What is the worst anime you've ever finished?

What is the worst anime you've ever finished?

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At least the hime was sexy I guess.

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Sakamoto desuga
I didnt even enjoyed it, dont know why the fuck I watched it until the end.

I've watched so many shitty shows that I can't even count, but this one sure is worth mentioning. It didn't work even for laughs

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Mayoiga. Threads with Yea Forums were fun though.


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K-ON, I watched it because it was popular.
It represents most things I don't like in anime - lame school club activities where nothing happens.
Good doujins though.

Dragon ball z

Darling in the Franxx

No seriously.


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Master of martial hearts the first episodes are such a snorefest but that endings unbelievable amount of bullshit was entertaining enough to make it not a complete waste of time

Still Yosuga no Sora.

Devil Survivor 2
No idea why I even finished it, it was just a shitty videogame adaptation that butchered the story, characters and had poor production values in general

It has to be either Netoge, either Gundam Stardust Memery.

Shit taste.

Good taste.

I love these thread. I get to find people who just have shit tastes. Just because you hate the anime, dont confuse it with being bad.

Hajimete no gal
God I wish i could take those hours back

Ah I see this is a bait thread.

I can name worse anime but I stopped watching them, or I don't watch them at all.

OP's thread condition pretty much guarantees that everyone's answers will look like bait.

Aldnoah Zero

I watched this years ago and thought it was dumb as fuck too.

I am glad to have confirmation through someone else that I wasn't just young and too mentally retarded to appreciate and understand it.


second that

Or maybe Bleach (all 366 episodes + the most the extra shit). I'm a sucker for the sunk cost fallacy.

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this piece of trash

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I usually drop anything that I don't like, so even the worst ones I've finished are at least watchable. Anyway, it's probably Accel World. That's the only show I can think of that I've both finished and hate.

At least the OST was awesome.

Big Order.

That Master of Ragnrok or whatever one
It was so bad, but I just kept watching
The girls were alright I guess

Chaos dragon was pretty bad

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I don't remember, but lately, I watched Sasami-san@ganbaranai and hated it more with every new episode.
Still good, as I drop like 70% of everything I watch.

Nobody but me remembers Kamisama Kazoku sucking every last ball in the universe post episode 4

When I was first burning through anime at 14, in addition to quality shit like cowboy bebop or full metal alchemist, my dick also determined a lot of stuff I watched. Sure stuff like Love Hina or Girls Bravo are dumb and pandering to 14yo boys but at least theres stuff you could still give them credit for, their not the worst you could find.

Ultimate Girls has nothing redeemable, it's just really bad. These girls turn giant and fight monsters, but I think theres some dumb gimmick where if they are embarrased they get stronger and so their clothes melt and shit like that while the whole city stares at them cause their giant. Just really bad writing and animation and design, but I watched it cause my dick told me to.

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Texhnolyze. Hated it. It's usually in those pretentious anime charts next to stuff I do like but it for some reason just didn't appeal to me.

Imo-Imo. It was terrible and a dissapointment because I love anime with cute imoutos.

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I've never finished an anime that I've considered bad.
I've gone as far as dropping those bad shows two or three episodes before the end.

Koe no Katachi. I normally just stop watching but it's kind of hard to "drop" a movie halfway in



my blood was boiling. fuck that ending.

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I only watched it for trap!Kirito. My dick, at least, wasn't disappointed.
I still shed a tear at the Yuki death though. Why, I'm still not sure.

People are just listing regular anime they dont like. Surprised there aren't more actually terrible shows in this thread.

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SAO 2 was bad because of Kirito

The OP specified "finished", not too many people like eating shit completely.

Most generic and bland anime with the worst sounding short stack ever.
I liked it, even if the ending did suck

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a tie between

Key the Metal Idol and Asobi ni Iku Yo

They were both awful but for different reasons. I watched Key for any hint of cool robot shenanigans and the catgirl schlock I literally only watched because they did a decent job with the guns

Still is Yosuga no Sora.

Speed Grapher

Guy kills people by taking pictures of them, then they explode. Intro was good, but the show had a dumb premise and the villains were just so bad.

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Do you faggots have to make the same thread everyday?
Why mods allow this kind of contrarian threads but deletes legit quality discussion threads?

I think 2005 was just a shit year to start getting into anime. It seems most everything from that year was just the worst. It was right around when hand drawn animation was switching over to computer animation, but the shows also just seemed to be really bad around then.

Are all from 2005

I'm gonna have to disagree with you.
Imo, SAO is the Kirito show. Part 1 was everything you would expect. Then S2 part 2 tried to make you feel bad for people with terminal illnesses. If the garbage transition felt like an excuse to give Asuna a BFF to kill off for "tension" that's because it was.

It was like my 4th anime so I was a retarded teenager that didn't want to accept that a good chunk of anime are unwatchable garbage

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The truly bad ones are the ones I don’t even remember watching. Probably some dumb haremshit.

All I remember about the show was being bored as fuck and hating all the characters.

Either B Gata H Kei or Say I Love You.

I fucking hate everything about both of those shows.


Can't decide between Chobits, Black Bullet and Kotoura-san. Man, I loathe these shows. All of them are absolute garbage.


Trigun irritated the fuck out of me, it wasn’t necessarily a bad anime though. Trying to dig deep and remember the horde of unpopular titles I’ve seen over the years... Salaryman Kintaro is the likeliest choice

Elfen Lied or Maho Shojo Site

Elfen Lied wasn’t really that bad, especially now by contemporary standards. Gore kino has been off the menu for a long, long time.

