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Brandon Rodriguez
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Nathaniel Williams
Welcome to Shaft.
Christopher Gonzalez
Because you need to suffer for liking Nisekoi.
Luis Sanders
because the author got screwed by someone in the studio or the studio got screwed by someone.
Same shit happened with cross ange
Ian Nguyen
>Same shit happened with cross ange
at least there was a massive boner in the opening, and that's something too
Logan Lee
>shit taste
well imagine my shock
Ryan Thompson
That was a commie edit
Noah Bell
Fucking retard.
Dominic Kelly
Isaac Clark
Jordan Cruz
SHAFT were trolling. They also changed some fully drawn backgrounds into colour gradients in the same release.
Henry Williams
It was punishment for retards dumb enough to buy Nisekoi.
Isaac Green
All this tells me that Shaft has the uncensored version
It must be somewhere - on some Japanese mans harddrive
We must find it
Brandon Rogers
What's with that awful shading in the BD version?
Image seems darker.
Luis Jones
Connor Williams
>watching Nisekoi
good going, user
Jackson Thomas
>i-it's bad on purpose!
Camden Perez
Eli Diaz
Joseph Edwards
What the hell?
Elijah Anderson
I'd kill to get uncensored animated Chitoge
Joshua Campbell
dont shittalks bokuben, it is and Nisekoi was also good
Logan Adams
>Yea Forums hates nisekoi but loves bokuben
i just dont get it, bokuben its the same shit but with worst art and somehow slowest plot
Dominic Lee
Except the MC in BokuBen isn’t insufferable like Raku is.
Also pretty much every girl (except Uruka) is tolerable.
Ayden Sanchez
I represent Yea Forums as a whole, they're both shitty.
Daniel Davis
fck you pleb
Juan Moore
>all these bambis that don't know SHAFT's BD shenanigans
Henry Ward
Heh, one of the few things I remember about the show was that jiggle. They seriously censored that in the dvd/bluray version?
Nicholas Sullivan
read the magical girl spin off
Kevin Jenkins
>be north korean labor camp prisoner
>be made to draw anime or Japanese slave owner companies outsourcing their work to NK
>need to draw a healthy women
>never seen a woman that does not look like sceleton midget in your entire life
>superwiser comes, sees you stare at picture of naked girl and punishes you and takes away your launch for the day
suck is life of Shaft animator
John Moore
i kek
Ayden Williams
They'll bound to hate bokuben later too, worry not
Eli Jackson
double arts reboot when
Luis Walker
WTF? I thought at least 50% of the reason TV anime were so heavily censored was so they could sell DVD and BR?
Nathan Wood
I think that's the way it usually goes.
Matthew Evans
>Yellow gets censored to hell
>childhood friend gets less censors
what did shaft mean by this?
Jack Turner
Based otterchad
Hunter Thomas
they have good taste
Kevin Scott
Is this what they refer to in as Jebaited?
Daniel Gomez
David Green
Jack White
We told you they were coming for anime tiddies
why didn't you listen?
Andrew Sanchez
>Manga spin off
Easton Gray
only the ass shot is more visible in the bluray
Carson Peterson
what the fuck is komi doing currently
David Adams
>actually watching Nisekoi
You deserve that and more
Robert Martinez
It feels inconsistent, some shots show off more but some have the steam cover more. Pretty weird.
Christian Gomez
nisekoi anime is fun
Hunter Green
Higher definition censorship. Glorious.
Dominic Edwards
I miss Shaft BD edit threads
Jason Perez
>wanting to see a gorillas tits
Luis Lopez
this is fucking hilarious
I wish a was a corporation just so I can fuck with my audience like this
Jackson Young
>not implying people wants to see gorilla's ass instead.
user, tsunderes are for rough and wild scat anal sex.
Nolan Johnson
pls let this be a nice Nisekoi thread
Jordan Hernandez
>BD censorship thread
Luke Morris
Benjamin Hernandez
Wait, the BD is the one on the bottom?
Did they want to crash their own sales for a tax writeoff or something?
Tyler Baker
what anime
Brandon Moore
This wasn't officially stated but back when the series ended, there were some clues from news covering the production from premiers to the DVD/BD releases. Basically, evidence pointed Nike wanted the show to be a safer promotion, the fanservice of the main characters was distracting from the idol characters they wanted to promote, and one of the showrunners was infamous for idol shilling in the later halves of series he worked on.
