weather is cooling down here in Australia, time to go camping
Yuru Camp △
actually its time to want to go camping but stay inside all winter lets be real here
Nadeshiko is way too cute. I'm not much for camping but I'd let her drag me into it any day.
cute kirby
I wish it wasn't so damn hot all year where I live, Winter camping actually sounds nice. I loved campfire food when I was growing up.
iktf, we only have like a week of cold temperatures here in Brisbane in June
nice numbers
S2 or movie when?
What was her fucking problem?
genki baka
Nice a Yuru thread
Yuri Camp
Waifu C/a/mp Gathering when?
not sure if I'd want to get together to camp with a bunch of strangers off 4channel, but if we're all little girsl I guess its okay
oh no. oh no. oh nooo.
so, have you guys gone camping yet or at least visited any place in the anime like that user from the other thread?
I want to go camping soon
I'll probably get murdered tho
Bring Nadeshiko with you, so you wouldn't get murdered.
Planning on camping but don't have the money for all the equipment yet
don't forget the tip that a cheap tarp is good enough as a ground cover for your tent
Any of you guys do /k/amping?
Would Rin?
I don't think I will ever go camping. Instead, this show awakened my love for Mt Fuji and traveling in Japan. I was pissed that I couldn't find a Fuji-chan keychain or T-shirt though.
>tfw no Fujiko to talk about Mt Fuji with
note taken
It's common knowledge that Yea Forums is only populated by little girls. We'll be fine
Spring has sprung! Time to /out/, Yea Forums!
Just beware flash flood in certain area.
what happened here?
Fuji-san is the best
Fuji-san is love, Fuji-san is life.
>ntr'd by a fucking mountain
I live far north, so we get cold nights even during summer.
Ena best camp
I cannot wait for season 2 of our cute ramen cups.
And end up like mexican user x100 (because euchalyptus trees explode)?
Actually, not in Australia.. this place has a habit of making tourists disappear.
Almost happen to me once and I'm not even a tourist..
yeah, thats why I might stick to public campgrounds like the girls do
This is how I've always cooked spaghetti.
I thought anime was illegal there
Just porn with flat women.
I'm on E4 of this show ATM and I think it's absolutely charming!
Also note that the girl in the picture is a member of TEAM PINK.
TEAM PINK is the team of girls with pink hair, every one of whom is the best girl of her type. Nadeshiko is the best enthusiastic-wholesome-puppydog girl.
Best Shimarin type
I almost saw Fuji-kun but clouds got in the way
see if a friend has a random family tent and mooch from them
w-what happens to them?
Fuck campers, they always leave their trash everywhere.
Do girls really go out like this?
yes user girls have hobbiies
Of course not. Author is most likely a guy who projects his hobby onto cute 2D girls so that more people would enjoy it through the power of moe.
Just a windy day in Japan.
Insatiable hunger
Both have already been announced but no release date yet.
Not enough Rin-chan.
I am planning a trip in August but I'll likely be taking the Nihon Ki-in summer camp so I probably won't have time to visit any of the campgrounds
I went to a camping site but since I'm an amateur astronomer I stayed up all night, does it still count as go camping?
Rin-chan, what do they've done to you!?
>Rin will never notice you and smile
season 2 and the movie cant come soon enough
any idea when we'll possibly hear more news about it?
As a foreigner can I rent camping equipment at campgrounds?
God damn i want more yurus.
I want more campers.
I just want more.
On the up side, i am going to have a Rin-chan nendo in about a week.
>In June
I thought you lived in a desert?
why is this pink creature always so happy?
0 IQ means no thoughts to ever make you sad.
Because she know how much Yea Forums loves her.
Australia is in the southern hemisphere my dude their seasons are reversed. So Summer in the northern hemisphere is Winter in the southern hemisphere.
So what's the better way to camp?
Backpacking or car camping?
As long as your outside and having fun
The show is one of my favorite feel good shows. I'm glad you like and understand who best girl is user.
I thought Maggie land was banned from Yea Forums?
this guy gets it
I hear there's some yuri ntr going on in the manga
Not really.
Nadeshiko's childhood friend got NTR'd long before she appeared after all.
Based Drunk Teacher is a great addition.
Ye. Nadeshiko's sister ntrs her.
Season 2 when?
It can't come soon enough.
F bun
we hardly knew ye
Next year maybe.
Not really, unless they are in a big group or with their own family.
You know exactly why young women don't camp alone in the wilderness if you rub your two brain cells together.
buried 3 feet down covered in lye
ackshually I'm the OP
Too cute for this world
what food item did the bear steal from her?