That fucking pirate anime with the dude who has the straw hat and lanky friends

Probably not the worst but man did it suck
oh boy I hope this doesn't go full random plot point with 2 episodes to go and then magic BS fixes everything for no reason. FUCK
>A/Z 2
Nothing redeemable aside from watching people in the threads try and justify the stupid shit it pulled

SAO is like Mahouka for me. Its so ridiculously cheesy while trying to be serious that it wraps back around into comedy.

Isn't "good and bad" and "shit taste" human conceptions anyways? It's not like an anime can be objectively good, or good beyond the subjectivity of someone, so in both cases it just depends on personal opinion

Bodacious Space pirates


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chuunibyou, i hated every single character especially the faggot mc, he should've been dark flame master full time

Kill La Kill

Wow that was fucking retarded, just stay away from internet

Tokyo Ghoul Re Season 2

Shits an absolute abomination and I usually enjoy the TG adaptions more than most

Shit taste detected

I dropped that after a couple episodes. Animation change was jarring and everything felt off

The only two things I remember from this are somebody's house being on fire and glasses girl's ridiculous voice.

Your favorite anime

Of course we have to, Yea Forums wouldn't be Yea Forums without people bashing their opinions on someone and call them faggots for not accepting their subjective opinions.

Show was shit indeed but that ED tho

>Elfen Lied wasn’t really that bad
It was pretty bad. True nowadays there is worse shit but you can probably guess I don't watch or finish that.

watched it on a stream. It was unintentionally hilarious

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Chaos Dragon: Sekiryuu Seneki

literally just used it to kill time, absolute garbage

The first 3/4 of Yosuga no Sora is just not worth watching. Why are you defending it?

Watched SAO because my friends were raving about it.

Was okay until it went fanservice with the loli or some shit and all down hill. It spent a couple of episodes on worthless side characters like the blacksmith or the little girl he escorted. Those two didn't even show the fuck up in the second season or least play a role? The romance felt so rushed that went straight into marriage. I'm pretty sure MC didn't show any affection for the main girl up until that point. I thought I was going to get an action anime but instead nothing but drama. I never will take any anime recommendations from my friends ever again.

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Bloodivores (Chink shit that I gave a chance)
Vividred Operation.

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Comic Party

I watched both dubbed on dvd during the 2003 american anime fad.

Don't watch either of those shows, subbed or dubbed. They are considerably worse than shit like Elfen Lied, B Gata H Kei, or Gundam SEED Destiny.

I MISS Mayoiga threads. But the show itself was absolute ass.

shame, looks like ithad potential.

Shuffle is another show from 2005. I'm starting to believe that was the worst year ever in anime.

To-Love Ru

I skipped the last episode of Glasslip.
For me it's pic related.

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Abject trash but I'm always a sucker for elf mecha pilots, especially when they're brown

cute loli who could transform into big tiddy predatory lesbian was a bonus

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Don't insult the CHU CHU you just have shit taste
Seriously though Ousama-game and , both were concentrated shit but I always looked forward to what ridiculous scene the next episode would bring.

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>Shoji Kawamori is part of a right-wing environmentalist cult and wants you to know about it

the meta-context was fascinating but hoo boy this was a stinker

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Demon Lord Dante, I fell asleep on the last episode.

Index. Now I findout there's a third season out. Fuck that.

This piece of shit. Not only because is was pretty bad but also because it's probably the only Atelier anime we are ever going to get. They could have adapted literally any other modern Atelier game.

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Shomin Sample. I prefer shows that are at least relatable in some ways.

definitely an isekai, but thankfully I don't remember which one
the escapism is very unhealthy spiritually, even though I understand why its attractive
we all want to be the winner

Worst plot twist I have ever seen.
>nearly everyone dies
>btw. I have a magic eye and that's why I know she is dead, I even saw it and jerked of to it a couple of times

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It's just a harem anime ... why so much hate

Does it count if I know it was bad but I kind of liked it anyway?

Either this or Rosario Vampire even though I did expect it.

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Danganronpa 3
The threads were so much fun and made me watch it until the very end

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not anime, but this was such a shitshow fom start to finish, the only reason i finished it was the tits, really

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this piece of generic crap

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I'm going to agree with this.
I fell asleep watching SAO. Can't say the same for any other anime.


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I've yet to watch a show as consistently awful and nonsensical as Mirai Nikki.

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This, although it was crap since episode 3. It was enjoyable to make fun of it though.
Other contestants are Endless Eight, Kara no Kyoukai 6 and Angels of Death from last year.

It's a tie between SDF Macross and Pretty Rhythm Dear My Future.

Kyoukai no Kanata

the manga is way better

I hated my life watching this holy shit worst experience I've ever had watching anime.
When I don't enjoy a show I usually drop but I had to force myself through that since it's so beloved.
Well fuck me it was shit all along.

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peaked at episode 4

I enjoyed it at first but lost interest for the last third not sure why.

Wizard Barristers.

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>Steins;Gate 0

particularly Kancolle was the first show I watched while on air, don't know what I was thinking going through that shit

president was best girl
just watched the 1st episode

The fucking humor in this show ruins it for me, unfunny and jokes are drawn out for too long. Shame because I love almost everything else about it.

also JJBA Stardust Crusaders
shit was great but fucking tiring

It was another time

That's what you get for watching the pleb version of FMA

Fuck that ending, I still feel bad for Kuroneko.

