girl, black man or fat man?
Mason Scott
the bald white dude
Lucas Edwards
>What did Murata and ONE mean by this?
Forced Diversity user that's what they mean
Eli Brown
Is he standing behind darshine or pig god?
Benjamin Bennett
>forced diversity
Yes but its done so well that i don't hate anyone. Not even the gay guy (puri puri). Who i would have hated in any other show.
Austin Flores
You just KNOW.
Joseph Williams
Aiden King
You guys keep on talking about a black guy, but I only see a super tan dude.
Landon Green
He became black
Stay triggered
Gabriel Robinson
Post the edit
Dominic Gray
>Thinks bodybuilders don’t use heavy bronze spray.
Chase Carter
>Murata is a BLACKEDfag
OPMcucks on suicide watch
Cameron Adams
Dude he became darker than that
He became black
Tyler Bailey
So he’s transracial?
Brody Stewart
user, why are you so desperate about some dude?
Ryan Reed
Because idiot like you think it’s worth fight for
Lincoln Smith
Porket And Blacked
Tyler Price
user, it's the first time i reply to you, calm down. Now breathe in... breathe out
Benjamin Rodriguez
So if I (a beautiful white guy) came out and said that I am going to start living as a black guy and started painting my skin black, you wouldn’t consider me any different from a normal black guy? I feel like you’re being a little dishonest user.
Jeremiah Green
Nah. It’s just a bit more exaggerated than real life bodybuilders.
Gabriel Flores
>I (a beautiful white guy)
Noah Foster
have you ever heard of Shawn King?
Cameron James
Did Tatsumaki get fucked by black, spoil me please.
Brandon Gomez
just twice
Bentley Hernandez
it means
>nihonjin aoisakanaotoko
Brandon Murphy
That's fucking hot
Robert Rogers
Cameron Brown
Read the webcomics
Brayden Sanders
>just want to fap to Tatsumaki getting blackd
>none of the hentai art can match Murata's art
Grayson Hughes
Tatsumaki gets SPERMED, not BLACKED.
Jacob Sanders
>hurr durr he was actually Japanese
I hate this shit
Christian Lee
The sperm was black, though. She got BLACKED.
Alexander Collins
well, he is
Carter Hall
waste of digits
Alexander Bailey
No nothing happens. She gets beat up by golden sperm (actual monster name).
Christian Jenkins
he's actualy white, he trained so hard his skin became dark
Thomas Long
only after it became golden sperm
Angel Reed
I can't wait for the impregnation doujins
Nathan Miller
Hey I dont know if anyone knows or remembers this but there was a song awhile ago released by the same guy who sung the OP for OPM. Can't find it online, lyrics were repeatedly "THROW A PUNCH!". Not sure if it was just to advertise the band or the show. Does anyone know what Im talking about?
Brody Butler
Might've been for one of the drama CDs.
Christopher Hughes
that's a nigger and a burger huh
Josiah Anderson
That rings a bell. Where can I find, Cant find on Youtube. It was an intense song not a talk-episode.
Oliver Gutierrez
Found it.
Cameron Hill
I wished they made full songs of the Drama CD ones because they are hype as hell. I would take any of them over the new op. Not that it's bad but its lacking until the chorus part and beginning.
Kevin Clark
I hope Nyan survives
David Foster
Murata is hoping to distract everyone with his Tatsumaki lewdness so no one watches S2 and gets cancer.
Nathan Scott
Doubt that will happen since most of the executives bite it by the end of the arc.
Gavin Barnes
Three of them survive. One of them is just a dog like Nyan is just a cat.
Mason Rivera
>he's actually white
One nuke was not enough. Japan can't do anything right.
Joseph Edwards
get fucked nigger
nobody likes your kind
Jacob Barnes
I would have said no a few chapters ago because unlike Rover, Nyan looked like a cadre you can count on like Gouketsu, but as this chapter showed he’s still a cat and Gouketsu is still the best underling you can get. Losing him was a heavy blow, more than just because of strenght.
Nathan Taylor
>the perfect body is black
what did ONE mean by this?
Josiah Sanders
It's a parody of bodybuilders, for fuck's sake.