Tyler Russell
>doesn't know night exist
Joseph Peterson
Basquash, despite the orginal broadcast fanservice the show itself was really trying to cather to younger demographics as the merchandise barely pushed the girls, they really wanted the stupid mech basketball to fly off with children, so the BDs tried to tone it a bit down to see if could get more younger kids into it. It didn't work in the end, fanservice wasn't enough to pull the thirsty otaku in, the mech sports hybrid didn't pull the kids in, Basquash was forgotten altogether.
Jason Morgan
That kind of back boob jiggle is amazing
Asher Sullivan
Basquash is a case of the fanservice being "accidental", it was a sports anime that wanted the viewer to care about its fantasy basketball. The fact years later people only repost these toned down fanservice scenes shows the premisse failed as no one cares about the show itself.
Ayden Ramirez
I love Haru!
Jack Flores
Dylan Bailey
Brayden Perry
William Carter
She was best Nisekoi. Glad she didn't end up with the fag MC.
Landon Cooper
my dick
Mason Thompson
Haru is the hottest anime girl. Prove me wrong
Hudson Cox
Is math /u/?
Jeremiah Howard
buy the holograms, gaijin
Michael Wood
I love you Tsugumi
Jaxson Cruz
selfcest isn't gay
Joseph Martin
Haru love!
Henry Wright
Nicholas Nguyen
this honestly
Christopher Hernandez
How do people find these uncensored or superior tv versions of shows? Do they mark it as tv broadcast if someone wanted to watch that particular version?
Jacob Turner
>Some parts there's more
>Some parts there's less
>Some parts there's censoring that isn't even covering anything of value
Typical Shaftjob.
Why is this garbage studio still afloat?
Jaxon Campbell
>pretty much every girl (except Uruka)
>except Uruka
Charles Hughes
>Why is this garbage studio still afloat?
because redditors exist
Jordan Hall
A broken clock is right twice a day.
Grayson Gray
>Why is this garbage studio still afloat?
Not for long
David Richardson
>ufotable might die hahaha as fucking if, why do people think tax fraud means anything at all
>somehow this affects shaft
Jayden Stewart
this looks too much like monogatari
Carson Morales
what a shame
snoy slowly leaking even into anime
Carson Gutierrez
we need to actually ban censorship
Blake Reyes
Joseph Morris
Ethan Myers
Man, I just downloaded this show like 3 days ago and its the BD version because I thought it was the other way around and I don't think I want to watch a censored version is it still worth it?
Connor Lopez
Tyler Perry
I'm watching Cross Ange right now and my god is it depressing.
Jackson Taylor
Made me chuckle
Jacob Hall
This man speaks the truth.
James Russell
Imagine Haru's buttocks against your dick
John Nguyen
those are some pretty bouncy titties
Dominic Morales
Can I just get the tv webms by themselves?
Xavier Price
I would kill for that Monogatari folder
Josiah Bell
Those are incredible. I love when obscene tits bounce like that and nobody does it anymore.
Jason Torres
Nisekoi was fine during the first chapter/season, there was actually some plot and development.
After that it became some sort of gag manga with self contained stories in each chapter, like Ranma, but without being funny.
Nolan Anderson
The thing with nisekoi is that a lot of chapters and arcs don't seem important and feel like filler at first, but will have importance later down the line. There are some filler chapters here and there, but ones like the Mikage arc, the amnesia arc, the Kyouko-sensei arc, and the Hana arc, while not having plot progression still count as plot because they have important things in them that lead to progress later in the story. Even small chapters will have the characters interact and grow closer which is important relationship development.
Wyatt Moore
>Yea Forums loves bokuben
Cameron Garcia
>know that people won't see that part
>just somewhat connect lines
I'm not sure it would be what you want.
Easton Flores
Wyatt Flores
Is it just me or does it seem like only worse girl was more censored?
Hudson Morris
Adam Moore
Eh, Barbie doll censorship is better than total censorship.
Ethan Hill
Levi Bell
Aniplex false equivalence.
Samuel Powell
There is a route in the game that has a harem ending.
Brody Phillips
Jackson Bennett
Selena got hit worse.
Liam Torres
This thread is proof that you should never pay for anything.
Alexander Rogers