>you've ever finished?
Normally I drop them when they are terrible. I did finish the first season of 3D Kanojo though, which was pretty fucking awful.


And I have seen a lot of really bad shit.

So much wasted time

I think I'm the only one who watched this

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Netoge, hands down.

Shit OP, shit ED, shit humor that’s all either lazy Ctrl-Alt-Del tier MMO jokes or “lmao fuck normies amirite” potshots, shit characterization. Stagnant as fuck because every character who isn’t Rusian or Dollar Store Tomoko gets shafted. I was expecting a run-of-the-mill meme comedy series when I started watching, but by episode 10 I had to force myself to finish the series just because I couldn’t justify wasting another hour of my life on a shitty contrived anime that even manages to fuck up the fanservice.

Admittedly, I got into this series right around the time it stopped being cool to call every idiot on the Internet a normie, so maybe I’m not getting the full picture. If that’s the case, Yea Forums must have been a real different place 3 years ago, because this shit has not held up well.

That shit was so rushed.


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Akiko is almost perfect, but not even she can save this mess of a show.

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Green Green.

I feel old now and I know there are people here who feel even older due to me saying that.

this show might be the worst thing ive ever watched, fucking hilarious, but fucking horrible

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Green Green is one of those shows where you can be a 16 year old in 2030 and still somehow stumble upon it

Probably Upotte!!
A comfy half education half cute anime ruined by a desperate last ditch attempt to insert some kind of tragic plot, too far into the show to drop.

c the money of soul and possibility control

Re Creators

Your Lie in April. I wanted every single character dead by the end. Nothing is natural. All of the "friends" are disgusting pieces of trash. No one cares about the shonen competition rivalry shit despite it being most of the show. 3/4 of the series didn't need to be MC sperging out over his mom on repeat. I was under the impression it was a romance series but didn't fucking get any. The "lie" was stupid and forced. Like everything else. Because it was adapted from a manga the people talk too damn much over the music. The only character worth caring about was written out of the story less than halfway through. Fuck everything about it. Except maybe the art and music. And OP 1.

boku no hero
all 3 seasons


Hunterxhunter, easily

i thought the ending to it was okay but man everything else was just fucking AWFUL

Pleb filter anime.

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Now this is a blisteringly hot take.

Blood-C, no idea how I managed to finish it.

True tears

berserk 2016

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I tried Madoka, because people said if I liked Evangelion I would like it. The Witch realms or whatever were kinda cool if not to my tastes. But overall it fell flat and lacked any real gravity to me. TL;DR wasn't fucked up enough.

Probabaly Gantz, with a honorable mention of Clannad. I know people love it but I couldn't stand it.

Wrong. There were threads when it aired.

I watched this after getting my wisdom teeth removed and thought it was fucking amazing. Watched it again a year later and couldn’t get through the first 7 episodes. I now realize it wasn’t the show I liked, rather the pain killers

I think Chobits was one of the first Manga I read. I mainly just used it as fap material. Tried the anime, I thought I was going to have a stroke at how retarded it was.

That Oreimo-esque incest romance from last year

In terms of it being boring, definitely Gate. In terms of it being retarded, Mirai Nikki.


Divine Gate


candy boy.
fuck that shit


Pretty much wasted potential the show. Rather than do anything interesting with the story, they just wasted time with boring teenage drama until they remembered that they had to end the show, and then went on to make one of the worst ending arcs I've ever seen. My expectations were pretty low from the start, but they managed to not even meet those.

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Elf girl mecha? Sounds cool

You should check out escaflowne
its got cat girl mecha
And it's also a really good anime, a classic from the 90s.

Genei wo Kakeru

I never understood the dagonropa craze. I know it's a long game series, but goddamn do the character designs look like ass. I couldnt watch an anime so ugly looking, but I guess you had fun with the "so bad its good" aspect.

At least other harem anime have redeeming aspects. To Love Ru, Highschool DxD have fan service and Highschool of the dead has really good animation on top of loads of fan service. Those are already guilty pleasures, but then take out the pandering fan service, make the good/decent animation bad, what do you really have left?

It's been a long time since I finished an anime that I didn't enjoy.

Very bad bait

We get it you have shit taste

Damm I remember being in 8th/9th grade when that came out and was airing on adult swim or something. Some kids at school liked it but I literally dont know what the appeal was. First episode was an okay hook, and then I had them show me what happens down the road and it just looked so boring and bad.

It's so good as a manga, but it's so long and slow as an anime, I just cant get around to recommending it to any of my friends even though it has one of my favorite villains.

I think I'll say "Isuca".

Yo I remember loving gantz. Obviously it was wayyy too edgy with its dialogue and really wanted to deliver a lot of tits and blood, but it at least did that really well. The action was awesome it felt more visceral than a lot of the early 2000s stuff, but the opening was a fucking banger.

Lol I just remember a flashback at the very end where like some scientist made chobits (like it was her sister or her in a past life idk) but she fell for him and convinced him to ditch his wife and run away with her. Like fucking based ahahaha, why wasnt the story about that instead of the terrible main cast the show got?

Tbh I liked the teen drama in the middle the most. Maybe its cause we already got to know the cast from the fights by this point, but the blonde girl finding out about babies and wanting one with the depressed guy, the fat guy going bulimic and hiding it from everyone, the fucking cute wedding in the middle. The show did great giving us character time and I was bummed it ended cause the action and world building were starting to be subpar to me.