He does nothing but work out and spout training tips. He has no fighting technique whatsoever beyond simply running into his enemies like an unstoppable gymnast. His skin is bronzed and tanned and oiled beyond recognition.
Grayson Davis
Jonathan Smith
but saitama is asian
Jordan Morgan
I know three survive I'm saying most just bite it. Also he seems the type of character that will get fucked in the long run.
Logan Lewis
bodybuilders cover themselves in layers of tanning oil because it makes the individual muscles more distinct and easier to see
Ryder Long
How so? He's just a likeable funny cat who wants to chill. He's similar to both Rover and Sperm, who survive. Unless ONE reveals Nyan has done something horrifyingly atrocious, he has all the chances to survive.
Matthew Peterson
He seems just like an executive that wouldn't be needed to be around. Rove is best doggo which is why he's around also he's a tank (I wonder if he's more durable than Darkshine), Black Sperm is the OPM dimple and Psykos is needed due to the constant reminder of the big threat her and shibabwa for saw (still four months to go). If he survives I'll be surprised and wonder what role he will play. Otherwise he seems like extra space since Gouketsu bit the dust.
Hunter Martin
Eh. Nyan is as cutesy as Rover. Nyan might as well turn into a cat, given what he said, and keep doing the usual cat things. The point is ONE doesn't need to kill him off.
Joshua Lee
>Pig God = Bang
>Tatsumaki in love with Bang
>Pig God will reveal himself as Bang
>Tatsumaki will be into the greasy big fatso
>huge ugly mass of lard x cute loli
It's called foreshadowing.
Leo Perez
having high melanin is a super power
Jose Rogers
David Rogers
I think you mean Blast, not Bang.
Andrew Cooper
Tatsumaki doesn't count as one. Too big.
Adrian Edwards
just like my mindbreak hentai
Cameron Bailey
She’s like 130cm tall.
Kevin Bailey
She's a big bitch.
Cooper Morgan
Nicholas Carter
Why doesn't he need to kill him? He's not going to be missed or anything.
Kevin Gutierrez
Dylan Thompson
Wouldn't miss BS or Rover honestly.
Cameron Sullivan
Yeah, I was too late to delete the comment and do it again.
Joseph Carter
I've never seen anyone wanting Nyan to survive. I'm curios is there a reason. (Honestly asking because this so the first I've seen someone like him)
Hopefully Mumen joins when Tank top loses his members.
Evan Miller
I don't myself, but It's literally only because he used to be a normal cat. People hope he can survive and maybe even be turned back.
Eli Moore
I mean a lot of monster used to be human or animals and they bite it pretty hard. Now that I think about it Rover and Nyan are the only animal based executives.
Jaxson Miller
>That bottom right pannel
He became Zyzz?
Benjamin Collins
I can't read moon runes
Noah Parker
Yeah, I guess everyone just has a favorite monster they want to survive, then inevitably none of them do.
Alexander Smith
Temporarily. And then he went into the no-man's land beyond.
Zachary Diaz
We already know a lot wanted some monster girls to survive. Well the few distinguishable female monsters that were ever shown. This man alone caused multiple threads to form just because he killed Do-S instead of humbling her.
Julian Young
Ethan Cooper
So many Tatsumaki threads recently, not that I'm complaining.
Brayden Carter
>ONE make fun of Burger about them getting BLACKED
Fucking KEK.
Nathaniel Carter
Alexander Taylor
Quit larping dumb tripfag. He doesn't need to kill Nyan for the reason he didn't kill other cute or chill animals like Rover or Gorilla. It breaks the mold with monsters.
Ryder Nelson
Not really also wasn't larping.
Dominic Myers
Next time you try to larp, use the "thinking sucks" Beavismask image. It fits you to a T, tripfag.
Cameron Howard
They're asian not white.
Matthew Rogers
She only takes BBC.
Cameron Scott
Have no idea what picture that is but again wasn't larping. Also pretty late to complain about me having a trip don't ya think?
Alexander Nguyen
They live on a pangea like continent, not everyone is asian.
James Cook
No all of them are Japanese. Fuck you. No pigs, no monkey, no dog eaters, no poos.
Brayden Turner
He was clearly japanese.