Karakuri Circus

>tfw no one has ever asked you to play piano for them

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Karakuri Circus - 23 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.18_[2019.03.28_11.22.09].jpg (1280x720, 112K)

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>Playing piano

This jobber lived too long even for an anime version.

Goodnight, sweet prince.

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The story seems a hot fucking mess or at least in the anime but I really like the fights and different type of characters in the show.

imagine wasting all this screen time on literal whos

George definitely feels like a literal who but I assume that's the nature of the breakneck speed of the adaptation not letting anything simmer.

teared up a bit


you're gonna carry that weight

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Just have more best girl Lolilumbine already.

Superior girl coming through, the true heroine of the series.

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>drill hair and crazy eyes
ooh baby, that's what I like

This user has potential for good taste.

is it really jobbing when you beat someone who on paper was your complete superior but you crush him anyway with the power of love?



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Can someone translate this?

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>manga translations actually behind the anime
Color me surprised.
Is it worth watching it or is it too rushed?

He hates them so much.

It’s pretty rushed but honestly I’m still having fun with it. I’d say its worth the watch.

Is Houshin Engi levels of rushed.

circus arc and flashbacks are a bit of a slog but i think the final cour will really pay off

I guess the series is so long and the interest before the anime wasn't really there as well for fan translation to run.

The anime as itself has been pretty good though.

Fuck this curly Lolilumbine knockoff.

this adaptation goes so fast I can't even imagine what will they do to fill the 13 episodes left

Stretch the remaining 6 volumes.

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Well your not wrong. The anime skips so much stuff and context that it leaves it in this state.

It's pretty weird how the mangaka himself is the one who establishes these changes

The anime cut, rushed, or outright changed a bunch of stuff to make it fit in the episode count.

>I guess the series is so long and the interest before the anime wasn't really there as well for fan translation to run

The series was getting translated at a steady pace for a good while until the translator had a hissy fit and quit literally because Trump won the election in the US. He threw a big fit about it and how it sickened him that Yea Forums was reading his translations and how dare Yea Forums support trump or some crap like that. But yeah there wasn't enough demand for someone else to bother picking it up afterwards until recently.

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But all key moments are there. Nothing has been lost much if you are not total mangafags.

george was literally top tier characterization in the manga. they shit all over him. like by shonen standards he had more progression that half of naruto combined

Honestly, that was pretty cool. On paper there was no way he should have won. I know the power of love is a over used trope, but this time I loved it. He was an unfeeling robot who actually grew a heart.

why is narumi's hair black again, and what happened to his puppet parts?

>just like Francine has done

I just wish we got the Beast arc animated.

someone mentioned that in the manga he actually dyed it


he was simply reminded. it IS just like francine but not for the reason secondanon said. george was always human and a reminder of that humanity was at his fingertips. like you type out a shitpost and feel like you make a difference and that everything has meaning. that was how george felt.

You would think he would take this chance to cut the fat. but nope, he's just squishing all this pointless shit into 36 episodes

What a fucking champ. George had a great arc, as short as it was

Episode 24 PV


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I'm really glad Pantalone is getting some love. He's been my favourite automata since the first episode

And new OP next week by Lozareena.


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Jouji Nakata putting in the work as usual

That and I think is design is neat

What kind of creator would like see his creation being butchered?

I wonder why we never got an opening from these guys for this show, I liked ones they did for Ushio To Tora

Yeah you don't see a design like his in anime that often. The incredibly varied designs of the Automata and puppets are a big reason I like the series. Harlequin is perfection though.

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Really good episode, but to be honest out of these 23 episodes there have been less than 10 good ones, I wouldn't recommend the show to anyone. Still waiting for the manga to get fully translated to read it all in a go.

Both his design and the seiyuu they chose for him are top tier.
I was disappointed to see Ashihana man up last week and decide to fight him, because I knew Ashihana was going to win, given what Shirogane said to Pantalone before he left. At least it mostly balanced out by George's fight being great, despite how little we got to see him.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Karakuri Circus - 23 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.29_[2019.03.28_14.06.16].png (1280x720, 941K)