This piece of shit

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This. Best girl kicks MC's shin and he squeals. And that's the only redeeming quality.

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Hard to say. Kiddy Girl-and was pretty terrible.

Its opening song makes it all worth it.

Shakugan no Shana. In and of itself it, there are worse anime. But considering how many episodes and movies there are. It was an absoloute nightmare to sit through and to this day I still don't know why I actually completed it.

Kajji. You have to be sub 60iq to actually enjoy that deus ex machina pile of trash with that hooknosed, whining, crying, do nuffin MC.

Monster musume, fucking retarded. Fun though, I guess

the opening was good the rest is shit

Is that at all related to kiddy grade? I remember that coming out back in the day and it just looked like a super boring scifi whose only point was that it's too leads were lesbians.

Didnt see that but the author made another shorter show about mahjong that I liked. I dont know shit about mahjong but it was basically just a story about a kid who was ruthless with bluffing and reading opponents. Not much other than that but it was decent and I loved the intro/outro.

Lol that show wanted to be a hentai so bad, I dont get why it wasnt just a hentai and go all the way, cause it was that level of retarded writing and logic

I enjoyed Kiddy Girl and, while I didn't like Kiddy Grade.
Though I understand that the difference pissed off all fans.

Barely. Some recurring characters and Ecliar + Lumiere show up a few times but the majority of it was the new insufferable duo dicking around.

Bokusatsu-Tenshi Dokuro-chan, I guess. It was short, so whatever, but man that was a pile of shit. Sometimes quite literally.


Mayoiegg is based

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I love Lovepon!

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I agree, the show was terrible but the threads and all the OC were like old Yea Forums

Devil Survivor 2 is actually the only Megami Tensei game I've played. Invested way too much time into that game.

Probably Air. I wanted to gouge my eyes out at the end of every arc and doubly so at the conclusion. Reminder that everything by Key is mediocre at the source material and an abomination of television when adapted

I've genuinely never finished even a season of a bad one


You're entitled to your opinion, but fuck you.

How was it retarded writing if it was meant to be absurd? And ecchi always sells more than hentai, that's why it didn't go all the way.

Oh that makes sense. I honestly dont know much about the whole ecchi/hentai industry. The whole "you have to take care of x girls who want to fuck your brains out" and other ridiculous writing is the kinda stuff you'd see in hentai, and I get it that's why youd watch either in the first place, like you dont watch hentai or ecchi for realistic or even reasonable scenarios or writing.

Lel this is actually one of my favorite anime. I'm sorry ypubdont like it. It's a nice different kind of anime and I love all the eyes wide shut aspects and all the weird violence and fetish and sexual symbolism. It's fun and has that perfect kind of melancholic ending

I'll admit it hooked me at the beginning with what you are talking about that whole "eyes wide shut" aspect. A secret underground cultist society that has fetish rituals and top officials in its ranks. It was a very different premise, and having the two protagonists on the run is a good start to have the plot progress, but after I finished it I just felt like it didnt really do much with its unique premise after it's initial start.

Arc-V. I'll never get that time back

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I quit at the episode he beat a boss and someone called him a fucking cheater and rather than call that guy a faggot he made himself some kinda edgelord and owned it


i havent finished watching a single anime i didnt like
i havent got time for that shit man, if im not liking it ill drop it

Must hurt to be this fucking retarded

Honey & Clover

twin stars
what a fucking piece of shit

Sword Art Online is shit

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Majou Sensou was amazingly fucking aweful.

Fuck you, it was fun

Comet lucifer

Fuck off, it was shit but fun to watch.

Gundam SEED Destiny

If you want a show that ignores all the character development from the previous series so some characters can learn the same exact lessons again, introduces an absolutely unlikable new cast of characters that get shelved halfway through, retcons the completely inescapable deaths of characters from the previous series, resurrects the villain through use of "I'm a clone" (note that the original villain was already a clone), and drags on for 25 more episodes than necessary then Gundam SEED Destiny is for you.

Shinsekai Yori. Wanted to slit my wrists near the end, boring pretentious shit with forced drama and random homoshit.

Mirai Nikki. It was sort of entertaining but I have no illusions about the thing being a catastrophic mess.

Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga. It denigrates humanity as a whole.


yea I can completely understand that tbqh and I do kinda feel the same way. Idk I really love it and I think it's worth watching for at least something different
also this was the worst anime ive ever seen and finished, extremely boring, nothing happens, cunty MC and I dont even remember anything about it
actually I do remember how often the MC would bring up how much he hates sweets and was a real fucking asshole about it

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Tie between Code Geass, K-On, and Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero.

I second this. A trash show with a trash MC. Pic related was the only reason I bothered to continue

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wind a breath of heart

Chobits was EVERYONE's first manga alongside shit like Love Hina, back in the old #lurk days.

How not to summon a demon lord

Tokyo Ghoul
All of it.

imagine being this gay

They are not even pirates, it's just a SoL, but missing the actual SoL parts.

Imagine having this much bad taste

at least I don't literally suck COCK

Cocks don't taste bad though.

satan agrees

I wasn't sure if I should pick that though, it fails as an anime, so I'm not sure if it can be classified as a bad anime. It's just pure shit.
god, I hate it so much, S1 had so much to make it good, but no, lets throw everything out the window

This is one that when I originally watched effected me but I rewatched it in recent years and its horribly dated, hasn't aged well, its an all round mediocre production down to the art, animation and voice acting and the drama ranges from kind of still working, to embarrassingly forced.
I still love the final set of episodes though.
Elfen lied hasn't held up for me either, it fails to mix its different genre elements and is poorly directed.