I feel like unless it was food related she wouldn't fight a bear
Weather is starting to warm up here in Finland, almost time to go camping
Went camping 12 times last year, 9 times below zero, but I can't go to Japan due to felony charges lol.
Rin-chan over paradise
>Went camping the other weekend, tent, sleeping bag, campfire, the works
>Got piss drunk
what did you do
Girls become campers in Outclub Heaven.
fujiko eats her girlfriend every night, sometimes twice
I want to bang
>tfw no deepfried food in your local supermarket
why is japan so superior
i want to gift Nadeshiko some snacks
cute kirby
not until november.
thats when I can stay strapped without a permit.
I don't know what Hottou is but I want to try it
>yuru camzzzzzzzzzz
I don't know what hottou is either, but my wife Aki is a master at making it.
>Aki will never make you Hottou
god, bad feel
My local 7-11 has fried food now.
all 7-11s need to become japanese 7-11s
I bought it when I was in Yamanashi. Tried to cook it at home, turned out pretty great. Though, I wish Aki cooked it for me. I still have some left.
d-did you see any of the girls while you were there?
I heard Australia was supposed to have a mini-Ice Age this year. Be safe user.
I still need to read the manga for this.
god I hope so
our iceage would be 0C for like a week
Reminder that Yuru Camp would have never happened in Australia since young girls like this wouldn't live after camping in such a shitty country.
she caused property damages by the millions
On the last day I took her where the wild roses grow
And she lay on the bank, the wind light as a thief
As I kissed her goodbye, I said, 'All beauty must die'
And lent down and planted a rose between her teeth
post mexican
The manga for this stopped being scanlated two years ago. Why is there even a thread for this?
Time to slav squat
You've paid for your Rin haven't you user?
You've got to have some camp booze, but I don't know about getting totally wasted. Hydration is important while being outdoors, and alcohol, while being the bringer of happiness, is the enemy of proper hydration.
I think a camp meetup would be cool, but I don't know if I would actually want to attend. I remember some of the /k/ meetup stories. I suppose it could work if we set the location in some ridiculously difficult to reach place that would weed out the troublemakers.
You can buy the manga which has been published AROUND 2 YEARS AGO.
why do they sit like that?
maybe their butt hurts
avoid the brownies
Perfect position for peeling potatoes
I wish real Ena was there with me that day
from what?
Get a gf user
I'm sure we could figure something out to keep the troublemakers away until we're drunk.
not interested. can't find any girl like Ena irl.
Where else did you go other than Fuefukigawa Fruit Park, user? Did you go to Motosu High School?
what about a cute girl(male) like Ena?
No he either gets a 3D gf or nothing you fgt.
no homo tho
Only Fuefuki, unfortunately. Wish I had more time in Japan. Maybe next time, I will go there and Minobu. I'll go to Japan again next year.
Fuck you.
Homos can't adopt that many kids.
oh no they cant read
Godspeed, user. I'll go to Japan again this fall but I'll only visit Motosuko because I can't fit the rest of Yamanashi in my itinerary. I want to do proper Yuru Camp pilgrimage in spring, but spring 2020 is a bit too soon, so I'll most likely do it in spring 2021.
they only adopted one little boy who looked like he could have been the chad's little brother and then he went off and gave them a whole bunch of grandkids
if anything its encouraging the male/female stable household because lets be real, the femboy was basically just the mom
huh I've seen the pretty boy omocat shirt but never knew there was a comic to go with it
Nature hates anime.
This hurts my soul.
yes and?
That isn't homo. That is brain damaged.
stop engaging with the edgelord
>not liking homo (same) posting
The meteor can't hit us soon enough.
there's a meteor coming?
Is this real or an edit?
its an edit
I live for those eyebrows
I like that they poke through her hats
My DX shipped a few days ago, can't wait for it to arrive
The last time Yea Forumsnons went camping, they set Mexico on fire.
Try not to cause natural(manmade) disasters, Yea Forums.
I want to touch her seyanas.
I have, it hasn't shipped yet though
Imagine having a little shitposter seyana~ following you around
missing an important article
Fuck no, I like my slurpees.
skinfangs should be outlawed
surprised you're posting. Telstra, Optus and Vodafone banned Yea Forums after Christchurch.
not with any of those companies
>Telstra, Optus and Vodafone banned Yea Forums
Takes like 30 seconds to get around it.
Change DNS, ez.
>tfw you didn't preorder her
I hope they'll do a re-run of her and Nadeshiko
>Urban australia
for about a week yes, it gets to 2-6C and stays in the low-mid teens
Quick! Nadeshiko needs your help finding her smartphone!
>that filename
They actually sculpted her brows
>tfw no Ena nendo announcement yet