I genuinely hate it and all of his work, along with Nasu's but I wouldn't answer it as the worst I've seen.

My choice is Higurashi, Erased and Tears to Tiara.

To add, in fairness my problem with Erased is probably more adaption related.
Tears to Tiara annoyed me for having terrible direction and never actually going anywhere, then ending unsatisfyingly.

In the end I pick higurashi because it genuinely angers me even hearing the title being spoken, it was the most unpleasurable experience I've had when following anything in any medium and I can't think of a single thing I enjoyed about it.
I feel the need to apologize for disliking it.

>ass loads of interesting character cencepts
>story direction and pacing is a total trainwreck

I know their names were only tied to it, but I remember how hyped people got over this before it aired because they saw Urobutchi and Nasu's names on it.
Makes me dislike those authors even further.

Serial Experiments Lain

How many shows have MC's with glowing hand powers?

I'd argue about who was best girl but its just not worth it.
pic related was my fav tho

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it was boring as heck, but the girls were pretty cute

Yeah that sounds pretty bad. I remember SEED getting kinda popular when I was in hs, and I'm glad i skipped it as a whole. I've gotten into different gundam shows over the years but SEED sounds like it was a kind of a fad that I would have only liked as a teenager.

I'm not really sure if I ever watched an anime that I outright fucking hated after finishing it, but this one is definitely the most recent where I felt like I utteraly wasted my time watching. I felt like all of it was pointless.
I enjoyed the first few episodes but once it reaches the middle with those weird angels or whatever the fuck it all goes downhill. Good OP though, and I'm a sucker for characters like Keith.

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As bad as chobits was at least I finished it, I cant say the same for Love Hina. I know it's like the predecessor to all harem, but it was just so boring I couldn't watch past like ferris wheel episode. I remember Please Teacher doing what these two shows do better.

My roommates (a couple) got into this while scrolling netlfix and they like to binge stuff together and I'll join from time to time. When it was over I definitely felt it was rather weak and surprised they watched all the way to the end.

None of the netflix anime have been good , but hero mask however, from what I saw has very poor editing.

Someone remembers Please teacher, I remember it and its spin offs, I had a thing for Ichigo, Karen and Remon(if we include ano natsu matteru).
People generally dislike Chobits and Love Hina based on considering them inferior their source manga.

It's a shame really, S1 was good and I stopped when I heard 2 was bad. Manga was great but its surprising to hear s2 was THAT bad that they couldnt even redeem it in s3.

>that they couldnt even redeem it in s3.
they didn't even try since it goes back to the manga continuity that s2 abandoned

Holy shit this ws puke worthy, and I even like isekai

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reddit in the franxx
only watched because half the board was shitposting about it

Probably Kämpfer.

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>wayyy too edgy with its dialogue and really wanted to deliver a lot of tits and blood, but it at least did that really well. Th

I did love the concept its execution was the problem. I think if it was done for a more mature audience and not pure edge it could have been great.

Yugioh motherfucking Arc-V. What a cruel waste of character design and music.

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Those were the days, I also remember reading back then (mid 2000's) Demon Diary and Petshop of Horrors which I liked. mid 2000's was more or less when manga and anime came to the UK and you could actually buy stuff in mainstream bookshops.

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Just remembered my friend at college lent me a load of anime, mostly trashed but there was one I cannot remember the name of where like people used chi or something to hide their body size, it was set in a high school (which you know, is so specific). I just remember a girl getting beaten up and it turns out she was a landwhale

S3 was even worse than S2 though.
it was like
S1 5/10
S2 2/10
S3 1/10
S4 -1/10
I didn't read the manga, but if the author consistently shits on internal consistency like the anime, then it's most likely the same shit. And that's probably how it is since it that's how seinens are.
There are way too many useless characters, there are way too many forced jokes, there is way to much edgy gorefest and grimderp.
The plot doesn't make any sense, there is no character development save for the MC realizing that being a fag is killing people and then reverting back to being a retard. The whole stuff just feels forced by the author, people don't act like people, they act the way the plot requires them.

Such a waste of time. I've seen anime I think are more bombastic failures, or that actually infuriated me, but I've only seen a handful of anime that I actually regret wasting my time on. Of those, Glasslip was the worst.

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You managed to finish it? I couldn't even last 2 episodes.


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Probably Elfen Lied, though I hated Sakurasou the most by a fucking landslide.

That's probably how most people felt watching it.

No, I don't mean the second season; I didn't even watch that. The protagonist somehow manages to be both bland and a complete fuckhead whose feelings and motives change on an episode to episode basis. The side characters range from useless (Kumin, Isshiki) to annoying (Dekomori, Tooka), and the only decent characters are Shinka and Rikka (she has problems too, though).
The drama is nonsensical bullshit
The fight scenes are godawful. Even when used for comedy, the visuals are just obnoxious and make my eyes hurt, and the scenes last way too fucking long. They just further compound the shit drama, particularly exemplified by the fight between Rikka and her sister at the site of their old house. The dialogue and inconsistent behavior of the characters was already godawful, so did they really have to undercut whatever emotion was provided in that scene by Rikka through their high budget auto-fellatio?

I haven't even gotten to the worst part: the last two episodes. The show has finally got on the right path with the mutual love confession (a really good scene, I will admit), but Yuuta fucked me over again through inability to not change his mind every few minutes. His character development is completely undone within the space of literally two minutes after he meets Rikka's mom. Despite being a complete piece of shit who abandoned her kids, a single bento is enough for Yuuta to do a 180 on his character development and side with her family to bully Rikka into being "normal." Then, in the episode immediately after (the last fucking episode), he changes his mind AGAIN and he and his stupid fucking friends go and rescue her from her grandparent's house and have terrible dialogue together. The End.

What makes me particularly incensed about this show is that all of the building blocks were there to make this great, but it fell into every single pitfall that KyoAni works are susceptible to.

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Oh god this. Was years ago, when I hadn't seen too much anime, but I figured I liked anime I had seen, and really like one of the ps2 games, so I'd watch all of this shit. Man, that was a mistake.

If shows are terrible enough most people with drop it.

Manga actually had a cohesive plot. I heard s2 dropped the story altogether to become some completely different plot altogether. S3 tried to bring it back to main plot but it was too late and too different in storyline to salvage.

The show

This show drives me into such autistic rage that I didn't even manage to finish my sentence
>The drama is nonsensical bullshit
I don't even remember what I was going to write here. In summary: Yuuta is a piece of shit, the worst anime protagonist I've ever encountered, and possibly one of the worst characters in general. I honestly could not tell you any of his personality traits; he's not even "kind" like other generic protagonists, he just half-assedly plays the straight man and whatever spews bullshit from his tiny mouth that's required to move the "plot" along and amplify the drama.

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Y'know something looking over this thread, it reminds me how I've stopped being completionist these days, if I hate something now I just won't finish it, I don't care how popular or how unpopular it is.

that sounds more interesting then it really is
it's really >>>/bore/

God this looked like the most boring shit ever. I'm amazed you got through this, I can understand wanting to see it after playing the games, but goddamn did the show(s) look bad.

>who am I?
>what does it mean to be me?
>what does it mean to be a guy?
Come on

fuck you

When babby starts watching anime.

Maho Shojo Site, the only anime I've dropped.

See, I actually liked Another until the ending. It wasn't even the slaughterfest at the end that made me hate it; it was just the final scenes that ruined the show. The eye reveal was complete bullshit that invalidated the entire plot, and the reveal relied on purposely concealing information that the protagonist knew from the audience. That is the cardinal sin that any mystery anime can commit.

A perfect example of why MAL is shit.

I remember being really pissed that they copped out with the ending. Like I know it ended long before the manga did, but they could at least give us a goddamn minute of closure to see if they made it back to the real world or not, instead it just fades to white and leaves the audience completely in the dark.

I took a look at the manga years later and the ending looked batshit crazy, but I was interested enough to maybe give it a go. Only I wasnt a dumb 15 year old boy anymore so that didnt really last long and I dropped it.

Beta + Cheater = Beater must be the most cringe thing I remember about S1 SAO.

Nah, it was funny. I still can't decide if the humor was intentional or unintentional, though. Perhaps a mixture of both.

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FLCL Progressive and Alternative, I only kept going because I was high on nostalgia for the original but they are both just unbearable.

It's engrish user. Don mai!

Mirai Nikki = Edgy shit garbage
Little Witch Academia (TV) (LWA TV) = Reboot is a mistake
Princess Lover = Why the fuck i even watch this.
Ragnarok The Animation = Boring

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Nadia Secret of Blue Water. After watching it I took it to the range and shot it with a shotgun.

God that's bad. I can only imagine how many braindead fans gave it a 10 in order to have a score that high. I'm so glad our standards have gotten better enough that now we shit on SAO as the go to "bad" mmo show, it's best to not even give that one attention.

Ahahaha, is that really that bad? I always thought of it as like a sleeper hit of the 90s, but I just never got around to it myself to check if it was good or not.

Dance in the vampire bundt.

I should finish more shows, but fuck this one

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>Piece of shit gataris flopped because of those useless pricks
Well deserved

The MC was a giant asshole. I've never seen a more hateable character than Nadia.

i refuse to believe you havent seen a show worse then mirai nikki, unless youve only seen 5 fucking shows, it had its flaws but overall it was pretty solid

Either Eureka Seven or Darling in the Franxx. They both start out so promising that it's honestly incredible how they dropped the ball so hard like that.


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Probably Corpse Party

If I like train wrecks (Crosss Ange, Danganronpa 3, Valrape, Mayoiga, Guilty Crown, etc) will I like this? Is Egao at least entertaining?

I literally dropped after 5 minutes

oh man I had high expections with this one :(

Tengo tenge by oh great
I actually really love that manga and art

ranks infinitely better than the previous saos

TTGL. If you like this show, you don't belong on Yea Forums.

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In terms of boring, Coppelion, even the spider tank was boring.
In terms of frustrating, GATE
In terms of disappointing, Virgin Soul

Egao is just wasted potential the show, it didnt even have meme potential like cross ange or mayoiga


hetalia. god awful.

>he didn't enjoy loli suffering
What a fucking faggot holy shit.

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I want my time back, all of it

tell me why you didn't like it so much to make this generalization?

>you've ever finished
You missed the point of the thread, dude

I know right? Long ass VNs never translate well.

I can't believe we wasted 12 episodes waiting for deliver, we didn't got shit. The threads were kind of fun but nothing special

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>Cross Ange being a trainwreck

I could not agree more.
At least the threads were fucking hilarious.

>mommy wont eat apple pies with you
>leave home only to get beat up by the cops
>Linkin Park plays in the background

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I don't think I'll ever get over suffering all of SAO season 1 only to be met with "Why did you do all of this?" "I dunno"

Oh fuck you, the fact that they just glossed over that to marvel what a fantastic world the bastard made just made me extremely angry and made me think the lead was a sociopath who got off on being this badass in a video game world yet even that wasn't true.

I think another show I really fucking hate was that Wizard Barriester show, they ran out of budget less than half way in, the plot was full of holes, the designs were eye cancer and the lead was such a mary sue even fucking saten fell in love with her loli ass. For those who can't remember the lead of the show was a 12 year old idol who is the chosen one, who can summon a mecha with hr magic, has a frog familiar voiced by Wakamoto or something

I regret nothing

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Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?
I stopped watching anime for 2 years after finishing it. Not even joking.

Lmao. Right? I watched it because this friend of mine said it was GOD tier, and was pretty excited about it:
>watched the first couple of episodes
>friend was like, "no, man, just keep watching, it gets real good; ep. 8 will blow your mind"
>get tired of this shit but somehow manage to get to ep 8
>tell my buddy I can't keep watching this trash
>"ok, ok... Just wait for the end; it'll blow your mind"
>"dude, you literally said the same abo-"
>"trust me, it's pretty good"
>"no man, this is absolute ga-"
>"please... you're more than half way through; just finish it"
>gotta do it for my dawg
>keep carrying that weight until i finally get to the final episode
>mfw it was actually not bad
>mfw still wasn't worth watching the whole thing
>mfw i'm still mad
>mfw we're not friends anymore

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>Wizard Barriester
There it is. I was struggling to come up with something I'd consider the worst I've gone the distance with, but that's as good as any. I wish Umetsu was capable of creating a decent show to show off his character designs for once.

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Master of Martial Hearts.

>When your MC is in only four episodes due to flash backs
>When your happy about that because he's an annoying little shit

Banger opening though

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Man, the last few episodes of this were a real trip.

Kill yourself you shitty faggot.

Make a new looking character already. It is just a game.

Madoka just felt like it was trying to hard to subvert its on genre. Sadly thats something I see in a lot of anime, you can can subvert with out having to be over the top.

Zettai Bouei Leviathan

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>Gundam SEED
>Best boy sacrifices himself for worst girl ever
I'm still mad about that one. Easily one of the worst animes I've finished. There isn't a single character in that anime aside from best boy who wasn't some variation of unlikable cunt.

As of 20 minutes ago, The Promised Neverland.

Elfen Lied / Re:Creators. Can't stand that kind of boring generic self-insert MC that are forced into the plot even though they seem to have no relevance to it. The other characters show great interest in them even though are are in no way interesting or important.

Fuck you that's a top 10 anime of all time

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Total garbage

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>people in Yea Forums unironically watched and liked Haganai.

Because it was good

If you think Charlotte was the worst you either watch 5 anime or a fucking retard

aku no hana was a god damn abomination, the worst thing i've seen

Stop sucking dick for once you contrarian faggot

Fuck you hack is a classic

Steins gate, overrated garbage

My pick shouldn't be controversial at all.

So many posts on about 'not to my taste' rather than basic standards of quality.

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I can't fucking believe this shit got second season

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W'z is great. Hand Shakers has more merits than I thought upon rewatching it and getting past the visual disaster.

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Lackluster writing and franchise, but good art and incredible music. It's about a 6.5 from me.

This bullshit
It was literally anti-entertainment. Absolutely nothing happening.
I still don't know why i bothered going all the way to the end.

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It could have been saved by Nene staying in her normal form

Don't you have anything else to do other than being a contrarian faggot

Megazone 23
Utawarerumono s2
Rakudai Kishi

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darling in the franxx


Pretty sure that it was Divine Gate.

I agree this was terrible but the girls were exceptional. One of the rare shows where every girl is best girl

Fuck off

I miss 2014-2015. Simpler times

The manga is even worse. But it makes me diamonds

Bahamut Virgin Soul. It was the dumbest shit I've seen in a long time

Anything that was FOTS for last 3 years

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None that I remember. I don't obsess over shows I don't like and drop it before hand.

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it was fun chuuni and sol anime. I liked it.

>Contrarian-Faggot Circle Jerk: The Thread


Glassip and DAL 3

This plus the opening, but it was a trashrun otherwise

Fuck you, Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry is 10x better than Asterisk Wars
In fact, Asterisk Wars is one of the worst i've ever finnished (At least the first season, the second one i can't even remember if i dropped it or not, it was that bad)

Lol, why you bitter about that show?

It's so bad

Mine are probably Deadman Wonderland with it's dissapointing as fuck ending, and any season of Highschool DxD except for Hero (Because i haven't seen the last episode of that one)

Good lord this.

>> Terrible animation
>> Laughably bad soundtrack
>> Awful plot and delivery.

Watched the OVAs that just came out. Equally as bad.

This, I don't understand why it got such good reviews. I forced myself to finish it and ending was even worse.

1. Hiro isn't badass. I hoped at episode 22 he is badass and I really liked him. He will save Zero Two. I would have saved Zero Two. That made me think I was him in that scene.
2. Zero Two is not hot enough. Zero Two is supposed to be hot. I think she is hot all the time and she is still hot don't get me wrong, but she could have been hotter. Think about it. If Nishigori had not made her a nice girl after 15.
3. Kokoro fucking sucks. I've said it before and I'll say it again a thousand times until I die: Kokoro sucks. She is the worst. I know I said I want baby ending, but I want baby ending with Zero Two not on this girl.
4. When I pretend to be Code 016 at night, I think about hot girls and how I could do them. That's what FranXX is all about: how you would do those girls if you were Hiro even though he doesn't have the balls to do it himself. A reviewer on my story Birth and Rebirth told me this: you are the viewer and you have to put yourself into Hiro's brain and pretend how you would do it if you were him. Like when I pretend I'm Hiro, I have a thing where I find Zero Two in the beach (the one where she blabs about how Hiro is hers to Ichigo) and we do it real hard. What I'm saying is that HIRO IS STRAIGHT. You telling me they never fucked even when cuddling in the same room for a month.
5. Why didn't we get more naked girls? Not only that but we are told to not sexualise the girls after 8! They even wear some shitty catholic girls school uniform for the majority of the show! I can't even see them in their pilot suits much? Come on, Nishigori.
6. Mitsuru isn't even that big a deal. He's in one episode of the show where he was all angsty about Hiro not piloting his ass but now he's all over the show going 'muh Kokoro-san' and 'muh Hiro'.
7. What is even VIRM? More like 2 stupid masks put over a white blanket that was the final villain.

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I have no idea why I watched the whole of this.

Also perplexed as to why they decided to add the 'cliffhanger' meeting at the end, setting up a new season.

God awful.

How is this bad? I havent seem it but I've been debating seeing it for a while just for the incredible art style and animation. Is it that its mediocre story?

Oh, and this, I almost forgot Umineko anime happened. Higurashi was much better adapted to anime.

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So, because this wasn't an ecchi harem with everyone fucking like hamsters in a cage, you feel the entire show was 'the worst thing you've ever seen'?

Plenty of hentai sites to fulfil your bad taste my friend

It was full on ecchi to the point of cringe for 8 episodes(ass piloting lmao). It stopped because chinese government told them not to.
You can't combine serious drama with ridiculous sex metaphors and expect to be taken seriously,

Code breaker and Gokukoku no brynhldr

Would be 10/10 if the loli was DFC. The big titty loli ruined it and made it a 0/10 garbage.

This cringeworthy trash.

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>Little Witch Academia (TV) (LWA TV) = Reboot is a mistake

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Whaaaaat? Last 2 episodes were the best though, with the reveals.

Not everyone digs the DnD alignment concept. The story is still mediocre at best. I Enjoyed it but none of the new characters left any good impression to me.

>you cant do x because I dont like it
fanservice after the story get serious would be ridiculous
K watch wat u liek

>Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody
Worst is a hard thing to discern, but stuff like Mirai nikki and Elfen Lied had some semblence of character.

Death March is so bland, boring and unfufilling I'm angry with myself for wasting the time watching it. The characters had no personality, especially good guy Gary sue, and the world was uninspired even by isekai standards. The plot went nowhere and pacing was aids. Fuck this stupid show I can't believe how boring it was.

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Wolfs rain i couldnt even finish. And even stuff im not excited sbout watching it just tskes a lot longer to finish. But god it was not for me at all

I remember being excited that Coyboy Bebop team made another show, and then I took one glance at this and was immediately disappointed. The aesthetic was so grey and dreary that I couldnt watch this even if I tried.

GOD, Elfen Lied was hot garbage, although it was shit, it's a great experience reading or watching with someone. To this day, me and my gf will giggle like kids when we start talking about that retarded manga and anime.

I've watched garbage animes over the years (most of them when I was in college) but for the most recent one, it's Darling in the Franxx. Those were hours in my life I'll never get back.

lmao your breath must fucking stink from your shit taste thinking yosuga no sora is bad


>haganai was good

The manga is what the anime should have been.

I only watched it because everyone makes a giant fucking deal about it and so I thought, "eh, why not, might as well watch it so I know whether i should hate it or not." Big fucking mistake. First cour was a ton of wasted potential, a damn shame because the OP was actually not bad and the ED was pretty damn good. Second cour was the most predictable and forgettable garbage that I've ever had the displeasure of watching by far. And then after that, I somehow tricked myself into watching Ordinal Scale and getting my hopes up for an improvement. Another gigantic mistake. Writing was as bad as ever, on top of bad movie pacing because I still haven't seen a movie with good pacing. Damn shame that the still art was breathtaking at times, with the animation being pretty meh.

I'd also like to point out that Kirito is fucking weird. The little shit has a spotless battlestation with three fucking monitors, yet he's a stereotypical lazy-ass neet in every sense of the word with seemingly no parents. He can't be real.

>being a completionist
I've never understood why people do this to themselves. You're watching anime for fun, am i wrong? so why would you sit through abject trash that you're not enjoying at all and doesn't get better?

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I dont really watch bad shit now, or even in the last 4 or 5 years do I watch something without checking if it's really good or not. When I started watching anime at 14/15 though I had trash tastes, and I also wasnt as exposed to enough shows to know what was really good or bad.

My first anime was full metal alchemist, and I guess I got lucky starting on such a good show, but for me and I think a lot of others watching a trash show is just an early mistake while getting into anime.

Fuck off, tumblr

Lovepon was best girl

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